Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 18, 1896, Image 2

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    Olantcoh grab li gilt.
cows into shape, we will go back is that of Rev. William Duncan at
to our milk pail. The milk should Now Metlalikaliatla, which is op­
be removed from the stable as soon erated entirely by an Indian crew.
T he C ounty O fficial P aper as possible, to prevent it from ab­ The mill can cut about 25,000 feet
sorbing bad odors, as milk lias a per day for local trade, and fur­
IN THE LEAD............
great tendency to absorb all odors nishes power for an electric light
O lof » t P aper ,- E stablished in 1888
or taints. It should be strained system also operated by the na
O fficial P aper of T illamook C ounty .
P ractically no O pposition - S worn C irculation *
A. S. Kerry, of Seattle,
There are many lives.
S ubscription «150. A dvertising R ates the L owest
contrivances supposed to strain ever enterprising, has put in a'
P ublished by T illamook headlight C o incorporated .
WED JONES P resident
milk, but so fur nothing better has yard at Juneau, and
NETTIE NOLAN. S ecretary ano T reasurer
been invented to catch the fine has one at the same
hairs and filth than a double her Trade Journal.
thickness of cheap cotton cloth.
[The papers of Washington
After straining the milk it should state show great enterprise in
be cooled as quickly as possible to booming their own country. They
»1S0. as low a temperature as the means j always speak of the timber of
One year
Six months
... .75.
50. at hand will permit.
Three months
If possible Washington as if it ware practi­
the milk should be exposed to the cally the only timber on the coast,
air during the process of cooling, and if tliey are aware there is any j
1 Inch, per month
peryear|6.75 as this will expel to a great extent good timber in Oregon they stren-1
... ”
” 2o.oo
<•<11. ’•
" ” 33 00 the “cowey” and other objectiona­ uously avoid mentioning it under [
. "
" 60.00
. ” ” loo.oo ble odors and taints found in milk
any circumstances.
But, the pen-!
L och I notic*s, ioc I n . per line; ami sets, afler
the first insertion. Only seta per line for first The coolii|g and aeration may be pie of Washington are far more
insuition for regular advertiseis
Lost, Found, lor Kent, For Stile, Wanted, and
special notices, In claasllied "ad” columns, at carried on by the use of apparatus enterprising than the people of I
the rate of one cent per word for Hist insertion contrived to do the work, which is Oregon mid are making more out
and halt rates thereafter.
I.exat notices, Nonpareil, locls. per line for
first insertion and .'»cts per line for each subse­ usually done by causing the milk j of smaller resources all the time.
quent Insertion.
have even attempted, with a |
to flow in a thin sheet over a cold ¡They
<9**AII notices or communications should
surface. Where this is not prac­ ' degree of success, to supplant the !
he sent ill as early in the week as possible.
ticable the cans containing the old, time-honored commercial term I
milk should be set in cold water “Oregon I’ine,” with “Washington
mid stirred at frequent intervals. Fir,” they will next claim all of
The following is an essay read
Where milk is not delivered af­ the Columbia river and Mount
before the Livemore, (Cal.) dairy ter each milking it should he kept Hood, if they don't annex the
<J E SIBLEY, Manafler s*ore an<l Mill, Hobsonville. Oregon
meeting by J. II. Severin, and is in a cool place that is free’ from Willamette Valley or the whole
Oregon has timber and
Principal Ollice, »49. Berry St.. S. F. Mills at Truckee. Cal..
worth a dose study by Tillamook bad oilers until ready to lie deliv­ state.
ered. The morning and evening I other resources, but we lack en­
milk should never be mixed, but terprise. For the benefit of the.
To begin with, the milk pail he kept in separate cans.
The outside world, however, we will
should be scrupulously cleaned af­ milk should be delivered at least stale that Oregon has inexhausti­
ter using, by first rinsing it with in 24 hours. Hauling on a wagon ble forests of the besi timber on
colil water, then washed with hot provided with springs will prevent the coast averaging much better
I) r . H. P atchen ’ s SPEC, is rapidlv
water ivitli a little sal soda and its churning. The regular wide than that in Washington, and Til­ becoming an indispensible family medi­
cine. It not only takes effect immed­
then again rinsed and scalded lopmilk cans, with tiglit-filting lamook County has over 500 square iately, arresting the pangs of influenza.
