PERSONAL GOSSIP. Difference That a Crain Halloa Stakes When Pasture« Dry Up. When the dry weather checks the growth of grass in pastures, the cows greatly decrease in milk flow. In such droughts the feeding of gram to stock maintains the growth in size or weight. MILK WITH AND WITHOUT GRAIN. To ascertain the effect of a grain ra­ tion on cows at pasture. 1. P. Rober s and H. H. Wing, at the New York Cornell station (B. 36), have fill for three summers a nature of two parts corn­ meal. one part bran and one part cotton­ seed meal to Jerseys and Holsteins. Each cow was fed a gallon daily in two feeds, night and moniing. In 1183. with good pasture through the summer, the grain fed cows produced less milk ami as much butter. The grave of George Eliot at High­ gate, near London, is reported to be in a wretched state of neglect. Mrs. Humphrey Ward is writing a uew novel, a companion work to "David Grieve” and "Robert Elsmere." General William Mahone of Virginia has permanently retired from politics. He is quite wealthy and says that pub­ lic life has no rewards nor temptations for him. Alexius Columbus, a former ship­ builder. now nearly 97 years old, who claims to lie a lineal descendant of the great Christopher, has been discovered in Buffalo. Dr. J. Collins Warren, the new pro­ fessor of surgery at Harvard, is a direct descendant of General Joseph Warren of Bunker Hill fame and is of a distin­ guished medical family. Brigham Young, Jr., one of the numer­ ous sous of the late president of the Mor­ mon church, advises his people to regard jiolitics as next to importance to religion and predicts that the Mormons will be­ come "powerful politicians and saints." John Hays Hammond, the noted Cali­ fornia miner and manager of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan silver mines at Cour d'Alene, Ida., has gone to Johannesburg, South Africa, to take charge of the eight great gold mines of the Barnat brothers. Rev. Ralph Swiuburn. who lives near Charleston, W. Va., is the oldest railroad man living in this country. He was born near Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in the county of Durham, Aug. 4, 1805, and begun to work on railroads in the year 1818. Among the distinguished citizens of Philadelphia past 90 years of age, the Rev. Dr. Furness is one of the most re- : markable of personages. He takes long walks like a boy without fatigue. He hears well and can read at night even in the cars without glasses. ! as» is A HEAD¿76 \v Bhc i- KEELEY I N S T IT U T E 1111-1133. (lives the County anil City News in full, be­ sides all the important telegraphic news and selected miscellany, and com­ ments fearlessly and indepen­ dently upon all topics. ..CSl"Df Gregari. Forest [JroVe and fyjgeburg. JOB * PRINTINÍ 1 .etter lleads, .Note Head«, Bill lleads, Statement», and Envelops, Business Card», \ isiting Carde, Placarti», Shipping Tags, Poster», r cheese, and he says to hitnself. "1 sent from London to Bristol.—St. Louis will not be deceived: I won't buy it un­ Globe-Democrat. less 1 can buy it for trash." and pays ac­ RAILROAD TIES. cordingly.—Address at a Dairy Conven­ tion. There are 10 lines running out cf Summer Slirinkuce of Milk. Chicago competing for eastbound busi- During the het. dry months, when ness. f'.ies are abundant, cows are almost sure There were 2,444 railroad accidenta in to shrink in the milk flow. There are this country in 1892; 790 persons were some points about this matter that ure killed and 2,685 injured. OREGON well to consider. A great many dairy TILLAMOOK. O A belt recently made for the Brooklyn fanners follow the practice of turning City Electric Railway company is 116 the cows into a small |«isture at night f_r tbe sake of the convenience of find­ feet long, 72 inches wide and weighs 1.800 pounds. One hundred and twenty ing them easily the next morning. Dur­ lides were used in its manufacture. ing the day the cows are so bothered by A new plan is being considered to con­ flies that they will not eat what they should even if it is easily procured. Lf struct a belt line around Columbus, O. they cannot graze at night, the result The proposed line is about 13 miles, and will be they get too little food in the 24 the cost is estimated at $1.250.000. Part hours nnd must of consequence shrink of the right of way has been secured. A custom was established some time All kintlw oí turning «Ione Io order. in their milk. The wise dairyman will see to it that ago by the roads entering Columbus, O., Moulding* and brachetti of ail kinds. the cow has plenty to eat. If it requires to give state employees