Vol. VI. No. 7. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 13. 1893 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TRUCKEE LUMBER CO p II. ME8EROLE, M. D. CF SAISI FHANCISaO.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Dealeis in office next door to Johnson’s drug store. 7 tf TILLAMOOK, ORE. J. MAY, M. D., They keep on hand at their store in Hobsonville the largest stock of good* in this county consisting of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. PETKE, M. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Wil) do an office practice at Dr. Johnson’s drug store and attend all calls in this city. TILLAMoOK, OREGON. Duy Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Notions. Groceries, Crockery, and Queens- ware. Doors, Windows, Lime, Hair and Cement. Hardware and Nails. S] hn k y , Snljudieial District,for Tillamook County Merchandise, J. E. SIBLEY, M anager , H obsonville , O re . OREGON. TILLAMOOK, y AN BUREN BROMLEY’, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ------- Dealer in TILLAMOOK, OREGON MISCELLANEOUS. Hardware, Tinware and ¡Stoveg. C. & E. THAYER, TOOLS, CUTLERY, NAILS, DOORS Res. and P. O. BAY CITY. 5-17- BANKERS. General Banking and Exchange Interest paid on time deposits. business. Cor. Fiist St. à 1st Ave. E Exchange on England, Belgium, Germany, Sweden ami all foreign countries. TILLAMOOK, - - • ☆ ☆ A TIN SHOP IN CONNECTION. PLUMBING DONE TO ORDER. Tillamook. OXKGOJ*. I. F. LARSON FREE BU8 TO TRAIN8 AND Steamers Centrally Located. Newly Furnished. MARKLEY. HAYS & ROCHE, Pro irieters. M D. rtUOHE, M mager BLACKSMITH Wngun making, and all kinds of Wood work and General Blacksmithing «lone. Mill PORTLAND, DREGDN. Machinery Repaired. COR. 4TH & ALDER STS. Wagons Made to Order. Horse-shoeing a Specialty. TILLAMOOK. 8 Strictly Fit»t Cta»». European Plan. OHE. CENTRAL . ii>9MARKET. Satisfa.tion guaranteed to every one. *hop opposite the Grand Central. TILLAMOOK, ORE. TILLI\MOO\ LIVELY £TJ\BLE JONES B ros . P roprietors . LARGEST A. L. ALDERMAN, HOUSE. Good Accomodations. Proprietor. Occidental Hotel. L H. BROWN, P roprietor . The best Beef, Veal, Pork anti Multon always on hand. Eggs, Butter, Vegetables and Chickens bought and sold. P Wett 8ide R R Waiting Room and ficket office. The present proprietor has just assumed management of this hotel, and respectfully solicits a share of the patronage of the public. SAMPLE ROOMS. CENTRALLY LOCATED- CWEIIEIT TO BOAT LANOINS. TILLAMOOK, CHEOON H ouse A llen _____ ------------------ ? J. P. ALLEN, Proprietor. F st-class single and double turn-outs kept on hand. in Ukvn niff Boarding and transient stock cared ...... — for. .urruunding. pleaMut •>») «»mfirrUMe tor guct. T illamook , ore . A cre T racts —and— T own L ots . sale at reasonable prices andon favorable terms. Location best in the city of Tilla­ mook. C*rT WM. D »TILI.WKLL. T illamook , okk . CHA£ PETERSON. BARBER SHOP. ------ TILLÄMDDK, new FURNITURE new HOUSE LARSEN•HOUSE M. H. LARSEN, proprietor. ! First class in every respect) test acccmmcdaticns in the city. Headquarters for the traveling publ.c Located cn main strEEt. Tillamcck- OrEgcn, MI.»L J.RUOOLES Mr. J JOHWeON In...-. -• painting , UTIROOMII CIIIECTIII. Frescoing, Decorating. The patronage of the public is respe« t- *« 1/ solicited. 1» K kvsoliw Fl-axin'«« svo««. and Paper-hanging. .... ORKGOX Money loaned, Huöölfö & Jobneou Notes bought. MILLIN ERV Collections made, S«r Cour. Hou- -1I.LAMOQK, DREGOJL 4I TilUmook 41-M GEO. W KIGER. Bay Citv Hipan» Tabule« core bad bre«tb Hipan» Tabule« cure dixxme» Hipan» Tabule» : tur bad temper PLAN OF RELIEF. I some distance, $1.50 Per Year SHORT ITEMS ami the logs conveyed to the track with log wagons and then rolled onto the ears by liorse-|>ower. O ne of many S chemes suggested From 70,000 to 80,000 feet of logs are I nteresting N ews C lipped from dumped into the Klamath river every to S ecretary C arlisle . OUR LATEST EXCHANGES. day, the engine making the and six Money now in Vse to be Redeemed and trips daily. The chute that carries the Strange and lmportawt Happening« In logs into the river is about one half-mile Treasury Notea issued. Condensed form. long and very steep, so that they are W ashington , July 7.—The Star says: carried over that distance iti six seconds. After a bloodies* revolution Greece While members of congress and leaders From there the river carries them to the ha* declared itself a Republic. in financial matters are discussing var­ mill, which has all of the latest appli-, The cold storage warehouse at the ious plans by which the present sitúa- ances.—Jacksonville Times. World’* Fair took tire Monday and waa tion can be relieved, the officials of the totally destroyed. About forty men were Bri tildi Sealing Orti er«. treasury department are quietly prepar­ burned to death. ing the statistics and histories of financial L ondon , July 8.