Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 18, 1896, Image 3

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    Nutiee to Teacher*.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
lieie will be a meeting of the ilirec- ■ order
duly made and entered in the county court
i of school district No. 9, Tillamook : for the county of Tillamook and Stute of Oregon
[ 011 the 3rd day of March 1896 and ordering and
(ity, Oregon, Saturday June 20, |8l»ti, empow ering and licensing me, the undersigned,
as administrator of the estate of John C. Hall,
|he pulp
of hiilng teachers for the deceased.
I will on the 6th. day of July, 1896. at
I year
All teacher» intending Io I the county court house door in the countv of
* of
)e application« for a position in the Tillamook and State of Oregon at tin* hour of
1 o'clock P. M. 011 said day sell at public auction
tail will do so <>n or before that lime
for cash fn hand, hi parcels or the whole of the
following described ieal property belonging to
estate and situated in Tillamook county,
« IOO< 1 or Chickens taken on siibscrip
Oregon, to wit:
The w h of sw % of section 27, and the ne
lion nt til ¡H office.
se L and these *4 of ne *-4 of section 28, contain­
ing ico acres in township 3 south, range 9 west,
Wl!la...ette Meridian. Also the following be­
ginning at a point 20 ehs. west and 18
north of the
section eoi tier between seeSions
(Wholesale Quotations.)
•¿7 and 28 it being in the middle of the Nestucca
River, thence south 18.50 chains thence west 40
25 <4
ehs., theuee south 20 ehs.. thence west 7.25chs.,
iS 'irt loo lbs
» 65
to the middle of the Big Nestucca l iver, thence
1 following (he meauderings of said river up
stream 88.20chs. to the place of beginning, con­
taining 69.25 acres more or less 111 section 28,
Walla Walla
being a part of the pre-emption claim of Erastus
S V Idos.
.... 4 Ol)
t> oo
McKinley. Also the following tract: Commenc­
ing at a point on the south line of section 28,
8 oo
• 5 oo
27 ehs. east of south west corner of section 28
C hic k n IS—Old
and it being the middle of the Nestucca river,
Spring ••
... - —
from which an Alder loiuchesin diameter bears
2 50
south 10 degrees west 50 links, thence east 13.04 ,
KR- -Brine
ehs. to the % sec. comet, thence north 20 ehs. to a
Store, in Rolls
post, thence west 2ochs. to a post 2.99 ehs. north
Choice Dairy
of the middle of the Nestucca River, thence
west 7.25 ehs. to the middle of the Nestucca
river,.then<*e following the meauderings of said
stream do wx st ream 39.70 ehs. to the place of be- j
I. A K!
ginnhig, containing 26.40 acres more or less.
Also save and except all that portion of the
south east >4 of the north east >4 of section 28
HÄ0N -Clear Sides
lying north of the Big Nestucca river and con­
taining 15 acres more or less, deeded by W. A.
Ilaynor and wife to R. O. Richards Nov. 11,
1891, all being situated in Tillamook county,
F i K ur — Willamette
3 oo
2 75
Oregon, and lying in township 3 south, range 9
Country Brands
west. Also excepting anil saving nil that por­
tion of the north west
of south west % of sec­
tion 27, said township and range and heretofor
deeded by W. A. Ilaynor and wife to James I
Hughey and wile.
bld Office at Oregon City, Oregon. June 4,
Given under my hand this the 2nd day of1
r-Notice is hereby given that the following June.
d settler has filed notice of her intention
E. E. S elph ,
C harles E. H all .
to dial
take final proof in support of her claim, ami
Administrator of said
that [said
____ r
__ _______
will be made
before ___
Register and
|HHpiver at o’ eK°n ('ity, Ore., on July 20. 1896,
SanwOipha M. Cutting, formerly Orpha M. Wil­
son! H. E. N o . 9315 for the s
of se
se % of
sw k sec 18, n w '4 of ne sec 19, tp 5 s r 10 w.
na,nes the following witnesses to prove I n the C ircuit C ourt of the S tate of O re ­
herjeontinuous residence upon and cultivation
gon for the C ounty of T illamook .
of. laid land, viz:
Anna Day, Plaintiff,
Gtorge Schlagel. J. W. Hellenbrand, G. H.
Page, V. Schlagel, all of Oretowu, Tillamook W. C. King and Jennie
couBly, Oregon.
King, defendants.
