LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mm. Walt Built li. of Wilson river, were in the city Monday night on their way to Hilislioro to attend th« G. A. R. encampment, Mr. Smith having been in service and wounded in the In- dian warn *66-8.—F. G. Times. doing it. You may not like to have tn Ik this way to you, and you hate to acknow ledge you are swindled, but you pay us $1.50 per year for telling you th« news,and it is just as well to speak it plain occasionally. We desire to meet the man in a year from now who will then way that lie itt satisfied with the re- bh I ib obtained from paying $7 00 to­ , waid the expense« of a fat, aleck agent About Ji80 has been subscribed mo far towards the proposed hand pumps, and Ray. J. G. Schmid will preach at Fair­ it is hoped the city conntll will help out 80111«. view sch001 house next Sunday at 11 a. Born—To G. Cleveland and wife, a m., and at South Prairie at 3 o’clock. daughter, weighing 10 pounds, July 7 The mother is getting along nicely and the father is expected to recover, though he wanted a hoy thia tiinp. Thia makes three girls for the preaident since he was married. Geiger Forest Grove, J B Pape Nehalem, A Zimmerman Nehalem, P. F. Ducham Kilchis, Geo Maddux North Yamhill, Chut E Hays San Francisco, W Malady Buy City, J J Scharer Forest Grove, \\ ill Fetch Fairdale, Prof Walker and family The county has bought lhe road ma­ Bay City, R D Jones S F, C J Thompsett chine and will put it to all the use possi- Grand Rapids, T C McNamer Forest Grove, Hugh F Bernard Bay City, J R hie this year Harter Bay City, Geo Whitaker Portland The sieamer Harrison arrived Satur- I D W R ons Portland, Geo Taylor Scholls day evening with a large cargo of freight. Ferry, J 11 Bridgeford Bay City, W T Neil O’Hare is doing well with his ho­ ’ West Beaver, L Parish Miami, W F Bal- tel at Garibaldi. Those who stop at his j mer Hobson villa, Neil O’Hare Bay City, place will receive every attention poesi-1 j Mrs J Thomas and children Portland, H l ie. Ha solicits the pationage of the H Weaver Bay City, Theo Rhode Gari­ public. baldi, John Johnson Garibaldi, 11 G Clem de Somers and Miss Mabie Col­ Stanley Sand Lake, C 11 Schieck Port­ lins, both of Nehalem, were married last land, W E Babe Portland, ND Jones Sunday. Hillsboro, M U Gortner McMinnville, Miss Florence Mann, niece of Captain 1 Chas Whitehead Portland, L L Smith Hunt and of Mr, McConneill, is visiting Garibaldi, Geo Squires Garibaldi, D W Rhodes Bay City, R T Harrison Port­ at the light house. Dan Bowers has moved his logging land . but received a telegram that on account of sudden sickness they could not come. Dr. Seal immediately went on east, and Dr. Kelly immediately came here lo take his place, and as soon as Dr. Seal returns they will form a partnership. We have sent east for a gentleman who will Hoon be here to «ell prize soap pack­ ages and lightning rods. Th owe who haven’t bit at something should hold off it little until our man gets here He can inauu a very neat abstersion of your We are authorized to stat« that the loose change. The operation is painless party who stole the eggs from the Girlie and is bettor than being knocked down and robbed. is known and hail better potlaeh Gentlemen, if you want to see this F. J. Hubbard, of Beaver, mid Miss Blanche M. Rice, of I)e Koto, Wisconsin, great family journal continue to go to ALLKN HOUSE. camp from Beaver to Bewley creek 1 were married at the Allen house Tues- press, walk right up an J drop a dollar« where he will put in logs for the fall | J F Newton Tillamook, A G West Bea­ day night. The Cornet band gave them and-e-half in tbe slot. It will make the freshets. ver, C P Rowland Trask, F Arthur City, wheels go round. a serenade. We congratulate them Murphy Bros, and Ben Higginbotham Robt McMamarra Coos Bay, John Ober­ 1 he admission to see the match race J.O. Campbell, who keeps a restaur- have gone to Nehalem to log for Wheeler est Portland, H McDeimotL City, Fred and at Netarts, was in the city Wednes­ Saturday, al 2 o’cleuk p. in. will be Id Ac Himple. We understand Bob Hansen Page Nestocton, Herman Gessner Bea­ day. He brought in some specimens of cents, and 10 cents for