©iUrtate0oIt fjenl»Iight T he C ounty O fficial P aper BY T he T illamook H eadlight C ompany , (INCORPORATED) W. F. D. J one », E ditor and M anager . KATI'.S OK StlllSCKlPTION. Every republican lias liis opinion, anti be like» being insulted oi- of tlio party for what 11 right to doesn’t frei kicked ont lie believes. Everybody here should take an interest in getting the road opened anil completed west to the Tilla­ mook river. Its advantages are wel! understood. (HTR1CTLV IN ADVANCE.) There will be no fight in tlie re­ publican rank* here this year. Every thing indicate* that tlie whole ticket from representative to constable will be elected. One year six lllOHlIlH riitee month» This paper will shortly publish Hxvorn statements of circulation the Hiinie n* Httine of tlie city pa­ per* do. Investigation will be courted, and other papers here will be challenged to do likewise. Geo. Colin would make an ex­ cellent represtentative should lie be elected, though he is so unfor­ tunate a* to be backed by a party that is in tlie last stages of decay. Mr. Colin is too good a man for his parly. lie should have been a I^epublicau Ticket. COUNTY TICKET: — C. H W heeler , C ommissioner . A. T. W hite , C lerk . POLITICAL AND 01 HEN WISE. J. H. J ackson , S heriff . J ohn B arker . T reasurer . Congressman W. It. Ellis, i i J. S. S tephens , A ssessor . nominated, is a free silver num. A. M. A ustin . S urveyor . Harvey Scott will be read mil of G. W. K iger , school S up ’ t . lhe republican parly some time. C. E. R eynolds , C oroner B. S. Bean xvill be elected su­ but a fexv mouths since the same paper was bidding Mr. Tongue up to ridicule for being a free silverite. —Valley Transcript. Republicans should not attempt swapping this time. It is not nec­ essary in order to save anyone. Once started it is likely to de­ feat several on the ticket. A man who expects to conduct a business entirely on “tick,” always using somebody else’* capital, and never paying his small bills, is bound to be in hot water all tlie time, Tlie gold bugs tried to run a I radical anti-silver resolution | through tlie state convention, but I were promptly voted down. Ex­ senator Dolph introduced tlie reso­ lution. If Cleveland doesn’t promptly co-operate with congresss regard­ ing Cuba, he should be court mar- tialed for cowardice and lack of patriotism, ami then be kicked out of the White House. Mr. Tongue isn’t saying as much about tlie Hiinnce qnestion as lie did two years ago. He knows when to hold his tongue. We have a deep seated notion that he is all right on finance, however. Of course Tillamook is somexvlnit disappointed because Janies Mc­ Cain was not re-nominated for dis­ trict attorney, but Mr. J. A. Car- son is all right and will receive the support of tlie republicans here. LUM8FÍ Cg S^N M anufacturers of lumber I he state convent ion. A lot of people talk about ‘‘sound money,” who don’t know the first principles of litiance. T. II. Tongue is satisfactory to t he republicans of Tillamook. lit* will get it big vote here. We have discontinued sending scenic photos on tlie proposition advertised some time ago Tlie Hillsboro Independent is justly proud that its favorite got the congressional nomination. John II. Mitchell is not beaten Don't fail to reati the announce­ yet by a long sight, lie is likely ment on tlie supplement enclosed to succeed himself in the senate. in liti* |> h |»<*r. Protection and free silver is n combination Hint xvill win some time, though probably not this year. If Tom Tongue does ns much for Tillamook iin Binger Hermann did for Cotts, xve'll be properly in it over here. Free silver republicans are not going to change their honest coil victim«* simply because they are tohl to do so. There are but few in this county Neluileni shotild hiivethnt beuch ronil, and liiere shotild he 11 rontl xvho do not take the JiE.xni.ltiiir. t in Foley und Ilie Norlli Fork also. We want that remaining few on our list of subscribers. A number of sample copies are Tlie republicans of Yambill sent out tills week. Semi in your county are badly split on tlie mon­ name* with tlie spondulix if y oil ey question am) two ticket* »X ill want H im paper. be tlie result ns in Multnomah. be- It i* said by those who know en- him, that G. W. Patterson, of Hillsboro, candidate for joint sen. aton, is a good man for th«« place. Yamhill county lias been gra­ cious this time and has endorsed our Mr. Brooks for joint represen­ tative. His election is practically assured. Joe Simon* appointed all the judges in the Portland primaries from his faction, and then 4tM> dep­ uty sheriffs were helping him. It availed nothing s N Th«« S«*ars-Sinions Scott gang utilized the deputy shell If*, and the Cary •Ilirwh-Hiime faction manipulated the police force. What's tin* difference! It it* evident that Mr. Tongue Th«« credit system is curried too linn free silver sympathies, but will fur here. Those xx ho trust every make liis course conform to the Tom, Dick and Hurry without lim­ platform laid down by the national it xx ill not only "go broke," but republican convention they encourage laziness. The liest tiling the republicans eau do in to quit quarreling over the silver question. Abuse and buhlozing will convince nobody, it splits tin* party and invite* defeat. and B oxes , and df . ai . e R3 in General Merchandise Sperry Flour, Best California. We wish to call attention to our teas. We guarantee satisfaction to the most fastidious. j SIBLEY Manager Store and Mill. Hobsonville. Oregon. principal Office, *w, Berry St., S. F. Mill» al Truckee. Cui.. La Grippe! D r . H. P a TCHEN’ s Sl’EC. is rapidly becoming an indispensible family medi­ cine. It not only takes effect immed­ iately, arresting the pangs of influenza, but acts on the emunctories of the sys­ tem; thus freeing it of the accumulations of I.a Grippe of long standing. This is why rheumatism so frequently yields to this treatment and Disturbances of the Lungs, Stomaclie, Kidneys and Bowels are so quickly overcome. 