Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 22, 1895, Image 3

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    fire in an alley, gut apparatus jam bed on
coinei, light with some one who tried to
work a chain pump, victorious, got our
macliine out and carried off the right
; fore wheel of a wheel-barrow on longue,
1 reached the fire; big “greaser” standing
onthe pump, elected himself as chief
E xperienced by
boss and auctioneer, knocked him into a
Is’e-hive, took waler, got il on the fire,
O ne of the
worked till my my arms ached, let go to
E ditors of the F iremen ' s E dition , in J une , 1864 rest. First assistant hit me ovji the bead
with a lire bucket, Rud told me to go
|lwM,t Betlien.lii rlitircli, Virgin1», . guns as the “skitter ami kerchug” of hi>
Babies in the loft, horrible situation,
,lkeifc»ii>l ■'«» "f J""e- 18<H- Tl“' i canister splintered your gun carriges or gallant fireman made a rush up lhe lad-
[•(¡on »ml Confederate armies hud again plowed the ground about your feet, to ' <ler, haltered his way through the smoke
say nothing of its whiz and whirr in the
and cobwebs, reap|>ears with a child in
,„etugellier in the tug-o’-war. A sav-
ail about your ears, or the occasional
Ilia teeth, ami his pockets full of tea-
„liule I'll1'1 »'"•
l,r"Xr'‘'"* hy
i,ru,i»lier»,«hen « Bebel battery gal- i savage plunk” of one that happens to ' spoons
find a poor comrade’s bosoni in its fierce
Ohl gentleman from the country much
I to the front, formed battery by
^oiiitnleit P'*‘e ¡‘I beauliiul style, truck .’ If yon have, it is not necessary excited on gin, wanted to help, uncer­
to describe the scene while we were get­ tain how to do so; he rushed into a filth
aulimbered and opened on the infantry
ting in that first charge. If you have not, story bed room, threw the mirror out of
aoickirllnm it •°',l‘l De told
In our
w by, the description would be wasted. lhe w indow, tried to throw the bed stead
tut, weM of the < bun h, there was a
Il ever there was a forlorn hoja» of Artill­ alter it, seized the slop pail, boot-jack,
[«ritig, eiten«ling some distance into
ery men in buttle, it was the old battery comb and brush, curried them down
i.ewoOfh forming a soil of pocket, or
| while that fust load was being “sent staiis, and put them in a place of safety,
This clearing may have been |
\t their Il«»bs«»n\ ¡lie store they carry a large stork oi
But beyond hard breathing four blocks away on the dock ; came back
.„„or fifteen acres in extent of triangular I
through set teeth, lips compressed, nos­ on the run, shouting all the time, took up
.il|(pe( mid commanded by the woim I m cii
trils dilated and eyes hard-tempered ill the door mat, wrapped tin* mouse trap
yljflHiiks.il Wils about at the base oi
the heat of battle, you could see no and an empty beer bottle in it, and trans­
.|,jMtiiangle lh:il lb* enemy came into
change in the expression oi the boys. ported them into the nearest barn by he­
yterv; between ns and the enemy was
i j-lretcii of low ground somewhat grow n \hnoBt without exception the men who roic exertion. lie succevced in carrying
took the buttery into action were veter­ lhe kitchen slove and furniture piece by
up with >1111111 brush, l he road was graded
ans <«f from eighteen to twenty battles, piece uninjured into the middle of a
up tD some extent through this low
amlthev could handle twelve pounder live acre lot on the outskirts of town
round For this reason there was no
Napoleons like horse pistols! Of course lb* was an enterprising worker and al
• eligible place for us t » go in battery any­
the personnel of the batteiy had been lust he knocked the piano to pieces with
where in this low ground. But it aiford-
winnow e I in battle, or tried in the test of I an axe, in order to save lhe lock and
fc «1 the ilifuiitry some protection w hen the
hungry inarches and muddy bivouacs keys, ami tilling his pockets with clip and
Rebel battery came into jiosltion . Bat­
the fast sailing Ste liner Triu kit ,
until every man that Survived and stood other table furniture, he was seen to
tery B fourth U.S I Jglit Artillerv was
t arrying passengers nnti freight from San Fran
by w as ns tough us the brass guns that make lii.s final exit from lhe back door
cisco, Tillamook ami Portland. Trips everv
binding “at ease.” just, back of the
they Nerved, or with the frightful fa- with a rolling pin tucked behind his ear,
two weeks, weather permitting.
church, being Indie.I, in column of I
—R ates :—
ligm s, siiiferingM ami privations of that mouth full of doughnuts, ami a table leg
piece left in front, tile cuplnin (lamea
Cabin, one way, (Tillamook and S. F.)