Robert A. Miller, Register.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
execution and order of sale Issued out of and
Lgnd office at Oregon City, Ore., July 2O, 1896: under the seal of the above entitled court, on a
Lgti^pticc is hereby given that the following judgment and decree of said court, made and
HHKed settler has filed notice of his intention entered on the 28th day of August 1895 in favor
to make final proof in support of his claim, ami of the plaintiff Anna Day, and against tlie de­
that s lid proof w ill be made before Register find fendants \\ . C. King anil Jennie King for the
^■feiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on July 2o, sum of ($144.00'), Four hundred and forty-four
dollars ami the Mini of $18.00 costs, commanding
iS'Jb, \ iz:
me to make sale of the lollowing described real
^^■porge Schlagel, H. E. No. 8320, for the ne
propertv: Lot 8 in what is known and described
sei* Bo tp 5 s r iO w.
v He names the following witnesses to prove as J. J. .McCoy’s :id<lil,jon to the town of Bay City
wco tinuous residence upon and cultivation according to the recorded may or plat of said
addition as the same appear of record in the
of, said land, viz:
sHFc, Cutting, f. W. Hellenbrnnd, G H Page, office of the county dei k of Tillamook county.
O. M. Cutting, all of Oretowu, Tillamook coun­ Oregon. I will on the nth day of July 1896
al 10 o’clock A. M. at the fiout door of the court
ty, Oregon.
house of Tillamook county, Oregon, in Tillamook
Robert A. Miller, Register.
City, sell at ptrWic auction to the highest and
best bidder for cash all the right, title and in­
lid office at Ore 011 < ity, Oregon, May, 14, terest which the defendants or either of them
-Notice is hereby given that the following- had nt the date of the mortgage mentioned in
settler has filed notice of his intention to the complaint or now basin or to said real prop­
makt f final proof in support of his claim, and ertv. to satisfy said execution, order, judgment
that. s.till proof will I m * made before the County and decree, interest and costs and accruing costs.
Datexl at Tillamook, June 11, 1896.
Clerk ol Tillamook County, at Tillamook, Ore
J. H. J ackson , Sheriff of
011 July 1, 1896, viz:
Tillamook County, Oregon.
James McGhee l’re D. S., No. 714J, for the se
‘t of ' J*’, lie'4 of sc 1 j of sec 29, and s-.x^of
and uw *4 of sw *4 of sec 2A, tp 3 s range
He names the following witnesses to prove liis I n tiii : C ircuit C ourt of the S tate of ore -
Continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
gon for the C ounty of T ii . i . amouk .
said 1 and, viz:
Thomas G. Harris Sr., Thomas J. Harris Jr.. W. G. Kelso. vs. Plaintiff,
KMjah Osburn, Charles F. Murphy, all of Hem Theodore Kingsley, I,ester
Tillamook county, Oregon.
Kingsley and LillieJ. King-ley |
yea Cary who made H. E. No. I1611 for w’2
,Si-c .’'am!
■ of lie 1 ( SCC 2Q, t p 3 s, r IO W,
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
h-nderson Pierce who mad” H. E No. 11*22 execution and order of sale, issued out ot ami
fettf ne 'i se
see 29. and nw
sw 'j ol sec 2 a tp under the seal of the above entitled court on a
3 H r 10 w, are hereby cited Io appear before the judgment añil decree ol said court made and
Clerk of Tillamook county on said date and entered on the 28th day of August 1895 in favor
slwxv cause why the pre-emption entry of said of the above mimed plaintiff \V. (i. Kelso ami
James McGhee should not be allowed.
against the above named defendants Lester
■ 52
Robert A. Miller, Register.
Kingsley ami Theodore Kingsley for the sum of
$555-19 mid accruing interest at 8 per cent, pvr
annum from August 28th if95. ami the sum of
$ t 8 00 costs and the costs of and upon said writ
edby the County court of the state of Otegon lommanding me to make sale of the following
tbm’lie county of Tillamook, to sell the follow- ik'Ciii.ed real property to -wit: The Went one-
iilg-dt -cribed real property to wit:
half of the North Fast one-fourth of section
EaBt one-half of the cast one half of se tioii eighteen, township two south, range nine west,
I of the Willamette Meridian. I will on the
seyen (7) in township one south of range
(R) vet of
the Willamette
Meri lian, ____
and .
1 ritii day of July 1896, at loo’clock A. M . al the
wifl, as administrator of the estate of Junies front door of the court house of Tillsmook
deceased, in accordance with raid order, county, Oregon, in Tillamook City, in said
said properly for private sale on and after county mid state, sell at public auction to
■^Hgotli day of July ¡896 in manner and form as the highest and best bidder tor cash all the
by law prox i.lcd.
right, title and interest which the defendan s
D. W. R yan ,
hml at the date ofthe mortgage mentioned in
Administrator Estate o
the complaint or now have in or t<> said real
.lames Rva n Deceased.
property Io satisfy said execution, order, judg­
'1*5 Tillamook, Ore., June gtli 1896.
ment, decree, and interest, n‘>sU and accruing
Dated at Tillamook, Ore., June li, 1896.