1 but acts on the emunctories of the sys-
with hot water, and where possi­ cover, usually of ten gallons size, miles of the very cream of it.
1 his tern; thus freeing it of the accumulations
ble, a thorough steaming over a are the most preferable to deliver is the timber belt of the Pacific
The favorite beer made (/I
La Grippe of long standing. This is
j why rheumatism so frequently yields to on this coast, considered
steam jet is advisable.
Supplying families with our bottle
the milk in, as they are easily coast, and our timber is of the j this treatment and Disturbances of the
Where there are but a few cows handled and what is more import- most valuable kind.
)} beer, direct, or through any house
Don’t forget hungs, Stomache, Kidneys and Bowels by many to be superior to
handling our beer, a specialty. Ask
are so quickly overcome. 90c per large Milwaukee beer. Call for l)|
in a lieril, it will certainly pay to ant are so constructed as to be it, even if Oregonians are too , lazy
i bottle,'50c per small,
your dealer for price per doz. or case.
Inquire of your
curry and brush them, more par­ easily cleaned.
it, anti insist on having )
We TruggIst'
Delivery cans to-develop their 1 esources.
ticularly the flunks ami udder and should be cleaned about the sama want some good rustlers from the
Kopp’s beer.
other parts of the animal which
way as previously men tinned re- outside to come in mid help us en­
ordinarily colled tilth, and it will
garding the milk pail. Under no joy what nature Ims provided. 1
pay to handle a large herd in the
circumstances should the delivery And, they will infuse new blood
same way as Ihr ns possible. It is
cans be used for any oilier purpose into the county.]
not customary to do this in Cali­
than delivering milk. Don’t un­
fornia dairies, from the fad that
C. H. SMITH, Prop’r.
der any circumstances take home
the large number of cows usually
skimmed milk or any other by­ it with a string, and everywhere
kept in one herd would necessitate
W ines , L iquors and C igars .
product in your delivery cans. that Grover went that calf
nil extra expenditure for labor, In
This little
Kopp's Beer on Draught
Use special cans or receptacles lor there “If jing.”
such localities its this it would be
this purpose, for the very reason was Grover's pel; it’s fleece
advisable, us tin* number of cows
that it is next to unpossible with golden yellow, and so he took
kept by each dairyman would
the appliances that the average off to school to learn him how to
make it possible for him to do I lie
dairyman lias at hand to thor­ bellow. The calf in school soon
work himself.
oughly remove and destroy the raised a row and Tillman kicked
By thus keeping tli<*m
milk souring germs lodged in the hint out, and that made Grover
would keep the milk
mail as ’ell, and lie went home to
inaccessible parts of the can.
cleaner. It lias been shown by ex-
Close attention to all the details pout. For Grover’s calf was thor­
G rand C entral B illiard
perimputs Unit milk drawn from n
that I have mentioned may seem oughbred and always fat and full,
H all .
cow that had been thoroughly
rather absurd to a good many of his dam was merry England, and
Fine Liquors and Cigars
brushed and rubber down with a
those present, but it is attention his dad was Johnny Bull.—Ex.
Tillamook, Oregon.
wet rug to keep the dust from fall­
H eadquarters for the C elebrated
to these very details that will as-
ing into it kept sweet over twelve
the butter maker to put up a su­
hours longer than where those pre­
perior article, and therefore if don’t you offer that fat lady cus­
cautions were not observed.
Wife—There is
some day your butter maker turns tomer a chair?
The litter used IIS bedding should
break down
away a lot of your milk that is
be removed ns soon as wet or filthy
Give it
Freight ha lulled with dis­
sour or otherwise off, do not find
patch and at lowest rates
and the stable should he kept as
fault, for lie is powerless to make
Fruit delivered in good order.
neat and dean ns possible.
a fancy article with poor material. get a tumble, she will see that your
liberal use of lime or land plaster
heart is in the right place.
Best Accommodation and Cheapest Route
to absorb the liquids, at the same
When Alaska was purchased no
to or from Tillamook.
time increasing
the fertilizing
People may think this paper de­
one ever dreamed tliat it would
J. P- ALLEN, Prop'r,
value of the manure, w ill help to
votes too much attention to dairy­ Every attention paid to wants and conveni­
keep the stable dry and sweet, amount Io much except for its fur­ ing and lumbering, but that is the ences of pasuenget s. First class table set
Noted for its Fine Cuisine Department.
w hitewashing your stable several bearing animals, but now that it way the people here make their
has a mining boom it wouldn’t be living, and because the people are
times n year is a good idea.
