Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 25, 1894, Image 5

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Over 20
Y ears.
I-------- —-----------1
Being connected with the Wholesale House of
M. L. COHN of Portland, enables us to buy direct
from the Manufacturers.
ivc ate alivaip the cheapest.
An enormous line of hoots and
shoes especially for winter trade.
Large and well assorted stock
of men’s and ladies' Mackintoshes.
Dave Hadley is recovering quite rapidly
Nels Thompson has just returned from
creamery here. For the benefit of the
I public we will state that there is another i Portland where he has been buying fur­ and it is thought that his arm will be
I creamery here two miles east of town niture. When the boat arrives he will nearly as good as ever when it gets well.
A Swede named Cristofson, who with that is doing much more than the city ' have a large stock of furniture, bedroom 1 When at Garibaldi stop at Squire’s
his young wife had been stopping at creamery, of which we spoke a few seis, picture frame mouldings, oil cloths, and get vour meals for twenty cents and
Estella Falls on the Little Nest ticca river, weeks ago.
beds for twenty-five cents.
21 tf
Tillamook county, disappeared very sud­
For strict attention to a disabled mem­
N. P. Robe its and J A. Richardson
L. Hiner has just returned from a
denly and under very singular circum­
protracted visit and business trip to his ber, the Tillamook Firemen take the are at work on their new steamer and
stances a week ago last Wednesday, says
old home in Nebraska. He says times cake. Thev make no noise about il, ask i expect to launch her before a month.
the Sheridan Sun, since which time no­
are much harder there than here. Crops no questions, ami make no excuses, i Freight only $3.00 per ton, by steamer
thing has been seen or heard of him.
have failed for three years in succession, They are extremely fraternal.
Truckee fioni Portland or San Francisco
Cristofson was fishing for salmon at the
Ninety-three persons took an interest to Hobsonville.
and many people are actually in want.
Falls, and Mr. Morrison at whose house
Co’s, sewing machine the first
Mr. Hiner has a better opinion of Tilla- in Cohn
A Forest Grove grocery firm offers the
Cristofson and wife were boarding left
day. It must be remembered that cash [ best flour at 5Q cents per sack
| mook than ever
the latter fishing with a dip net while he
perchaseis only are entitled to a share in . that for low '.
went to the house a short distance away.
the machine.
Tuttle & Carry have a larg, ot of
When Morrison returned Cristofson was day, and only the best animals are killed.
The Asiorian of recent date contained hardware coming on the steamer Har­
missing. Acting upon the theory that Thev have an experienced butcher and
a long yarn about an alleged musical rison.
the man accidentally fell into the water meat cutter, ami slrive to please their pa­
I cave in the cliffs of Necarnie mountain.
the neighbors have dragged the river and trons. They keep fresh butter, vegeta­
M out Reading and Sam Dailey are en­
The story is too improbable to be inter­
used dvamite to cause the body to arise bles and potatoes for sale. Fine sausages
gaged in scowing wood to town
if it be in the river, but without avail always on hand. Dressed chickens once
For Sale—A scholarship in Mrs. May’s
a week .
B. II. Bunn, who owns the Bodie prop- |
Mrs. Cristofson has returned to her bro­
Tin Steamer Louise makes daily trips ' ertv, says he will not be responsible if academy . Enquire at this office
ther in Astoria. It is a strange case, and
The H eadlight is only $1.00 per year
to all points on the bay, leaving Tilla­
there are some persons "dm believe that mook at « in the morning, returning I somebody’s stove Ims the top blown off. until further notice
Cristofson made up his mind to take about noon. The proprietors have refit­
County warrants bought by Beals Bros.
While here the Stuttz Co. played The
French leave, and carried out his plan, ted the boat in good shape, and expect
County ordeis wanted. Cohn it Co
Gambler’s Wife, The Danitea, East
lie was in very poor ciicumslances
alter which they will publish a time Lynne, Little Nell, Fanchion, Pinnaiore, . There is one more month of school.
An agent of the Wrought iron range i table
¡ Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and some comedies. ,
company is here trying to collect on the
Teacher*' Examination
The big raft went to- pieces off Tilla­
Mr Iloberl, the saw mill man, is
He represents to one man that mook Head
The tug Monarch saved building a laige and commodious wharf! The tegular quarterly teat hers exami­
all the rest have paid, and in this way herself with difficulty and arrived in San
nation will be held in Tillamook City,
has collected on a few of toe notes. Francisco safely. The terrific storm was nt Netarts. The mill is cutting a great Com me tic it A Wednesday, Novemlier H,
Those who bought ranges should not be enough to tear anything to pieces. The I deal of lumber for the local trade.
at 1 1’ M., lasting three days.
A man working for Mr. Hull of pleas- I
deceived any further by the company; loss is estimated to be $80,000.
LI* S mith ,
ant valley had his leg broken last week
should all stand pat, refusing to pay,
School Supt
Lamb lias secured the agency for the
only as agreed upon at the start. The
while rolling logs. Dr. Wiley attended
l.ott Krt-lKlit..
Portland Daily Sun. It will be delivered
lawyers sav that tlie note can’t lie collected
him and reports him doing well.
at your residesce or place of business for
Truckee now brings
in full, and a large number of those who
W J. Compton, of Wood», keeps a
65 cents per month. Try it a month,
or San Francisco
are swindled have engaged attorneys and
and get the news fresh, reliable, and at a well arranged grocery and notion stoic. I to Holtsonville for |3.0d per ton. The
will fight the case to the bitter end.
He make» a specialty of fine cigars, to-
reasonable price.
The company proposes to do a big share
An item which appeared in this paper
I barroca, nuts and candies.
the const freighting business, and
recently regarding the creamery here has
| The Stuttz Co. played to a big house this ent will be of much benefit to the
been extensively copied by other papers Church, Sunday Oct 2«, morning ami in Bay City Friday night. This makes merchants of this place
in the state, and in commenting on the evening. Subject at 11 a. hi .
ten nights for them in thia county, nine
mailer they refer to the “Tillamook
County orders wanted. Cohn A Co.
The aged arc especially invited to attend. I here, and one in Bay City.
cr<‘amerv,” as if there were but one
Said on the Side.