^woticc is hereby given that an order of sale
J. H. J ackson , Sheriff of
hJBbeen made by the County court of the state
Tillamook County. Oregon.
ofBregon for Tillamook county, ordering me to
sell the following desetibed tract of property,
to irit
Let five (5) in block eleven ( h ) Cone ami Mc- I n the f'oux’T r C ourt of the S tate of O re -
('<■’« addition to Bay City, 'lillamook countv.
gon for tiif . C ounty of T illamook .
.11 p: iviite -.dr. a* nd in i 111 -ti a
of t: .>- M. A. Colts. Plaintiff,
^^WeofJ. E. Baikcr, liecomul, a mi that in ;ir-
Eim.: with such order l will on thi joth day A L Alderman and Benj. f
Ol iiP, 1896 and thereaftei offei the said prop-
lliggenbotham. Delis.
«•rty |fo:
b -ale. and ell the same as l y la'1, pro-
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an
execution and order of sale, issued out of and
W m . B arker ,
under the seal of the above entitled court on a
Administrator Estate of
judgment of said com t, and entered on the 5th
J. E- Barker. Deceased.
day of November 1895, in favor of the above
t-5 Tillamook, Orc.,’June 9th 1^96.
named plaintiff, M. A. Coles, and agaiust the
above named defendants. A. L. Alderman and
Benj Higgenbotham for the sum of $419.26 and
IN t > ie circuit C ourt of the S tate of O re - the further sum of |i 1.00 costs and disburse-
■ gon for the C oumy of T illamook .
menlB, commanding me to make sale of the fol­
lowing described real property to-wit: Lots 1. 2.
' John Hobbins
3 and 4, of see. 20, and lot 1 of sec. 29, tp. 2 north,
range 10 west, less 10 acres off north west corner
f No 2.
’ James A. Tax lor
of sec. 20, also lots 2. 3 and 4. and eolith east ’4 of
south east W of see. 17, tp. 2 north, range io w..
To James A. Taylor, the above named defen­ Willamette Meridian, Tillamook county, Oregon.
I will on the nth day of July 1896, at loo'clock
dant iii the name of the state of Oregon:
You are hereby required and notified to ap­ A. M . at the front door of the court house ot
pear and be in the Hbove entitled court and an­ Tillamook county, Oregon, in Tillamook City,
swer the complaint of plaintiff in the above en­ in said county and state, sell at public auction
titled suit, on or before Monday the 24th <1 «y of to tlie highest and best bidder for cash ail the
Augn-: . 1896 the same being the fir st day of the right, title and interest which defendants had
next regular terin of said court following six on the 23rd day of October or now have in or to
weeks publication of this summous.
The de­ sai<! real property tosatisfy said execution judg­
fendant will take notice that if he fails to -o ment, interest, costs mid accruing costs.
Dated at Tillamook. Ore., June ulh, 1896.
appen and answer said complaint for want
J II. J ackson . Sheriff of
there. the plaintiff will apply to the court for
Tillamook county,
the relief demanded in the complaint in the
< tregon.
4B0ve cntitled suit, which in brief is a* follows,
;^§!rst. For the sum of $20000 with interest
tlweon at 8 per cent per annum from the 17th
diw of July. 1895.
f>'Wo!i<l That the deed described in the com­
plaint tie declared to be a mortgage and fore-
Alfred Marolf
«•l<MK‘d as such, and that the larf<T therein be sold
tosntufy said sum and that all persons be for­
ever' foredoaed of the equity of redemption
Theodore Kingsley
therein, for cost and equitable relief generally.
Tins summons is served by publication for
Mary J. Kingflley
lie aforesaid court, made at Chambers
is hereby given that by virtue of sn ex­
day of June, 1896.
ecution and order of «ale issued out of and un­
E. E. S ej . ph ,
der the-eal of the al oxe entitled court on a
Attorney for Plaintiff.
judgment and decree of s«id court, made and
entered on the 31th day of August, 18-95. in favor
of the al/ove named plaintiff. Alfied Marolf
■tw C”1 NI\ <
W I <'F I HE Si \ TE <F O re - and against the above named defendants.
ffUfoN for the C ounty of T illamook .
