Vol. VI. No. 9 TILLAMOOK. OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 27. 1893 PROFESSIONAL cards . a PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, office next door to Johnson's drug store. ? tf TILLAMOOK, ORE. MONMOUTH,OREGON yy J. MAY, M. D., The Leading Normal School of the Northwest. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, TILLAMOOK, OREGON Strong Professional and Academic Course and well organized Model School for ¡»radical Training of Teachers. Normal, Advanced Nor­ mal, Business, Music and Art Departments. U PETRE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Will do an office practice at Dr. Johnson’s drng store and atteud all calls »n this city. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. [ T. MAULSBY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Notary Publie anil Real Estate Conveyancer. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. --------- Beautiful aud healthful location. Light r.pcnses. No saloons. The Normal has enjoyed a steady growth the past year, reaching an enrollment of over «oa, the largest in its history. New members have been added to the faculty, new apparatus sup­ plied, and the course of study revised and strengthened. The graduaies are in demand to fill good positions. The diploma entitles the holder to teach in any county in the state without further examinations. Tuition, Normal $6.25 per term of 10 weeks; Sub-Normal >5.00 per term of 10 weeks; Business $6.25 per ter..«. Board at Normal Dining Hall $1.75 per week. Rooms 50 cents per week, unfurnished, to fi.00 and $1 25 furnished. Boaid and lodging in pri­ vate families, $3.50 to I4.co per week. Tuition, board, lodging and books, less than J1.50 per year. Conservatory of Music—thorough courses are offered in vocal and instrumental music, tuition fio.oo per term of 20 lessons. Monmouth is easily accessible from all parts of the state, twelve miles from the state cap­ ital, sixty miles south of Portland. Catalogues cheerfully sent on application. Address P. L. Campbell, Pres, or S. Shedd, Sec’y Faculty. (ILAUDE THAYER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TILLAMOOK. OKEUON. TRUCKEE LUMBER CO (OF SAN FRANCISGO.) . I It. • W. SEVERA NCE, Dealeis in I )E H UT Y-1 ) 1 ST K1 CT-A TH IKB E V, 3rd Judicial Districi ,for Tillamook Coiiuty GENERÄL * MERCHANDISE. They keep on hand at their atore in ilohaonville the largest atock of goods in thia county conaiating of OREGON. TILLAMOOK, y AN BUREN BROMLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, TILLAM M)K, OREGON Res. and P. O. BAY CITY. 5 »7- MISCELLANEOUS. C. & E. THAYER, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Notions. Groceries, Crockery, and Queens- ware. Doors, Windows, Lime, Hair and Cement. Hardware and Nails. £^*Speuial attention given to filling orders for good» in jobbing lot«. Agents for the fart «ailing BANKERS. General Hanking and Kachan*, buaineas. I nt eresi paihop opposite the Grand Central. TII.I.AMOOK, <»« k . TILL^MQOlÇ LIVELY gT^BLE M. D. ROCHE, Manager HOLTON HOUSE, PORTLAND, DREBON. COR. 4 th & ALDER LARGEST i rat -class single and double turnouts kept on hand. Boarding and transient stwk cared for. TlLLAMOOM, OBF-. HOUSE Good Accomodation». Proprietor. JONES B ros . P roprietors . STS. Strictly First Class. European Plan. A L. ALDERMAN, Occidental Hotel. The present proprietor has just assumed management or this hotel, and respectfully solicits a share of the patronage of the public. SAMPLE BOOMS. CENTRALLY LOCATED. «WHIW " »«I UIIIK titlaxook , ORKOON A cre T racts T own L ots . For gale at reasonable prices and on favorable term*, ¡«oration best in the city of Tilla­ mook Carr Wa. 0 stillwhil . T iu - a M ooc . osa CHAg. pETER^ON. BARBER SHOP First Class ia Ewq Fartiealar Ba*. ’ —BF Hair Cutting. Bbwan pool 0» unmnwmiuTiM A llen H ouse , _______------------------------------ — j. p. ALLEN, Proprietor. ut.