$»5 *n
wihleiness and Spotsylvania campaign, under each arm, his head surrounded by
Steerage "
9 O)
Siewarlfwns lounging on his saddle near
a cage, ami a stew kettle.
| the right gun with some ten or fifteen of
Fi eight, general merchandise, San Francisco
Shoulder to shoulder we had been drawn
The house was saved uninjured, but
or Portland, $3 00 per ton.
the battery men around him, ami I
so near to the old imm that he had be­ the contents were somewhat damaged
should judge he was in «me of his funny |
Manager Store and Mill. Hobsonville. Oregon
| luoods by the laughter of the boys. Slid- come our <*oiiiinan<ler ami our comrade. by water. Got lhe truck back Imine as
Everyone of vs would have followed , the whistle blew for breakfast, and went
Principal Oilice. 219. Berry St.. S. F. Mill- at Truckee, Cal..
-leiily General Gritlhi lirckoned tot’ap-
him into an open grave if he had called to bed with the dog before mentioned
laiu Stew ;ii t who lel’t llie crowd and
us to “come on ” The Rebel battery
During the next day there was a lire
I rode nver towards the General. But
opened furiously o i us as we came along in the Dutch sell lenient . Ran up stairs
| dirining what the general wanled, lie
the road, firing both ease and cannister, and carried down in my arms two halt
I slid as he wheeled bis borne round.
but their practice was not good, and they groan children, thereby saving their
Importer of Fine Teas
1 “this means us boys. Drivera, nioiint!
• lid not hit either man or h«>ise until we valuable lives, and giving them to their
Manufacturer of
Ciiniioiieers, mount!
Attention! !” A
hailed and began to unlimber. As we mother.
lates and. Cocoa.
She in a passionate hurst
few words passed between the (»eneral
began to unliniber we coubl see our in­ kissed me, thanked me, and said that
Use Miner's Club Baking Powder, the best in market.
and Captain which 1 did nut hear being
fantry poking their heads up out of the one hail the small pox and the other the
at that moment in the net ul’mounting
grass ami weeds to look at us with loud Michigan lumber itch.
Leavex Tillamook wet y moraimr (eNcept
t ie limber chest. But afterw ards learn­
So clock, returning about noon.
yells and cheers, and their skirmishers
Another fire in a fuse factory on 1st. Siiml.iyK/about
Ti ips ma«le in the afternoons also <»n Stiturtlavs.
ed that the general nsked Stew art, “Cail
lying down in the Hehl on our flanks, Ml reel; went (»11 lhe roof, explosion, came Steamci toiielics at all points on the bay.
you go in bjitterv under fire?” ‘‘Yes
kept up a crackling lire at the enemy’s toin sjmebody’s cellar, one leg in a soap
>ir, where shall I unliinbei ?” “Suit
haltcry, as tin* enemy’s infantry in the barrel and the other in a keg of butler,
<1 > -r -r
yourself about that but keep an eye Io
edge of the woods also did on us. Under my hair full of Nesiurca honey and stale
sippotts, I would like to see that battery
irren Daughe?‘y
such circumstances we iinliinbeier, load­ eggs; discovered I had been blow n over
Miner's Club Spices arid Extracts.
A L Aiderman.
»ilenced ” “I will shut it up sir ” Now
ed, then flic concert began: and you a sawmill, and had three section« of
29 to 45 Stevenson SI.. Sail Francisco.
the question ns to uulimbering on this
29 Second St., Portland.
bet that from that moment the music smoke slack hanging on my demolished
side or the oi her side of the low ground
Our Goads Sold by COHN S CO., Tiilamook.
was by the full band. We had thirteen fireman’s shirt.
*P'iken of, was an important one; il we
or fourteen men hit altogether in this
Fire in a big clothing store, next day
unliinbered oil this side (that is the side
affair of whom ten or eleven went down chief spoiled a silk velvet hut, several of
leurpst the church) we would have over
in lhe single minute that it took us to un­ lhe men exhibited new twelve-dollar
half a m de mi ge ami would have to fire
limber and get in the first load. After Oregon City, all wool suits; 1 didu’tget a
'•ver the heads of the infantry inline.
that oui ('onfe<lvi ate fiiends had some­ new shirt, I st my new over coat and got
But if we ciossed it we would have Io go
thing to engage their attentson hesi«les somewhat damaged myself by bailing
n li.ith ry a few hundred feel—lent mind
their own practice
The two batteries water from th»! slough, lour blocks from
you i,ot yards—from the enemies muzzles
were not mon* than 12(H) feet apart, both I lie lire with a dishrag canvas bucket
(follcitioitet iitiifre
-light out oil our skirmish lines if not a
in thvoptui, without lhe slightest cover. I ire out, order came assemble utensils of
little iu front. Having his choice us
In these times of peace it would be use­ war and turn her around, start lor home,
Mole staled llie old man chose llu* close
less to attempt a description of what it corner Fourlli Avenue east, and Third
'I'lHrters. ruining froin G.iner.il Grifiiii,
means I«»jump a battery into position Avenue west on Stillwell avenue and
Stewart whipped out his saber ami spur«
Xloi i IdingJs, I 5rackets.
within poinl-htank cannister range of Front stieet. Hook
Tillamook County.
red to the head of buttery column, exe-
Til amoi k City.
anol tier baiter already tiring, ami that Tillamookeis; Steamer 73 Dutch; Chem­
Turning to < )r<ler.