Theodore Kingsley and Mary J. Kingsley for
Mfch<- matter of the estate of
the sum of $352 60 and the further sum of $18.50
’ K Ernst Wyss
costs ami itiebursements, commanding me to
make sale of the following described land
all heirs of Ernst Wyss, deceased known
and unknown if any such there be, Greeting: l°The north lA of ri‘e north west ’4 of section
In the name of the state of Oregon;
18, township 2 south range 9 west, and the east
T- are hereby cited ami required to appear
uf the north east % of Mcti<>n 13. township 2
inl|h> ■ ounty court of the stale of Oregon, for south range 10 west ofthe Willamette Meridian
f lillHin<K»k at the court room in Tillamook county. Oregon.
I will, on the
heof, at Tillamook, in the said county, on i«th day of Jul v 1896. «1 W o'clock A M at the
■day. the 7th day of July i«W6 at ten o'clock, front door of the court house of Tillamook
be forenoon of that day, then and there to county. Oregon, in Tillamook city, said county
hr cause, if any there be. why an order should and state ••<•11 at nubile auction to the highest
be issued by this court to sell Jhe following and I’T'I bidder fi r cash, all the right, title and
jribed real property lielongiug to said estate interest which the defendants had at the date
it txxenty-*>i:e 211 i<f J J. Mc' oj s addition ol the mortgage mentioned in the complaint or
le town of Bay City, TlllaMook county. now lia« in or to said real property to sati-fv
said execution order, judgment and de< ree, in­
so twenty acre* described as follows
terest. coats and acc: uing costs.
ginning at the southwest corner of the
Dated this 18th day of June ifi/>
heast quarter of section thirty-five (35)
J. H J ackson . Sheriff of
»-hip one (1) north range ten (iO) west
Tillamook County Oregon.
amette Meridian, running thence north one
fired and twenty (i*>) rods, thenc* ea«t
ity six and two thirds
rod*, thence
h one hundred atid twenty (l‘2o) rods,
ice west twenty six and two-thirds (2t-.)
The following num I <ered warrant* in
tn the place of beginning. all in Tillamook
payable at my office and Interest ceaara
< tregon.
Witness, the Ho ■ w W. Cornier after this date:
x C urt •»( the
of ____
the _______
< ounty
t.U9 1363 «A** >34* ’^9 ’J*4
l37i ’J6? *37*2
S»ate of Oregon, for the County of
• with the
■* seal ‘ r>f said court 133o I3M 1417 t«>3 143« 14^3 ’4»7-
sfllxed this 18 «lay of May 1896
Dated June ilth. i*qt>.
Attest: T. H G otne . < lerk
J ohn H arkem . < ouniy Treasurer
By T om C oate ». Deputy
Ji ___
from tr.AJoumal 0/ W h HH m
■ &
Y Epi.epsv, has without
; 7*^1 ■ ■
’ R H
■ 9 k
Prof. W. H. Peeke, who
’Dcaeripfioi} of
makes a specialty of
doubt treated and cur-
ed more cases than any
living Physician; his
V success is astonishing.
We have heard of cases
v£ 30 years’ standing
cured by
XT_____________________________ > him. Hi
Wealth of Timber—The Dairying
Tillamook bay is 4O miles south of the Colum­
Uillamook (Bounty.
bia and 500 miles north from San Francisco
The county is about 70 miles long, lying on the
coast, and is 20 to 30 miles wide.
There are four
bays—Nehalem, Tillamook, Netarts and Nes-
tucca—in the county. There are mauy fine riv­
ers, generally navigable several miles, and five
of them empty into Tillamo«>k bay.
streams have flue water power and are excellent
for floating logs. Many small creeks are good
for water power or floating logs.
There are
tie of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers
who may send their P. O. and Express address.
several fine lakes on Nehalem beach.
V.’e advise anv one wishing a cure toaddress
of pure water are found everywhere. Tilla­
Prof.W. H. PF.EKE, F. D.> 4 Cedar St., New York
mook bay is a good harbor; aud the others will
be with proper improvement. Coasting schoon­
It can be said without exaggeration that Tillamook county is a land overflowing with milk ers visit all of them.