boys; ladies free. ver, Dave Harris Salem, F L Armstrong will log there also. rock cod which he caught in Netarts hay, E W. S tanley . | City, Abe Cohn City, W E Wells Tilla­ A full force of men are working on Dr. Mr. Campbell is mi experienced seaman, E. H. Stone, of Hebo, was in the city Wise’s new house. It will i»e a ten mook, James Biggs, Wells Sarvis, D G mid has boats of all kinds to let, besides Saturday. E A Brooks Cape room, two story house, with veranda», Randal Tillamook, he takes people out to the sea lion rocks L L. Smith, ol .Miami, was in the | Meares, R H Lea bo Salem, David Mar- halls, bath room», and everything nec ­ or to the deep sea fishing grounds, and city this week. essary to make it comfortable and con­ tiny, C L Chatterton, A L Whitten, Chas safely. Mr. Campbell keeps a first Hass Rev. R. 11. Dollarhide, presiding elder venient, besides it will be finished in an Buchaltz Tillamook, Jim Williams City, restaurant, and always has shell fish, of this district, Free Methodist church, elegant manner. He will have it good Ell Derry Portland, W T Hicklin, F crabs, clainH, ami deep sea lish of every is now residing in J. Bixby’s house near I supply of water piped from his windmill Tomlinson, C L Stubbs City, J H Wells description on his table, according to the academy He will remain here this ■ tank and no expense will be spared to Netarts, C A Town-end Portland, Jack order. year, and will announce later the place | I make it a model residence in every seine Pursell Glenora, P Byron Garibaldi, For Sale or Exchange :—A fine news­ where regular services will be held of the word, 'l’he windmill is substan- Jack Carlson llobsonville, W Sappington paper property, in a California town of Miss ¿Massey who has been teaching in ' I tially built, and there will be a two Trask, D W Ryan City, James Pye Bay 3000 inhahitnnts, not far from San Fran­ the May academy has returned to her story enclosure at the base which he will City, Louise West Beaver, W L Parmer, cisco, ami in the most prosperous valley home in Brooks to spend the vacation. use for »tore room and and rooms for his A D Farmer Beaver, John McConnell in the state. Newspaper is doing a hostler. He will build a neat barn in Cape Meares, J A Verstag Portland, Pat J. 1*. Allen is now in bis new hotel flourishing business, and has a well the rear, and the fencing and improve­ Dotighney Yamhill, I)r J 1) Kelly and I lie wishes lo express his appreciation for equipped plant, worth over $3000 Will ments on the grounds will be made at­ family Portland, F I) Vincent Beaver, trade for good land, or a newspaper in the liberal patronage he lias received iu Geo Williams lloquarton, Win J Elliot Oregon. Apply at llEADMuirr office for the past from the public, aud hopes for tractive. Hi» office building is finished Monmouth, l.estine Higgins Monmouth, a continuation of the same, ami at the and furnished in a most elegant luxuri­ further information. ant manner, and he has I here a full out­ S W Elliot Bay City, 11 B Carr, Abb same time the public is reminded that G. W. Phelps, the enterprising mer­ fit of the latest appliances in the wav of Crawford, S M Ballerson Nehalem, Rob chant, of Netarts, offers free camping lhe accomniodalioiLs at the Allen house dental instruments and fixtures He lias Morris Bay City, Ed Leach City, McCar- are Itetler than ever ami second to none grounds to the public, lie has sail and left his office in Portland furnished and ger Nestoclon, Joe Bixby Beaver, Miss row boats to let, lias a feed stable, and in the city. fitted as usual, and has a < dentist in Blanche Rice De Soto \\ is, FJ Hubbard Those who have visited the hotel and good hotel accommodations. He can charge there to finish up work he left in and wife Beaver, G A Mowers Beavei furnish good pasture for horses, as he lias restaurant kept by Mr. (’ampbell at Hap­ that place. He also will have good of- LARSEN HOUSE. leased the Maxwell place. He has a py Camp, Netarts, are greatly pleased flee buildings in Woods and Nehalem J Biggs Barnaget, 11 Hayes Spruce, store well filled with general mercluin- and say they will return again. where he will go occasionally to attend Lena Hayes Spruce, Nellie