Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 12, 1896, Image 2

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    & illrt nt oolt
£) c a Ï» I i n I it.
T he C ounty O fficial P aper
We are lifted
up iiJ
thought as we wander through its
varied mazed from contemplation
of the wisdom ami the care mani­
fested in the details of the system
to the nobility of the purpose, and
we see underlying it all the sub­
lime tenacity
with which the
Catholic church goes on in her
M anufacturers of L umber and B oxes , and D ealers in
beneficent way.
Through good
report and evil report she adheres
to her mission, whether state or
government frown upon her or
smile. She will not neglect her
own no matter who despises them,
hut like a tender mother and guide
still helps them onward in the
world, upward toward the light.
Another sentiment suggested by
the general outline of the exhibit
is one of the legitimate national
pride. Disgrace lhe most llev.
Archbishop might well declare |
that: Wo are all fond of our com- j
mon country.
In every Catholic
school book, in some, copy book of
each school in ninny of the literary
compositions the flag of our coun­
try and its history Occupy a prom­
inent place. It would be difficult
to find a more direct proof of the
love of country Ilian is furnished
in the sketches nt the head of the
lessons in United States History ’
J. E. SIBLEY, Manager Store and Mill. Hobsonville Oregon
furnished by the convents and the
Piincipal Office, 2-19, Berry St., S. F. Mills at Truckee. Cal..
Catholic schools.
It is worthy of remark that
some of the brightest ideas in pa­
triotism, shown in these sketches
are the contributions from the
D r . II. P at CHEN’S SPEC, is rapidly
schools directed by the sisters, even
becoming an indispensible family tnedi-
from abroad, w ho have been culled cine. It hot only takes effect immed­
to help lhe cause of education iately, arresting the pangs of influenza,
but acts on the emunctones of the sys­
which has developed so rapidly, tem; thus freeing it of the accumulations
that local Catholic organizations of I.a Grippe of long standing. This is
why rheumatism so frequently yields to
have been unable to meet the de­ this treatment and Disturbances of the
Stomache, Kidneys and Bowels
mand for teachers.”
Tillamook is far behind in know 1-
eilge about the Catholics:
Tint T ilimmook H eadlight C ompany ,
Let the uninformed be taught by
those who know Homething and
let the talker« who did not come
yet to the lirst degree of science
exhibit their ignorance w here they
call not injure our highly educa
One year
nix monili*
.............. 7s. iional and educated country.
Three months
first degree of science for everyone
is to know that lie is ignorant,
1 Inch, per month
75 know ing tl.c.t lie knows something,
2 *5
flcol. ”
” 33-00 which is the beginning of science.
’’ 60.00
” I ou. 00 The Inst degree of our science is to
Local notic*M, tout* per line; and seta after
tbe firnt insertion. Only .seta per line for firwt be convinced that one does
insertion fur regular advertisei h
fx»st. Found, For Rent, For Sale, Wanted, and know anything,
special notieea, In claKwitled “ad" columns, at
the rate of one cent per word for Hist inset tion knows the more lie sees
what lie
and hall lates thereafter.
Legal notice*, Nonpareil, toe is. per line for does
first insertion and 5cl* per line tot eat It auhse
qnent insertion.
Comparing this what he knows
All notice* or communications should
with that which he does not know
I e sent in as early in the week as possible.
yet he becomes convinced that lie
This is
The re<l cedar mill» »Imuld be does not know anything.
kept closed down for another two the saying of all the learned men.
Demand is unusually Those who assume to know every­
backward this year, ami the dan­ thing and who in reality are ig­
ger that threatens now is the start norant yet of Hie fact that they
ing up of all the mills before <>i - do not know anything, are all far
<|ers are plentiful enough Io take below the freezing point in their
I do not intend
care of the output. A small ad­ menial capacity,
vance can be obtained if the mills to attempt to teach them as 1 do
hold out until spring trade ac­ not want to lose my time nor
tually sets in.—Lumber Trade pains. The report of the United
Status commissioners of education
of 1895 tells them what Catholics
Ou last Thursday I received an I did, can and will do.
It is as
invitation to be present nt n social follows:
party on the occasion of the dedi­ ' <■; TIIOI.ICH AT THE world ' s e . hr .
cation of the Woodmen’s hull, on
“As the tree is judged by its
Thursday evening, March 5th. at fruit, so the generous vine of Cath­
Tillal...... k, Oregon. There will be olic education modestly put before
n short programme of music, reci­ mankind in lhe noble ball of Lib.
tal ions, speeches anil a basket so­ oral Arts at the Columbia Exposi­
ciable, after which there will be a tion limy be appraised.
free dance for those who like that dinous and wonder-compelling ns
are so quickly overcome. 90c per large
This is what the report of th« U. S ; bottle, 50c per small.