—The Official Gaaette The Astoria Evening Examiner which transactions for the benefit of the ad­ publishes an order in council, dated ha* been run for the la*t three year* by ministration to guide itin its own views July 4, prohibiting British ships from George Hibbert, a pres* veteran of the of the vital subject. Several plans have sealing within ten marine miles of the coast, su* pended publication last week laten suggested to Secretary Carlisle. ’• Russian coast in Behring sea or the I on account of dull time. A ¿»ng them >s one winch contemplates Nort)| aI1e I mted States. In short, the plan is zoff Z)|ff island*. ¡giall<(8 fappointed on removal* during the first teqiass a specie resumption act, redeetn- four month* of the last administration ing the various forms of money now used German Army Bill. than during the cm « responding period in in the country and issuing, instead, The German Army bill which threaten* this. United States treasury notes, whose “Hero” Richardson, who attended to value shall always be fixed. There are to cause serious trouble between the at (»resent nine different forms of money Emperor and the people was drawn by wreck the train near Yoncolla several in circulation, and the fact of the wide Gen. Verdu du Vermo s and as first month* ago, and then pawsed himself off difference between the value of gold and framed demanded an immediate addi­ for a hero ami stopfied the approaching silver coins, while they are theoretically tion of 90,000 men to the standing army. train, was Henteneed Monday to eight of a parity, is one of the causes which Emperor William was heartily in favor years iu the penitentiary. has suggested the plan proposed. The of the measure ami took every means of Judge Burnett has made a ruling in national banks during the past two promoting the passage of the law, but court, at Salem, that the “Soldier’s months have increased their circulation the Reichstag would not pass it Von Home,” authorized by the last legis­ nearly 17,000,000, an order for new cir 11 nene suggested that the bill la* changed lature, shall lie located at Salem. It was culation, to the amount of 12,277,000, so as to add 50,000 men at once and the intention of the State ls»ard to locate having been received so far this month gradually increase the number to 70,000. the Home at RomArnrg. The matter will by Controller Eckels. This suggestion has practically been ac­ lie referred to the supreme court. cepted by the government in its new Attorney Gen. Olney advised the sec­ Cyclone In Iowa. bill The new system, when fully dev­ retary of war today that he has author­ eloped, will give Germany in time of war ity under the law to obtain lands at Aa the result of a cyclone which started a trained army of 4,400,000 men. Gettysburg, Pa., by condemnation pro­ at Quimby, la , and ended at Pomeroy, ceedings in Huflicient quantity to carry la., seventy-five (ample are now dead I out the proposition for the marking and and over a hundred are injured. At Tliv teacher of a school in a Western preservation of fields of linttle. Thin IH l'onieroy 48 are dead and over a 105 blocks of residences are demolished. town, had occasion to rebuke one of hi* a severe blow for the trolley rail ronfi The siorin did its work in literally one pupil*, little Tommy Roundup, for laa- now lieing constructed on the buttle minute’« time. Many of the victim« iiieM and neglecting to learn hi* I vhhoiih . field. In Oregon were torn to piece« and ao disfigured aa He said to Tommy : In to lie unrecognisable. “If you don’t learn your lensons lietter mailt. Many dead were found long diatancea I’ll call on your mother ami Udi her similar law doe* not find favor with the farmer* w hen it comes dow n to a plain from their residences, and standing what wort of a buy you are.” houses had Isiards driven through them “I wi*h you would try it, l‘rofe**or.” pro|M>sition of dollars and cents Law* will not build road*. Work of that kind “You do?” by tiie force of the wind. Trees in the We will have good “Ye*,” pa i* aufully jealous. Ilei* require* money path of the storm were strip|>eil even of the bark, and nothing esca|>ed injury, laying with a whotgun right now for a roads when the farmers have become fairge rwk» were torn from the ground man who called on ma. I’ll fell Idin educated ** to their value and not be­ and hurled long distances. The pipe of what you *aie«i erado Lena. the une a young lady puta visiting young man was set free. Scott wmm sentenced John Sontag died at Fresno July 3rd. man to recently. The hulv liven several for the murder of his wife and there has There were no last word«, no family miles up the lkM*vwallipH river, and had