U-er fum^Hmghi,^,, hloti I » <>i nr i'Hoi f.i iii.v.s All thia ,» eal„er „i,| t|lM11 | On the smith .ide of tl le) i vi . r . » hlljrt Per Cent. ih. eoumy court met on Weduca- distance above the laum-ry, may I, - SW1, day, July 3ll|i all,j following is tlieir ft )ms been suggested that »11 who thenew1mll1,u,illby wi..-el.-r * n„„. |»r<»u»‘ued envelope» $43 60 cut JO.IWO feet per day. Thi» i» goillg to loin Louies, deputy clerk uulttry 50 00 steps to secure it, and give good securil>. help Nelialcut a great deal. D 1 II Goy ne, ” 133 143 Many banks and lirms ill the east now ( Th« next place lbT.,hl’e «ore. Henry J H Jackson, alteri fl 's 183 33 have more money tb»u they know what lohl liax a large two-story building, ulld H F Goodspeed, deputy’s ») 50 00 to do with, and it is a very couiiimu jrt good stock of general mercliaudise A 1 White, ntakiiiKlueeesiueiit 192 00 thing to see them advertise like the fol-1 He also has a commodious wharf, and A dvoi a te , printing warrants lowing: I !>«« « number of other buildings in the county printing , lowu, •'Money to loan at 6 per cent envelopes furnished OR. no red tape, no commission, I Dr. W. A. Wise has a neat and sub­ Nels Thompson, repairing, etc. no bonus, no gold c. in clause stantial office building there, and Dr. < ohu & Co., freight on scraper 4. in notes, long time, three to Linton has hie drug store in this portion W' F If Jones, priutiug tax list 1 .58 j of the town. six years." B C Lamb, supplies furnished S’) Si Now, there is plenty of money offered i Andrew Klein haw a large and connnu- 1''C Austin, road machine like this in the East, mid there is diou» hotel which he conducts in a first John Barker, salary treasurer Dr David Wiley, examining J I he races on July 4lh no reason why tlm Bai.m capitalists »re class manner. I 1 he creamery here is well fitted and Nolan for insanity not willing to take 10 par cant. here. and 5th were well at­ There is no outside capital here ! lias a good plant, but through lack of Deo M Means, repairing Tissk tended, and quite tin interest was taken. river bridge and constructing What little money there is here is li.iml enterprise ami concerted action the The purse« were nearly all won by Had­ I creamery is not operated, ami Nehalem 160 ley’s mare. Th« min caused the truck the Jolinstoii creek bridge la» Nehaiem will grow again Chas Worthington ” ” " 20 00 fee $5. Harry Crane 20 00 Entries, Insurance Jtn*k, first money. money, ami $25,000 could be loaned here I faster than ever. Truckee Lumber Co lumber-nails 129 17 Sleepy Tom, second Bob Dailey, shut readily on first class security. Some | Near the plank walk, half way be­ E E Selph, examining J Nolan out first In at. say we are Letter of! without it, and that tween l’old’a and Wist’« towns is being for insanity and fees in inquest 20 00 J uly F ifth . the debt will be ruinous in the end. But built a new school house which is of suf­ M1SCELA NEOUS. we think a man can stand it to pay ten ficient dimensions to meet present needs, Third—600 yards and repeat, $35» The road petitioned for by A. \V. per cent, longer than lie can |>ay fifty bui which will be found too small in a first money $20, second, $15, entrance Stationery, Books. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Fietchei and others was ordered short lime. fee $5. pur cent opened. 1’he next place is Wist’s, (he ruins of Entries, Hadley’s mare, first money Some outside capital al low rates The road petition of Felix Roy and would help many to pay lung standing Mr. Wist’s store are sufficient indications otliers was rejected from irregularities. Sleepv Tom’ second, Insurance Jack, regon . that the glory of this place has departed shut out bills, g,v© them a new lease on life, en- l,“‘l ,,le ‘¡,orv l”‘,ce h"s «’epurte.I Tax rebates were allowed to the fol­ courage them to do «ometl.ing. ami help to some extent null) ■■■¡Hing operations Fourth—One-fourth mile and repeat, lowing persons: Orville \V Green, Htiul up again. $25, first money $15. nini second, $10, the men they owe It would deseiop The Culnmbia hotel here, by Mr Lar- $5 81; Mary K Wood, $4 09; A P Wilson .entrance five dollars. industry an lieip the country. Ken, is a large, uell arranged building, «14 40. Entiies, Hadley’s mare, first ...... iey All new countries that have made pro­ H. Lowery’s bill for gravel furnished , and is in experience»! hands. Steel