Quinine, aconite, hot tea, onion syrup, whiskey and and honey, nevertheless here as elsewhere there arc good qualities and defects. The real estate ( The larger part of the county is hilly or
quinine, rock candy and rye, a “sweat.” foot bath, star­
mountainous, and covered with valuable tim­
vation reedjug, wrapping your hose around your neck, agent, found everywhere, always looking for the Almighty Dollar, is always ready to paint the ber. There are some fine prairies in the valleys,
cod liver oil, and old hundreds cough cure, theae and
over (M)u other ways are used by the Umiinn race to cure i good qualities of his country in glowing colors, and people are becoming wary of places that some open hill land, much excellent t'delaud
a cold. The beat'way is to make I'CNUUKt EE.\TliOL
and a great deal of bottom land, the last requir­
1M1AI.EK your daily cooipauiun and you will uever are advertised so highly.
catch cold.
ing clearing. There is coal in places, but the
A man must be miserable indeed
I traveled over Oregou for a year investigating carefully ami deliberately the resources aud timber is the greatest resource.
who is laid up with a bad Cold, Ca­ advantages of thia favored state. I have traveled over Tillamook county, remaining a year, and
tarrh, Headache, unable to bread’®
Here is the most valuable belt of timber in
without pain, ills throat sore and tils will give the actual fact«, so that anyone coming here will not be disappointed.
the United States, cedar, fir, spruce and heiu-
head throbbing.when one little pro­
This county has a great future before it. The opening of the Nicaragua canal, which has hick being the leading varieties. Some of these
duct in tire market called ttsH «4 K’S
IMtx lek will give him instant re­ been retarded only by the great trans-continental railroads, will work wonders here, aud ships
trees are 10 or 12 feet through, and 200 to 300 feet
will sail from this harbor, laden with lumber, to alt ports in the world. Those who had the fore­ in heighth, straight as an arrow, free from
sight to secure timber claims along the rivets will eventually receive large returns for their limbs, clear ami sound. The average fir tree is
pains. Many poai men have taken claims of this kind, selling out to good advantage after prov­ four to six feet in diameter, and no denser for­
He mav go on and on, sneeze his
head oft for Unit matter, sniffle and
ing up
¡ here are some good claims left. When work begins on the Nicaragua canal, the value ests are known to exist. There is enough tim­
enort around to everybody’s discom­
of all thia timber will be greatly enhanced.
fiture. His eyes may become inflamed,
ber here to keep a hundred large sawmills saw­
his head anti ears ache, and his throat
I find some poor and some good land in this county. The bottom land is the best, but it gen­ ing a hundred years. There are several large
®o sore lie can hardly swallow. Pa­
tient he must be to enduro it all when
erally needa cl aring, and the tide lands, often open, are also good. A person who has not seen mills and several small ones in operation, but
for 50c. he can buy CUaHMAKK MKK-
thecnormoua cropa iaised here, of fine quality, can hardly believe the truth regarding our var- this industry has barely commenced. The sa«v-
THOL iNlltLKR and restore himself
to bis normal condition.
i ions products. Farming and stock raising pays, but dairying is the leading and best paying in­ mills alone will cause a good city to grow up
Cushman’s Menthol Inhaler a Jewel! dustry at present. Tillamook butter and cheese, except the products of Switzerland, have no here, and will support thousands of people.
A woman will sit around prostrat­ equal, the pure water, invigorating climate, aud nutritious feed, like in Switzerland, being suit- ! There is much fine farming laud, and forming
ed in nerves, feeling desperate over 1 ed for it. This county leads the state in the dairying business, and feed for cattle is easily pro­
and stockraising pays, but dairying is the lead
loss of sleep, head and eyes racked
with pain, cold settled in every duced here. The grass is green all the year.
ing industry at present. The best butter and
bone, so miserable tliat lite seems
cheese on the Coast is made here, the climate,
a blank, but if she would make the
marvelous little instrument known astonished to see farmers near Tillamook owning only I5 acres, keeping 5 cows, and supporting water and feed being suited for it.
There are
her daily companion, her headaches a large family of 10or 12 members, besides putting a little money in the bank all the time. several large creameries, besides many small
would come less frequent, she would never liavt a cold, These families of course are from I he old country, and instead of frittering their time away loaf­ dairies, and the county, though new, takes the
and sore throat aud catarrh would have no terrors.
ing on the street corners in town or attending all the evening dances, they work their ground 1 lead of the state in the dairying business.
NEVER NEGLECT A COLD OR COUGH and milk their cows regularly.
There is grass here the year around.
Hay can
There are many ways for one to make a living here. Work can be. obtained in the logging | be easily produced, and root crops are enor­
Neglect a Cold or Cough and if La
Grippe don’t get you, Consumption
camps and at other vocations
It is said this is the best lazy man’s country in the world, as one mous, so cattle can be kept with little expense.
w i I i. C l , h H W A N ’X IN H IL K R cures colds
can live her® on fish, clams, game and wild berries. However, those who come here should, Small fruits and vegetables of all kinds yield
ami all diseases of Hie breathway
(»assagefl. You los • dollars ir. doc-
have «oine means aud be industrious. It is easy for such men to get a start anil make money.
abundantly. Apples, pears, prunes ami plums
or bills in not keeping 1IM1 MAIX’S
I find the climate mild and pleasant, cool in summer, and warm rains in winter. There are do well, ami cherries thrive in some localities.