'tiling a “right niouiinet” ns hetlid so
loo, oil a broad ro.nl running through an ical engine No. 100, Irish; and the hand
inarch, Trot,
H. McDermott,
«»pen field, without a particle of cover for forcer pumps on a pumper, Yankees;
Proprietors of the Electric Light System
’’•'ll p.” And then as the huge w heels
at least half ■< mile. The Rebel battery ami our own company came in contact.
began to thunder behind him mid the
w a> gallantly served, and they got one Machine got jambed, return »wearing by
iminp of the powerful horse-, the yells
regular hlizzar«! into ns. The day being lhe strength ol company, got all mixed
°t the drivers, ami the t rucking <»l whips
hot and sultry, with no wir .stirring, the upon a “right wheel by tours ’ I'iglit
•oingled with the swish, swish, cftlie
Repairing Done
smoke hung light, in front of us. So one of ;3’s men, hit foreman No. I with
'iieinie* <ani.“itr he lamt Howard over
a sp.inner wiio retaliated with a fire axe
1 is horses nerk, and spurring him to a
aould n««t set; the enemy at all, but could Dutch and Yankees joined in, extempo­ TL AM0CK. OREGON
mu roared out come on boys! iollow me!
hear bis cannister rattling around our raneous and impartial distribution of
tloirge.'!! Old Infantry veterans who
I . SEAL. M. I).
guns .iml wheels like big hail stones, or prairie gravel, cement and paving stones.
u’*re out along the nuid that day have
Men of the companies went in. Re­
1‘llV.tlCl \N ANI) Sl KUEoN,
described the :ip|>eHrmice of Slew art’s whizzing past our heads, or whirling
i'Rtiery as it «barged d«>wn the ro.nl through the grass ami small bushes solved to go myself. Went in, went oui
Will iiiiswer all cults <lay or night. Coiisul-
llieuhl ti|iUI WMR p|Ve O|. bjx
in But we had lhe exact direction by the again, as fast as 1 could with a bloody t itioii Fine. < «flu e at th«-A lien House.
well-defined tracks of the wheels in the iK.se, black eye, ami minus my tel oi
W hich is the most durable made. Always buy the l»*st.
,r "iit h-auing over his Imrses neck swing-
first recoil, ho there was im difficulty in store teeili, (I think they were in my
Stout’s Patent Snag Proof Boots, and Badger
' g his sala‘1’ and shouting, come oil, |K»inting, and all we had to do was to
'"tiie on! Every driver lying tmward mi • keep tier muxxle down.” In three min­ Htoinacli) my led shirt in i iirptt rags, my
and Gold Seal Oil Clothing.
*'« hois»* whipping and yelling, every utes we coubl feel lhe enemy’s fire right ear in a sling, and my knuckles
skinned as if they had passed through
GOODYEAR RUBBER COMPANY. R. H. Peale, Vice Pres’t and Manager,
Kunuvr an«l cannoneer hanging on for slacken, in seven or eight minutes more
I’b* I” the guanl rods of the limner chest he ceased entirely, and then, as the the hand» of a Tillamook t>onus man
Portland, Oregon.
smoke lifted we saw his deserted guns
■ '“I Is unciug six inches high from the Mamling silent In the field. Ordinarily (iot on a dry good» box and watched the
sJ’tiiigless seats as th • wheels Hew »ver Stewart was more precise ami calm in inn. No. 1 whipped every thing, 73’s (,ti hit Figures and Sfiecijitalians
best man was doubled up like a jack­
Hi fori /iuilding.
' |t’S a long train ot «lust streaming he- tin-in »>t desp«rate fighting than at any
T illamook . O rl
"b'd am] the very eurtli imvle to smoke lime, but on this ocr isimi as we gave a knife by a ihump in the place where
cheer hej«»ined in with us. Al this mo­
of old was, ten of No. 100 were ly
H||(I Ireinble umlci the fierce tramp of ment one of the men in the light section, Jonah
• around with their eyes in mourning,
,!»v flying -teedw. Sjieed was everything sh.'ok his list at the enemy and shouted,
Wm. Eberman,
I11 a short time we shall move into the
*'«re. Iiecatise ¡t was necessary to get “All dow n, set 'em up again------------- while two-thirds »»f the rest were taken
Bettis' building. Prior we sluill
,!“»e (pin k and got to work liefore the
cheer. But nevertheless it wíih a very the row at the start, hut pulled their hats
to make extraordinary low
’’>einy »oiil«i get uiHiiy round» into iis ;
All kiii'ls of moving
down over their ryes, covered up their
‘••id, In-s des, as it wus a very desperate lint fire.
prices in every department.