Hayes dis«, feed, provisions, butter, groceries, Those who have lands in list No. 6, to his patients. Such enterprising men Spruce, E W Mills and wife Nestocton, fishing tackle, and ammunition There claimed by the (). Ac C. R It. Co’ have as Dr. Wise should be welcomed and en­ Geo Hunt Cape Meares, E M Porter is a bakery in connection, and fresh been notified that the commissioner of couraged in this community. Garibaldi, W Vaughn Bay City, G B bread may be obtained every day. the general hind office has decided fin­ Davidson Wilson river, F G Randall (’ousters should see Mr. Phelps at his ally In favor of the svttleis, and that Fairvew, F Nelson Trask river, G Trask store before locating their camp patents will he issued for lands hereto- 1 THE ALDERMAN Bay City, G Williams and son Bay City, A few days ago a cougm came near foie under suspension. Miss Mary Smith Moores Valley, Al G Wilson Glenora, J A Crouch Tilla­ getting a three year oit for the comfort of the stage pas­ sengers which will make the trip to Till­ amook delightful all the way even on very warm days. Ihe stage Ims lieruto- foie been drawn by two relays of four horses each the entire distance, Now another relay ol two fast horses is sta- tioned nine miles from the Grove, J list before the stage conies out of ths cool woods into the burning glare of the open country these hoises are put on and they come al a lively trot making a breeze by their speed, going at a rate of ten miles mi hour Hie stage drove Monday in from w licit the hoises are changed, over nine and one-half miles from town, in tifly-tive minutes F. G. Hatchet Mr. E. R. Ik>ughiy, of Bay City, Tilla­ mook county, is visiting with friends in Hillsboro this week. Mr. Doughty grad­ uated at the State Agricultural coilvge ibis year, lit is interested in insect life, and curiously looks thtongh the half pint of bugs that are found in tbe glolws of the arc electric lights. Several inter­ esting specimens were found, where he will add to his already large collection 11 i I Is l>oi o tn dependent. A new Init Ige lies been built across the Nestucca river on the line of the Little Nestucca wagon road, ami the road is in good condition, says the Telephone Register. F E. Rogeie and A E. McKern re­ turned from Three rivers, 011 Saturday, looking brown ami healthy. They caught over 300 Kali.—Telephone Reg­ ister. Dr Wise, the drutist, is now located in his new office building, next to the M E. church, and is ready for business Those who wish to borrow money should tead ail article headed “l>o You Want a 1 a » hii ?” on another |»age. Suckers grow to perfection here, rows are close together hereafter there are several 111 a hill. They lender and green all the year, ready pluck any time It appears that quite a ■ number were taken iu by the Pacific Coast Cash Pm chasing b akery W e’ll wager tan years ot »ulwcriptien agamet a bushel ol potatoes that we, nr anybody else, not members of the Cash Fakery Agency, can pun base their snide goods, if they have any, just as cheap as Ihe men who paid $7 00 for lbw piivdegs of about »4.000 in tlie eountv treasury to he amiortionad to the varioua « bool ilnt- tricl« of the eouuty. Eai li district " ill receive F>0 and lhe remainder will 1« a|i- imrlioned in proportion lo lhe nnntber ol persona of eeliool age, which will give for each of such persons about $1.30. The State Superintendent estimates that we will receive front the stale alnntt $1.50 for each person drawing aeliool I n TH k C i KCVITC o CKT OF THX STATE O. OEK- UOS FOB THE Col STV OF TlUtAMOOK. JttC..b K.Kevhvr Suit for VS Divorce. Lea Cavilla «ether Defendant To Lea ( Cavilla ’«villa Reeher, the above named de­ fendant, in the name of the state of Oregon, jou are hereby required to appear and answer the l omplaiut filed against you in the above entitled suit on or tefore the first of the next term of said’court 1<> wit On or before Monday the 26th day <»f August iM- You will lake noluie, that if you fail so to aimear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the above named court for the re­ lief demanded in said complaiut To wit: For money. decree dissoving the bonds of matrimony now The above is of course