Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 20, 1896, Image 6

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How to Find tho Day of the Wook and
Month of any Year from A. D. 1,
to the 3Oth Century.
A few county wurruut« »antwl 1^ I
liento Bro».
Au infuni eliiM
Ci*y J’aniel-
To find the Dominical letter for the year: The
Dominical letter goes back one letter every year
except leap year, then it goes back two letters
after February.
wife m» buried today
Tlie liis roll, are <-ourplii«>l und ib, I
.berilf ju remly tu coUeet luxe.
Tuttle 4 Carr alt |*epiu«d tu do all I
kiu.Ja of plumbing vu abort u<iLue
3, 9, 16 is 1»
I, 8» 15, »•, »,
30 1» ••
7, 14, i» 3»
4, 6, 13, 17, 21, 25, »9 I®
5, 12, 20, 24, 28, is ft,
io, 19, 23, 27, is 0.
Itreiul. pie», cuke., raudiea. nut«, I
fruii» uud lejteiubleu al lire Jaukery
The «elcuoer Merli»*«. lyiug "tf K.-ti*. 1
I Iría expect, the Kliuiue Lu Low Iler)» I
Anuary and Actober for January and October,
figure 3.
Bay for .May, 4.
Caugust for August, 5.
Debruary, Darch and Dovember tor February,
March and November 6.
F.une for June, 0.
Fepteinber and Fecember for September and
December, 1.
Gapril and (July for April and July, 2.
Now to find the Dominical letter for 1886: —
First add the leap years that are in the fraction­
al century by dividing 86 by 4 which gives 21,
which added to 86 makes 107; then add the fig­
ure for the century which you will see by re­
ferring to the table for the 19th century is o;
then add the figure for Anuary, 3, which added
to 107 makes no; then add 1 tor the first day of
January which makes 111. Now divide by 7, the
number of days in a week ; 7 into 111 goes 15
times with 6 remainder. The remainder is
what we want. Now count 6 days, Sunday 1,
and so on which brings us to Friday, which was
the first day of January for 1886
And now to find the Dominical letter run from
Friday to Sunday which gives 3; then as A
stands for January, run down alphabet 3 let­
ters, which gives the letter C, or the Dominical
letter for 1886.
To find the first day of November or Dovem­
ber tor the same year run from <’ to D then the
same number from Sunday. Sunday 1, Monday
2, that shows Monday was the first day of No­
vember 1886.
In order to make it easy to understand, we
will find the Dominical or Sunday letter for
1887. We first add the leap years that are in 87
by dividing it by 4, which gives 21 which added
to 87 makes 108; then add the figure for the cen­
tury o; then add the figure for Anuary 3, which
added to 108 makea 111; then add the figure for
the first day <if January 1, and we have I12.
Now divide by the number of days in a week ;
7 into 112 will go just 16 times with no remain­
der; when there is 110 remainder the month
conies in on Saturday, then count from Saturday
to Sunday which gives 2; then as A stands for
Anuary, run down the alphabet 2 letters which
is B the Dominical letter for 1887.
Again suppose you want to find what the first
day of Dovember will come in on 1887. As B is
the Dominical letter run from B to D which
gives 3: then run the same number of days from
Sunday which gives Tuesday for the first day of
November 1887. Now we will go back to the
first century. It is said in our Sunday school
works that Christ arose from the dead on the
yth day of April in the year A. D. 30. Now to
find what day of tjie week the 9th day of April
was for that year we first add the leap years
which are 7, which added to 30makes 37; then I
the figure from the century 1, which by referr­
ing to the table you will find is 2, which added
to 37 makes 39, then the figure for April is 2,
which added to 39 makes 41; then the 9th day of
the month, 9 added to 41 makes 50, divided by
7 goes 7 times and 1 remainder Take the re- |
mainder ami count from Sunday 1. ami so 011
Now as but 1 remains it shows that the 9th day
of April in the year 30 fell on Sunday.
N ote —When dividing by 7 if there is no re­
mainder the day is Saturday. also in getting
the number of leap years by dividing by 4 if it
goes even It is leap year, ami In leap year Janu- ,
ary has the figure 2, and February has the
J. S. S tephens . I
COHN & • • CO
• • •
Remember the clearance sale lasts
only one week longer,
Following is it copy of the call issued
by the chairman :
C om Mil IKE OE rill AMOOK CO.