90c per large you are a victim of faulty cooking; bottle, 50c per small. Inquire of your that is, if you suffer from Dyspep. Druggist. sia, tlie rational cure must be looked for in an artificially diges­ ted food, ami a food which will al the same time aid the digestion of other foods, Such a preparation virtually rests the tired digestive organs, thereby restoring them their natural strength. The Digestive Cordial, pared by the Shakers <> Lebanon, isjust such a preparation, mol a single 10 cent bottle xvill convince you of its value. If your druggist doesn’t keep it, he will be glad to get it through liis w hole­ sale house. Laxol is the best medicine for children. Doctors recommend it in place of castor oil. preme judge again by an increased FIRST DISTRICT:- majority. If we could trace Dyspepsia to W. F indley , J. P. Tliis is the most quiet local cam­ its source, it would lead back to H. S chollmeyer , C onstable paign experienced in this county our kitchens, in fact, tlie secret of good health is good cooking. If SECOND DISTRICT:— for years. well cooked, foods are less diges­ G. W S appington , J. P. The Oregonian is in ail exceed­ tible than in their raw state. If S. V. A nderson , C onstable . ingly bail humor. Il failed Io run THIRD DISTRICT: - J asper S mith , J- P- A. D- S anders , C onstable - FRANCIS^0 TJorth Pacific Brewery JOHN KOPP, Proprietor. ASTORIA, ORE. The favorite beer made on this eoast, considered by many to bi* superior to Milwaukee beer. Call for it. and insist on haviny Kopp’s beer. J) jl (’ ................ — Supplying fiiniilies with u bottle beer, direct, er through any house handling our beer, a specialty. Ask your dealer for price per doz. or case. BUREAU SALOON C. H. SMITH, Prop'r. W ines , L iquors and C igars . Kopp’s Beer on Draught Truche C. B. HAD LBN G rand C entrai hall . $1,000 IN PHIZES Direct from F. to Tillamoolç. Fine Liquors and Cigars Tillamook. Oregon To be DistributeJ Absolutely Free Use the letters contained in the text: "Monon Seeds Grow,” iiml form as many words as you can, using letters either backward or forward, but dont use any letter in same xvord more times than it np- pears in “Monon Seeds Grow.” For example tlie xvords. as, on iioiic , Weeds, etc. The person forming tlie greatest number of words, using the letters in the text will receive One Hundred Dollars in cash. For the next lar­ gest list we will give $75 in cash, lor the next largest list $50 in eash, for lite next 825 in cash, and for each of I ha next ten largest libit.- we giv“ 810 in gold. If you are good at xvord making you can secure n valuable prize, as tlie Motion Seed Co. intend giving many hundred special prizes to persons sending them lists contain ing over twenty-live wolds. Write your mime on list of words (nuni- bered) anti enclose the same post- pa itl with six two-cent stamps for n huge combination package of Monon Seeds Hint grow, which in­ cludes tlie latest ami most popular flowers of einlles varieties, also particulars anil rules of distribu­ tion of prizes. This xvord contest will be carefully anil conscientious­ ly comiueled, and is solely for the purpose of further introducing our seeds in new localities. You will receive tin* biggest value in flower seed* ever offered, and besides if you are able to make a good list of words and answer promptly you will stand an equal opportunity to secure a valuable prize. We in­ tend spending a large amount of money in tlie distribution of prises in tliis contest. We assure you that your trial order with us xvill be most gratifying. Write your name plainly ami send list as early as possible. Address, The nomination of a sound mon­ ey man in the tirst district is ail excellent result—Oregonian. We are glix«l to hear this from the Ore­ M onox S ffo C o ., gonian. If xxe mistake not it is Monon Bldg., Chicago. III. Freight handled with dis­ patch and at lowest rates. Fruit delivered in good order. Best Accommodation end Cheapest Route to or from Tillamook. Every attention paid to want» and conveni­ ences of paasengvrs. First class table set. * Reduced Rates! You Want SEEDS, Then go to HEADQUARTERS for them. ☆ I keep by far the Largest and most complete assortment of seeds on the coast, and sell of my home grown seeds large quantities to Eastern houses every year. Intending purchasers will do well to correspond with me tafore buying. E. J. BOWEN, •w-e^- C abin , O ne W ay , $10. " R oundtrip , $18. S teerage , one way , $7. For further particulars apply to J. S KIMBALL, P. S. Send for Catalogua. Front’St., Portland, Oregon. Sturgeon’s 22 Market St., 8. F. Cal., or to H C. THOMAS. Mister, Hobsonville, Or. COUGHS and COLDS ELTS PINEOLA BALSAM 1» a sure Remedy for coughs, colds, tore throat and for asthma. ft •ootbea, quickly •bate« the cough, and render« expect­ oration — •y* and ¡Select jStocIç. patent ^edicineg and Drugging Notion^. Consumptives will Invariably derlva benefit from It» use. Many who anppoaa tbelrcaM-ato beron- •nmrtion are only suffering from a chronic cold or deep seated cough, often aggravated by ea- —__________________ , - Cream Balm. Both nedlee are pleaaant to nae. Cream Balm. 80 eta. r boule; Plneola Balaam. Me. Sold by ItrnntHa. XL I BHuTUKRS, M Wanes St., New Yoriu WANTED-AN IDEA V Vi 4 I I e ~ » — _ ___ _ thine to Tl» patent r Protect your , i » leae. they may brine yon wealth. Writ« JOHN xk'XDDBR- Bt HN A CO.. Patent Attorney», Waahlnctoa. U C-, tor their I1.SU0 priae offer. A Fine Line of Jewelry Stationery, Books. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.