Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 11, 1894, Image 6

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    Said on the Side
Born—To John Koch ami wife Sep. 4,
a son.
A child of Mrs. Nick Inns died at Bay
city Saturday.
The H eadlight is only $1.<)J per year
until furt her notice
John Stewart has commenced on a new
house on his property
II. A. Woodford in Building a house on
his place north of the city
For Sale—A scholarship in Mis. May’s
academy . Enquire at this office.
James Williams will have charge of
the Alliance meat market hereafter
C R. Hunt Ims bought the Geo. I
Smith residence ami now occupies it.
Fishing was good a few days ago, l ut
Sil versides are the principal fish at pres-
A lot of new goods has just I mvii re­
ceived at the millinery store, Ladies are
invited to call and inspect them.
Fear »sides store will he located in Pape
& Robbins* building al Nehalem
has been in Portland buying groceries.
Jas. Hughey, G. A. Mowers, W. A
Manor and N . P. Hansen, from the upper
Big N estuck were in the town this week.
The Albany Herald says the Nestucca
bay cannery will be removed to Alaska,
the run of fish being this year !<><> light
to keep it running.
Lester P. Smith, the newly api>ointe<l
school superintendent is in the city. He
will qualify and assume the duties of the
office at once.
John Embtim, contractor and builder,
lately from Delemar, Idaho, has loca­
ted in this city. He will be here perma­
nently after Christmas.
Tuttle and Cary have the agency for
the celebrated Hays Force Pump, and
will sell them to those who want a first
class, substantial pump.
The Advocate is assessed at $.‘>50; the
H eadlight at $1000. For two years the
Advocate plant was not assessed at all
Yet, some people call it an enterprise.
Nels Thompson has a complete line of
bedsteads, springs, mattresses, chairs, etc
Latest designs in wallpaper, also
Thompson deals only in reliable goods.
A lfred W illiams ,
of the paper ia $1.50 as usual
1 lie low I
rate ia made to suit the limes and to en­
able us t<> collect as closely ns possible. I
The (xditieiaiis are having a hard time |
convincing the people that I lies«* are not
hard times. But p»lit¡ruins have the
nerve to make this MittrUient. And they
will say any thing to m ke votes, and
generally Hud plenty of believers mid
those who will follow.—North Yamhill
------ A Full Line of------
N. 1*. Roberts and J. A. Richardson
are building a small ►teamer to put on
the bay route. The boat will be 32 feet
over all, 8 feet beam, ami «>1 light draft, •
with screw propeller. The Ixiiler will be
Full supply of Artists’ materials.
horizontal, ami the boat will I m * fini-hed
with a neat cabin and pilot house. It
will carry about 21) passengers.
This office does nut keep draw ring paper,
tablets, envelopes, or writing paper for
sale at retail
Those who wish station­
ery or school supplies can find tliei.i at
the book store . We do not keep legal
blanks to retail, but will print them ih
--------------------------- »
lots of fifty or more, only
We do not
sell blank paper-—only printed paper or First class in every respect; best eccDinniDdatians in the
city. Headquarters far the traveling public Located
One of the leading commission houses
main street, TillamooK. Oregon.
in Portland quotes prices as follows:
Flour weak at $2.20 to $2 3.) for both
Valiev and eastern Oregon. Large re­
ceipts of eggs have cause«I them to drop
Good Accomodations.
to 18 cents. (’rea-nery butter is quoted
at 50 cents a roll; choice dairy 40 to 45
cents, brine 3J to 40, and store 25 cents.
Dated October 4.
Beals Bros, are determined to erect
their new block this fall
They are as­
sured good tenants. The building will
be bv all odds the best business block in
town, and will l>e finished in modern
style. They deserve much credit for CENTRALLY LOCATED.
their push and determination in building
these hard times, ami the new structure
will he quite an addition to our growing
“Life in Astoria drew a crowded house
at Stuttz Theater last night.
* *
The comedy is origin.il, and unlike other
plays. No comedy could create more
laughter than did life in Astoria last
night, from the time, 8:30 when the cur­
tain went up, until 10 o’clock
The au­
dience were kept in constant good humor
and extreme laughter.—Astor ian. Octo­
ber 4.
R. W. Robbins of Bay City was arrest-
en last week at the instigation of Clyde
Clements, charged with the larceny of a
saw log. He was brought before Judge
Maulshy, and was bound in the sum of
$300 to appear before the next circuit
court. It seems that Mr Robbins caught
a drifting saw log ami used it up for fire­
Loggers complain a great deal
about having their logs stolen
Notice the assesment roll published in
this issue. Some interesting figures are
given. It shows the figures for those who
pay taxes on $1000 or more, however $300
exemptions allowed are not deducted.In
fact, it shows the gross value. All prop­
erty owners who have been escaping tax­
C. H. SMITH, Prop’r.
ation are in the list this year, as no in­
debtedness exemptions are allowed this
A pardon has been granted Frank Me
Cormack for cutting off the tail of C. A
.Bailey’s calf. Governor Bowers says
that he will issue no more pardons until
after the next election.
L. Reichert, who has been manager of
the Alliance Market, has accepted a place
in a Portland Market
Mr. Reichert isa
gentleman who made many friends while
here, and lie is an expert as a butcher.
Tuttle ifc Carv have placed a fine force
pump in the well fronting their place of
business. The city council ought to get
about four of these pumps and place
them where they would do the most good
in case of fire.
Gov. Bowers has paid his subscription.
He says he dosn’t expect us to give him
a farm or a driving sulky like the Exam­
iner does, and he has granted us the priv-
ilige of getting all the wood and that we
T. G. Stillwell went back to his post in
can get on subscription or otherw ise.
the Salem penitentiary, but secured a
If you wish to see a large stock of first vacation until Jan 1st he started for
class hardware, everything well displayed home, and stopped over night at the
call at Tuttle & Cary’s store
They have Mountain house
Not lieing acquainted
a fine line of stove«. and can supply around the premises he fell off a bank
guaranteed steel ranges of the most ap­ into the river, about 20 feet, injuring his
proved models, on short notice, and at left arm severely. It gave him such
low prices.
pain that he could not sleep well and j
Those who wish to pay up until the while sitting up by the Hove, he thought
present time and have their papers ship­ l»p’<l go out after a load of wood to re­
ped can hardly expect to get the lienetit plenish the fire. Oh going out lie walked
of our cash $1.00 rate. This was made right into a 16 loot well, ami found him­
for those who wish to pay up until the self sitting, bruised in fresh places, at the
present ami for a year in advance
How­ liottoni of the well. He called for assist­
ance and was fished out. He is here now
ever, if you pay up for arrears ami a year recovering as fast as could lie expected
ill advance you get the Itenefitol the $1.00 for a man who had so many accidents in
rate clear through
Otherwise the price one night.
Prescriptions Compounded
M. H. LARSEN, Proprietor
“The Aiderman
The present proprietor has just assumed management
of this hotel, and respectfully solicits a share of the
patronage of the public. SAMPLE ROOMS.
J. P. ALLEN, Proprietor
W ines , L iquors and C igars .
Welnhardt’s Beer on Draught
G rand C entral
H all .
Fine Liquors and Cigars
Tillamook, Oregon.