« - ” """TîX-'rn “ «n Freír -n-re-tMSF— OREGON. TILLAMOOK, NEW HOUSE such that every consideration of sound statesmanship demands the guarantee of ita bonds, under proper safeguards, by G athered with C are from all S iam T hreatens to C ause the nstional government. Community of interests is essential S ources . T rouble in E urope . to community of national sentiment. It was this conviction which, during the war, gave such a great impulse to the project to build a transcontinental rail- N kw Y okk , July 22.—The Ilerald'B way. Transcontinental railways have A single Kansas caliliage head lias pro- l*aris cable Bays: Tlie opinion often ex- taen constructed, but their use is costly duced 400,“cigars.” presaed here that some question of little as compared with the cost of commerce In Spain only one-fourth of the impu­ or no importance may yet set Europe by water, and bo far as commerce by tation can read and write. on fire, lias almost been realised, for in water is concerned, the Atlantic States The cxar’tt th nine is «aid to be worth the Siamese affair England and France of the Union are nearer to Eunqie than four time« an much as Queen Victoria’«. enter into a conflict with each other, they are to the Pacific State«, on the It ia now raid that only 170 pernon« in and al ready Europe is manifesting dis­ one hand, and the I’aeiflc States, on the quietude. Nothing ia now «¡Miken of, other hand, are nearer to Asia than they , Florida have depoeitH in Having banks. Alsxit the only man who ia suffering except the movements of the fleets and are to New York. tlie grouping of powers. Russia has Tliismight become a perilous condition seriously from business tiepression now - . • ■ ■ *J tits» >>>»•> ta.-llax tlikllu Xlakt 11 1 Uab given the French government to under­ of . affair« The - Press baa an abiding is the man who il'»* not ativertise. stand that she will approveof everything confidence in the loyalty of the Pacific The fool seeketh to pluck the fly from in the policy of France in Siam. On the State« of the Republic ami that confi­ the mule's hind leg, hut the wise man otlier hand Italy has asked England dence has not lieen shaken in the Hlighte«t letteth the job to the lowest bidder whether there was not need for Italian degree by the utterances of a few men j Self-respect and self-conceit are in no- ironclads in China seas. Germany bo who would probably hesitate long I k *- way« related. The latter ia a quality an far has remained quiet, but today there fore attempting the violent steps which much despised by those free from it a« was some talk about sending a German they rashly and thoughtlcHHly advocate, the former i« admired. ironclad to protect German intervsta, It is, however, obviously antagonistic to I An ArkaiiHiiH editor claim« to have which are really important in Siam. sound public policy Uiat the two great | tt rattlesnake with 156 rattles. It Tlierefore, as in all great questions, coast lines of the Union should lie virtu­ WH« for just aneli cases that the Keeley Russia and France are together against ally foreign to each other, ami separated cure wan invented. all the other power«. The French min­ front each other by the shores of the The French ui>;:i«ter at Bangkok haa ister of foreign affairs bail counted on South American continent, when they the arrival of laird Dufferin to put an could be brought into ready and con­ ■ent in hi« ultimatum to the Siamese. end to the situation, but reliable in-1 venient intercourse by the Nicaragua If it ia refused a blockade of the Sis mese formation from Ixindon contradicts this Canal. It is the plain duty of the coast will liegin ut once Some very ancient iiookH art* to be way of looking at the question. Tlie government of the United Slate«, a« a