a ¡>assenger rate a little extra study and effort on his part of a cent a mile on all occasions. The to get it for her. he will do it, for he custom has been abandoned, and now knows this important fact—that if the full fare is charged. cow shrinks in summer he can never get All the tracks of the Boston and Maine her back to as large a flow in the fall as road at Boston are to be covered with a be otherwise would. Good management shell. It was the first intention of tbe of the cow is one of the foundations of company to allow the tracks to remain success in milk production. Flies in the uncovered and to have light shells built We make a discount ut ten per cent, daytime ami confinement at night will above tbe platforma. for cash orders. tieat the best cow in the world. The new station of the Central Rail- road of New Jersey at Atlautic High­ Dairy and treaasery. lands has leen finished. It is one of tbe «• The ancestors of the Gm maey and Jer­ finest in tbe state and waa Inuit in con­ sey cows were found in Normandy and nection with tbe vast improvements •• Brittany more than a century ago. Tbe made at the Sandy Hook steamboat ter­ Norman cow waa a large red animal minal. The Brittany cow waa a small black one. '»be two breeds became mingled in one PITH ANO POINT. and croeaed to tbe channel islands. Tbe Missouri lewis the world in lead pro­ modern tendency has been to differen­ tiate the specie« again, developing frren duction. . -+- « —•-»---------- ra— î the mixed channel ialaniLs' breed one The name bank b derived from lainco. family of red or orange tinted cows, a bench. TlUamaak,Dre First St.i Opp. Occidental, which are called in our time Guernseys, Forgery waa Lrst made punishable by another family of spotted black or fawn death in 1CS4. colored cows with dark man. some­ The Germane were tbe Erst to employ what small* r than tb<- other branch, and gunpowder for blasting rwka. these we call in our time Jerseys. A gold coin flcprwiates 5 f er cent in Next time a Imtterv t ingm-d agent al C. B. HADLEY. Proprietor. ■ fair or elsewhere tm s to delude yon value in I* years of constant use There have l»»n X) snit'i'iea commit­ into believing oleotnargxnne la Iwtter than batter tarn on him and ask him ted on tbe Eiffel tower, in Paris, since why his millionaire employer, wbomak i its couatructiou. tbe stuff at his factory. does not iuw it More than •o.iao «taupe are said to ba found every year Iotas u the letter boxes ine eail of bntter American butter today ia far super** of the United Kingdom ■nd Pool Tablai to what it waa SO rear« ago Tina u A cubic foot of newly fallen snow partly owing to improved cows, partly weighs H pocmlaand has 12 times tbe □ REQON. TILLAMOOK. to laprvie) metbois at making butter i bulk of *" equal weight cf water. ! TILLAMOOK Fakes and Imitators! everything needed in a first class y printing office is found in He ini.ioiiT « The plant is ve for a town of the size and additions in the way of paper is borders, cuts, ty pe and p r i n ted machinery are lioing Il tin* very made all the time, j boat style of The machinery and the art, as to fixtures are of the > mec h a n i cal latest and nml ty|sigrapli- approved •nl Hp|ieiiranee, and every the print is clear, the advertisements artistic, and the very Is ’st quality of pii|ier found in /, is uaed. No efforts are country spared to make the II kad - ioiit the best county ' newspaper in Oregon, or the North West, for that You need not feel bi semi the I I k mi.lour east to friends or prospective f immigrants—its appearance will convince anyone that we have a prisqa-roiis ami enterprising county. Tillamoolç Lumbering Co : HEADLIGHT Saw & Planing Mills. I i Proprietors Electric Li^ht System C. H. SMITH, Proprietor. Grand Central Billiard Hall. STOOD THE TEST WHILE other |m|irr« have come and gone. II yon pay for it a year in advance, you are not likely to lose your money. Hulmrription price for the Ila i di ion v fl .Win advance. THE # BUREAUSÄLOON, FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. The llgAIMJGirr is tbeohlest l’a|ier, tbelemling |m|s-r and has tlie largest circtilation— larger tlian tbe circululion ol all otlier county |Hi|ier». It lias la-en Itere ftyearsaml ■ I I _fr II It J 1 1 a I 1! * 1 ianois and &qaii 1 PIONEER PAPER If you wish to advertise Tillaiiusik County, send the H sadi . ioht abroad. It will from time to time contain rehalde ilew-riptive articles regarding Tillaiiusik ami its womlerful reaourres and will let the world know of our excellent timber, our rich larining and dairy lamia, ami cur magnificent rivers. Í f n 1I t