Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 13, 1894, Image 1

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    Vol. VII. No. 29.
DECEMBER 13.1894.
pertaining to our situation fertility,
products, mm keting facilities, etc.)
obtained reductions on four classes
ol property, whereby our eouilly
was saved many dollars.
This year I I k * Assessors meet
“gain, and ‘ I am in ____
_ of
seve ral urgent requests to attend.
In my work this year I made
quite a material reduction from
the figures of 1893, on account of
the depression in values of all
classes of properly, mid in doing
so presumed 1 would have mi op­
portunity to present my reasons
I'm: G old L unatics W ill W reck for so doing, and support my work
W.*1 MAY.
when the* day came Ibr having my
the C ountry .
comity before tin* Slate Hom'd, and
1 lie goldites are viciously crazy earnestly requested our Comity
land their financial schemes are Board to provide for my attendance
TII.I.AMOOK, OREGON. | impractical and unsafe, us have and showed them the importance
I been proven. These cranks are •I our being represented there.
i now bordering on anarchy, and But they have taken no action ill
1 propose to ruin the country. Their the matter, giving as u reason, that
I propositions are simply preposler- ' they could not determine who
¡ous, and they have the one idea should go, myself or Mr. White
Notary Public and Real Estate Conveyancer.
: that gold is the only salvation of (luy successor.) Now the Court
They are blindly knows full well, or should know,
TILLAMOOK. OREGON. 'the country.
■ following the Wall street contin­ that Mr. White has no right in the
gency, and are struggling to see premises whatever. The assessor’s
i who can make llfemseives the otliee, mid all work pertaining
I basest slaves lo the money power. thereto, I am responsible for mi­
Any man who can not see the ll II my term expires. Besides, of
fallacy of a single standard is a what use would Mr. White be to
fool, an idiot, an ass, ami a crack bundle my work? 11c does not
brained lunk head. Any sensible know my basis ol assessment much
man who doesn’t say that the gold less my reasons for making reduc­
Imgsare ruining the country, is not tions, or why certain classes of
honest. These gold-bug cranks property, or certain localities
should lie suppressed and not be were reduced more than others.
Other Courts encourage their
'r 11.1. A M OOK, OIIKGON. allowed to vent their feelings
before a long suffering public. assessors to attend; which of a
Choke them off thump them into right they should do, as it is only
silence, until the country can get by a comparison with other coun­
relief. The sooner they get out of ties, that an equality can be main
the republican party the better. , hiined, and each assessor should
Prices to Suit
| They will have Io get out any way. be there to support his work mid
the Times:
| Let them work harder and be see that his county gets a fair
more saving, and then they will show.
——BOOT$ and
My attendance on the board
not have to depend on legislation
Made to order.
to replenish their pockets. Do last year, cost the county just 825,
some honest work an I learn to be as I charged up only actual expen­
Repairing done as cheap as the cheapest.
economical, anil then you will not ses. The best I can do now is to
Conic and be convinced.
have to beg the government, to correspond with our representative
Advocate Building.
help you out by keeping up the mid (lie secretary of lie board, but
price of gold! It is about time a I will have no chance to compare
quietus is being put on some of the with other comities’ figures, ami
if our county suffers in t he end, I
loud-mouthed gold bug ranters.
want those interested to know
whereto place t he blame. I have
done the best I could.
C harles P ye , County Assessor.
E ditor H eadlight —Please give
me a chance to say a few words on
------- .4.-------
People seem to be set ill a head­
a subject in which all are more or
manner, pretty generally,
First Class in Every Particular.
Lis'year, at my earnest solic­ regarding nil political questions,
itation our county board granted
Mair Cutting,
mid it seem“ useless in many cases
S H a m ptiolng. me permission to attend the asses­
sor's convention and slate board of to try to convince them that any
equalization, where I hail an op­ change would he beneficial. Tlda
portunity of studying and discuss­ paper is bound to express its opin­
The patronage of the public is respect-
ing the work anil method of my ion, at any rate, though it does not
uhy solicited.
brother assessors: also a chance to ask anyone to believe the same way.
compare my wors with other coun­ If there are any who wish toinforin
the financial
ties. ami as a result decided that themselves upon
gladly give
we were entitled to various reduc­ question, we will
tions, and in conjunction with our information whereby they may
representative on t' e Board; Mr, secure the best of bemks mid liter­
8. D. Gibson ' who, nit hough lie bail ature, by the best of authorities
and Paper-hanging.
on both sides, treating on these
For estimates and prices call on. nr write to never been in our County, took
>< EKM a NN G esmneh . Braver Lost-office,
great pains to find out all hi* could quest ions. The ls‘st way to knock
An “oliM-ure, moss-lutek, daily
published somewhere in
piiysi . i \x. sr t:<; • on
I ortland. in a moim-mmiiae and a
and A( coin iievr .
plutocrat »null economic questions,
All calls promptly attended (j
i We intimate its style once in gi,
Office at the A ldeeman ,
TILLAMOOK. ORE I iug our own opinions. 1)<> you rPC.
•ognize Hie bi'lugsgate and abuse
as a lair sample of wlmt you see on
H|*-< ial attention to Surgery mul ‘ the editorial page of the aforesaid
I 'insignificant sheet?”
( bionic Diaesses.
Frescoing, Decorating,
TilJamonArConnty. Ore.
$1.50 Per Year.
the gold bug conceit out of the pub
lie, is Io get the people to read up
on both sides. The more this mat­
ter is iindershmd, the belter it is
Ibr the country, 't he people should
think for themselves mid not allow
any man or newspaper to dic tate
to them. Rend Isitli sides before
you form a set opinion.
The Oregonian completely ig­
nores all newspapers of this state
that do not agree with its financial
policy. It never mentions their
names or copies from them, and it
is presumed they will nil die* as a
result, the papers now represented
in the Oregonian's exchange col­
umn number not more than four
or five*. Of course*, the great big,
only paper, would not la* fair
enough to publish extracts* freyu
all the* papers in the state showing
(lie* general feeling mid iirgiiement
on the financial question. Prac­
tically speaking, all of the papers
in this state arc* publishing strong
article« denouncing the Oregonian
policy, lint the people* who read
only the Oregonian never know
anything about it. Those who
take t he Oregon in n to Im a jmli t ieal
bible for the republican party will
find out they are* fur from republic­
anism before they are through
with it.
Wlien the* Oregonian refers to a
paper as an ‘‘obscure* country pub
licalion,” an “insignificant sheet,”
“ii paper not worth mentioning,”
the “venal press," or a “rural jour-
nsl,” it always refers to the H ead ­
light .
We mention this so that
people will know wlmt paper the
Oregonian refers to so often.
Astoria has a railroad assured
now, mid work is to begin on it
before April 1st, mid $50,(MM) is to
be expended each month. The
road will be built up the Col.iiiibiii
river to (ioIde, connecting with the
Northern Pacific at that place.
There is talk of forming a com­
pany and raising a subsidy to
build ail electric road from hereto
Portland, via Forest Grove mid
Hillsboro. A meeting will be call­
ed soon, and the mutter will be
pushed vigorously.
Now for the Nicaragua canal,
ct on it to quick
Congress can'
he bill is passed
to suit us. V
D, limimi* claims
lumber w<-
will double *i.. value mid traus-
continenDel rates will begin to drop.
Anyone who Ims doiiths on any
points regarding
flic* financial
question can
promptly answered, according to
our views, through these* columns.
The cash dollar discount rate is
not good after Jan. 1. 1895.
Ferdinand De Lesseps is dead,
aged 89 years,___________
No discount on our subscription
rates after Jan. 1, 1895.