session of the chandler of deputies clots» i matter of imperative national policy, to found in the «acred relics olt'ylon. They today. The general elections have been see that the Nicaragua Canal proceeds to are formed of palm leaves, written upon with a metal pen, and are bound merely fixed for August 20. Events in Siam completion.” by a ai I ken «tring. may have an influence upon their re­ h uw They Telrgraj h lu Persia. sult. Ministers, prefects and all sub­ The aeahorae ia built upon a peculiar ordinate officials are denied their sum­ Telegraphic communication in I'ersia plan. It ha« the head of a horse, the mer holidays till after election. It be­ ia Haiti to work fairly well in dry weather, wing of a bird and the tail of a snake. came apparent montlis ago that some but in time« of rain and damp it is tin- | In «wimming it uhsuiiich a vertical posi­ spectacular diveraion from lhe rotten fortunately far otherwise Tlti« ariaea tion and when wishing to real it attache» I'anama affair was needed for electoral from the fact that the in«iilatora are not itaell to a convenient «talk of Muweed consumption, if the politicians now in fixed to pole« of wish ! or iron an with uh , by nieuiis of ita tail. control of France were not to lie kicked but are driven into Ire«» that have A syndicate of I on land and New out neck and crop. There was ait in- 1 branches growing round tlie hooks and York «wpiUhms is negotiating for the gen ions attempt to utilise Egypt fur this touch the wire, time intercepting the purchase of 50,000 acre« of ti ml »er land purpoet:, but tlie kbedive’scourage failed current. When a large tree i« not avail­ in the neighborhood of Medford, Ore., him and the enterprise fell through. able a «mall one i« resorted to, which belonging to the Southern Pacific rail­ aow little Siam is to be exploded instead often break«, or the «baking of tile slender road. It is understood that the purchaae and Premier Itepuy contidently awaits tree by the wind dislislge« the insulator price ia to lie (500,000. the*' elm toral returns from tlie lsu-k or liook on which it is fixed, and the C hicago , July 1th—i re«»dent lliggen* country. wire trails on the ground. It is no un­ holliMlii haa itwued an order to cloac lip A frearber HanlUdad. common thing for the win» to lie seen Pugilist Jim ( 01I4Mt’s vaudeville allow lying right acrisw the high road, which in Midway plaiaaiire. Corliett haa T hk D allis , Ore., July 21.—This is followed by hundreds of mules Isitli ignored lhe order, and Director of Worka afternoon the city was treated to a highly in Gillian »ml Astra had. A case is oT>- Burnham ia wailing for orders from intereHtingand sensational episode. Rev. cially reported of a high foreign oTu-ial 11 iggeiil>othnni aa to whether the order o. D. Taylor, pastor of the i’.aptist church telegraphing to Teheran from Eunqie will lie executed by law pris'eediiigs or and chief boomer of Aortli Itallee, was announcing hi« intended arrival al Ri-sht, by force. thoroughly and most satislactorily horse­ in which the telegram wa« received in A number of native North Croi.niaiiN whipped and chased about lhe streets hy the sender’« pre.ience eighteen days after remding ii> I'aliimore have foro on I hii a woman. Mr. Taylor ia president of lhe its dispatch. HHMM'iution Io purcliHM* and prenerve the Wasco Independent Academy, situated land on ItoMiioke Mund, N.C., where An Mllor'e Mistake. here, and acta as treasurer of lhe insti­ Sir Walter Raleigh, in the ymr 15M, tution. Miss llok'omb, one of the teach­ The mlitor of a weekly journal lately ers fur the past year, was engagixl by lost two of his Hulsu-riliers thr.aigli aeei- planted I lie firwt English colony in the Taylor, and witli a lady friend, Misa dentally departing from tlie lieaten track New World. The tract includes h I mhi I k>)uie, left