Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 24, 1894, Image 3

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    News and Comment.
Fun! Fun!! Saturday night
See bills
giving programme.
The Elmore lias about completed re­
pairs and will sail lor (his place Satur-
Dr. Wise will leave for Portland next
Monday. Those wishing tn see him |
will please eall at once.
How is your sole? How are your up­
pers? If they are had von can get them
men«led by Harry Grose.
The caravan returned from the south ,
Tuesday, and will swoop dow n upon Ne­
halem next. They report showing to
g.H>d houses
William and Frances Steinmetz wish
to express their (hanks to the Ladies Aid
Society and all friends who so kindly as­
sisted them during the recent sickness in
their family.
The man who cuts meal at the Central
Market knows how to fix a nice roast,
can slice a steak lor you that is sure to
please, ami he studies the particular w ants
of every customer.
Dr. C. E. Linton and R. T. Weatherly
of woods were in the city yesterday
Linton is making arrangements to start a
paper in Woods. The Doctor is a rustler
ami will no doubt succed in the project.
1* F. Brow ne advertises' his shoemak­
ing establishment in another column.
[Mr. Browne has done work for the people
[here for a long time, and needs no recoin-
hnendation from us. He is a first class
W. J. Smith, Tom Coates and Wilbur
Stillwell have been appointed appraisers
of the estate of Jos. Green, deceased. As
the estate consists of several thousand
acres of timber land, scattered all over
this county, and elsewhere, the gentlemen
named will be gone for some time cruis­
ing over the land.
conduct the attairs of the household.
Having prevailed on a voting lady to
assume the name of Prove ost some time
since, he went to Portland last week
ami the two were united in marriage.
Arthur returned here with his wife the
first of the week. They have set up
housekeeping. Long and happily may
they live together.—Dayton Herald.
No one need say the H eadlight
The friends of this paper will do an act
that will be fully appreciated if they will,
after the count is made in the various pre­
cincts after the election, send marked
tickets showing the exact vote of all can-
dnlates for all offices, as quickly as pos-
This office w ill be kept open
all night, if necessary, after the election,
1.nd all election news will be posted hen*
and else where. When impossible to
send full returns, si nd majorities for one
or more candidates as far as possible.
Generally, some one is coining tn town
after the count is made, and reports sent
by them, addressed to this office, will I m *
made public in tabulated form
pose tne editor’s political policy if you
please us better than for some man to
slate his objections to our policy over his
own name.
This is the only fair way to
fight, and the only kind we use.
William Thornton, an old and highly
respected settler of this community, died
at his late home two miles east of town,
Sunday night, May 20. Mr. Thornton
was born in Cincinnati, May 25, 1821 but
went to Illinois in 1826. In 1852 he
crossed the plains to California, and in
I87O came to Tillamook.
Mrs. Thornton, «me brother and one
sinter survive him.
had no children.
The funeral occurred Tuesday at John­
son cemetery, Rev. McLachlan conduct­
ing the religious ceremonies. A very
large number of friends and neighbors
assembled there to pay their last res­
pects to the deceased.
The prices, of all commodities have
dropped. The H eadlight realizes this and
w ill give the people the advantage of a
hard times price on the paper. Until June
15, 1894, the price of this paper will be
only $1.00 per year. This applies to all
new cash subscribers, all old subscribers
who pay a year in advance, and to all who
are in arrears and pay up until the present
time and for a year in advance. This ar­
rangement cannot last longer than stated,
as $1.00 per year barely pays lor the act­
ual cost of the white paper, but we make
this oiler in order to give those who are in
arrears a chance to pav up regardless of
hard times, and get our books square. Do
not delay this matter too long.
Only the best selected stock butchered for this market. Beef, veal, mutton and pork on
hand at all times. Dressed poultry every Saturday. Game in season. The patronage of the
public is respectfully solicited.
When you come
to the Wilson
River country,
stop atReeher’s.
Cjood Bedg
Telegraph office in ihe house.
Grain and hav
for teams. Stage
to Forest Grove
or Tillamook,
when ordered.
111 Z1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e_t • 1
: _ j
You can have all the space yon
want, and we guatantee yon fair treat­
ment in answering you. Nothing would
differ in opinion are invited to use its
columns free of charge. Get in and op­
Voters, call at the treasurer’s office, the
books are public pro|>erty, and see if they
don’t confirm what is said in an article
in this paper entitled “Public Funds.” 1
Before you make up your mind, consult
the school law’, also, and go to the school
superintendent’s office and note how
much has been received on teacher’s
examinations last rear
llarry Grose is now making boots and
shoes in his shop next door to the Dr.
Johnson drug store
lie makes a speci­
alty of honest hand-sewed work. Harry |
is a hard working young man, under­
stands his business, and will be pleased
tj do work for his friends. You ought
to see some of hi” handi-work. He
makes a specialty of mending.
There will lie a general democratic
ally at the court house on Thursday,
May 24, at 8 P. M. Hon. J. K. Weather­
ord. democratic candidate for congress,
vill address the people, lie will address
i he people of Bay City 011 Friday evening
May 25. Later.—The meeting is de­
clared off, as the speakers found it im­
possible to be here.
Its fight is open, and all who
Hard Times.
Mrs. D. C. Bowers
is pre-;
pared to give lessons in
;isat home or at pupils’ resi- t-Z
Z® dence, as desired, in city or
| L c°u"try-
-•J Terms: Eight dollars for
Z •»twenty four lessons.
------------------ . -
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Frescoing, Decorating,
Arthur Pmvoost, one of the firm of
and Paper-hanging.
Provoost Bros., who are starting in to
and prices call on, or write to
manufacture brick here, concluded it was For H estimates
ermann G eshner , Beaver Post office,
Tillamook County. Ore.
well to have a helpmate—one who could
“Hardware, Stoves, tinware.
Finest stock ever seen in this Citg.
All New
Large Ship­
ment now on
the way
from the
and oil kinds
of mechanics’
always in
Loggers and Mill Supplies.
Repairing done.
□ ppaaife Larsen House, Tillamook.