It is the habit of most California surprising if it turned out to be prosperous the H eadlight is pros­
milkers to milk with wet hands, a the most valuable of Uncle Sam’s perous..
Best Meals in the C ty.
According to Mr.
proceeding which is condemnable possessions.
The reason why Tillamook is j
C abin , O ne W ay , $10.
on account of living lilt by us well Sylvester, a saw mill man of Fort
” R oundtrip , $18.
Ils being injurious to the cows ud­ Wrangle who was in Seattle re­ more prosperous than adjoining
der and teats. By milking with cently, it may eventually become counties during the .lull times is
S teerage , one way , $7.
dry hands not near as much filth quite a lumber country, but the because Tillamook lias a well de­
is transmitted to the milk us is timber with the exception of spruce veloped dairying industry.
done by milking with wet hands does not compare with that on Pu­ natural advantages here for such
Milkers should also keep an eye get Sound or in British Columbia. an industry are unsurpassed.
on the milk as it leaves the teats, In fad most of the best lumber
Cincinnati Enquirer: After they
For further particulars apply to
as very often milk from one or used comes from l’liget Sound. The
more tents is bloody or otherwise much talked ot Alaska cedar is had departed she wept bitterly.
22 Market St., 8 F. Cal., or to
diseased. Milk from n cow show­ knotty, and hut little of good qual­ Suddenly she ceased. It had oc­
H C. THOMAS, Master,
ing any signs of siekues should not ity is found: in fact Mr. Sylvester
Hobsonville, Or.
lie used, neither that of a cow pre­ believes that the Alaska cedar tears might fall on her new silk
vious to live days after calving or found in Washington and British shirt waist and spot it irrevocably.
General Xlercliandise
Clothing, Footwear!
Sperry Flour, Bost California.
We wish to call attention to our
teas. We guarantee satisfaction to
the most fastidious.
La Grippe!
T^orth Pacific Brewery^*
JOHN KOPP, Proprietor.
Direct from
F. to TiHamooIç
Reduced Rates!
of a cow four weeks previous to
A milkman should keep himself
and clothes clean, and not put oil
the dirtiest overall mid jacket he
can And when lie govs milking.
The fancy dairies of Denmark and
Germany require their milkers to
have a clean suit of clothes tube
used only during milking hours
and it is undoubtedly the care in
these little details regarding clean­
liness that enable them to put up
products superior to any in the
Having gotton our milkers ami
Columbia Is better, though coarser
Although the govern­
ment will not allow lumber to be
shipped out of Alaska there are
quite a number of mills in the Held
for the local trade
Most of the
large canneries and mining compa
nies own mills. The newest mill
is that of Ladue A Harper, near
Circle City, which with the excep­
tion of one at Fort Cudahy, enjoys
the honor of living further north
than any other sawmill in North
America. And common lumber is
worth from tfiO to $100 at the
mills. The most interesting mill |
Senatoi Allen says: “Horace
Boise doesn’t know the taste of
whiskey or beer.’’
That's wliat
comes of drinking the miserable
stuff sold oil the quiet in Iowa.—
Sone of the late candidates will
please notice that dairying pays
better than politics.
We told
you so.
per year.
and H eadlight . •2
Kipans Tabule»; one give» relief
For yonr Protection. - Catarrh “Cur«” or
Tonic'« for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken
int emailv, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of Potaaau, or both, which are injur­
ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
a Wood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal
{Lissages, afft eting »yea, curs and throat.
Cold in the head causes excessive flow of
mucus, and, if repeat« dly neglected, the re­
sults of catarrh will follow; severe pain in
the head, a roaring sound in the ears, Ind
breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis­
charge. The remedy ah« mid In quick to allay
inflammation and heal the membrane. Elv’s
Cream Palm is the acknowledged cure for
these troulJes and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
thin« to pat.nt ? I’rot.ct jour ld«u , t h.j ma,
, h .. ri M J ohn frxDbxiC
HL HN A CO., Pat.nl Attornava, Waabüûnon.
IX C., for thalr |ljM> pria« off.r
A Fine Line of Jewelry
Stationary, Books.
Proscriptions Carefully Compeundod