1MIAI.KU handy to drive oft'a cold
or cough or sore throat at ita very
no cyclones, float and snow are rare, and very little fog. Sickness is not prevalent. Fevers, ma­ Bee-keeping is piofilable, and the honey is of
first approach.
laria, diphtheria and ague are not known here. Consumptives and rheumatics improve rapidly exquisite flavor.
to the purifying sea breeze.
The fishing interests here are great, and the
The Greatest Authority in the World.
Vatuilies come here from all parts of the state to camp on the beaches in the summer, ami salmon canneries give employment to many.
D r . J. L ennox B rowne , F. R. 0.
8. Ed. Senior Surgeon to the Cen­ some come all the way from Idaho and Montana.
The output of salmon—canned, dried or salted
tral London Throat and Ear Hos­
There are disadvantages and defects here, the same as elsewhere, but I «lou t knowof a better amounts to more than the wheat crop ot some
pital, says: “The vapor of Menlbol
checks in a mnnnerliardly lessthan place, and none that can equal it, except Coos c unity, on the coast, in the southern part of the of the interior counties.
marvelous, acute Colds in the head.
For all forms of nasal diseases, caus­ state, that county being much like this ami having similar resources. One bad feature here, or : Gold-miiiiiig is carried on quite extensively
ing obstruction to the natural
1 bre’itkxvav, I prescribe iTRflMAK*« on® that may be considered bail by those not accustomed to it, is the fact that it rains here on the beach sands.
m STliOI. I.MIALI R t<> the extent of nearly all winter, and is very wet, in comparison with tlie dry cold winters of some regions. ; The scenery is magnificent beyond descrip­
hundreds per annum.”
But it is not unpleasant here in the winter, except for muddy roads, ami good roads are being tion, and the Tillamook eoast is becoming a
[It not lid* recomtnendRli 'n tufflclenl that all rapidly constructed now—very fast considering this is such a new country
popular summer resort. The beaches, with
who reiul may profit by it I ]
II should be remembered that the timber here is a great and wonderful resource, not yet their picturesque arched rocks and wide
Brings sleep to the sh'epleas. Cures Insomnia
and Nervous Pmetration. Don’t be fooled with worth­ fully developed, but as soon as the Nicaragua canal is built, many large saw mills will be built stretches of white sand, attract many visitors
less imitations Take oniv < US4i MAN’S. 6Oc. at
druggists.or mMled. postpaid,on revriptof price. Writ® ami the farmer can sell every article that lie can produce, right at home, at excellent prices each year, many of them camping out all sum­
to supply the men who work in the mills and logging camps. This is a good item even now
for book on Menthol and tesiinmninla.
mer. Clams,crabs, oysters, mudéis, all kinds
Having steamer connection with Astoria, Portland and San Francisco, we shall never suffer of shell-fish, flounders, rock cod and other fish
are plentiful and easy to secure.
from railroad monopolies, though we expect a railroad here also in the near future.
Deer, elk,
There are good public schools, churches and lodges here. The Catholics have a large ecad trout are abundant in the streams.
bear, grouse, du ks, geese, snipe ami other
emy and church.
This description is the exact expression of what I have seen here, and those who come here aie plentiful.
j will find it as I represent it. All industrious, honest and good American citizens are welcomed 1 Tlie climate is mild, cool in summer, warm
here. La/.y, shiftless persons should steer clear of this place, as they arc likely lobe trodden rains in winter, little or no snow, seldom any
ice, no drouths, no cyclones, thunder storms
$150.00 every month given away to any one who ap­ under foot by the active, energetic classes.
Visitor« should come via Portl and, Forest Grove, North Yamhill or Astoria.
A boat sails rarely occur, and there is very little fog. Straw­
plies through us for the most meritorious patent during
the month preceding.
berries frequently ripen in December and Janu­
from San Francisco to this place about every ten days.