Tillamook, Ore., Feb 13, 1893
Dear Sir:—The bi-ennia! meeting of
the Tillamook County Republican Cen­
tral Committee is hereby called to be
hold at the residence of the undersigned
in Tillamook Oregon, on Saturday llm
291 h day of February 1893, al 1 :30 p. in.,
for the transaction of all busineaa neces­
sary in preparation for the approaching
Your personal attendance is earnestly
i «quested .
No proxies will be recognized imless
held by voters resident in the precinct
they represent.
In precincts w here a vacancy has oc­
curred I recommend that the republican
voters meet at their usual voting place
on Saturday February 22nd at I p. in.
and elect a committeeman to till such
Respectfully Yon is,
T. B I I an di ky ,
Any one wishing to exchange bees for
hives made after the Hndon style can
d » so by corrvsp Hiding with \V. C. Mor-
ton. Bay City, Oregon.
The Launch “Irene."
Leave« FearnaMe's wharf daily at A a m . and
tom-hre al all point« on the hay leaving Gari-
baldi «Boat 1 p tn. for Tillamook. Special trips
when deaired
We can supply the wants, comforts,
and necessaries of life from our stock,
and at Portland retail prices.
> Do . o 1
Rev. Elam Butt of Nostncen, preached
to a large audience at the court house
last Monday night on the subject of
spiritualism, patriotism, etc.
He is a
very forcible speaker and his discourse
was well received. He favored the peo-
pie again Tuesday night, and a larger
congrcgntion than before whs out to hear
him. lie told of his experience in trying
to sleep in a haunted room at Mr.
Vaughn’s, and said that a spirit tum­
bled him out of bed several times, and
that it was the spirit of Mnrtv Sullivan,
w ho died in the room about two years
After relating other experiences in his
spiritual existence lie said that he bail
been to heaven and to hell, and that he
saw god, but saw no devil
When ask­
ed about some old well-known Tilla-
mookers w bo had pasatd away, he said
they were in hell running horse races,
Imthe was mistaken about Unci» Geo.
Blackwell, for he is in Iowa, still living
though amiiewhat decrepit
On lieing
interrogated by Mr. Selpli, he said bell
was “pretty well filled with lawyers,”
but that lie saw no printing presses
After the meeting was over there was
a circle of mediums formed at the long
table by Rev. Butt and a number of the
leading citizens of the town, and there
were some strong manifestations in rap­
ping mid swaying of 1 lie table.
The tfUafetcr EH x < m < « ehm « in Monday, I
aud ¡¿iookW uuüi U’^diiesalay kJ
lo ¡tlae dwnk
»MiUoad, twi a a* ft
log* fl
blocked ilie zduugb oeuj tlbe-eilj.
The council met Monday evening and
1 little biiHinrvs was transacted .
An or­
dinance against gambling was defeated.
; Councilmen Beals and Haya voted for it,
and Thompson, Stewart and Cary voted
against it
The ob’ect of the proposed gambling
ordinance was to stop a stud poker game
(and all similar guinea,) that is running
in the little building next door to Judge
Maul-by’a office.
’ The city attorney held that the Old
ordinance covering gambling WHS not
goal, that he would not attempt any
prueeculiona under it, mid al the requeat
of mvmbeia of the council wrote out a
new ordinance, Mr. Severance sava that
the charter does not authorise the city to
reatrnin and prohibit and suppress gain*
1 bling, but refers to gambling Imuses,
those whe keep them aii «I thoae who fre-
queut them, and that oiilv a tew of the
game* were enumerated in the old ordi-
m LH cv ,agM
neatly 4M raaa», dia J Munday oigLi^and
iheJautvaJ urcADved U>d«a»day, the re- 9
luuiiMS .being iiUeiTüd Ju J o I ujsqu rem- I
.S oihc peuple asgtie l’hai aid tiite place 9
i meda -to
R UHI Hedged city »st« I
gel a fiargefCixps
I-be SalvMlksu .wtnr ■
‘ aud
w hi * lUror <lu.uce hall dlivestoJo- I
i cale ber*
The peoples parly will hold their coun-
ty convention at the court house April 4,
1893, to nominate candidates lor their
county lickek. By order of,
J. \V. H askins ,
Comity Chait man.
Stejiloms witìl flwtoíbe fK»Vn »nd a
uflbe^uiUj -“ex*
JrpreseutwgC .4
F. Woxi A Co. lor HtUuol supplie^ aj« fl
taking ardent fur tRe Hr ADD GUT.
