TILLAMOOK, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 4. 1895 $1.50 Per Year PROFESSIONAL CARDS DAMPHOOLS 0AVID WILEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN, SURGEON j TOIF AND ACCOUCHEUR, All calls promptly attended to Office at the A ldkkman , ßRUGS TILLAMOOK, ORE F. SEAL, M. D. P hysician and S urgeon , Dealer in Dmgs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Dancy Notions, &c. TILLAMOOK, OR W J. MAY, prescriptions ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TILLAMOOK, OK EGON Compounded I T. MAÜLSBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, fíF-Opp. Bank. TILLAMOOK, ORE. Notary Public and Real Estate Conveyancer. TILLAMOOK. OREGON (JLAUDE THAYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TILLAMOOK, OREGON JOHN BARKER, S«c'y. v W. SEVERANCE, TILLAMOOK LUMBERING CO ATTORNEY-AT LAW, TILLAMOOK, ORWGON. MISCELLANEOUS, REAL ESTATE-MONEY BROKER-NOT ARY PUBLIC Spruce, Fir, anil Cedar Lumber Information Bureau and Exchange, Mouldings, Brackets. Turning to Order. J. E. HOSMER, Prop'r. COMMISSION STORE*—-------------- • sell everything for everybody T illamook , or . Proprietors of the Electric Light System TILLAMOOK, ORE. B ANKof Many of Sheridan’s citizens feel obliged to go to the Coast ou account of poor health. It ia a noticeable fact that in most cases their wives do not accom­ pany them. The health of the ladies of Sheridan must be good . The prescrip­ tion of a week’s hunting and fishing in the inounaains is infinitely better to take than a dose of hoeing in the glll- den at home.—Sheridan Sun I A cruel accident occurred at the mill of Little & Smith, west of Moore« Valley Wednesday afternoon, by which b red Little, one of the proprietors of the mill lost hia life in a harrowing manner The unfortunate man wished to sharpen his saws, and without stopping the en­ gine raised the tightening pulley from the saw belt, winding a rope by which lie raised the pulley around a lever near by He then started in to file the saws, and when in the midst of the work, the Prices to Suit C. & E. THAYER General Banking and Exchange IN There is an agent here representing some kind of a cash buying agency. It seems useless to warn people against such fakirs, as they bite right along, and we hear of a l umber of people in this county who are considered te be sensi­ ble people who have been duped to the extent of |7 00 for a membership fee in some kind of a fictitious association that pretends to buy goods at cost, In fact you pay $7 00 for the privilege of buying your goods for cash of some fa­ kir house in a large city You got shoddy goods, pay big prices, and half the time the sucker never attempts to use the so-called privileges gained by joining the association. People prefer to be swindled by a stranger. One of our local business men would be mob’ bed if he attempted such barefaced robbery. It is a “«teal range’’ scheme I over again. The editor of the H eadlight would like to catch a few suckers. We will do better than the traveling fakir. We’ll do as we agree, as we have a reputation at stake. You don’t need to dig up $7 Od, hut if you will pay us $5.00 in cash, we will grant you the privilege of buying all the goods you want for cash at Cohn’s or Edmunds’ store. You can take your choice of the places, and we’ll guarantee that you will get better goods and get them cheaper than if you send to these fraudulent “cash buying” agen­ cies, besides you will keep part of your money at home. And, you can inspect the goods before you gel them. Why not give the editor of this paper $5 instead of giving it to a stranger who never did anything in your interest. We have been working in your interest and have been exposing frauds, but you don’t believe what we sav, and don’t thank us for it. gifted William^ Will answer all calls day or night. Consulta­ tion free. Olllce at the Allen House. SUCKERS RITE TILLAMOOK. which would render all the Indiana wild with envy, lie nought out the owner, who proved to be the town undertaker, and opened negotiations for t^e pur­ chase of the vehicle. The undertaker soon found the Indian wanted to obtain his hearse The thought staggered him for a moment, but having an eye to bus­ iness, and noting the anxiety of Mr. Redskin, the hearse was sold for a good round sum. The Indian hitched tW J horses to the sombre vehicle, and put- ting his squaw and pappoosea on the in- aide, trolled off for