only an esti­ a existing between the plaintiff ami defendant mate. I may fall a little slioit anti there and that defendant pay the costs and disburse meutsof this suit and for such other and further relief as may seem meet to the court. may be some more. This summons is served by publication there­ L. P. S mith , C o . Swpt. of upon the defendant, Lea L'avilla Heeher, in the Tillamook H eadlight for six consecutive week». By order of Hon. II H. Ilewitt Judge of Notice. said court, made at chambers at Albany, on the 28th day of Julie 1895. , , . . Notice is hereby given that tbe under­ I. T. M aulsby , Att’y for plaintiff. signed w ill be on tbe road at or neai the residence or John Svenson, on Saturday I n the C ircuit C ourt of the S tatk of O rf . GON FOR THE COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK. the 13tl> day ol July BU5, at 9 o’clock F. R Beals lor the purpose of receiving hida for the Plaintiff Dep’t No. a. vs graveling of the grade on Baid road from \\ illiam W. Quick Defendant Wilaou river bridge to the cod of »aid To William W. Quick the above named de­ grade. Also on the same day I will be fendant, in the name of the state of Oregon you at the Alliance hall in Fairview, at 3 are hereby requested and commanded to appear in the above named court and answer the com o’clock p. m. for the purpose of receiving plaint filed aeainst vou in the above entitled on or before the first day of the next regu­ bids for the graveling of some of the suit lar term of said court after six' weeks publication roads in that vicinity . Ami mi Monday of this summons upon you. towit: On or be­ fore the 26th. day ot August 1895. The defendant the 15lh day of July lkli.i, at o clock a will take notice that if he fail to so appear and answer complaint within the time above m. I w ill be at the residence of Truman named, said the plaintiff will apply to the court Harris fur the purpose of receiving bids aforesaid for the relief prayed for in the com­ plaint, which in briefis for a decree, foreclosing for the graveling of some road in that Ihecertain mortgage described in the complaint given in favor ot the plaintiff oil the 25th day of vicinity. "• W.toNDER. January 1S95, and for a decree against the de­ fendant for Lhe sum of $60, with interest thereon from tlie 25th day of January 1895 at the late of ten percent per annum, and the further sum of $56 attorneys fees, and for costs and disburse! I wish to express my sincere thanks ments of this suit, and that a decree be entered that the interest of * the defendant in to Fairview Alliance for the contribu- directing _ the __________ __________ _____________ Donation Land Claim of James aud Anna foil ol i-»u and other favors, which are (puck, as the heir at law of said James and AntiH ““ Quick, be sold to pay said sums ami for such more fully appreciated because they i further relief us he is entitled to in equity and good conscience. came in a time of need This summons is served on the defendant by publication thereof in the 'l'illainook H ead ­ Mas A G. A nderson light for six weeks, by order of Hou. H. H Hewitt, Judge of said court, made at chambers on the 2ist., day of June, 1895. I n the C irclit C ourt of the S tate of O re ­ 511 E. E- S elph , Att y, tor plaintiff. gon for the C ounty ofj T illamook . Mary D. L. Barnhart, Plaintiff, vs. George I. Evans and L. S. F^vatis, Defendants. To the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the com­ plaint’ filed against you in the above entitled unit by the first -ele may be h EP' i T* it tl’'_ the amount found due the plaintiff on .aid note and mortgage and lit' ”><1 fifty dollar« ath.rney <«. end the further eum of Jii.oa taxea. ! T„hu- W?hA,he CU“" 3'tlw *"<1 ’fi«1 John U Anderaon and K H Cowing and aU U"d'r °r«iher of them -3 Y* *h' “«“'ton of "did mortgage on aaid pnemi.ee either aaeigi-ee«. eucceaior. judgment creditors, or otherwise, msy be for- AGENCY FOR COHN & CO The Leading Merchants» BRADLEY& METCALF CO? CELESR ATEO BOOTS* SHOES < CSTABlISHCO IHI Si th>. •"'1 taxes amlthecoetcrf fa. Lon J*.’"!**’ «»pltcahle m the .at.. cSurt ta mliv ma. be brought inte •M k t .u the of this court and for SSit Sly d^nOirji«‘*r * di