Kang«*, second money, though shut gress have used outside capital tor de­ Mr. Fearnsidc has a large stock of gen- was rejected, out Sleepy Turn and Insurance Jack, velopment . ’Fhe court ground out another grist shut out. ' eral merchandise, groceries, supplies, 300 ACRES There is plenty of good, valuable farms, of road bills, but type fails us in ex ­ i etc., and seems more than contented. timber lands, ami town properly here, All photo’s reduced to suit hunt times, from He is doing a good business and carries pressing ourselves at such length. PearB, Nut Trass, and NavsIfieH. that is perfectly reliable for security. It 75 cents per per dozen upwards. most everything in stock that is desired They were allowed as per the usual II eins A rt S tudio . i» nut value»! too higlily, and loaning vL STARR, the largest enrly custom, however by the Nehalem people "¿WV iipple, la inclius around, and money on one-third of its valuation Court adjourned until August 1st. Pape & Robbins have a well stocked ' I marketable drat week in July would be very conservative. This coun­ hardware store, and keep stoves. Mr Orelo», li. try has magnificent resource», blight Potatoes—I here is no demand for old; Paragon, Purlin mid other apples. KOONCE p<*nr, early, band Robbins is post master. They are do­ prospects, and values will increase line new find ready side al 75c to 85c if lipe some and delicious. Lincoln Uoreless, very Luge r»nd very late. Also, ing what they can to build up the town J. B. Upton and family, of Portland, last. There is no wild-cat boom or spec­ and of good size. Seneca, Japan Golden Russet, Vermont lleauty, etc. Japan Quince Clem de Somers, who wh « j married is camping on I he old Cleveland place ulation about if Taxes are reasonable Eggs—The receipts have been greater last Sunday, runs a barber shop here, on the hay They will lemnin there all Coluinbin, unequaled for jolly. ami the county will soon he out ol debt than the demand and slocks have accu­ and Sain Lunboig has a meat maiket. summer. mulated The market is weak today at 1TVTG It isn't everyone that needs or wants The editor of (lie Nehalem Times ¡ m .Jessie Ley, of l»»rtland, will spend the 14c. Candle all eggs before shipment so money—only a minority who have been prospering, as is evidenced by a large summer in Orutown, at the home of her 1’Hrry'a Giant, 6 ¡lichen around, the laiftt'M known cheMtnut; I'ainuon, Nuinbo and that quality can be guaranteed. unfortunate, or who were pinched by the many others. Walnuts— Ereneli, PerNiiin, Japan, English and American. PecaiiN, Almomls, pile of hiioher and the excavations for a sister, Mis S. II. Rock. I’loui—The market is sirong »ith an recent hard times, but a great many who Filberts, Eleagnus I.ongipes. Japan Mnyhcrries, Hardy Oranges, Dwarf Itocky Mountain house which he is beginning to build on ('berries, free from insects, black knots and other diseases Small fruits, grapes, cm rants Mrs Higgins, Amelia Potter and John upward tendency. Good brands of Val­ would not care lo borrow would like lo Ilia property on the bill. etc. Shade trees, ornamental slirubs. U atalogvk F hkk . Potter, of Oregon City, s|»eiit a week in ley and Eastern are held al $2.75 lo $2.85. »ee some money brought into the Another dwelling, and the new M. E Nest ticca lately. They visited the Butler— Brine, 15c lo 20c per roll for Pomona NurBsriea. WM harry . Barry, n j . country. church, which is to be a fine building, number 1 ; store, in rolls, 10c. to 15c per Several reliable men, leading property will be p'»t up at once along side of Mr Misses Mann in Oretown. Mrs Timinas and family are spending toll; choice dairy, 18c to 20c per roll; owners ami business imm, also farmers, Johnson’s new residence, creamery, 25c to 30c pci roll. fl their vacation at the bay. have agreed to assist in persuading some A little way above Wist’s town site at Chickens—Old, $3.00 to $3.50; broil­ capitalist to put out some money here. the forks, is Kreb’s place, and here too, Henry Page is building a new hotel at er», $1.50 to $3 00. A number have signified a desire to bor­ is a fine town site. Mr. Krebs has done Slab Creek. lie expects lo have it row money if they can get it at reasona­ a great deal lately improving Ids saw ready for accommodation of the public I'ounly Older* wauled by Beals Bros. GREAT VALUE WEEKLY NEWS ble rates. mill, building wharves, ete., and has an in