., WIDE- AWAKE H- & L CO., NO. 1 fHYSlCUl*. SURGEON ANI> ACCOUCHEUR, Hl call« prompUy attended to I ts O rganization , H istorical S ketch , O fficers and M embers of the P resent TILLAMOOK. ORE HAYDON, M. IL if and P ast tytcisl attention to Surgery ami Chronic UiseRBes. BAY CITY, ORE. —K' i? E.SELl’11. I ' attorney - at - law ,^,ly Prosecuting Attorney. 3rd TILLAMOOK, OK. BOOK ATTORN EY-AT-E AW, regulations oi lhe Company, to appuiut commit lees, to sign all orders on the Tieasiirer and to sign all jiain-rs and documents of the Company. To put all motions, to present all reports for action to have and keen a ballot box witli white ami black ballots, lie shalldoall in bis power to promote the honor, har­ mony and prosperity of ths Company, anil to be guided in all actions by the rules ami regulations o( the Company. ARTICLE XI STORE S ection 1 The duties of llie Secre­ tary shall lie to keep a correct record of the proceedings of all meetings, drills, parades, fires or events of any nature in which the Company may lie called to participale, to note the date of all tires and alarms, tlieir locality, and llie loss hy fire ami the service performeil liv the Company, and the record of the previous 1 month shall be read at each regugar CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. meeting for approval. S ection 2 lie shall keep a true anil ARTICLE I detailed account of all money received, This company shall be known and of all warrants ami shall lie prepared at designated as the Wide Awake Hook «St any time to submit liis account and latdder Co. of Tillamook . books to tlie insjiection of the Finance or any committee aulhorixetl to exam­ ARTICLE II The officers of this company shall con­ ine them. He shall keep a correct roll sist of a President, Secretary, Chief, 1st. i of llie Company, call the same at all and 2nd. Assistant and Treasurer, meetings and re|iort tlie amount due from eiu-li memlier. whose term of office shall lie one year or S ection 3. He shall notify all | h - i » oiis until their successors are elected ami i elected members, pay over to the Treas­ installed. urer within twenty-four hours all ARTICLE III money collected by him taking a re­ All candidates for membership in this ceipt therefor, taking full charge of all I'oinpany may be proposed l»y any mem­ papers, documents, l««>ks etc lielonging ber thereof at a regular meeting. The i to the Company, and present to the member making llie proposition sliall i President at the annual meeting of each state name, age, occupation and resi­ I year a full ami complete written report dence, of the |>ersoii proposed, which of all matters |iertaining to his office. S ection 4 He sliall keep a record of shall la- in wiitmg ami accompanied liy a fee of $1.00 and be signed by tlie meni- llie names of the members ot the Com­ lier making the proposition; lhe proposi- pany showing the «late of signing tlie lioti shall then be handed to the investi­ : l onstitiiiloii, age, atioii, residence gating committee for reply. But in no ■ showing the date of exempt eertitieate, 4 case shall a memlier lie admitted wlio-e expulsion resignation, suspensions or death. Upon signing the constitution, age is less than 18 years. and iHiyment ot fee requireil lie shall ARTICLE IV ichols hepard hresh procure for each memlier of the Com­ Candiilales for membership sliall be pany a certificate of membership. ing achines outh end balloted lor by white and black ballots, S ections . He shall keep a loll io lie hilled lows lumbers at any stated meeting subsopient to Ills presentation of tlie proposition or at the known as the Honorary roll, containing upplies umps ells rass same • the names of all members who have ob- meeting if a motion to that effect lie made and sustained, by two-thirds | tallied their exempt eertitieate ami the oods elting and ose Vote of the members present, and if 1 names of such other |>eisons as may lie rt_ Offi ;e. Foot Morris on .'t. I more than three black ballots be cast lie placed thereon by order of tlie Company UU. Portland. Oregon. shall be declared rejected and I iir name and perform sucli other duties as may for three | devolve upon him by tlie laws of this entertained shall not I m ; j Coin|Hinv, and Ordinances of the city. months. S ection 6. In consideration of the ARTICLE V i above services well and faithfully |ier- meeting of the coin- formed the Secretary shall be exempt At each annual ___ O W PETTIT. Proprietor. pany, tlie President shall appoint llie I | from all tines ami dues except for imn- follow itig committees of three memliers ' attendance at meetings. each, to serve one year and until tlieir ARTICLE XII successors are appointed: an Investigat­ ^pILLAXIOOK ill.I.AMOOK. OllHGIlX. I NEWS C<>- C. LAMB.......