Inquire of your
like tlmt kind of nmiisenient.
I tlm various departments of the
coimnisHioiiers says about the Catholics Druggist.
would sincerely like to be present, Columbia Exposition are from anil their sellouts
as I have not been in that pleasant many points of view the array of The report of the CoimirisMoner of Ed­
little summer resort for a number examples of Catholic training here ucation llie religious orders of th» sisters
of years, hilt fate orders otherwise, presented claims the palm over all who astonished the world in educating
and I can do no more than to wish lor an exposition of a system, it is Hie hoys as well as girls, are named.
Some of those mentioned sisters will
tlii-m it very pleasant time in the lhe most striking ill extent, in va­ come here Io Tillamook and favor this
opening of their new home. Ore­ riety. in evidence of a masterly town n ith ns liigh a sct.ool as there is
gon Woodman.
system of mental direction, that in the United States. They will not talk
Imt will prove l>v facts wlnit the Catlm-
I ever yet was brought before the
liea did, can and will do for the benefit
Christopher Daniels, a foreman
world's notice, It dwarfs into in­ of this town and state, Wi rile or talk
for the Holt Lumber Co., Sait It Ste.
significance the displays of educa­ moved aa we have seen but fuels will
Stationery, Books.
Proscriptions Carefully Compounded.
Marie, Mich., informs a member of
convince as we will see.
tional results made by any and
llEV. Jos. SlIKI.L,
the press concerning lin immense
every institution ’ in this country
Catholic Priest of Tillamook.
log llint was cut in one ol the com­
colleges and training schools taken
pany's camps. He claims that it
$1,000 IN PRIZES
altogether. Behind this mass of
was the largest tree ever cut in
' work and brain lies the invisible
To be Distribute / Absolutely Free
the Northern woods ami his figures
‘ sleepless activity which while
seem to bear him -mt.
it was a
training the physical faculties,
Use the letters contained in the
white pine stub and measured i
keeps ever leading on lhe moral text: “Monon Seeds Grow,” and
feet 2 inches ill the butt, l-roin it
ones to a clearer conception of the form ns many words as you can,
were cut live Ki-foot logs.
truth that there is n higher goal to using letters either backward or
first log was 53 inches through
he rouclied by the intelligence forward, but ilont use any letter in
Leading Hotel of
and scaled 2,201 feet; second, 4<’>
than the conquest of earthly know I same word more times than it ap-
inches 1,704 feet; third, 44 inches
, edge and that lhe sum of human pears in “Monon Seeds Grow.”
1,GOO feet; fourth, 42 inches 1,444
Headquarters for Commercial
perfection must have its final com­ For example tin- wolds, as, on
men and the traveling public.
feet, and tilth, 37 inches 1,081) feet.
Samp e room». Electric lights
The person
pliment in lhe display wl.icli shall none, weeds, etc.
^throughout. Stage ami boat of
The tree Imd only one limb which
Rate*. $1.00 to f2.co per
merit the everlasting reward of forming the greatest number of
• lay, American plan.
was 25 inches through. It cut 441
the judge (hat sits on high. This words, using tlu letters in the
patch and at lowest rates
feet mid this made th" grand total
Especial attention to the cuisine
is wlmt is meant by the twofold text will receive One Hundred
Fruit delivered in good order.
of logs secured out of the big tree
Dollars in cash. For the next lar­
work of Catholic education.”
H A. WOODFORD. Prop r.
over 8,500 feet, something remark­
A glance lit the artistic features gest list we will give $75 in cash, Best Accommodation End Cheapest Route
able. At the present price, of
of the general exhibit reveals some for the next largest list #50 in
to or from Tillamook.
stumpage this tree would be worth
work which challenges attention. cash, for the next $25 in cash, and Every attention paid to wants and conveni­
#70. The tree stood over IM) feet
I ii the various kinds of handicraft for each of I he next ten largest ence!« of passengers. First H as » table set.
high mid was truly monarch in
shown here Hie work of the Amer­ lists we give $10 in gold. If you
these parts.—Menominee Demo­
ican boys in the more practical are good at word making you can
crat. [There are trees in Tilla­
and every day classes of produc. secure a valuable prise, as the
mook that will make 100,000 feet,
lion need not fear comparison with Monon Seed Co. intend giving
and thousands that will cut 50,000 ]
J. P ALLEN. Prop’r.
that of any others. Especially fine many hundred special prizes to
examples are sent in from the Cath­ persons sending them lists contain­
C abin , O ne W ay , $10.