a few weeks. Wood Wanted. There is no doubt at all hut what the excellent mill. The mill building is VERY LITTLE OF THE WORLD Our roads are uluady dusty, made so matter can be worked successfully and large and roomy, he has plenty of power, by the unusual number of campers com MONEY. FOR A TRIFLE. Sealed bids will be received until noun all the money that can be loaned here good machinery, and an excellent planer. ing in so early. on Saturday July 13, for 20 cords of good secured in a short time if the the leading He turns out good lumber, and with his The Oregonian and H eadlight , only $2 oo spruce limbs. Sticks to be not more citizens will join in representing to capi­ planer finishes it in first cl «ss Miape He than six inches in diameter, delivered at Many are taking advantage of thia rate. talists in the East the resources and op­ will at oiiue add an edger, cut oil’, turn­ the school house, sawed into Iwo-fool Mi. M. K. Handy, an account of whose portunities in this county. We km»w of ing lathe machinery, »»ml an outfit for lengths, piled and measured in the several (inns who would come here with making sash and doors. Mr. Kn bs»«ws , observation» regarding Mexico, appeared woodshed. ('•mtracl nitlst he completed $25,003 if they knew they could loan that only for the local trade, but may branch in the llEADLiGirr some time since, has by Septum her 15, 1895. The board re- A a<-page journal, iff the leading Republican family paper of the United mates lieen receiving many inquiries regaiding much on good security. ..ut later on Mr. Krebs lias an elegant serve® tlie light to reject any ami all It iff a national family newspaper, and gives all the geneial new« of the whole Those who are interested in securing aixl lastil) finished cottage built near the Tehuantapec country where he pro­ bids. By order of school board, district world. It gives the fonigli news in n nut shell. Its AgiIctptuial department loans, or who wish lo see the circulation the mill, and lie is patiently waiting for poses to lead a colony. Mi. Handy is No I). has no superior in the country. Its market reports aie recognized authoiity T om C o . vi E h , Hist., Clerk. not speculating hi I uik I, but he want« Separate departments for the mnily circle, young folks, and science and me of money increased in these parts are in­ some fair lady to share the domicile chanlcff. H» home mid society crdiiimis co...maud the admiration ol wives ni.d company in the new country, and thinks Notice. vited to call at this office where further with him daughteis. Its general political news, editorials and diacusaiona are compia there is a big thing in it fur those who particulars will he given. Joe Effenherg is located here also, ami bensive, brilliant and exhaustive. The Tillamook creamery will reuiive will go He will be in Tillamook on his |,e has a large, »ell finished hotel. His Tillamook to Nehalem. way to North Yamlnll and Fort land in a sea led bids for delivery at I lie creamery A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer that splendid journal and the i hotel «•copies a siglitly pine», mid is short lime, due notice of if which will be 1 of oiie-hundnd cords of fir, hemlock, or l’he H eadlight man mmle a trip over well inmisged- Bit lengths country to all int» rested He ex|H*ct» a It is a comfort to make a trip over the ill the Iasi three years, mid has a gnod committee of those interested to go ami shell. bay on the steamer Girtie. She makes futme Three town nites siren h along Bids are invited for delivering cheese see the hinds fiisl, and all mgoti»- the trip quickly, a little over an hour be­ for over a mile on the north side >f tin- lions will be carried on through the ( . S. from the Tills in« »ok cieamery to the ing consumed in going from Tillamo- k riv.