Vol. VI. No. b. TILLAMOOK. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 6. 1893. professional cards TRUCKEE LUMBER CO J. MAY, M. D., TII.I.AMOOK, OREGON. JI PETRE, M. D., GENERÄL * MERCHÄND1SE. Will do an office practice at l>r. Johnson's KN K Y, 3rd Judicial District .for Tillamook County OREGON. y.AN BUREN BROMLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-l.AW, TILLAMOOK, OREGON 5 >7- MISCELLANEOUS. C. & E. THAYER, BANKERS. fiuneral Banking and Exchange business. Interest paid on time deposits. Exchange on England, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and all foreign countries, 1*11.1. A MOOK, • - • OREGON. BLACKSMITH Wagon making, and all kindb of Wood-woik and General Blacksinitlmig done. MUI Machinery Repaired. Wagons Made to Order, llorse-shoeing a Specialty. TILLAMOOK, Mn. J. JOHNSON 3 o 1) hööh MILLINERY Near Court House. Building« and Ground. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps and Notions. Groceries, Crockery, and Queens- ware. Doors, Windows, Lime, Hair and Cement. Hardware and Nails. T illamook , O re . CENTRAL--. - $ :_t*AMARKET. L. H. BROWN, P roprietor . rhe best Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton alway* on hand. Eggs, Butter, Vegetable« and Chicken* bought and sold. satisfaction guaranteed to every one. ••»hop opposite the Grand Central. TILLAMOOK, O»K. TlLL^MOOiÇ LIVELY ^T^BLE JONES B ros . P roprietors . Fita telas* «ingle and double turn-outs kept o» Boarding and transient stock cared T illamook , okk . A cre T racts —and— T own L ots . F*»r »ale at reasonable prices and on favorable terms. Ixtcation best in the city of Tilla- Carr «'s. D nri llwbij ., T illamook , okk CHlg. pETER^ON. BARBER SHOP- First Class ia Evary Particalar. Shaving, H*lr Cvatting. Shampooing BATH ROOMS II CORRECTION The patronage of the public is res pot- I • 1..' Bolicited. I» KrooLi» Fcaxtrcss stork . ■lILLAMKIK. .... ORBGOJL TRUCKEE Hardware, Tinware and ¡Stoves TOOLS, CUTLERY, NAILS, DOORS. ☆ Ruggire & Many thing« of Intere«! Kegaiding the E ditor H e weight :—The World*» Fair is entirely too big, too comprehensive, to l»e given justice by any description that you might accord space. Every day for more than two weeks I have attended the exposition, and as yet 1 have been unable to “do” any of the state or for­ eign buildings or enjoy the countless attraction of the already famous Mid­ way Plaisance. I have been through all of the exposition buildings proper, and each one is a study in itself. Some one K* Sjiecial attention given to filling with a fancy for calculations has figured orders for goods in jobbing lots. that were the visitors to tarry for three Agents for the fast sailing minutes at each exhibit and H|M»nf the wooded islands and the innumerable flower garden» inlers|M»rse the scene, while far A TIH SHOP IN CONNECTION. PLUMBING DONE 10 ORDEFi to the south and southwest there is a glimpse of landsca|M*, but only a glimpse, Cor Fii»t St. .k 1st Ave. E Tillamook. for the smokes of I ullman’s factories and ill© industries of (’hiraco’s urban Emulation give indication that the nit« of the city’s din ami strife extend ¿*et farther than the eye can penetrate. I The White City is truly a city of mag­ C. B. HADLEY. Proprietor. nificent distances. The grounds thein- I ' ? selves ami the huil lings have all I mtii , ! planned and ¡aid out on a grand wale, so grand in fa< t that the visi or w ill have walked many Hides I m »fore having even so much as passe the other. Scalier a hundred thousand |a*o- BREGON. ple over the grounds and it seems but » TILLAMOOK, small niimlM*r. Ix*t another him Ire I FREE BUS TO TRAINS AND thonsand come and yet the cr«»w»l is MARKLEY. HAYS & ROCHE, Steamer« apparently nothing in comparison to Proprietor». Centrally Located the rush ami crush on State street on M D. ROCHE. Newly F urnohed a busy »lay or w hen the ladies are out Manager shopping. I'ut make the iiumber an «•ven quarter million, congregate them alvout the basin in front and surround­ ing the Administration building facing the ¡leristyle on an evening when the PDRTLANO, DREGDN. program culls f»>r an illumination and COR. ÓTH & ALDER STS. firework», ainl the jam is quite notice­ able. It is certainly s«» if you have a de­ S P Weit Side R R Waiting sire to go down into the city. During Strictly First Clan. Room and licket office. the night of the visit of Eulalia to the European Plan. fair the transportation facilities were largest house taxed to their utmost ami it was not un­ A. L. ALDERMAN, til 2 o’clork in the morning that the Good Accomodations. Proprietor. combined fore«* of street railway, cable, elevate« I, Illinois Central ami lake »learners had sur<*eeded in conveying the crowd into the city. Before passing judgment on the indi­ vidual state exhibits and buiklingsone has to look at the pur|s»»M*s for w hich Tta the displays were made. For instance, the New England states and the old and patrons of the public. SAMPLE ROOMS. thickly settl«*«i districts have «*re< te«l CENTRALLY LOCATED CONVENIENT TO B01T LINDINS. niHgnificiviit sta■- - ——------- trai ting attention to their resources, and . a . .....1 Hotel .nd Mve reined *»d refur»i.I>«4 H in We b.re t.ken full ch.r,.