Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 13, 1896, Image 1

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Every Member
f the
no easier
or surer
way to
books *-
In turn
bis or her
£9* The «late opposite your name printed
on the margin of your paper or on the wrapper
indicate* the time your gubBcrintiou expires,
an«i you air iuvited to renew at that time. All
papers sent to parties outside the county are
promptly di.scontinu«*d when their limy expires
ant! six months’arrearage is the limit within
the county. In stopping your subscripton, it
-ssary first to pay all arrearages
John .Smith
This Paper
Vol. VIII, No. 38.
All calls promptly attended to
J I I). KELLY, M. I).
P hysician
S urgeon ,
Special attention to Obstetrics. Office in
___ turgeon’s Drug Store. Homs 10 to 12 A. M.
mid 2 to 5 1’. M.
\\T .1 MAY,
Notary Public and Real Estate Conveyancer.
AY ’l/OA’S /’/( A7s/> 07’ (AV THE
forgery, us before stated, and was not
considered in the Portland court where
the estate was settled.
A letter ad­
DIED dressed to Logan by the county clerk
was returned. “Not delivered ; no such
person to be found.”
Died—Truman Han is, aged 72 years, at
South Prairie, February 5, 1896.
Truman Harris was born July 9, 1824,
in Oswego county, New York
he was nine years of age his parents re­
moved with him to the state of Mich­
lie was married there in 1846, to
Francis Maria Lewis. They crossed the
plains in 1852, settling first nt Salem,
Oregon. In 1854 they came to Tilla­
mook where they imide their home un­
til the present lime.
Truman Harris took a donation land
claim of 320 acres on South Prairie, ami
resided on the ol«l homestead until his
death. He was well known by all the
old settlers here as a quiet, law-abiding
ami generous citizen, lie did a great
work for this county about SO years ago
in opening the Harris trail, across the
mountains and connecting this county
He ex-
with the Willamette valley
pended a great «leal of money on the
road, but before it was completed other
roads were started, ami today the ‘ Oi l
Harris Traii” is not traveled, and would
be hard to locale exact.j by those who
used it in the pioneer days
The widow who survives him is 69
years old. The children living are Mrs
Ben Morin, of Baker City, and Albert
Next to Bank, TILLAMOOK. 0REG3N. P. 0. Box 123.
G. ami Addison H. Harris of this coun­
ty. Frank Harris who «lied about two
years ago was a son of deceased. 'Three
children born in Michigan died in in­
Leading Papers Almost Given Away With the Headlight—Prices never Quoted
The remains were interre«l at Johnson
cemetery at Fairview, last Fri«lay, the
Before to our Subscribers.
funeral services being conducted by Rev.
The following named papers will be cluhbe«! with the H eadlight at the rates Taber.
given in Ute right hand column of ligures, 'flie figures on the left show the price I
A il Open I.etter.
of the publishers of the various papers. These are cash prices:
.. $2 00
ami H eadlight .
»1 50 (hegonian................
Dear Grover—I wish you would come
... 2 25 out here and hunt «lucks with me.
1 50 Examiner............
. ...2 00
1 50 Call..........................
2 (X) will meet y«»u at the state line—I am
00 Detioit Free Press
...2 00 somewhat different from Fem my er The
1 00 Toledo Blade..........
. 2 00 season is open and there are more «lucks
1 00 St Louis (¡lobe Democrat (Berni-weekly)”
. 1 75
1 00 Inter Ocean..........................................
1 75 than ever. You can write up a few mes­
1 01 New York Tribune..........................
. 1 75 sages on the Venezuela question before
1 00 Cincinnati Enquirer........................
. 4 00 you leave, and 1 judge you have plenty
3 00 Scientific American..........................
2 00 of gcod neighbors who will look out for
1 00 Cosmopolitan......................................
