Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 02, 1896, Image 2

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    ®illiiniooli ijcitbIi0ht
T he C ounty O fficial P aper
T he T illamook H eadlight C ompany ,
W. F. L>. J ones , E ditor and M anager .
One year
Six inontliN
Three months
|>er>ettt JZ-7S
.. ”
" 2o.oo
” 33-00
3 75
. ”
” 6o.oo
6 75
” 100.00
anti sein, after
Local notic-M. locls. per line; ------
the first insertion. Only .sets per line for first
insertion for regular advertisers
Lost. Found, For Kent, For Side, Wanted, and
Special notices, in classitied “ad" columns, at
the rate of one cent per word for first insertion
and IniltiHtes thereafter.
Legal notices, Nonpareil, iocts. per line for
first Insertion and Acts per line for each siibse
qiieut hisertiun.
1 inch, per month
^¿col. ”
notices or communications should
be sent in as early in the week as possible.
Interesting Letter From Dave Hadley.
Johannesburg, Feb. 10.
E d . II eaih . ight :—I left New
York on the steamer City of Paris
on Christmas day, and arrived al
Southampton, England, on
Here was one of. my first hu r
prises—the manner in which they
tried to extort money from me.
Finding the hotels crowded, I was
If the Oregonian, which is so I
loins. The women wear bangles
on their feet mid rings on their persistent in its effort* to belittle
that faction of the republican par.
It would surprise you to see the ty which lias Senator J. H. Mitch­
number of oxtemns, nine or ten ell'» authority to act for him, has
yoke in a team, and very fine any better men to introduce to
public notice Ilian Solomon Hirscli
I heard an argument among Judge C. H. Carey, Judge Tanner
some Boel's as to the color of the and Mr. F. P. Mays, we would I e
British flag. One saitl itwasgreen pleased to have him do so.
with a red square in one corner, fortunately for Hint paper no bet­
and another said it was blue. The' ter men live in thia community,
third Ilian says, “I have seen it and its silence on this proposition
three times and it was always will lie as pronounced as that of
white.” He had seen the flag of the grave. No better men live in
Oregon, and the editor knows it.—
It rarely rains here in winter, Tomahawk.
the wet season being in the sum­
I* it overwork Hint has filled
mer, which makes it warmer, and
they say the winters are quite cold. this country witli nervous dyspep­
If there are any Tillamook boys tics?—that takes Hie flesh oft’their
who have African fever, there is a bones, the vitality from their blood
good show here. They can get a and makes them feeble, emaciated |
It is bad
horse, rifle, ami good wages to en­ and inefficient? No,
list in Hie volunteer corps, mid cooking, overeating of indigestible
they expect to see active service stuff, and other health destroying
The remedy is an artificially di­
I). J. H adley .
gested food such as Hie Shaker
Digestive Cordial. Instead of ir­
ritating Hie already intlamed stom­
[Fioni the Ocean Wave.I
ach the cordial gives it a chance to
The school districts in the south- rest by nourishing the system it­
ern part of the county are entirely self and digesting oilier food taken
too large, but under existing cir­ witli it. So flesh and strength re­
cumstances it would be a difficult turn. Is not the idea rational?
mutter to rearrange them in such T’lie cordial is palatable and re­
a manner a* to make them much lieves immediately.
No money
better than nt tile present time. risked to decide on its value,
There is a large amount of unoccu­ 10 cent trial bottle does that.
where I
pied hind in all the districts, wliich
'this ns a matter of course, w ithin a few’
was not so high, but they contili- years will lie more thickly settled.
There are many bachelors, also,
ually demanded “tips.”
have no children, but own ns
was n splemli show of dishes on
much land in the center of the dis­
Hie table, but little grub, mid I
trict ns anyone.
The families
soon would have wished for Tilla­
therefore are so few and far apart,
mook, the land of plenty, if I had compared witli wliat they should
been forced Io stay there long.
be, that it makes school facilities
Three days later I left for South poorer than they should be.
Africa on the steamer Warwick seems it would lie better to make
as few changes in the districts ns
Castle. We bail an exceptional
possible, at Hie present time, and
pleasant run, Hie like of wliich was
until more families settle in the
seldom seen, said the sailors. The districts, as in a few years people
sea was often ealm us a mill pond. will know much better where they
We himled at Hie ('unary Islands will want the district lines than at
impress one ivilli their the present time. While the dis­
beauty. The natives cmne on Hie tricts are large it is very inconven­
bout witli all sorts of wares for ient for those in tlm remote parts
sale, and we amused ourselves by to send, if they were divided it
tossing small coins overboard to would work a hardship upon nil;
see tlm boys dive after them. They because it would reduce tlitir
would catch a coin before it got funds to such a small amount, that
to Hie bottom.
none would receive lillich benefit.
