Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 05, 1896, Image 2

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    cannels advertise their brands mid i Mr. Louis E. Bean, at the head
create n demand? It can be de- of tide of the Siuslaw, lias written
pended upon that lhe owners of to Fish and Game Protector Mc­
T he C ounty O fficial P aper
I lie new canneries on the Sound Guire, an interesting account of
will do it. Good advertising will his experience ns an amateur in
sell more for a poorer grade of sal­ | the propagation of salmon at Sea­
T he T illamook H e a plight C' ompiny ,
lie se­
mon and at a higher price than ton, on the Siuslaw river.
the sales created by reason of a cured 11 female mid 15 male chi-
W. F. D. J onks , E ditor and M anager .
superior quality, without adver­ nook, mol 4 female and 8 male sil-
M anufacturers of L umber and B oxes , and D ealers in
versides. The first eggs were tak­
lor Columbia river cannery men.— en on November 8, and the last on
fl lift
One year
November 23. The first commenc­
Si x month«
Three months
ed hatching on January 7, and by
We invite nil who wish to to dirt- February 5, nearly all were lialcli-
Cilrth the A. P. A, question through ted. He estimates lie had 45,000
peryeat Jo 75
i Inch, per month
” 2o.oo
2 25
this paper, either for or ngniiirtt, chinook and 12,000 silverside eggs
” 3300
3 75
6 75
only conditions being that all to commence with, of which 80 per
1* M
. ”
” i 00.00
Local notices. locts per line; aii<l set« after
cent of the chinook and 35 per
the first insertion Only sets per line for first articles must be signed for publi­
insertion (or regular a<î verlisei s.
cation, and we will not publish cent of the silversides hatched.
Lost, Found, l*or Rent. ForSiih*, Wanted, and
Special notices, in classified “ad” columns, at any
long winded articles.
We He wants Mr. McGuire to come
tin* rate of one cent per word for flist insertion
and halt tales thereafter.
down and investigate the matter,
Legal notices. Nonpareil, ioc I s . per line for
first insertion and Sets per line for each sit Use
and will hold the young fish for
qiieiit Insertion.
Both sides will be treated wo or three mon ths to see how
fXT“ All notices or com tint nivations should limiter.
be sent in as early in the week as possible.
they will thrive. He would like
fairly and alike.
to haven butchery established on
'I'lit! late freshet brought consid­
the Siuslaw, and says Mr. Kyle, of
erable more political timber down.
the Florence Canning Company, is
Say, editor, do you exchange
willing to give a few hundred dol­
Why not have a committee to with the Wayback Itemize!?
lars to help along mid lie thinks
go into secret sesson ami make all you do, please save the copies for
Mr. Elmore of the other cannery
tl.e nominal ions!
will do the same. The fishermen
We do not.
there are very enthusiastic over
The office should seek the man.
Well, its a good paper, and you
the matter mid will do all in their
However, a competent man can ought to try it.
It's published in
power to help the scheme along.—
J. E. SIBLEY, Manager Store and Mill. Hobsonville. Oregon
not be criticised lor seeking an of­ tlie tow n 1 came from.
Eugene Guard.
fice in an honorable way.
Why don’t you subscribe for it?
Piiucipal Office, 249. Berry St., S. F. Mills at Truckee, ('al..
And why don’t you subscribe for
We all know that any tired mus­
Those who send in requests for
our paper?
cle can be restored by rest,
the National Recorder are being
I see the point. Here's a dollar
stomach is a muscle,
listed aa fast as they come.
and a half. It’s my treat.
is its manlier of saying “I am
order will not be sent in for two
send $1.50 to the Wayback Item­
D r H. P atchen ' s SPEC, is rapidly
To rest
tired. Give me rest,”
weeks perhaps.
izer also and not try to steal the
becoming an indispensible family medi­
the stomach you mast do its work cine. It not only takes eflect immed­
efforts of his labor.
This will la* a red hot campaign
iately. arresting the pangs of influenza,
outside the body.
but acts on the emuticlories of the sys­
from all nppen rmices. .Several of
This is the Shaker’s method of tem; thus freeing it of the accumulations
the old war-ho’ses are gelling
curing indigestion, mid its success of La Grippe of long standing. This is
why rheumatism so frequently yields to
their fighting paint on. It is to be
Candidates emi advertise them­ is best attested by the fact that this treatment and Disturbances of the
regretted, but it seems inevitable. selves at the same rates we charge these people are practically free Lungs, Stomache. Kidneys and Bowels
are so quickly overcome. 90c per large
from what is without doubt the bottle, 50c per small.
for regular advertisers.