•• M.I. rullile »let Kent H»t«t» Convev«i'iei Ill.I.AMOOK. ORKGON. A'1TORSEY-AT-I.AW, TILLAMOOK. OREGON- j W. SE VEH ANCE, [At u call to organize a Fire company held on the 17th day of November 1890, the following named persona signed the roll: J H. Bower, C. H. Bodie, John Barker, L. H. Brown, Geo. Cohn, F. Daugherty, C. N. Drew, Geo. Day. John Embum, Jake Graham, D. Had­ ley, C. Hadley, 1*. Hiett. G. A. Jenney, W. F. D Jones, B. c. I.anib, I. F. Larsen, G. O. Nolan, D. C. Pierce, N. P. Roberts, S. A. Roberts, A. G. Reynolds, T. G. Stillwell, A. J. Stillwell, L. I.. Stillwell, B. Stillwell, A. W. Severance, Frank Severance. A. P. Wilson and Win. Williams. The following officers were elected at the same meeting:—N. P. Roberts, President, G. O. Nolan Secretary, (J. N. Drew Chief, A. J. Stillwell, 1st. Assistant, Jonh Barker 2nd Assistant and Geo. Cohn Treasurer. A committee of three was appointed to draft by-laws and C. N. Drew, D. C. Pierce and W. F D. Jones conducted said committee—and the I following is the result of their HOLL CALL ANO ALARM After an alarm or fire the roll shall be called as soon as the apparatus is housed In calling the roll each and every member shall answer to his own name and no other, but the Foreman shall answer for those lie has excused. ARTICLE XVIII S ection 1. A valid excuse for the non- performmice of duty shall lie sickness of member or his family, absent Irom llie city, or leave of absence from the Presi­ dent or Foreman. S ection 2. In no case shall lhe Presi­ dent or Foreman excuse n memlier from non-attendanee of meeting for mote than two consecutive meetings ARTICLE XIX At an alarm of fire the first member that reaches the place of the apparatus shall lie entitled to the command until an officer arrives ARTICLE XX F INES or OFFICERS For absence at a fire or drill the Fore­ man and assistant Foreman shall be tilled each one dollar. For absence from any meeting otliei than above twenty live cents For absence at any regular or «'ailed meeting of the Company lhe President, Secretary and Treasurer shall each he lined one dollar. ARTICLE XXI Next Door to Bank. P. 0. Box 123. ATTOIINEY-AT LAW, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JOHN MISCELLANEOUS. ru t P FINES OF OOLE CO L C. & E. THAYER M achinery . W indmills «•iieiRl Hanking slid Exchange ititnt paid on time deposit*. Exfliaiige on JjiglHnd, Belgium, 1 'weleii mid m H foreign countries. and V ehicles . G asoline E ngines biiNiiiena S team L aundry M achinery , S upplies , B oilers E ngines , Germany, i B uggies , S urreys , W agons . i Write for Prices Tillamook, Oregon. C.W. KIGER DEALER IN Exchange and looney (Securities. Collections Receive Careful and Prompt Attention. C S G P , P , B T , S B , P , B , B H ­ ’ ing and Finance committee. ARTICLE VI S ection 1. Tlie annual meeting of this Company shall lie hel1« taxes for non-residents. ELMER E THE ONLY FIRST CLASS MOTEL LAWRENCE C NOUCTtD ON TMf M anage u AMERICAN ANO EUROPEAN PLAN ThB^> Ewgbod^ 1 ....... ~ NEW ESMOND HOTEL, Come and Seel Made. Ae- b, or those wishing to ‘-operty OTxchal,XS Heal Estate or Persona) I EUROPEAN PD AN-50C to $1.50 Der lay AMERICAN PLAN—$1.50 to $2.50 per day. Portland, Dragon- Teacher« Deal,Ing Poaltlona. •chool Board, Desiring Taachera. everyotie .leaking wr tten work don«, should call. *»n, ’''"' I"’,,’» stamps) to J. E. HOSMER, InfurniBtio,, Bsresu A Ksvhau,« Notary Public. HUtcxt Rummer Conte« Tillamook City, Oregon. '‘»«I «lour 10 G. A, KIlMUXtma CO. littAMOOK eA/f Tillarr.ooks glorious Climate. Of course you ish to stop at a strictly first class hotel. every «lav. —« - 1 ’ re*1*1 1‘oine y Such Is ‘THE ALDERMH” which after March 1st will be under -he management of H. A. WOODFORD The ben- hotel on the Coaat of Oregon, the piece ' tourists and oommer . .al travelers. Tillamoc.' made CRH AM ^Restaurant in Connection. T j LEI s T house J. P ALLEN. ProB’r. ^•^..D ress -M aking <**h*s«..|,1 •rohn*on ,,ave • taJF *tor»‘«»«t dress-makiua »«- lateat ln Tillamook. Ore f Noll, far Its Fine Oulslns D»»*-!"»»