We know of blit mm community
olic Protectory of New York for ing over twenty-live words. Write
” R oundtrip , $18.
in the world where dyspepsia is
boys and girls.
your mime on list of words (num­
S teerage , one way , $7.
practically unknown, mid that is
It was with Catholic teachers bered) and enclose the same post­
the Shakers of Mount Lebanon, N.
Hint the idea of educating the paid with six two-cent stamps for
Best Meals in the C ty.
Y. These good people have been
blind, the mute and the deaf intel­ a large combination package of
studying the subject ol digestion
lect began. How immensely the Monon Seeds that grow, which in­
fur more than a hundred years,
Catholics are handicapped may lie cludes the latest and most popular
mid that they understand it pretty
learned from a com parison of the flowers of endles varieties, also For further particular, apply to
tliorougly, is evidence in the fore­
other educational exhibits with particulars ami rules of distribu.
going fact. Their Digestive Cor­
u Market St., S. E. Cal . or to
theirs. All the public and private tion of prizes. This word contest
dial is the safest mid best remedy
H C. THOMAS. Master,
generosity of n great people could will be carefully and conscientious­
in eases of indigestion that we
Hobaonville, Or.
do has been done for the men mid ly conducted, noil is solely for (lie
know of. A trial bottle can be
women of oliier creeds lieie; nil purpose of further introducing our
had through your druggists for the
that Ims been done for the Catho­ seeds in new localities.
You will
trilling sum of It) cents.
lics Inis been done out of their own receive the biggest value in flower
The Shaker Digestive Cordial
resources. The Columbian library seeds ever offered, and besides if
•ootb«a, avickly
supplies the system with food al­
AbAte« the eoogh.
of Catholic authors is a collection you are able to make n good list of
And renders «xpect-
ready digested, mid at the same
otauod aasj .
of no small interest ami value as words mid answer promptly you
time aids the digestion ot other
testifying that in the higher edu- will stand mi equal opportunity to
• 4
Will InvariAbly derive
foods. It will almost instantly re­
from Itu nae.
cation Catholic names are not by secure n valuable prize.
lieve the ordinary symptoms of in.
Meny who Aappose
(Mr cams to be con-
any means unknown even hare. tend spending a large amount of
sumption Are only
digestion, mid no sufferer need to
from a
be told what these are.
chronic cold or deep
#eated Cough, often
Society deserves a word of praise in this contest.
We assure you
Atfgrsvsted by ca-
Laxol is the best medicine for for the tlood of light it lets in on that your trial order with us will ----- K-------- -
. Cream Balm. Meta.
P*****!«; PlneoiaBalaam.Wc. <3oldbyDrnoiata.
children. Doctors recommend it the past of the struggling church be most gratifying.
U" I lie 4» y vour
OU! •~KLI BROTUKRS.«« W wr« SL.Xiw lork.
on thia continent by its rich arch­ inline plainly ami send list ns early
in place of Castor Oil.
eological collection of artistic and as possible, Address,
Oregonian and II kadljohy , I- literary work.
thin« to potent J Protect your Mean, (her may
Moxox S kkd Co.,
Wrtte JOHN wKiniKR-
per year.
OO-.1 »t"«* Attorney», Washington.
Many things are taught by thia ¡Monon Bldg.,
Chicago, 111.
D. C., for their *1 JI» priw offer.
I'CHI.I m HEI) kvkiy thukmday by
General Merchandise
Clothing, Footwear!
Sperry Flour, Best California
We wish to call attention to our
teas. We guarantee satisfaction to
the most fastidious.
La Grippe!
flew and 0elect 0toclç
patent ]V]edicine£ and Druggie’s Notions.
A Fine Line of Jewelry
T illamook , O regon .
Tl,e Alderman
Direct from
F. to Tillamoolç
Reduced Rates!
$ailg Every 10 days, Weather
Reduction in Lumber.
Henceforth until further notice
*nd *°' " ■ prices of lumber will be as follows:
Rough Lumber S 8 per M.
After 30 da vs lOper cent interest
be charged on all bills.
Tillamook Lumbering Co-