: 2 00
1 00 Hoard’s Dairyman ..........................
your fainily. How are the folks, any­
We can give you some very favorable combinations of several papers if you way? Mine are just getting over the
wish more Ilian two. These rates may be withdrawn any time.
measels, and we are all nearly down
Call at this ollice or at B. C. Lamb’s Irook store if you wish to accept any of with bad colds.
these offers.
Say Grove, you’d enjoy yourself out
You get a receipt good for lite Examiner prize scheme if you stibacrilre nt the here. 1 am a great lei low to cut up
II k tin.KillT ollice or at Limb’s.
ami take on, ami we can have more fun
than you can shake a stick at.
Yours Tully,
G overnor D an B owers .
1’. S. This letter is strictly confiden­
tial, and 1 will take the Ijbetty to ad­
vise you to at oi <*e put six hundred mil­
lions of bonds on the market. You will
need the money before your term of of­
fice is out.
Comic Valentines, 1 cent each.
Fancy Valentines, 5 cents to 75 cents
■ T illamook N ews C o
• B. C. LAMB,
Geneial Banking and Exchange busbies«.
Interest paid on time deposits.
Exchange on
England, Belgium, Germany,
Sweden and all foreign countries.
Exchange and looney
Collections Receive Careful and
Prompt Attention.
11 *
p. B^IO({EFO^D.
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Does a General Real Estate Biixinexa.
Pays taxes for non-residents.
Bay City, Oregon.
CHA£. pETE^Ofl,
U S patent to Nels Hansen, lol 4 ami
sw ‘4
nw 'i.
lots 12 3 ot sec
4 tp 2 n 9 w .
Mark I. Colin to Joseph Lalimon lots
12 to 17 hlk 5 Miller’s add, $100 00.
U S patent to Joseph Angello $-----
II McDermott to Tillamook Building
ami Land Association w *2 of lot q blk 1
Tillamook, »250 00.
Day op flight.
Hair Cutting,
Shs m pool ng
Opposite Hana Building
E II Deery to Mary Bromley lots 10
and 11 blk 7 Millers add »310 00.
Joseph Bixby to Mary Bromley, 1 ft
section 30 Is 7 w ♦ 140 00.
IT S patent to 1‘eter .Mngmtinsoii e i ».
Itw *4 and lots 1 Slid 2 sec 30 and lot 4
sec 19 3 n 8 w, tp 3 n r 10 w *-----
Alliert Bauman to Wilhelmine I’an-
inan s
of n w '4 of of ne *4 of sw *4 of
n w *4 of se ’4 sec 15, »1 00
First Clagg iq Every particular
Pies and cakes, fresh
every day.
W S Hays to Kila R Hays 8 acres in
sec 25, tp 1 s r 10 w.
C. H. SMITH, Prop’r.
W S llsys to M S Doestler and C I’
Knudson lol 5 of blk 3 ii end of 3 mid 4
blk 2, Tillamook, »100 00.
W ines , L iquors and C igars .
Ella R Hays to M H. Doestler lots 3
4 5 6 7 and 8 of blk 3, Hays' add »400 00.
Kopp's Beer on Draught
French candies. Fret.li home inaile
vaiMÜss. New supply of fruite end
,stabler. by every boat.
John Tinner to A M Hniiseii tie '4 of
of tec 32. tp 2 s r 9 w, »100 00.
A M Hansen to F R Beals Mime nt
^Restaurant in
M illinery
•a..... D ress -M aking
Minn L J- Raggletewd Mrs Johmou have a
fl rwt ‘ la* millinery -tore and dre^making e>-
Uieaf .tylea in nJllinery.
Tillamook, Ort.
$1.50 Per Year
The foregoing shows the style of the ad­
dresses. The large figure six at the right in­
dicates the year, that is 1896. A large seven at
the right would indicate 1897, or a five would in­
dicate 1895. The other figures denote the day of
the mouth, and the month is indicated in small
type. A cross mark in blue pencil indicates
that you are away behind ami should pay up.
