PLAIN SPOKEN Is this paper, and this is why everybody rushes to get a copy of the H ead - tidHT as soon as it is out. FREE DISCUSSION all topics in this paper, matter what’s your re ligion, politics, color or pres­ ent condition of poverty. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 18. 1895. $1.50 Per Year PROFESSIONAL cards . BOOKS SELECTED pAVIP WILEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR, All calls promptly attended to Office at the aldxkman . TILLAMOOK, OKK. j I). KELLY, M. D. 1TIY8ICIAN AND SllKOEON, Snecial attention to Obstetric», office in sturgeon s Drug Store. Hours to to la A. M and J to 5 !’■ M- TILLAMOOK. OK. I Company : : BOOKS MAGAZINES NEWSPAPERS STATIONERY All Magazines, the Leading Weekly Illustrated Papers, and the popular Dailies, kept on hand, or ordered mailed direct to your own address. yy J. MAY, attorney - at - law , TILLAMOOK, OKKGON Next to Bank, TILLAMOOK, OBEGON. r T. MAULSBY, P. 0. Box 123. 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Public and Real Matate Conveyancer. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. QLAUDE THAYER, DRUGS* attorne A at - i . aw , TILLAMOOK, OREGON. ^Ifred William^ . W. SEVERANCE, á * a Dealer in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Fancy Motions, &c. attorney - at law , TILLAMOOK, OREGON. P^cfiption^ Carefully Compounded_ _ M ISCELLANEC US, REAL ESTATE.—MONEY BROKER.—NOT ARY PUBLIC Information Bureau and Exchange, J. E. H08MER, Prop’r. COMMISSION STORE*----------------- • sell everything for everybody fe 150 Jones fought clear all legal advisers D Hmitli Druggist Nettie I llendee It is much more healthful .1 R Cartwright hops yea is old C l< Holt D D S He appear» in tl>e suit as his own at­ than at I’anama, where the dreaded G Henderson Mdse Emma larve Hotel yellow fever ami cholera is neverab-ent. »> torney. Alice Mary Hüter» The climate of Nicaragua is milch drier In an account regarbing the same 1» J Bennett f* ,M than at I’anama. matter, the Examiner said : Mr. Deane is a modest, unassuming The al«rt purveyor» of beer at Coney man, and is not anxious to parade his “David Jolie», a ipan who lias lieen in litigation over Mendocino-county lllanrl ami other out-of-town rMort» are experiences, blit if properly drawn out properly for 20 year», lian had trans­ in favor of a dry Holiday in New York ran relate some wonderful tales, adher­ ing to lhe truth, we believe, of the re­ ferred to tliis city a suit lor *100,1)00 Ou thi» point thaae geiitlainan liava markable region which is soon to be­ damages for imprisonment. In his what may be described as powerful con­ come w.ll k iiowii an*l play an itnport- ant part hi tl>e <'oiiiiiien a of the World. long experience witli the courts he Ire- viction»