4ii PurHuud-
J HMte« A. GibsoK, «« old
Nplrltiiallntlo Meeting«.
(’all for Republican Committee Meeting.
Btfln.twK M.lVrtaWum awd wtfc, I
i (nee Maggie Feat infide; Ftdumtr y
T l-æ N at wmd
a weekly paj*r, free to ecery pad
i up swbsixi4»er lo the H kadjjbgiit who
: calte or writes for it .
Limited ¿o Jov
' subscriptimi*.
Tl»e Wood me» wilt give a «neial party
; in their new hail in ataait Iwe weeks
i«e a« imteresting programme,
j a hnwh, and perhaps a swcud Jiop J ale iu
t he «veiling hr those «<» disposed.
i particulars later.
The «tcamer Albion wont o t f N 1;
• letn Fuesday drawing J3 feet of water, nn
i a 4 foot tide, and haiud 17 feet of wsiec
She carried out 200,DOO feet of liimlter
, ami exjiectH to make regular (rips, briug-
| ing freight in a.s she cornea.
W. C. King is io from Sand Lake. He
savs a lot of lumber is coming in <m (lie
beach from Cape Lookout (<» Nesluccit
river, and that it is finishing lumber,
perhaps a deck load from some Hclaxmer.
Mr. King say« politics are quiet on
Sand Lake.
It is believed (hat the School Superiu.
<lent and examiners would be Justified in
making the examinations for teachers
much harder—grading the papers nnnli
doser. The standard of qualification
.•should be made as high as possible, uh
'.here will be plenty of ieacbers for all
I he schools then .
Part of (he Catholics’ logs have arriv­
ed at the mill here, and when all are in
the mill boom the work of sawing will
begin. They will be used in the con­
struction of the Catholic hospital, which
is to cost $15,000, and will be located in
the outskirts of the city where good air
and drainage will always be assured.
three milch cows just coming in, five
nance, besides it was worded in a
head of hogs, two dozen Leghorn chick­
rather bungling manner, hence the new
[From the Ocean Wave.!
ens, about thirty stands of bees, one
ordinance was framed.
When the ordinance was brought up
The persons who make and post up in spring wagon, farming implements and
some thought, or pretended to think, public places in town obscene and un­ tools, also household furniture.
that it was calculate to harms* the sa­ seemly pictures are surely wise in doing • Terms: Anything under $5 00 must
G. O. Nolan lias purchased G W.
On larger amounts five
loon keepers and those who might play their iingentlemaiily work secretly and be paid in cash
Pettit’s half interest in the Alderman
cards or shake dice for drinks, cigars or in the dark
Of course they «ie to cow­
hotel, paying $900 for the same,
checks representing such articles. 'There ardly to do such work in t he day-light, curity required
was a good deal of wa-wa about it and and they would not dare to let the public
On sums of over $5 .00 (here will he a hotel is now owned by Mr. Nolan
Mr. II. A. Woodford, the present land­
the ordinance was amonded to conform know who does it. That work, pett) discount of 5 per cent for cash
lord. Mr. Nolan w ill not have iinytliing
A ddison II. II xkris
with the ideas of those who claimed thieving and other iniquitous doings,
io do with conducting or managing the
they would be injured by its provisions. that not unfrequently happen here,
Teacher«' Examination.
hotel, lie will lense his half interest to
When the vote came it was defeated, should be aunimarily dealt with, and
Mr. Woodford
however, amendments and all. Some of the persons branded with th» true char­
Out of 22 who were examined the fol­
the alleged reasons given for defeating acter they possess.
'There is a good joke on Mr. Stephen®
lowing me the teachers that passed :
it are as follows: “The old ordinance is
For 2nd grade certificates:
Fannie who is canvassing for subscriptions for
good enough ; there is no use trying to
Smith, Lyman J. Lamb, Olive G. Lynch, the H eadlight . He tried to get in hifl
suppress gambling here as it can’t be Monday, ostensibly for the purpose of
Flora M. Means. Ida High, Luella Ford. work on Bay City and Neluilen, but
be dune; there is nothing particularly obtaining some of the delirious bivalves ■
For 3rd grade: Joseph II Bromley, couldn’t find anybody who were not al­
wrong with gambling anyway; and, the
H Lindsey, John G. Pugh, Mar­ ready subscribers. Guess he’d lietter
sporting element doesn’t want the ordi­ his gun. It was a pleasant warm day
go down to Sand Iaike
Later—A letter
in the sunshine, w lien sea lions like to ’
just received from him shows that he
Susie E. Judd and May Donaldson
It appears the city Ims abandoned the
Mias Jennie Pettit and Dora High took did actually find 16 men who were not
attempt to regulata the matter, and it is | Such things are often seen in the sum­
examination but both hold unex­ on our list. He sent their names in a*
When Gilbert came to
understood the deputy prosecuting attor- • mer time
pired certificates and no new ones were subscribers and they have been duly
ney will try bis hand under the state law*.
recorded in our great book.
cavity at the base of the cape, u large granted.