-r, and wl.al is needed iso good plank Price per ton. Bids received at Consul at the city of Mexico in order t > dock The regular price of both papers is $2.50 Address orders to “Headlight. to Garibaldi, and the journey can be road or sheet Hom Tohl’s io Krebs’, mid . ............... .. ea Mr. Handy’» the bank until July 7, 1895. tlle Utter named place therein n ferry be safe - -egm to h e made comfortably rain or shine. T illamook C keanery . X p.'t-M nt addle©« i© Nehalem, Oie^ou •Mr. Theodore Parks, the genial mer­ Crossing theiiver, emibling . ........... lo A splendid Itaiffalei. ««WV/RITE YOUR NAME ON A POSTAL CARD, SEND IT TO G.V/. BEST chant ami post master at Garibaldi, has rideordhvedirect to Tillanmok, so.... It »«© iefiort.il by Henry Mel lrnin R oom 2. T ribune ld ' g , N ev / Y ork C ity andsample cop h word a of good cheer for everybody, tliing iinposnihle for Nehalemite» unttl that in a i nve near the mouth of Koniing One hundred acres, improved at Nes- and understands human nature well the roud spuken of in rompleted. river « fietrifled Indian had been found tnccii bay, nearly a mile of water front, ies of the ribune will be sent you enough to otter a cigar to country editors Th» |*trified urcbaeologiat of the t'oiii- convenient to fishing and clam beds Eighty acres of land to trade for town lot» when they come along. He is doing a ier deemed the find nf ©uffn ient inifior- Best location for summer report: grass, 5 Call at t .. 1» oilier. good business ami lias a well stocked tan.e for personal ¡uveal¡gallon. He living springs, choice upland splice tim- ( snip Meeting. »tore. found Hie rocky almrigiile «platting on !>er, 10 year old orchard in full bearing, Mr. ami Mrs. Squires who have lately Id© heel© with Ida back again©» the rear alec a comfortable five-room dwelling The Free Eethodieta «ill hohl . V . o>> the h.n.. no recommendation to the |>eople of this llirCLiri^,, ax. • , ture go with the place I tlarria, 4 mile© ©oulli of Tillamook city, ward mid rje© ofien «© if be ««" county. Everybody knows them, ainl Oregon, commencing Wednesday, Ali­ formed into atone ©t the moment when Terms I cash. Apply to. ►NO HA4, those who wish a good meal or nice gnât 14 1895, loiilinning until Ike even­ he heard mniie one tell Uie »lory of the Fit t NIC WlI.EIIlKI, treatment stop with them while in Gar- ing of ’Augn.t ’-’5. 1KO- Woods, Tillamook Co., Or Everybody, dairymen in the foothill© who put energy into the naturally lnxy bull calf that ibaldi. preacher© and ail, ......... prepare, t., en­ Notice, Billy Tatt«»t; oeiic’cs in being te,tain . ..... Tent pole, and , form© H>e motive p»wef of Ida cliiirn by ( sive, and he is building a dwelling house atraw »illbefarmahedonth.. ground. tying a imizxled coyote to Id© tail.- Ore­ We wish to inform the public that the on his property which will be a credit to gon City Courier North Yamhill ami Tillamook stag»* Come one. come all Garibaldi. It is mmored that Billy has tenta, l^d.hng ami l-aaket. «nd let the BKWARJÌ is the whole story Dnn l there rei ently share of the patronage, which he de­ Tsipa.er. Take Wette»- There were no eertain menu© of ideiititi- serves. Neil is a man who naturally For “ale al a Ore nt Mncrlftre Wehave. l-.-ed the lax roll to make cation, tall from the elothing and the makes frfrmds, ami he is exerting even On and after color of the hair on thecorpae, it was de- . HO acres • lend in Tillamook county, endeavor to conduct hi» house in a man­ out the delimim-nt list the 15th dav of July, Wk »» »'" '* , ided that it i© the laxly of < hrietenaon descrilted a* follows: M-ar^fr-KTAC 00 nlorc than other ptekig -'•-‘j—never»polls ner to keep them 111 |JdLlyugv3. flour—unirarsally acknowledged purest Ln the world. and W 1,0 « ©a drowned la.t fall Tlie jury re-. 8 E ’♦ of N W *4 ai?d the H W *4 of There l»eing no stage on the beach ready to recove tax-«gam, .nd turne-l a verdict acrordingly, mi l con- N E ’< of sep, 16, Ip 3 H, R 9 \\ . No in- '#*’ Saturday, the H eadlight man was after the 151b day of Made only By CHURCH fl CO., Rew Tork. Said by froccrt everywhere. will Win to levy o.. «II delinquent prop ,-lnded that the man < «me to Ina death eumlcrance, $2 50 per Mure, « ash. obliged to walk nine miles on th»* I »each, bv dr. wn rg. Chriatenaon had l»»n Addros al «»lire. J. F. B a mi ELD, to the mouth of the river, and then char­ ertv for taxe-ami...... lialdug near the fall», ©i-d -uddenly dia- Sants CrttZgCal. j. H. I » cks -'X. Slo-m, tered a vessel, propelled by hand, of Mi. 1 ap|*ared Tillamook C» . Ore Oliver, in which he went seven iniio- fur- Mouaj *“ Any O“»"tlly tu be I1 m «1 at lu EDMUNDS & CO., Dealers in General Merchandise ^TILLAMOOK, Numcon s ] )RU£ SMI1 J W and Select 0toclç. patent lV[edicine£ and Druggist’s Notions. N N N N & A Fine Line of Jewelry. % T illamook , O . N ew APPLES, SEASON’S ENTERTE INDENT! NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE KIlv/VMI/ICffllT B' T , . Headlight and Otegorçian $2.00 ARfl AHP HAWER SOPA