Inquire of your
Those who pay SI.50 on sub-
Any man who is attacked in most prevalent of all diseases. Druggist.
scriplion to the H eadi . iiiht need these columns by the editor or by The Shaker Digestive Cordial not
have no fear of losing the money a correspondent can defend him­ only contains digested food which
Tile H eadlight has never suspend­ self without charge.
is promptly absorbed without tax­
ed in the last eight years and is in
After the convention this paper ing the tired digestive organs, but
better shape than ever.
expects to support most or all of it is likewise an aid to the diges­
the nominee« of the republican tion of other foods in the stomach.
Gentlemen wo suggest that dairy­
A It) cent trial bottle w ill convince
ing and all other industries be laid
No man will be supported by the you of its merit, and these you can
aside until you settle this cam­
editor or the paper editorially un­ obtain through all druggists.
paign. It will be such a satisfac­
til alter the convention.
tion, you know, for the farmers to
Stationary, Books.
Laxol is the best medicine
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
Those wlm do not want the sup.
know who will gel the fill salaries.
port of this paper are not obi igeil
to receive it. This refers to those in place of Castor Oil.
(let in, boys, and don't be afraid;
candidates who are trying to boost
the offices belong to us and we are
$1,000 IN PRIZES
themselves into office by offering
going to have them.
What a nice
money to start an opposition cam­
To be Distribute,/ Absolutely Free
comfortable time eight or ten re­
paign sheet.
publicans can have--it beats farm,
Use the letters contained in the
Candidates who are going into
ing, with wheat at 25 cents per
text: “Monon Seeds Grow,’’ and
the newspaper business can depend
bushel.—LaGriliiile Gazette, (rep.)
form as many words as yon can,
wholly upon their own newspaper
using letters either backward or
for that sort of support.
No doubt the A. 1’. A. was in.
Leading Hotel of
Republicans, populists, demo­ forward, Imt limit use anj letter in
Tillamos k-
slrumenlal in defeating the appro­
crats mid A. I’. A’s. can Imve po­
priation for sectarian schools for
litical notices published at regular pears in “M oiioii Seeds Grow.”
Ilea ¿quarters for Commercial
the Indians, and it was a good
men and the traveling public.
rates, ten cents per line, without For example the words, ns, Oil
Samp e rooms.
Electric lights
thing. But the A. 1*. A. should
none, weeds, etc.
The person
tlitoiigliout. Stuge and boat of­
Rates, li.oo to «2.00 per
not take all the credit on itself.
day, American plan.
Freight handled with dis­
Cash must be paid before elec­ forming the greatest number of
'There are many other patriotic
patch mid at lowest rates
tion. It is hard to collect from de­ words, using the letters in the
Americans that believe in keeping
Especial attention to the cuisine
Fruit delivered in good order.
feated parties and candidate«.
state and church separate.
Dollars in cash. For the next lar­
H A. WOODFORD. Prop'r.
Phil Messner has moved his gest list we will give $75 in cash, Best Accommodation and Cheapest Route
A limn w lm talks about boycot­ stage station from the Mountain for the next largest list $50 in
to or from Tillamook.
ting the II EAiu.ioii r borrows it and House to Fairdade, which brings it cash, for the next $25 in cash, and
Every attention paid to wants and conveni­
reads it whenever he can get it, a couple of miles nearer the town, for each of I lie next ten largest ences of passengers. First class table set.
and may be seen eagerly perusing making the evening ride from here lists we give $ 10 in gold. If you
it as soon as he cun pick up n copy considerable shorter. — North Yam­ are good at word making you can
after it is issued. It would bo a hill Record.
secure a valuable prize, as the
shame if ho wild a few others like
M oiioii Seed Co. intend giving
J. P ALLEN. Prop'r.
him should withdraw their sup­
The Huston Bros, with t heir many hundred special prizes to
port. They got the result of our families, accompanied by P. II. persons sending them lists contain­
C abin , O ne W ay , $10.
work for nothing, and should let Messner, started yesterday to cross ing over twenty live words. Write
” R oundtrip , $18.
our patrons do tlm kicking if any the m<>uiititi■ in to Trask, to take your imine on list of words (num­
S teerage , one way , $7.
is done.
possession of the t<dI loud, which bered) mid enclose the same post­
these two brothers have purchased paid with six two cent stamps for
Best Meals in the C ty.