We crossed the equator on Jan­ Perhaps in a lew years the bache­
uary Ki, and here encountered a lor ranches mid unoccupied lands
terrific thunderstorm.
The sky w ill be set lied w ith families, and
was a vivid glare of “streaked” it will be less difficult to divide up
lightning, mid copper wires were Hie districts in a satisfactory
Mtriing on tlm masts to guard manner.
against damage.
The thunder
The owners of the J1 EADLKIHT
roared for hours, mid my hair,
are not engaged in denying they
t hough abort, stood on end.
We saw a lot of porpoises, whales own it.
ami flying fish; also a number of
It is an old trick to semi papers
albatrosses, a large bird, some of
which measured 9 feet from tip to out promiseously, saying they are
sent on trial only for a few week
tip of wings.
We ill-riven at Cape Town Jan­ free of charge, and then sending
uary 28lh, and it looked ns if I them right along trying to collect
had struck it in (lie wrong time as for them afterwards.
sent to a
I.ail to pay 82,00 per day.
.L“M8fí ty
M anufacturers of L umber and B oxes , and D ealers in
Gei 1 e ra 1 Merc 1 land i se
Clothing, Footwear!
Sperry Flour, Best California.
We wish to call attention to our
We guarantee satisfaction to
the most fastidious.
Ptiiicipal Office, 249, Bet t y St., S. F.
Mills al Truckee, Cat..
La Grippe!
D r . H. P atchen ’ s SPEC, is rapidly
becoming an indispensible family medi­
cine. It not only takes effect immed­
iately, arresting the pangs of influenza,
but acts on the emunctories of the sys­
tem; thus freeing it of the accumulations
of La Grippe of long standing. This is
$1,000 IN PRIZES
why rheumatism so frequently yields to
this treatment and Disturbances of the
Tu It Distribute/ Absolutely free
Lungs, Stomache. Kidneys and Bowels
are so quickly overcome. 90c per large
Inquire of your
Use the letter* contained in the bottle, 50c per small.
Laxol is the best medicine for
children. Doctors recommend it
in place of castor oil.
text: “Monon Seeds Grow,” ami
form as many words as you can,
using letters either backward or
forward, but dont use any letter in
same word more times than it ap­
pears in "Monon Seeds Grow.”
For example the words, as, on
none, weeds, etc.
The person
forming the greatest number of
words, using the letters in the
text will receive One Hundred
Dollars in cash. For I lie next lar­
gest list we will give $75 in cash,
for the next largest list 850 in
cash, for the next 825 in cash, and
for each of the next ten largest
lists we give 810 in gold. If you
are good at word making you can
secure a valuable prize, as the
Monon Seed Co. intend giving
many hundred special prizes to
persons sending them lists contain
ing over twenty-live words. Write
your mum* on list of words (num­
bered) mid enclose the same post­
paid with six twocent stamps for
a large combination package of
Freight ha lulled with dis­
Monon Seeds that grow, which in­
patch mid at lowest rates
cludes the latest and most popular
Fruit delivered in good order.
(lowers of entiles varieties, also
particulars and rules of distribu­ Best Accommodation and Cheapest Route
tion of prizes. This word contest
to or from Tillamook.
will be carefully nod conscientious­
Every attention paid to wants and conveni­
ly conducted, mid is solely for the ences of pas>engvrs. First class table set.
purpose of further introducing our
seeds in new localities.
You will
receive the biggest value in flower
seeds ever ottered, mid besides if
you are able to make a good list of
words and answer promptly you
C abin , O ne W ay , $10.
will stand an eqinil opportunity to
" R oundtrip , $18.
secure a valuable prize.
We in­
S teerage , one way , $7.
tend spending a large amount of
money in the distribution of prizes ,
in this contest.
We assure you |
that your trial order w ith us will
be most gratifying.
Write your
mime plainly mid send list as early For further particulars apply to
as possible. Address.
2i Market St., 8. F. Cal., or to
M onox S eed C o .,
M oiioii Bldg.,
Chicago, III.