- of >he Gr.nd < ..«r.1 Hote! ----------- - ---------- impression upon the min«l of the home- vi'., .bail heplMS-t •" h.v. .11 our old petrn»» excellent .h.|>e j»»l •• **■*" F«ry .ffort will b. ■•>•*■ «'• mseker the fa« t that «lesirahle lamia ami '** »nd frx nd. to m.ke .1» • <*" I,.»nt .nd ■omP'rUble fcw homes are to be had at a moderate cost, .nrrx« p1f=-. that the aewlerii »tales are making an ____ DREGDN. TILLAMCDK i exhibition at the fair A a representing the states of tin* west at the ex|ss*itiont NEW HOUSE NEW Oregon, the land «»f big red a ppi«*», »tami house preeminently at the head. A It h« »ugh »l»e haa no Mate Imilding« Oregon make« a mangnifh teiit showing of l»er reaoiir« es in the several buildings «4 II»e (air tier dkgdsys in the H«»rti«*vltural buildings are every where ark r>owk*lge«l as being . —Fpcf Hccnmmcdatl peerless. Here alm shows pones weighing First class in bvety resp-c‘i - Z M-sdQuartersicrtte traveling pubL five pounds, apples six inrl»es m di­ city. Heaflq-ariEt ameter, plums larger than egg- STEAMER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Miss L. J. RUGOLES O regon ' s E xhibit A ttracts A G reat D eal of attention . They keep on hand at their store in Hobsonville the largest stock of gooda in this county consisting of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Ke«, and P. O. HAY CITY. WORLD’S EAIR OF BAN FHANCISaO,: Dealeis in PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, TILLA HOOK, I ☆ Crand Central Billiard "Hall. f. . Occidental Hotel. A llen H OUSE j. p. ALLEN, Proprietor. FURNITURE new LARSEN»HOUSE M. H. LARSEN, proprietor. cn mam street. TU. $1.50 Per Year cherries 3*4 inches in circumference and peaches 17*a inches. In her agricultural booth she exhibits grains and grasses that are acknowledged by mill men to lie without ixtrallel. In the flour tests made at the fair, flour made from Ore­ gon w heat was found to make whiter and finer biscuits than any other flour triext. In the Mining department a miniature placer mine is kept constantly in opera­ tion, washing virgin gold from t lie gravel just as it is taken from Oregon's placer mining properties. In the Fishery de­ partment several tons of the famous Columbian river salmon are shown to­ gether with fishing boats, flab-wheels, etc., ami in the Forestry department are exhibited some specimens of timber that astonish the world. A block cut from a forest of the west measures 9 feet across. This is the largest bl,x-k of wood at the fair ami it attracts much attention. The relict of Dr. Schliemann will pre­ Bent n large number of his Trojan relics to the United State» National museum at Washington. An able editorial on the Mormons say» that the recent war against polygamy has entirely changed in this respect the ’•cannons" of the church. Great guns! Lawyers, poets, historians and novel­ ists who want to draw on the Behring sea arbitration case for facts ami fancies are Informed that the material is now nt their disjxisal. They can read through at any time the printed report of all the particulars in the case. There are only 14 volumes of it. Have we lost Willie Waldorf Astor forever from his own native land? We fear we have, since Willie Waldorf has bought Cliveden, one of the ancestral seats of the Duke of Westminster. The head of the Astor family is now a Brit­ isher. The only thin;' lacking to perfi ct felicity is a title. It used to lie that rich citizens could buy that, too, but those happy days are ¡Hurt. The only hope for Willie Waldorf is that some lucky accident or scheme may bring him to the favorable notice of Queen Victoria or the Prince of Wales. Wo do not know what his title should la-, but we can tell the coat of anns. Let it be a coonskin ram|>ant, tacked upon the gable of a log cabin to dry. The American civil war which inau­ gurated the |s riod of this nation's great­ est proapcritjr began 32 years L.