«« Beat Meal» in the City. TILLAWOO* OREGON. j DUTIES OF TREASURER. It shall be the duly of tlie Treasurer to keep ami safely hold until called for all funds pai«l to him on account of this I Company, to receive and receipt for all funds so paid lo him, to pay out «>1 such ■ fumls all orders drawn by the Bresideiit and attested by tlie Secretary ami none 1 others, keep a correct account of the amounts ol nil funds or property coming into his posessiou, on account of the Company, take receipts for all amounts paid out, to lie ready at any time to submit liis account to the ins|iectioii of the Finance or any other committee ap­ pointed to examine same and nt each reg ular meeting to make a statement of the condition of tlie treasury ami oil each annual meeting to make a full ami com­ plete written re(M>rl of all matters |>er- taining to liis office ARTICLE XIII note the absentees, and adjourn S ection 4. All special meetings and drills shall he called hy posting a notice thereof stgneil by the .secretary by order of tlie President or Chief on tlie door ol the Hall and at least three other promi­ nent places in tlie town, twenty-four DUTIES OF FNANCE COMMITTEE. hours previous to tlie lime tiameii for the meeting, ami no other business shall It nliall lie tlie «Inly ol this committee be transacted except that for which the to examine seini-anninilly the books and accounts of llie Secretary and Treas­ meeting is called. urer ami report tlie same to the Com- ARTICLE VII i pany and to attend to such other busi­ ELECTION OF OFFICERS. ness as may Ire laid liefore them by the The officers of this Company shall I k I elected at lhe annual meeting of each Company. ARTICLE XIV year, but one officer sliall lie balloted for DUrtKHOF INVESTIGATING COMMUTER. .’I .. lime and such member receiviuga majority of all the votes east nliall lie It sliall be tlie duty of this committee declared elected. At all elections tlie to inquire rigidly into the character and President or Chief shall appoint two < ompetem-y of all candidates tor mem­ tellers whose duties sliall be lo receive bership that may be referred to them the liallots ami aucertain that tlie liallot» ami re|«>rt at a regular meeting as s.«>n as jxissible in writing, using the term are correct. lavorr ble or it ifavorable ARTICLE VIII ARTICLE XV VACANCIES. S ection 1. Memliers sliall within S ection 1 Shall a vae on the alert Mile exjielled from this Company for wil­ ARTICLE X ful neglect of duty, for immoral conduct The Pre «dent shall preside nt all meet­ or niie«lem<-anor by a two-thirds vote of ings, convene special meetings when he tbs members present, at any regular may deem it’ nw e-eary upon the re- qu.it in writing of live mem hers to «t- meeting subsequent bi which llie « barge forvestri. tly ami tmpar«mlly the rules mnl wan made, the charge must lie in writ- ; MKMBKRH. For absence at a tire alarm fifty cents. For absence at a al roll call twenty five cents. 1 ing the room during a meeting without, perniisHion twenty live cents. For shall In* re|»ealed annulled or aniniended unless a proposition in writing, setting forth the substance of such prop.ise«| al­ terations shall have been submitted to the Company at a regular meeting an I have laid over at least one regular meet­ ing, when f two-thirds of the members present shall vote in fav<»r thereof it shall take effect These rules shall be in force from and after their (siesage ARTICLE XXI11 ORDER OF IIUH1NI.SS Roll call by Secretary. Reading and approval of iiaiiaiit«*- of last meeting and inontiily report. • >. Report of officers. 4. Reports of committees. 5. Resignations, pro|«>sals an«i pulsions. ft. Election of memliers. 7. Election of officers (annually.) 8. Unfinished business. ». New business. 10. Is any member sick or ill distress. 11. Any pio|«>sition for the g'««l of the order 12. Roll call ami i-olle<'tion of tines. I'resented by, ('. N. IlHKW ì [• I omnilltee on l>. C. I’lEHCF. By-Iaiws W. F. 1». .IONKH J Approved, Novemlier 24, 1890 1. 2 AMF.NI>MKNT NO 1, TO IONS II I I'f ION. Of the Wide Awake lh«>k & lauldei Co. convened by a »|>e. ial call on lhe bl, «lay of April 1894, it was ordered that the following ainmeiidment lie and in hereby inserted in llie constitu-ioii oi the aforesaid Wide Awake ll««,k «St Lad­ der Co. of Tillamook city Oregon. 1 That when any memlier of tin« Coni|mny lie ollies sick or disabled Iron any cause or diseased lo such a «li gii « an lo need the annislunce ami aid ot friends, it nliall lie lhe ln«umled duty ol lhe memlier, of this fraternity to an-int and render such help and aid to lhe mi fortunate as long an lien in llieir |n>wer 2. All members nemliiig ai