H C. THOMAS. Master,
it was crowded with people leav­
The HinUhoro creamery is to be
ing Johannesburg to get out of the
to Eugene city, iim a more
wnr. I was told it was foolish to
The Hillsboro
go there just then as the Boers profitable field.
were on the alert and would no people are not Hatiufied to do with­
doubt attack us thinking we were out kuc I i an institution, mid will
try to aecure another.
enlisted to light them.
I ran the risk, but on the way
The big l.nuk ol show Hint ¡M
up wa* surprised to see the train
pulled lip.
The Boers searched UHually prominent from Sheridan
our persons mid baggage to our until the later part of April in the
great disgust. Every Boer in the Salmon river mountain* is now
Transvaal Inti es an Englishman, gone, which old settler* say prom­
and they repeatedly called me ii ises an early spring.—Sun.
“Cockney.” Finally I pulled my
We have communications fl Olli
coat oil'mid told (hem I was an
American citizen from Tillamook. several parties w hich cannot pos-
silily appear this week, and they
That settled it.
Oregonian and H kadi .K iht , •2
Wc saw saw some peculiar must take their turn in the future.
beasts on Hie way up, among them
small monkeys and bablioons. We could imbue our friends with a full
passed by several ostrich farms appreciation of the circumstances
Svenska Ainerikanska Posten
mid some line vineyard*. Further which govern a printing office— soni utgifues i Minneapolis, Minn.,
up. tlie country Is barren, until we especially in handling loug-wind- hvarji Tisdngs ni argon ar Ainsri-
reached the vicinity of Johannes ed articles.
cas saval Storsta som billigast
burg where H ere are many farine.:
Svenska tiduing.
Endast 81.00
The native* live in straw huts
Miss Anna Pagenkopf left Wed- per ar. Ve vilja gara et sarskit
tlint look like bee hive*. Thereare nesday for Meda, Tillamook collu­ tillbud till liisarne af demi tiduing.
many tribes, mid there lire nil na- ty to take charge of a school, sile Att •rhulla Svenska Amerkauska
tiomilitie* of the world represent- has long been in attendance at Mc­ rosica pa prof fruii me till den 1
The Malay mi* me very Minnville college, and her many Jmiiim ie 1897 for elidasi 50 cents.
friends regret her departure, from Oni ilenna tiduing niaune* prof
The Kaffirs work principally in their circle yet wish her abundant numiner frit pa begaran address-
the mines and as servants. Their succe** in the school room.—Tele­ era Svenska Amerikanska Postell,
drees is »imply a skin around their phone Register.
i Minneapolis Minnesota.
Manager Store and Mill, Hobsonville Oregon
pleW and 0elect 0toclç
patent l^ßdicinßg and Elriiggigt’g Notion^.
A Fine Line of Jewelry
Stationery, Books.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Direct from
F. to Tillamoolç.
lhe Alderman
Leading Hotel of
Headquarters for Commercial
men and the traveling public.
Samp e rooms.
Electric lights
throughout. Stage and boat of
Rates, ft.oo to f2.oo per
day, Ameticnn plan.
Especial attention to the cuisine
. department.
H. A. WOODFORD. Prop’r.
Reduced Rates!
J. P ALLEN. Prop’r.
0ail£ Every 10 dayg, Weather
Hobson vi lie, Or.
Noted for its Fine Cuisine Department.
Best Meals in the C ty.
Reduction in Lumber.
Henceforth until further notice the
prices of lumber will be as follows:
Rough Lumber S 8 per M.
• •
Atter 30 (lavs lOper cent interest wiHl
be charged on all bills.
XLYS FINCOLA BALSAM !• a .ure Reined»
tor cough«, rolda, tore throat and for aachma It
abatr. the rough,
and render* expect­
oration ewy.
will invariably derive
benefit from its use.
Many who suppose
their case« to be con­
sumption are only
suffering from a
chronic cold or deep
seated cough, often
aggravated by ca­
tarrh. For catarrh use Ely'» Cream Balm. Roth
remedie« are pleasant to use Cream Balm. W eta.
per bottle; Plneola Balsam. Wc. Bold by Druggists.
ELY BKl'TURRS, m Warren Bu, New York.
thing to patent T Protect roarMeaajthev may
Bl rtX .♦ CO., Patent Attorney», Washington.
D. C., for their »1.80» priie offer.
Tillamook Lumbering Co.