Howard Winter, ot llapgood \ from Geo. F. Burton. Mr. Huston 11 large combination package of
Co., reports that the sale ofl'oliim- informed n Record reporter that M oiioii Seeds that grow, which in­
bia river salmon is getting balder they will spend at least $5<Mt in cludes the latest and most popular
all the time, lie recited an in­ work on the road, building around llowers of entiles varieties, also For further particulars apply to
stance where the packer of a stand­ the heavy lulls etc., which will put particulars mid rules of distrilni-
n Market St.. 8. F. Cal , or to
ard brand of fish was offering it in the best of condition for trav­ lion of prizes. This word content
pound flats for $1.20 per dozen. el. N. Yamhill Record
H C. THOMAS. Master,
will be carefully ami conscientious­
Hobaonrilte, Ol .
Either the fish must have been
ly conducted, mid is solely for the
fall packed or the canner lost heav­
.1 F. Klicer, of Glenoni on Wil purpose of fqi (her introducing our
ily by the transaction.
Another son river, mid .1. T. Harris, of low s eds iii new localities.
You will
lirm who have always had a good er river, arrived in the city Satur­ receive Hie biggest value in flower
ELYS PIN EOLA BALSAM 1« * anre Boned,
sale fur a standard brand of spring day morning liming come through seeds ever offered, and besides if tor coughs, co.da, aor* Uruat aiul for asthma It
•oothea, gairti.
pack have bad to remove the orig­ from Tillamook In wagon clearing you are able to make a good list of
abate, the cough,
and renders exptx.1-
inal blind oil 0,000 eases of tlsli the rumi of olisi ructions ns they words mid answer promptly you
oration easy.
and put oil mi entirely new label. cmne. I bis was not found to be i*. will stand an equal opportunity to
w ill invariably derire
The reason assigned for this was difficult job. A few small sized secure a v aluable prize.
benefit from its use.
We in­
Many who suppose
the limited demand for the brand land slides had to be passed, 11 few tend Spending 11 large a..... uni of
• •
their case« to be con­
sumption are only
ill question at former prices, and small bridges put in mid what money in the distribution of prizes
from a
chronic cold or deep
• •
rather than sneritlce the reputa­ tiees mid limbs there were down ill this contest
seated Cough, often
Wt* assure v< 11
by ca-
tion, mid break price« for this in the road removed. There is no that your trial order with us will tsrrh. For ratarrtl nm E , S . aggravated
... „.. Both
Cream Ba'm.
renied■« wr plaaaaat to w. Crmtn B»!m. so eta.
class of goods, took this method of snow on the road to interfere with l>e most gratifying.
Write voiir 1 parbotlk; Pliwola RalMm. t.V. Sold by Unni«
ELY BKurUKRS, M Warrell Sv. New York.
milking the best of a bad bargain. travel. This make* the road pas­ mime plainly mid send list asearh
Despite Illi this cry of low prices, sable but a groat deal of travel is as possible. Address,
more money than ever is being put not expected (or some time vet,_
thin« to patent I Protect your Idea* they may
M onox S i : ei > C o .,
!’.r.1.nRJou wealth. Writ* JOHN ^TEDDBR-
into this business. Why don't the Forest Grove Times.
Bl KN A CO.. 1‘atent Attorney*. WaahlngtoQ
M oiioii Bldg.,
Chicago, III.
D. C m for lheir » .soo prise offer.
Æillmitoo It l'jenb lin ht.
Clothing, Footwear!
Sperry Flour, Best California
We wish to eall attention to our
We guarantee satisfaction to
the most fastidious.
Sturgeon’s —
JlleW and Select ^toclç.
patent hjedicineg and Druggigt’g Notion?.
A Fine Line of Jewelry
T illamook , O regon .
Direct from
F. to Tillamooïç
Reduced Rates!
$ail£ Every 10 day& Weather
Reduction in Lumber.
Henceforth until further notice the
prices of lumber will he as follows:
Rough Lumber S 8 per M.
-Viter 30 (lavs 1 Oper cent interest will
he charged on all bills.
1 illaniook Lumbeiin»’ Co