We secure the best patents for our client«,
ary, and cattle 10am the hills all winter with­
R ev . J oseph S chell ,
and the object of this offer is to encourage inventors to
out being fed. There is absolutely no malaria
keep track of their bright ideas. At the same time we
wish to impress upon the public the fact that
or ague, seldom any fevers; diphtheria ami
scarlet fever were never known here, and con­
sumptives or rheumatic.* fare ns well as any­
where. Theie is 110 stagnant water, and the
such as the "car-window” which can be easily slid up
invigorating sea breeze keeps the atmosphere
and down without breaking the passenger’s back,
“sauce-pan,” "collar-button,” "nut-lock,” “bottle­
stopper, and a thousand other little things that most
The county is new, and has just begun to de­
any one can find a way of improving; and these simple
velop, but is making rapid strides in the way
inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the
$400-California property, for sale or ex
5700—70 acres, 12 acres of it fine tide land, 20
author. Try to think of something to invent.
change. A lot 40x150, with triangular lot of improvement. Good roads are being built,
acre- clear roll ng ground, balance good
spruce timber. Fronts on Netarts bay, county of .same area adjoining it 011 rear, 1 ;l acre ill all, industries are being started, towns are growing
roml crosses it Can keep 10 dairy cows from room for garden, chickens, etc., beauliiul sitiiR- up, ami a railroad is expected soon.
The per­
Patents taken out through us receive special notice in start, and more by seeding open land to grass. 011, magnificent view of orange orchards, vine
the" National Recorder/’ published at Washington, Spring of pure col'l waler, also running brook yard, ami snow capped 111011 ntuilis In back centage of increase is greater than nny other
D. C., which is the nest newspaper published in America Convenient to school, store, post office and saw ground. Four miles from center of city of Los county in the slate according to the state census
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year’s sub­ mill. Fine view of bay ami ocean. Good fruit Angles, four miles from center of thecelebiated of 1895, there being now about 4000 people. This
scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. land. This i* ¡1 great bargain. Call at this Pasadena, on boulevard and elect l ie connecting
both places, cheap fares, ami only a lew min­ will be doubled before another five yeais.
We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month office or on J. H. Jackson city.
utes ride to either place. Best equipped electric years. There is room for more industrious citi­
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands
line in the United - tales. Both cities will soon zens who have means. II is not a good place
of copies of the "National Recorder,” containing a
For Exchange -Lot in suburb of Los An be
built together. Value of property $. 00
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
gles, < al., for Tillamook property.
will be scattered throughout the United States among 80 acies ot land in Tillamook county, for Cali­ exchange for Tillamook pK-perly. Call at this for a poor man with a huge family, unless he
Inis an iron nerve and a good constitution for
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to their fornia properly. Can refer a man to fairly uood office for partictnlars.
attention the merits ofthe invention.
wui k. There is much government land yet sub­
ranch« Ron government land, 3 to 8 tulles frofti
All communications regarded strictly confidential.
city. Plenty of good timber lauds yet to be
ject to entry, but it is tar back In the hills cov­
homesteaded in mote distant locations. Call at
ered with brush or timber. Yet, there are cou­
this office.
rageous energetic people taking places there all
Solicitor, of American and Foreign Patents,
the litm1, clearing them up, ami making homes.
Ja-'k’o—160 acres, on main road, )o miles
618 F Street, N.W.,
from town, will be only i'a mil' - when
Land is cheap yet.
Box 385.
Washington, D. C. new road is complet' d. Store. I*. O. and school
Tillamook city, on an .irm of Tillamook bay.
iv“ Reftrtnct—editor of this f after. If ritefor our il9 miles, good location near bay and bva<’h.
50-Page ftamfthlet, FREE.
Is the principal town and comity seat.
It has
:>o acres clear, ioo acres good spruce timber, bal­
ance brush easily cleared. All in grass. Both
stores, sawmill, bank, newspapers, creameries,
ol<l and young orchard.
Good improvements,
an academy, good schools, churches and lodges.
new barn. Purl cash, part on time, and will
$‘OO—6 acres, half of it open nieadow
take house and lot for part payment. Call at
land, balance small brush, easily cleat I The streets are well Improved, and the town
this office.
ed, fenced, ten minutes walk from court house, has electric lights. Th« population is about
on good graveled ion<l, good for oiclmrd <>r 1000, and it is building up fast. There is a daily
grass. <’an be subdivided profitably. Good |
is a
diainage Fine place for chicken iuiic I i or gar­ mail, daily stages to North Yainhiil, and in the
den. Call at this office.
sumiller to Forest Grove, on the Southern Pa­
cific railroad. A boat makes weekly trips to
and is the result of colds and
sudden climatic changes.
