Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 25, 1894, Image 4

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    Headlight Flashes.
A Serioii* Caaa.
In looking over the records in the
clerk’« office we find a transci ipt front
the Oretown J. P. court, by which Frank
Franklin is bound to ap|«ar before the
the grand jury to answer to a charge of
killing a dog belonging to Ed. Metilin-
The case ia entitled McGIinchey va.
Franklin, and plaintiff "alleges that the
defendant did shoot ami kill a dog lie­
longing to him, said dog was in county
road. Plaintiff demands Ids arrest and
fined accordingly or sent to county jail ”
According to the pattern in the case,
Franklin plead guilty and was “«dieted
to bail bv the justice in the sunt of $100,
for which he is amendable." He is re­
quired to “surrender himself in execu­
tion thereof."
It will be remembered that Mr. Frank­
lin has figured in a goat shooting case tn
the courts of this county.
Mr B. II. Luce, Oregon’s Fund and
Dairy C’cMiiiiiiHftioiier called Monday on
Ilia way to Hill«l»oro from an official
visit to Tillamook County. He »aid he
had beard Tillamook highly apoken of as
a dairy country, but found it far beyond
iiia expectations. “It is a great grass
county,” Mid Mr. Luce, “and farmers
would do well to set their grass land to
clover and raise hogs The bogs will fat­
ten on clover alone, and excellent pork.”
Mr. Luce says Tillamook's greatest need
is good roads. Mr. Luce is a populist in
politic« and while he •Joes not expert to
succeed himself he is of the opinion that
the State would do well not to abolish
the office. Mr. Luce has made several
prosecutions of persous for food adultera­
tion, and is a fearless and honest official,
lie found no violations of the laws en­
trusted to his charge, in Tillamook.
—Sheridan Sun.
Cohn tk Co., pay 25 cents for eggs.
Farmers who are interested in bettering
Over the Hills.
their condition should write to I). Lubin,
Yamhill Record we
Sacramento, Cal., fur free copies of “A
New Political Issue” and “Pamphlet No learn that;
The streets of North Yamhill are being
3.” Mr. Lubin is a republican and a
and cross walks are being laid.
protectionist, but believes in giving the
A man from Wapato brought some
farmers as much benefit from protection
as any other class. He explains how geese to the store of M. Reinstein the
this can be done in a very lucid manner, other day. When they were being dres-
and is working hard to advance the ed several pieces of gold were found in
cause of the farmers. Mr. Lubin is their craws.
prominent in political councils of Cali­
\V. IL Austin and Win. King fell from
fornia, and is becoming widely known a scaffold on a new building, badly in­
hm a writer on economical question« juring both.
The H eadlight heartily endorses the
Hunters attention.—If you want »mu­
l>osition taken by Mr. Lubin.
nition at bedrock, go to Letcher’s
W. 8. Kimball, a thoroughly reliable
man, says that he did not sign any note Jewelry store.
for the Steel Range Co., jet they now
Population Increasing.
present a regular ironclad note with his
Born—To G. W. Phelps and wife, of
name to it. A nice coat of tar and
feathers would he good for some of these Netarts, Oct. 17, a daughter.
Born—To E. W. Stanley and wife,
traveling fakirs.
State Dairy Commissioner Luce says October 18, a son.
that Tillamook has the largest and best
Born—To Jack Holgate and wife, Oct.
e<piip)»ed creamery in the state, and that 17, a daughter.
milk from some ol the cows test over five
Born—To Fred Tomlinson and wife,
l>er cent butter fat, two per cent more Oct. 19, a daughter.
than the lawful standard set.
Born—To Mr. Bartneck and wife, Oct.
The big raft went to pieces off Cape 17, a son.
Meares, inatead of Tillamook Head, as
first reported. The prevailing current is
carrying the piling north and people on
C. <i. Cutting is the happy father of a
Clatsop beach are making a big thing big bouncing boy.
catching piling.
The tnaa who, at first, was supposed
The copy of assessment roll made by to have been drowned at the falls on the
the county clerk for the state, will soon Nestucea river, lias not lieen heard of
be ready to send to the state authorities. yet. Many now thin!; that he took a
The best lot of watches, specs and sudden departure for the valley.
jewelry of all kinds that has ever been in The toll road is in an almost impassable
condition, yet full rates of toll are being
Tillamook, at LeUTier’t Jewelry store
All the people need to do is to stand extracted from the settlers by these toll­
firmly together against the Steel Range road cormorants. Judge Burnett is cor­
dially invited by all the settlers to take a
Co., and the fight is won.
boggy-ride over the road.
I will receive a nice line of silverware
on the steamer Truckee, (’all and see it
Notice of Dissolution.
at Letcher’s.
Notice is hereby given that the co-part­
According to the Nehalem Times, elk
firm ofAldermaiuk Higginbotham
are being killed frequently in that local­
is dissolved, and that A. L Alderman
will continue the business of conducting
John Morgan and Rena Morton were the Central Market. All claims against
married yesterday.
the late firm will be paid by A. L. Alder­
The Harrison was still at Nehalem at man, and all amounts due the firm should
last accounts.
be paid to him.
Tillamook, October 9, 1894.
Call at the Bakery for fruits and veg­
A. L. A i . dkkmvx ,
B kn H igginbotham .
Wheat 85 cents per 100 lbs. at Cohn
Yoke of Cattle for Sale.
Central Market.
Here you will find
Game and fish in season.
Heavy cattle, well broken, for sale,
easy terms, with good security. Will
exchange for horses Inquire at Light
All parties who owe G. W. Fearnside
are requested to call and settle with
Theo. Steinhilber at once Mr. Stein-
hilber has the accounts in his hands for
Nehalem has—-
Magnificent Timber,
Fine Logging Streams.
Rich Bottom Lauds.
Good Harbor and Towns,
Attractive Beaches.
Tillamook has——
Beautiful Bay,
Safe Harbor,
Fine Logging Streams,
Large Area of Timber,
Prairie and Bottom Lands,
Popular Beach Resorts Convenient,
Growing Town—Tillamook City.
Tillamook City has
Many Stores and Offices.
Sawmill and Creameries.
Electric Lifhtu and Telegraph.
Good Walks and Streets.
Good Schools amt Churches.
Large Academy. Building.
Stone Bank Building
First Class Hotels.
Netarts has—
Fine Spruce Timber.
Magnificent Beaches.
Sea Lion Rocks.
Nestucea lias—
Rich Agricultural Lauds.
Good Pasturage.
Fine Trout Streams.
Harbor and Tow’ll.
Manificent Beaches.
Those who want homes, farm laud, dairy land, timber or cranberry land, sliouldco rrespond
with me. Tillamook is the best dairy county on the coast, and her timber resources are
unexcelled. Tillamook City is building faster than ever, and town lots are yet cheap.
Free printed information to enquirers. See descriptive matter on another page.
Theo. Steinhilber,
Tillamook, Ore.
Truckee Lumber Co.
Dealeis in
They keep on band at their store
in llobsonville the largest stock of
goods in this county consisting of
D ry G oods , C lothing ,
G roceries , H ardware E tc .
spécial attention given to filling
orders for goods in jobbing lots.
Agents for the Str. Truckee.
Tillamook, San Francisco, Portland
and way ports. Makes regular trips
every two weeks, weather permitting.
The fast sailing steamer Truckee is specially
fitted up for carrying passengers.
he rates:
Cabin Passage ......................... $15.00
Steerage (one way;.................. $9.00
Freight, General Merchandise,
San Francisco, $3 per ton.
Portland or
J. E. SIBLEY, M anager ,
H obsonville , O re .