home, the proudest copperface that ever strung a bow. The other Indiana hearing of hia coming, had lined up along the road to watch him pass, Perched on his high seat, he drove haughtily by them, while the lit­ tle pappoosea peered through the glass sides and clapped their hands raptur­ ously. The agent remonstrated with the Indian, but all to no purpose, lie retained the hearse, and in his frequent visits to the surrounding towns, driving in his somewhat gloom-inspiring VOII- veyance, is no longer an object of cur- iosity business the Times: England, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and all foreign countries. Tillamook, Oregon. G. W. KIGER, DEALER IN Exchange and lV[one e- Collections Receive Careful and Prompt Attention. BOOT0 and —H Repairing done as cheap as the cheapest. Come and be convinced. Advocate Building. Ladd’s New Gun Store. New line of all sporting goods. Campers, Fisher­ men ami Prospectors sup­ plied at reduced rales. Highest cash price paid for .Raw Furs, Sea I.ion Skins and Trimmings SEND FOR CATALOGUE. F rancis . o . rope became detached from the lever to which it was fastened, the pulley «hop­ ped into the belt, which shirted the saws at lightening speed ami before the man comprehended his situation his left leg was sawed off just below the knee, he was frightfully cut in the back and a tooth of the saw penetrated its full length into his brain and skid I. It was tlie latter blow that caused his death, which was almost instaneoiis The body of the unfortunate man was RepieHentHtive Y«te» spent neveinl taken to North Yamhill days last week ill Portland will. Senator Bluehacks were running a little better Mitchell in the intermit of the Quadrant eettlei . If the cane in lost in the court, yesterday, though all varieties of fish The very low it will be necessary to appeal to Coligiens were still very slack for relief and as Senator Mitchell has stage of the water is extremely favorable already proven bin interest in the nffaiis for seining ami the returns from this of liis constituents, the representative branch of the industry are fair. Yester­ has invited him to come out and inves­ day three seines put in 4,000 pounds tigate the situation, nnd the invitation each, one-half of this catch being blue- Lan been accspte of freight ami several passengers. She started down Saturday but owing to a stiong bend w ind put back into Astoria until Sunday. Work will begin al once on the new Adventist church It will be the finest c I iiiii h in the city when complete«I It will he built on the north east corner of the block opposite Henry Ellison’s place. The Central Market, L. II Biown, proprietor, is doing a big business, ami as a consequence has fiesh meats al way s J J. Dawson railed on us Monday, on band. He makes all kinds of sau­ ami he says that J. (’. Champion, ( lias sages, aii'l occasionally turns out Frank­ Davidemi, D D. Bayley ami a man furters. named Jordy were the first Masons m John Zurfiuh and family arrised Sun­ this county. Mr. Dawson exhibited a piece of a copper bolt, from the same day direct from Switzerland, intending wreck from which the jewels were made to make their home here Ills l*oxes of for the lodge here. Mr. Dawson prom­ household effects wei« plastere«! with ises to give ns hii extended history QÍ customs inspection bilads that were put the founding of the Masonic lodge III on in New York city. this county in the near future A. W. Sever an« e received a g Recently Ins Nez Perce Indians were buying buggies and the stock on hand at the neiglroring towns whs soon ex­ hausted A story is told of one old In­ dian who failed U j make a purchase, and after all the buggies were gone a desire to posses* some sort of a conveyance started him out on a diligent search. After visiting all the places where vehi­ Aeeeewor White has finished assessing cles were sold without sucre»*, lie fin­ except in this town. Tin* enumeration ally learned of a conveyance which, so far shown over 320) people, ami this from the description, completely over­ town will increase it to over 4000. shadowed anything in point of elegant e Ri pana Tabules : pleasant larative. ver sold before, and the poeeseiofi of I from his wife who is visiting ill Mouth Dakota stating that their two-yeai old l>oy was dangerously ill. Mr. Sevei- ance started for Itekota immediately, traveling all last Friday night to «iitch the m-.riling train al 1 ore-4 Grove I