¡active, alive to all the interest» of ¿tUamooh ijeiií>lijiltt. J the northwest, and a plain forcible ----- BY-— splaker. no man would make a l»et- W. F D. JONES. ter guardian of the people'» inter e»tn than he. And lienide» thin he T he C ounty O fficial P aper in bound on the money question and a true diaciplin of repuhlicau ------ Independent in Politic»-— doctrine.—Valley Transcript (Rep i K ITE» OF SCBSCRIPTION. (STRICTLY IX ADVANC* > One year Six month* Thres months It is not expected that Senator fl aO. .75. Dolph can lie defeated for re-elec­ ADVERTISING RATES. 1 Inch, per month Jo 76 peryesrf^ 75 3 ” ” ” 3 25 ” 2o.oo kcoi ” •• 5.75 ” ” 3300 H ■ ” 6.75 ■■ 60.00 1 ...................... 11.00 ” ” 100.00 Local nolle-». tort« per line: and jcti* after the firnt insertion. Only sets |>er line fur fiist insertion for regular advertisers Found. For Kent. For Stile, Wanted, and Special notice*, in classified "ad” columns, at the rate of one cent per word for first insertion and hall rates thereafter I a-gal n dices. Nonpareil locts. per line for first insertion and 5cts per line for each snhse quent insertion. tion, but it is intended to fully show that the republican party of this state is almost unanimously in favor of another man, no matter what success he may have before the legislature The state printer and secretary of state get about 825,000 each per year. If the present republican legislature does not attend to the Hffd T IT Mt A NS. matter the people will attend to is The result of the recent election next election. The salary law means that the people hold a party should lie extended to some of the re»pon»ih)e for it» pledge». A i state official». majority of them voted for free trade, right or wrong, and they didn't get it. Court Proper ding*. November Term ¡894, J udge Conder, They suffered ali Com m inion era Harvey «nd Ailey present : Ordered that electric lights in court house he discontinued. joyed none of it» benefits. Better In mailer of |>etilion oi C Desmond, times were guaranteed, but they et al, for change in county road, viewers a |'|x»i n !rrt and resig­ ly paid none of it and issued bonds nalion of C F Murphy, R. D. ttii|>er- besides. Why wonder at the up­ visur No 17, report continued, and T H . Lessick ap|>ointed ids succeasor heaval? B1I.I4* A i . uiwed $55 55 It is perhaps useless to bandy f B Handley sal School Supt 15 00 words, but the coinage of silver W E D Jones, printing 12 20 has Ireeit stopped, as far as putting I) 1’ Harvey, Com sal 12 0Ü I. B Alley ” ” tin additional sum of money in cir­ Erick Glad, cutting trees U (0 culation is concerned, the Oregon­ A Aratili, freight on powder 3 00 1 00 ian to the contrary not withstand, Il F Barnard, spikes 17 50 ing. — IlillslMiro In dependent, (Rep) B C Co-Op Co lumber 5 50 I F Ijusen, making drills 1 2J ” sliaipening picks The Roseburg Plaitidealer, the E E Selpli, in cases of state vs Eugene Journal, the Salem States­ Robbins and State vs Hardman 10 OJ man, the Baker City Blade, and 1» W Rhodes,lumber 4» 07 20 tO many other influential republican .1 H Jackson, State vs J Doe papers of the state, are outspoken Il F Holden, miles traveled case of 11 00 Maxwell vs Tillamook Co in favor of the free coinage of sil­ 2 00 J II Jackson, cilting wood ver. 1 T .Maulsby, State vs Robbins men(, whether it is all collected or not. The people should not fill to notice the names of those uho have not paid their poll tax in the various years. We hope that outsiders in examining the long list will consider that only a small ixniioii of it is h r 1893. The old lists of 1890, 1891, and 1892 are given also, and consists in a great part of mortgages, personal prop­ erly and pull taxes that have not been collected. Much of this can never t?e collected as many have moved trom the county. Tne taxes on the mortgages are liens on the property, ami such property is not clear until the taxes me settled. Of course, the taxes on the mortgages are under the old law, but the claims fur taxes hob I good yet. It is tinderNtood that in ad cases the county will buy .«II delinquent prqierty where it is not bought by private parties, ami as the expense is i uniting up nipnlly, the county will soon own a lol of property. There is an idea among many that lax titles are not good, ami that their is a lisk in bid­ ding in delinquent property. We wish to dispel this idea. In cases where a parly bids in delinquent properly, paying taxes and costs, the county stands good for the loss, if any is incurred dy the purchaser. In cases w here the proceed­ ings were not leg d, the county has re­ funded the money, with interest. And, as tax titles, they are the best in the stale They erne all other defects in the til 1» s. If l here are mortgages on the land, litigation regarding it, or any doubt as to the inle. the lax devil « ur« s it and taxes precedence over all others. A man who hu\s property at a tux sale is guaranteed a big inter*st on his money lor the first two years, and aft“»* that he gets a deed. It is thought most all the delinquent property will s« II readily this year. It is haid telling what ciassilication the polls will come under, live slot k or real estate, and it is not necessary to levy or pub­ lish them, but it was thought by the authorities that some of them would feel ashamed and p.v up when their names published. We suppose you a.I recognize the conntenance of this gentle« man. He is well known here, und makes himaeif numerous nil all occasions. He tells you lung-winded Ntories that have no point Io them. He relates how it was done back in the ftites He talks to you when you are busy. He goed the dilemma by ti,, bundles, and we never looked back to sn what kind of it furrow we made. W picked out a vacant held in the suburb and decreed that society should I e plant ed there ami cultivated until it rein-be, maturity. 1 here we erected our done cile, and I he elect did likewise, all oi ir bob-nobliing together lint, a im-rceuar real estate speculator »»Islivideil th adjoining field into lots and sold tliei Io the rabble. Thus, were we obliged I seek another place, and we have agaii built up an exclusive and select society where we are not liable to contamination unless there is another real estate Isom All wealthy |>enple who come to lost locate ill onr quarters, otherwise the they are out of society. Just think of it Down in the other part of town the pet pie are all |>oor, they live in small laiutier and ragged bruits sprawl apont the: dtnirs. Vgh! Save us from them. IV are the only respectable people—up i our eml of Horn Creek We set III fashions, we adopt the proper fad, am we »how that we are of high family 1'liis lute been of great belli to Hon Creek, and the editor of the Bu^le claim the credit therefor. Why, in any car ofs s ial doings, it tnu-t obtain our u) proval liefore the society |ieopleci untei aneeit. In fuel we sample evervlhiti| and if we sav it iu good, the society pe pie say it is good, when n llieatriii troupe comes to town, we take the inilia live. If we think it is not a proper alio» our people are not snp|sised to | atriu i it. We are careful not to set an exaui|i to the people that is notjust Jin a.'l recovering The delightful weather here itarin the past weeks bring Bay City totli fiont ns a winter tesort. If the |*th winter and suitu» you could not keep them out withGstl» gnus Mr. Erank lauig contemplates p«>tth iu a stock of groceries soon. Tint rigid, friend laoig, you have strurkh right lead We w ish you nucces». .1 I B it. Jr*