What this town particularly needs is «
The (treat "Levina."
sea lion, lying still, and quietly sleeping
good hall, on» that is large, with a go<»d
in the warm sunshine
When Gilbert
“The only “Levina” and Mis» May first ciime up in sight of the lion, he
stage in one eml, and with seats that can
Hewett gave the best dual pet form ance thought it was dead, but w hen he came
be moved when dances are held.
Friday evening ever given in Gold»ndale. I up within a few feet of it and threw a
should not be connected with a saloon
Miss Hewett’a song “Push it Along” stone at it he discovered it was alive.
or hotel, should be centrally located,
moved the audience to unusual applause. When the rock struck the animal he be­
safely constructed and it will pay the
Her hit on Drug stores was immense came angry, and seeing his assailant so
owner a handsome profit, especially if
Iler mind reading displayed an unusual near by, made for him, then an exciting
managed well.
There will be many
gift. Th» entertain meat is first class
shows in this town henceforth, and more
race was had for fifteen or twenty steps
and free from “fakirism.”
Saturday The pursued and frightened young man
if we have a good hall, besides it can b»
night the English ('omedetta entitled was very active and soon mounted a
rented to societies, conventions, etc.
On Frbrnary
“Husband in Clover” followed by choice
Attention all
ledge of rocks near by w hich w asaeveral
Few people know that all plants con.
True American Citizens.
mu-ical .«ketches will be given.
By re­
fr»t in height and was out of danger o^
tain digestive principles
They cannot
quest mind reading will lx repeated.”
th» monstrous lion
From the high and
The Anniversary of Washington’s absorb their food until it is digested any
Th» above is taken from the Golden-
suf» position lie occupied be was then birthday will he observed by the A P more than animals can
The Mount
dal» Sentinel. Prof. Hewett and wife
master of the situation and burled A’», of this place by the pres»nting of a
Lebanon Shakers have learned the art of
will l>« litre on the next tup of the El-
rocks at the monster as a matter of flag to the public acliool of this city and
extracting and utilising these digestive
uiore and will give performances for on»
amusement and revenge. They would the Mine to be raised over th» school
principles, and it is for this reason that
or two nights For further pailiculms
Itouud offlik«* rubber balls throw n on a house.
their Shaker Digestive Cordial is
Me puelere. Tickets will be on »ale at
stick of timber
The animal tried to
All true American citizens aie most with such phenomenal success
tight the stones for a while as they struck cordially invited to attend the exercises
treatment of dyspepsia. The Shi
him but finally he went off to his little and join the procession which will lx 1 gestive Q rdial not only contait
Dry W«»< m I fur Sale.
cave again and went to sleep, without formed at 1 o’clcck P. M. on First street
already digested, but it also c
I have a large lot of dry wood, Itern in having done any material damage nor in front of the Beals building, headed , digestive principles w hich aid the
uik *
the abed since August, which I will de­ suffered any great inconvenience in the by the Tillamook Cornet Band and will tion of other foods that may be eaten it
liver to patties in town at $3 per cord
inarch to the public school where appro­ A »ingle 10 cent sample bottle will 1«
Il is all four foot wood. Enquire of J. S.
priate exercises will I* had.
sufficient to demonstrate its value, ami
l’uhllc Sale.
Diehl, or drop a postal raid to his •d
By order of Tillamook Council A. P. A. we suggest that every suffering dyspeptic
dress, City.
There will be a public sale at my place
make a trial of it
Any druggist cM
The »tMm«r Truckee arriveil via Port­ supply it.
on Mon lay, February 24, 1393. and I
stiirge»»ti Mils »faple article« in nta- will sell at public auction tn the highest land yesterday.
tionery, and offers to the public a full bidder the following named property:
Laxol is the best medicine for children.
Jame. W. I. v»l arrived from Portland
line of warranted jewelry .
Doctors recommend it in place of Caelof
Three horses, »even head of cattle, ycatenlay with a new bride