alway* I mvii doubt of In* guilt. gronjasl about him, «imply hi« old l>een to Ma<*uml>er'H store to lay in a A liuly «‘ustonier <’alhs| at a store in mother weeping at the load of Ida lied supply of groceries. The visiting young Sherman county the other «lay with a while hia breath came shorter man met the young lady at the store, view to purchasing a pair of overall* for until the end. lie waa unconscious for hik I askee hangtai. ” There seems to have la-en a g,aal ileal a ham, «*a lined goods and a general as* you can u«tar over your jmiits, ami they of aeniimental boeh published alaiut the sorfment of groceries. The young man, will not look unlMs'omiiig if you wear Smtaga and Chris Evans. Ho far from however, undertook the amusing task, them without pant*.” Th«* lady assur«*d lieing oppressed outcast», driven from and the s|*n tators tell um it was a in us­ him that her husbaml wore the br«*eches their homea by mercenary detectivea, aa ing to *ee the young fellow struggling wher«*u|sm he Iwcam«* un<*oiiH*iou*. they have lrie.1 to make the people l»e- up the steep trail, doing pack-animal Under the new law which went into lieve, reliable evidence all goes to prove service, while I he girl chatted as un­ effort at midnight, on July 1st, South that they were dea|>eradoea of the very concernedly as in a drawing-room. The Carolina t«s»k charge of th«* whiskey worst kind. Each of them ia known to names are withheld out of respect to the bu»iiH*HH within its bor«l«*rs. I>i»|»«*ns- nave killed aeveral men, and the deape­ young man’s brothers. The victim doe* arie* will I m * opened in 19 of the 4 rate manner in which they resisted not live 20 miles from Qiiilt'rtie.-Quilcene countie» I'arrtsHiis will be «queued in arrest ahowa that they hail no regard Queen. some of them w ithout the leg«*I formal - w bajk-ver for human life. Sympathy A Iloti già» county ni«n, a short lime ity require«! *»f the indorsement by for men of that stamp is absolutely ago, rhnrged a neigldsir witli stenling majority of the voter*, and suit* sgainst^H warted. a liog value.1 a $M. The prowa utimi cosi the state will result. All «lay y«**ter«lay thè county »800, o! wliii li thè lowr of salo«»n-k«*efier* were selling stocks at thè bug gol 11U0 in witneM feea and Auction, and citizen* were providing I jommin , July 0.—Major Hmith, com- th«*mselves with wet gtssls in antiri|M*- uiander of the marine« «ls«rd the war milnige The «ccuaed went free. The tion of * dry time. A larg«* proportion next lime a man in that i iiunty ltsni th«* Congo Free State r«*port two liehaved splendidly. Word, will note«* She cam«- from way down esst they «ay, vicloriea over the Arab slave-tra«!«*rs And, being introduced, «he led preM all they did. They fell in by The Aral»* recently attiirk«*d th«* for««*» Me there to recapitulate watche« on the quarter deck a« steadily of the state stMtion«*d at Stanley, but The city’« phase« up to date aa on parade without the »|>eaking of a And when my full dlrc«-tofy were repul»a*d with b«*avy loss. The word of caution, until the eml came. It I had retailed, she «aid to me tr«*»|»* purs ue< I the Ar» I* for st »me dis­ I want to know wae a right one can never forget, no tance The latter tfod in such disorder grand, so aad Their behavior may have I told her everything I knew that they carried little with them but That worthy waa of interview been equailed, it was never beaten. their guns One hundred ami twenty Rrtalled to her each »hopping mart. Imrrela of gun |s»w«ler ami a quantity of The homea of drama mwate, art, Laawtoerfaff « mb lh* Klaa»alh The drive« menagerie« and park«; «Alter mtmitions of war fell into the Dearvibed with eloquent remarks Nearly «tiylwsly would 1» «urpriaad at hamh of the soldier* Tbe expadition the amount of work ulurli ia being 4oM The watering place« round about. of the Belgian anti-alavery Society, K. n th ward over each escttrmon route, at U,e Klamath City I windier Co ’• operating in Ea«t Africa under the com- Talked till, in fart, my tovgue grew weary g>ng camp below Hliovel creek. Cal. ■*l want to know ’ ma mi* of Captain Jar«|ucs, also repirts an Everythin* >• do«» in an exptaiiUou» engagement with the slave-trader*, in Angela of mercy. Had I then manner arnl on th* nioet improved plan. Obeyed the imp ulse born of men whirl* tlte latter were jmi I to rout M. A railrimd track extend« lurk (nim the And with warm ma I edict am« bar led Brernhaert, tl.* prime minister, read That aptwater to the lower world rnrr ior a dwtance abcrat four mile* the news «»f Ute Belgian vi«*U»ry in the From ope« win*tow where I «at Hb the millet of tlie iorret Tl^ tree* chamber of deputies Uslay, and it *M Would not the (<4i appro**d of Dwl • rut on eacti «uie o( the track lor . rereived wiUt great enthusiasm "1 want to know ’*