An I telining done. ( ▼
stat», »linked into the alley.
E«|>eri«*iiee iw « Flreinan.
H,,«'pns.*, it nag best to g.» in with all
1 got home, patched myself up with
Tillamook, Ore.
l^'bl? “Whoop ami hurrah!” When
l mu not known by the cognomen of »ticking plaster, resigned niy commis­
"**. r':l’hp*l |be gr«»utid favorable foi
We sell the celebrated Landreth's garden
Budd,” nor do I answer to the mime of sion, lin'd« a will, and left the company. |
in baiiviy, »Stewart gave rapid
Saw enough service
Don’t regret my
in use 111 years; use them and
t»» l’i. ( and walk, and then (or*
you are assured of a good garden. We
u ' • mt » battery” etc , then depending tbing promenade Fiist street with my experience, had lots of fun, but grieve
for my lost teeth and lhe companion­
1 ll‘e perit i I di-tcipline of hi« !»>ys to IMiiiliduoiia chucked in my Itoots, nor do
M,l<l them to hundreds of
of the l*)»l brindle poodle.
x“uie ordeis without detail», it was 1 carry a couple of pistols in each |>Oeket.
last year and say they want no ether.
O rtkmvh .
light herlioii loti<I, Solid Bui, by way of a new excitement, I
\\ .,<>l an i Gravel furnished.
* M ami niR. alternately
N uiii I r i one, lately found the Fire Department, and
l.iitv Freight«.
Ti I la nm« »k, Ore.
1 *ev(i<Hi |();i'| common shell, rut fuse connected my fortune with II A L. t'o
1 bought myself a uniform,
"evond. So they
H l j - joo }go. 1
The steamer Truckee now brings
****. just lieii/ie leaching the eiien.lea > Healed llie company, took up niv quar­ freight from Portland or San Francisco
Von Want
Old lie** (|ie |e(| liaml gun) tern in the bunk house, where 1 slept to Hobsonville for $3.00 per ton. The
kl ’ liit iu double canister and liie by
The company promises to do a big share
Service ill l'ootwear%
First night of the coast freighting buaiueaa, and
‘'“x'k it to ’em,” ail in a jierfecl overgrown brilldie pooille
Estimates and Plans
’rrn' "* '"ar«.I-nun that lima oil it was went to bed with my boots on, ready for this cut will be of much laruefit to the
'I' that miizzb* down, steady there, an alarm. At last it came. Seixid lite merchant» of this plate
“k - light keep her there,” ami similar ro|« with the test of the boy», staited on
For Sale.
Meantime every uiie of the tile run, lugged and toiled and swore,
■°-'s *lt<> Min i red waa working fur the till we got the machine hi 26tli avenue
A Iwo-lmrse-power gasoline engine,
Found the
* ’ ’l
• Ibd you e\er hear the thump soiilli, 4?s miles from home
just the thing to run small dairy machin­
’• raiiifuef- U(l a *|„,t <»r cMiiieter brad
Can I* stinted in live minutes, re­
*'y ' 'nu|Hr ,j|le W||S “sending home” loose and climbing a sprues tree
quires little attention and cu»U ""*y •
“>» y«M| were gelling ready to pick conflagration was about to extinguish
few cents per hour to rim it
Tor par­
W indu* >lis.l< ». Wall I*!*» *“•> Uneleum»
H l-iei and h«F>k on the langyar.ls? itself. Had to drag her back ; most tired ticulars apply In C. II- IltMaTRSBT, Al-
First Ciass Goods
‘■ I 'lid you ever hear that aottnd min- to death. It wasn’t funny at all
derniRU House. Tillamook, Ore.
»•* *‘Ui ihe .1
thunder of the enemies i Turned in quarter hour; new alarm, (
{Jenera! ^rchaqdi^, Clothing.
Firgt ßla^ ii] Every particular
and Coffees:
Bohemian Club »
And Big Four i
Real Estate
j Watchmaker!
Be Sure
• • • •
Eureka Paragon Eire "Hose
teamster and Drayman
I I 1
Ceorge Elliott,
Frisco Store
Contractor and Builder.’
Comfort and
Buckingham & Heclit’sM
Eevv fisGootl.