LA'T Will'* STORMS. Th« Steamer Elmore haom f 1500. The boat arrived here promptly Thursday, ami sailed Saturday, with the entire Stuttx company, ami others as passengers. Don’t Chase out of Town For Something Foreign w ast twc days has been pretty hard on all the eimatwiae vessels, and this morning’» dispatehea show several wrecks along the coast as a Magazines, Newspapers, School Books result of its ini y. Down by Fort Stevens several vessels were at anchor inside the | One night last week a burst? belonging bead,awaiting »mouther water an they to Pan ('alahan at Garibaldi disappeared. could venture out with safety and up to Mr. Calahan supj>ose«i at first that the lfred illiams 10 o'clock no vessels had ventured in liorie had strayed, hut later development Early ill lit» morning the Belief had gone showed that the horse was stolen. The down and taken a look at the bar, but tlief took the florae from the pasture there were too many feathers flying, «> near Garibaldi, and rode hare-hack until she put back and kept company with the he was near Tillamook, where he helped Slate of California mul Elder. About 10 himself to Mr. Steven’s saddle. When Hutchiii. o’clock a long, trailing clou.I just outside Curlier. he got to Mr. Conklin’s place he traded indicated the approach of a steamer, so saddles, thinking Mr. Conklin’s the l>est. the State, Elder and Relief prepared to lie went out via the Wilson river road, ----- A Full Line of----- move out Tli»y were surprised, how­ and was seen by the toll collector at ever, when they saw that the first vessel Galea Creek. He refused to pay toll and to venture in over the bar was the Elmore, AND PATENT MEDICINE went around the gate. He was also DRUGS and they concluded that if she ronld seen by a timber locator. The same stand the heavy breakers the larger night the horse was stolen, a coinpass ateamers ought to be able to get outside worth $25 was taken from the steamer But they pitched even higher than the Full supply of Artists’ material Garfield, and the locator says the thief > Elmore, and they took on several pretty had the compass under his arm when ■ heavy seas, that apparently did no dam­ he saw him. It is evident the rascal age other than drench them with spray did not intend to lose his bearing in case The Elmore crossed out over the Tilla­ he had to leave the road and travel mook bar about 7 o’clock Monday morn­ through the woods. » ing, and met a moderate swell from the There are some very peculiar features westward outside. Hut very little breeze about this case. In the first place Tilla­ M. H. LARSEN, Proprietor. was blowing, and the day promised to be mook is the worst place in the world for one of bright simsliitie When off Ne- cs 5 e a horse thief, as it is almost impossible carney mountain they were in pretty fora man to get out of the county with- First class in every respect) best acccrnmcdaticns In thu heavy swells, and there spoke the liand- l>eing noticed. Besides this, there have orille, which signalled that she had met city. Headquarters for the traveling public LacatEd been no suspicious characters hanging with an accident, but would be able to aroundGarihahli, and nobody is missing. □n main street. Tillamaok. Dragan, get along with Iter sails until repairs to The horse is an ol<) plug, at least 15 her machinery were made. It was not until Tillamook Rock was reached that years old, worth about $20, and was sold GEO. W. PETITT, LARGEST HOUSE. they ran into the heavy nor-we»ter, and by Mr. Stein hilber to Calahan for $30 Proprietor. three years ago. Better horses, and Good Accomodations. rotn that time on they had heavy weather o contend with, but the little steamer handier to an escape, could have been behaved nobly. Some of the passengers secured just as easy. It is the opinion of some, that some were ordinarily seasick, but there was no complaining, and they were surprised ¡ellow in the vicinity of Garibaldi wanted when told they were safely over the Col­ to leave the county, and not wishing to The present proprietor has just assumed management umbia bar. Rev l>r. Gue, the M E. walk or pay stage fare, borrowed the of this hotel, and respectfully solicits a share of the presiding cider, who was aboard, jovially horse. patronage of the public. SAMPLE ROOMS. 1 The sheriff sent deputy L. L. Stillwell recognized the fact that lie was the Jonah after the thief a day or two ago. of the occasion CENTRALLY LOCATED. CONVENIENT TO BOAT LANDINS. L ater —L. L. Stillwell has just re­ TILLAMOOK, OREGON. The swells were nioutains high, and when the little steamer was down between turned from a search in the vallev for them, it seemed like being in a deep can­ tiie culprit, but as lie had a week the yon. On the crest of a great wave the start could not be found. The thief was ocean presented a scene like that viewed heard of in two or three places, however, front one moutain peak over hundreds of ami had something under Lis arm that others. It was not a choppy sea. only > looked like a compass. From the des­ h —>— great, monster swells unlike anything cription given it is supposed he is the man who escaped from the Portland jail outside in years. When the outer bar J. P. ALLEN, Proprietor buoy was reached, a glance inside soon a short time ago, and that he has been convinced Captain Tatton that it would in hiding in this county for some time. be useless to attempt to cross over. From A Fussier* head to head was a perfect white sheet of TILLAMDDK foam, great lines of breakers that rolled Flour has dropped. It lias gone to the in with a front like a body of marching remarkably low figure of 70 cents per troops—not a break through which a boat sack, where retailed. We don’t see how could pass. It was not an inviting spec­ this can be done with wheat at 30 cents tacle, so the steamer was put about and |ier bushel. It takes a bushel ami a BUREAU SALOON headed for open sea. All night long third—or 40 cents worth of wheat to C. H. SMITH, Prop’r. they kept Iler head to the sea, the wind make 50 pounds of flour, and then the keeping as stiff as ever, and the waves manufacturer lias 20 pounds brim, shorts, piling up even higher than during the etc., to fall back on. We hardly see W ines , L iquors and C igars . afternoon Avout 5:20 1’. M. the captain how the millers of the country are going Welnhardt’s Beer on Draught gave orders to jettison a portion of her to live at this rale.—Dallas (Folk Co.) cargo that was piled up forward, so over Transcript. went about 240 case» of salmon. Re­ Tillamook merchants advertise that lieved of this weight, the steamer rode they sell the best Folk county flour at the seas much easier, and no more >2.30 cents per barrel, or 00 cents per trouble w»s experienced. The night was sack. This leaves several things to be almost as light as day, the moon shilling explained. down on the turbulent waters, causing the forming crests to glisten like molten Jones, of the Tillamook Headlight, silver. It is safe to say the passengers, thinks the theatre company now |>eriorm- G rand C entral B illiard who were a pretty seasick crowd, hailed ing there “way ahead of the Swedish H all . tiie morning with joy, and when the Ladies quartet, who rendered selections inside of the baf was reached yesterday from the “Messiah,” some time ago. The Fine Liquors and Cigars each and every one of then took u silent ladies’quartet was alright,” gays Jones, Tillamook. Oreaon. oatli never to venture to sea again. The but some how he couldn’t catch the cargo was fully insured, and as there was words.—Astorian. (' propriet ' or . A T illamook N ews C o 1 W , DRUG STORE Prescriptions Compounded LARSEN + HOUSE [he Alderman" C. B. HADLEY,