The billow ing ie taken from the < fre­
goiiian oí re«-ent «hite:
“In the matter of the catate ni Jolltl
Ijilin, «le« MWtJ, the county «-onrl )Oa-
terday approve«! the Mule bv the admin­
istrator of I52*4 acres of lami in Tilla­
mook ««»tint y to K omm E. Breslin fur|3l8.
From tin* a I k » vs it is evident the deed
to one Logan offert«! fur record here is a
Wluit may be said in this article in
mere gossip. No candidate has been
Head Quarters Corinth Post No. 35, asked to verify the btalemeutB herein,
and no candidate has been comrulted re­
Department of Oregon G. A. R.
Notice is hereby given to all nien.be is garding bia position, or as to whether lie
of tlieG. A. R. and all ex-soldiers anti is a candidate according to rumors
famhes to join in the celebration and
There me vitriol». rensona for taking
flag raising on February 22nd.
members of the post and other soldiers thia course. In tire lirst place, those
will form line in front of the 1. O. (>. F who are candidates are slow to acknow­
ball at 10 o’clock A. M., sharp.
ledge it, especially if they think it is in­
C. N. D rew ,
W. E. P age ,
tended for publication. They do not
Post Commander
talk freely about the mutter, and often
H eadlight :—It has been fre­
quently stated, and believed l»y some
people that Wilson river is a meander-
ed stream at my place. I am ill a I"-
sition to assure the public that the
statement is a mistake.
Respect fully,
J ohn S venhon .
request the newspaper to say nothing
about it—ami newspaper men, like
everybody else, hale Io refuse a favor,
even to an enemy.
This gossip is given for what it is
worth. It may have a few grains of
triitli in it, and it may not. However,
what Tom, Dick and Harry says, is
worth considering, sometimes, and the
readers of this paper may gain some ill-
I have si large lot of <li v wood, hern in formation from this article.
There are several aspirants who would
the sited since August, which 1 w ill de­
liver to parties in town at $3 per cord be willing to sacrifice themselves for the
It is all four foot wood. Enquire of J. S. good of the people, ami peiliitpa the
Diehl, nr drop a postal <-ard to his ml-
salttiies attached to the ollice« may
dress, City.
I create a longing in the breaats of some
A drowning man would have little use
fora method of rescue which would re-
i It is said that James McCain will
quire days
A dyspeptic doesn’t want accept the nomination again for District
to bother with a remedy that is going to Attorney, and there seems to be no
take weeks to show its beneficial results. opposition io him in this county. 'I be
The Mount Lebanon Shakers are off­ “east side” has both judges, and the
ering a product under the name of Sha­ •‘west side” will probably secure I lie
ker Digestive Cordial which yields im­ District Attorney without trouble, and
mediate relief. The veiy first «lose it is reported that Mr McCain is solid
proves beneficial in most cases; and it is in Yamhill and the other counties of the
owing to their unbounded confidence in district west of the Willamette. Tilla­
it that they have put 10 cent
mook has always staid with Jim, and it
bottles on the market.
will help him again .
had through any druggist; and
For Joint Senator, Tillamook is not
repay the afflicted to invest the
directly interested, and there is an un­
stun necessary to make a trial.
derstanding that the three counties com­
The Shaker Digestive Cordial relieves
posing l his senatorial district, Columbia,
by recti ng the stomach and aiding the
Washington and Tillamook, should have
digestion of food
it turn-about
Washington kas a sen­
l.axol is the beat medicine for chil­ ator of her own however and is in it
Doctors i vcoiiiinent it in pince oí jointly with the other two counties men­
tioned on the joint representative. Tilla­
Castor Oil.
mook had it the Inst time, Senator Max­
You are not obliged to pay for a pa­ well being the man Columbia had it
per you do not or<ler, and as a common before, Supreme Judge I1 rank A Moore
courtesy to the publishers you should tilling the ollice
According to the un­
refuse to take it from the ollice if you derstanding Washington is to have it.