Astoria, ami one every two weeks to San Fran­
chicken yards. et<- , brrrx garden, main
It can be cured by a pleaaant
rond, graveled, 10 minutes walk fiom city, cisco, both currying freight ami passengers.
remedy which is applied di­
is a telegraph line from Tillamook to the
rectly into the nostrils. Be­
$40oo—25 acres adjoining city, sightly loca­ subdivision 111 acre lots, just outside of city
ing quickly absorbed it gives
Willamette valley.
relief at once.
Nehalem. W o < m ! s , Bay City, Beaver, Dolph
state of cultivation, well fenced, new s room «•ash, balance easy terms Call at this office.
house, barn etc. Two orchards, one bearing,
mid Garibaldi are ambitious places which an-
profusion of sni.¡11 fiuils ami beirics, fine gar­
1 $#50-
he livery stable ticip'ite much ill the future.
Close tn hc demy, it) minutes walk to
is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for den
one’s hotel, on
The United stales government is spending a
Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head «nd Hay Fever of ali court house, just the place for a mail who want« water front
building, room few tlioiisand dollars every year to improve
remedies. It opens and cleanses the meal passages,
Lots are 25
allays pain ana inflammation, heals the sores, pro­
harbor. Seventeen thousand dollars
each. 1
ition for livery business.
tects the membrane from colds, restores the senses good iucreas'-. or can be sold out in parcels at a X50
>850, <
I350 cash will be required, was expended here last year, and we expect
of taste and smell. Price 50c. at Druggists or by mail. large ptofit. F isy terms. Other property to Price
sell. Call at this office or 011 A. Letcher, the
$/5,000 this season, l»esl<les a few tllolisaud dol­
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street, New York.
Wm. Mills, City.
lars to complete a road to tlie light house.
The best time to come here is ill July, August
or Septcinliei . The transportation facilities arc
1 better ami more regular during these months.
‘ Observations of a Person Who Has No Financial
Interests Here--Free from Prejudice.
Ely’s Cream Balm
¡I. m^lD^EFO^D.
Notary Public and Convayancar,
Does » ('>viirinl Kent Estate B iimíiicss .
P sjm taxes for non-residents.
«nd Machinist.
Bay City, Oregoq.
Ilorscahoeing. Carriage Work and Woo«] Work
at lower prices than ever.
the old stand.
AL V rt 1 IU1M IS
r n EE. H .
Prices to Suit
the Times:
—— BOOT? and
Made to order.
Repfdring done a* cheap as the cheapest.
Come and be convinced.
Rlpana Tabule» cure conatipatlon.
Rlpana Tabule» cure Indigcatlon.
Ripans Tabule» cure billouane»»- _
Hipan« Tabule» asaist digestión.
Rlpanc Tabules cure llver troublea.
Ripans Tabule» cure bad breath.
Ripana Tabule» cure flatulence.
Rlpana Tabule» cure dyspepsia.
Thotte of you who have starved on the wind
#we|it pUjlill ()f
WMt4.|,„| your croi,.
do live, *<-e them eaten by gniHahoppers or < him IibugH
wither and die for the want of moisture, mid if they d<
»nw your potatoes and gardens destroyed by gophers mid prairie dogs -those of you who have faced the famine in
Nebraska, burned corn to keep from freezing to death, fed your cattle nine months out of the year those who have
weathered the withering blasts of the Dakotas, had your ears and feet frozen <dl’, shivered by a red hot »tc*ve or
toyed with the death dealing zephyrs when the thermgpieter marked 00 degree» below fi eezo - you w ho have
braved the uncertai,. and changeable freaks of old Boreas in Iowa and Minnesota, dug through snow Links to get
from your house to your l«n>yard, or witnessed your building» go up in a cyclone,---you »ho have shaken with th*-
ague on tlie Wabash, coughed your lungs out in Chicago, wrestled with yellow fever in Memphis, or sneezed yourself
silly’on the alkali plains of Texas—saw your buildings, household goods, mid crop» floating placidly down theswolb n
Mississippi, saw your fodder rot in the shoc k, the weevil taking your wheat mid the devil getting your nearest rela
tives- -you who have seen crop» fail seven years in succession, passed through a “Lusted’ oi’ lioom in Pennsylvania, the
devastations of war in the South, the strikes in New Yoi k city, or tried to eke out a living on the yellow clay hills of
Vermont—you who have work*«! hard for years, yet poor, everything mortgaged but the old woman and chilren, mid
still living from hand to mouth -you who are Incksliders, weary of well doing, and discouraged in trying to earn a
living honestly—if all these and many other afflictions have lieen your lot, why, at one fell swoop end all your
troubles by coming to Oregon, and to'l illamook, where you will find alisolution from most of the evils of the world.