her home in the East and in hi« answers to corn*s|«>ii Irer, and, aa she claims, was (and 1100 inquire tlie lieut way to get them «afely one editor in heaven. How he got in l"-l'v'y but it i. short, Taylor refusing to pay the balance. over their teething, and No. 2 wanted l,,rwl ""‘l Im- " ,,,r “ As she was withiait means and far from to know how to priHei lhison hanl from «teppeil in unexi«teilly. inenda, she hail to alianduii all hope of tlie myriail« of gnusiliop|ieru. Tbeeditor collecting more. frameal hi« answers upon the orthodox I When tlie iksige was diwovered they Not so, her friend, however, Miss line«, but unfortunately traiiHimanl their scan lied tlie realm« of felicity in all their Equie called on Taykir this morning for two name«, with the renull that No. I, length and breadth fora lawyer to draw Hie last time and demanded tire l«lam e who was blenseil with twins, reml, in up tlie netessary |«pers for hi« eject­ due. This Ire refused to pay, and when reply to his query, ‘‘Cover them care­ ment, but tliey couldn’t llud one, «nd of «Ire aarured him that unhi* Ire did so fully with straw and net fire to them, course he held the fort. Sr««avii.i.K, Cal., July 19.—A di«a«- «lie woukl horsewhip him Ire politely and the little penta, after jumping sl««it informed her that if she attempted it in the flame« a few minute«, will «peedily tnais lire urrarrwl here last night, rr- lie would have Irer pul in lire "cooler, lie nettled,” while Nn. 2, plagueil with ■nlting in the destim timi of sixty Imikl- wlrere Ire hail no doubt she hail lieen grasnlinpper«, was told to “«iive a link- ings and causing the l administer a New« Hamrrtay wa» a gala day krr ami a «tore, m4 ■ biuiiHwa liisine was hlirral dose of rawhide. In lire struggle C<«|uille City, whrti tire rad« were taid left. Tire iiiRurame is isre-fisirth tire Ire siii-ceeded in grasping Irer arista liut Uiroagh town. Tire Work wa« ammi- tire large crowd Dial hail gatlreml tore phslied al R o’rkak ili tire svening, and A rm ent enaetnietil of lire New York him knar ami held him till tire young liad io l>e iknre in a hurry, as Alloroey legislature provuie« that to every per­ latly liadgivrn him a tlmeiHigli whipping. Hlrerwood «•> trymg logrtan injum-tem son using twielwirse or larger wagisi Tire general arntinrentuf tire coanniunity to kerp tire nwl Irolli gotng llirougli M. with wlrerls lire tire of whii-li is nut less was clearly evident in tire attitmte of J. McDonald*« property, Imi I h * was trai than Hirer im lrea in width on lire politic Ure large crowd which gathered alsiut late. Fetore Ite roukl get tlie itasiml highway«, a reiiate of half hia highway Hie acene, among wlmm not tare friend papera tlie rimi waatlmmgh Mcltimakl taxes shall be granted Tina law was of Taylor's was to hr kmml, wi U i Ure is a non mmient ami owna ime-tliird of made in tire interest of gi»«l nauki. rxerption of his aUorney, wlio •M lite townsite of Coqsills City, and Ure Itralera in w»gona wlw have Irern Inter­ prianptly U4d not to nitrrierr damage» lie a.ked were exrrissi ve. Tlie viewed in Allauiy any lliat mim - t tire law ritixena of Coquilta, knowing tlie mrer went into effect on June let la»t tire de­ C< grm-y, tunwal onl en iiius «mi csmnl mand lor wagon« with «Mietiraa haa raita, ttes, ami did everytlnng lliey conili alMiwn a marked inerraar. to get tlie rumi throogti Melkmakl'« A prominent clergyman in Huston properiy liefore il rooU be «topped, ami imlnl an errand Isry, ao Ire mlvertaanl it reflei te ni orli rrmiil im tliem. in lire want column. One rejdy rrml H im way: “1 arm you advertiard for a buy. I am one. I can do tiling« aa you W*aniaa, Jaly 21.—In parrhaatng haMle M..H Mk. nlver Im Hem U.iay at 70 rente per. more l>r ,, |wW. |wr| llo, Ure trremiry department past a lower J1 Im. rrrr paid ire Hint rem W|n|r n„, „dlr, u