don’t want it
If your time is run out this lime, and several men over theie
and yon wish to stop your paper, the would he willing to take upon their
easiest way is to refuse to take it from shoulders the responsibility of represent­
the P. O. Thu post master has blanks ing these Iliite great counties. J. R.
to notify the publisheis
Of course we Beegle, editor of the St. Helen’s Mist, of
are not trying to get you to stop the Columbia county, is spoken of, ami as
H eadlight , hut if you don’t want it, Washington county expects again to get
don’t he afraid to stop it. 'Ibis is not a the District Attorney for the 5th district
charity concern and doesn’t ask you to (not our district) it is proposed by some
patronise it unless you feel that you get to give the noini mition to Mr Beegle
the value of the money.
Neither are No doubt it will he necessary to get
we in the business to dispense charity Washington county’a permission, as that
and we are not giving papers away. county has eleven didegstea, whereas
We do not send papers out unless order­ Tillamook has only three ami Columbia
ed, except sample copies occasionally only 5, a total of 8, against Washington's
which are so marked, and if you get the 11
In the last convention Tillamook
paper it is because you have paid for it and Columbia ha«l a majority of 1 dele­
or we expe« t you to pay for it, or some- gate, and it is said that this is all that
holy lias paid foi semling it to you
kept Washington from taking ths noin-
ination when Senator Maxwell was nom­
It is thought the coming campaign inated.
With the large increase of
will be a very quiet one compared with population here and the big vote of the
the last, and that w hatever fighting in repuhlicHii parly last election, it would
done will l>e done quietly. Thu I I e mi - stem, however, that the apportionment
LIGHT has no fight to nmke this year, for this coiinly is entirely loo small.
and will not be drawn into a hitter coli­
For Joint Representative A. W. Sever­
li nny-
trovergy unless forced to «Io ho
ance is generally talked of
W. L.
body attacks or opposes the H eadlight
Brooks of Bay City hat been mentioned
this paper will perhaps battle with the
also. It is also riiinore«! that I* R Beals
man who does it. Those who want to
is a candidate. E E. Selpli is nut a
miry on a campaign agsinst someone
purely for apile .work, will have to go to
For County Clerk, II. II. Alderman
some other sheet. Those who want an
organ to boast themselves into office will seems to he the only candidate so far,
and will perhaps gel (he nomination
also have to seek elsewhere
without a fight. It was rumored that
Wm. Hubbard exhibited at this office Bob Hays and Alex McNair weie rainli-
a crazy quilt which is the beet we ever datee, Init now it is conceded that they
saw. The goods in it is nil the best are not in the contest al all.
quality, ami s great desl of skill mid
They say that J H Jackson will run
practice must have lieen tiae.l in making for Sheriff again, and it is to be pre­
it. It was made by liis wife, or was sumed the rumor is corre« t. It is also
nearly finished by her before she died reported that A. D. Sanders of Nestucca
will seek the nomination, ami it is said
The 11 it A DLKJ if T Co. is not a hog, hilt Fred Arthur, city marshal of this town,
it wauls all the su laic ri pt ions Io be lisd will try for it.
in this county. Nearly all are oil the
There is talk tliHt I.. B Alley will
The Iralance are invited Ur make sm*<-s«*d himself HH cuoiiiiin.iotier from
it unanimous
Nehalem. That end of the county >■
supposed to have one of the commis­
Hines the first of last !>eceinlxr the
sioners ami no other names have been
H eadlight tubflcription list linnincroaa-
e«l faster than ever before hi the eight mentioned so far as the street knows.
For Treasurer, it is understood that
yearn the pa|»ei han Ireen running
John Barker will accept it again, and it
is pa i »er last we»*k re- is said that George Edmunds is willing
I. (¡. < aiiil«l should have to handle the money. The name of R
to the North Yamhill
(Continue«! on Paga 4 )
Wood for Sale.