{o the 13th of this April. The boys who fought in it are getting | retty gray now They are loginning to drop out of the ranks pretty fast too. It can scarcely be said any longer tliut there are more sol lit rs now on the js muon roll than the. ■ were aoidier* in the United States unity under the three months' call. The New York legislature appointed a joint committee to examine carefully into the melhisls and rates of taxatiou in the state and recommend such changes as in its judgment would ispialize the burdens of taxation and increase state revenues in the easiest way. The coin mittee'e report to wort b noting Acliange in the mortgage laws is recommended for one thing, so that mortgagee shall l>e subject to a specific state tax of half of 1 per cent of their value. The inemlien of the committee make no recommenda­ tion in regard to changing the law that requires mortgage«! pro «-rty to lie taxed to its value. There is already an inherit ance tax on [x-nxmal projs-rty in New York. The committee advisee that this inheritance tax lie extended so as to in elude also real estate and be made pro­ gressive. causing larger estates. lx,th personal ami real, to pay more propor­ tionately than small ones. On all real estate inheritance« above the value of I50.IM0 a tax of I per cent is recoin mended. This progressive inheritance tax is already levied in England it costa a king f 1.000 a week to visit Queen Victoria That 1» the amount he pays her majesty's servants in fees. A person of moderate means could not af­ ford to accept an invitation to visit a wealthy British family. Every one of the servants must tie feed handsomely when the guest leaves, no that the hospitality costa more than the gm-st’e txmrd would do at a first class hotel It is very «id that English people, proverbial for I m » pitality. «rill permit such an outrage to go on generate m after generathai ami the fees to grow largrr constantly It is s poor way to give to a person an invita­ tion that costs him heavily and do it un­ der the guise *.f friendliness. If the hun­ gry swarm of servants must tie feed, lha boat ought to do it out of bis own pock­ et. It is neither graceful nor gra« ions to make the gii«**t do it. The custom a tu- ally puts a heavy tax on people f<» being one's friends If there is anything that we ought in iuer> y to pray to be deliv­ ered from la thia >untry. it is 11» out- rageot» practice of feeing persons who are supposed to be pan! for their services by the man who employs them Kruana Tabulai rara- dixxiriaM NEWSY NOTES. N ewspaper C lippings and C on ­ densations Oregon, th«* North Wr«t and World in General Western banks are already re-paying the loans obtained from > ew York dur­ ing the late financial panic Coyotes have killed nearly nil the lambs in the vicinity of Kelloggs, I'oug­ hts county, and stockmen have l»ee i forced to take their sheep off the ranges. Religious services are held every Sun day at the World’s Fair. This enables church memlH‘rs to attend to their cus­ tomary devotions and take in the fair, too—all for one price of admission Thousands of ¡»eople have rushed to Chicago in hope of finding employment, ami many of them have been disap- ¡»ointed There are said to be over five- hundred unemployed theatrical |M»nph» in Chicago at present. SomelHxly has invented “an illuminat­ ed cat” warranted to »care away rata. Now, if some one will invent an illumi­ nated bootjack warranted to scare away cats there will I m » less cause for back­ sliding than exists at present. A young lady of Pendleton was en­ gaged Sunday in beautifying her locks with a curling iron, when, to her horror, the iron slip|M»d from the hamlie and rolled down her back, scorching the tender flesh. Aside from a brand mark that will remain for Home time, who was not seriously hurt. The saloon keepers of Chicago do not look with favor u | m » ii the Sunday open­ ing of tlx» fair, for it robs them of their usual patronage. There is less drinking, less disturbance in the big city with the fair gates swung hack than when they were dose*I. Ilow do our strictest Sab­ batarians regard such results? I a » n A no i . es , June 30. .bulge Ross, in the United States court today delivered his derision in the Wong Pip Ken case, in which I k * decided that tin* right to appeal under the Geary law could not I m » denied. Judge Ross further intimat­ ed that the imprisonment ami de|Mjrta- tion of Chinamen under the Geary law without trial bv a jury was unconstitu­ tional. An eastern editor say-that a man got himm*lf into trouble by marrying two wives A western editor replies that a giM»tei t bunk dv- pMiitoni as effectually as notehohlers »re prot»»« ted iimler < heUn.U*«l>'tatv< Imi.king law, In S'otlaiwl there is a law wliith makes each st«»« klndi'cr rerp< nsil le for the Imnk’s llabdit es to the full extent of his |M*rwoiial fi»r line This would iataiM*e, aldd» l«ei»ds with the eiMiVohltH/liil '>1 the Slink«* n body as readily a» wouhl a well-tem|«ere«l *te» i spring, ami throughout its entire length it bears an edg»* as hard as Hint an«l as sharp as a rator They are n< t pHMonoiis, but when one«»(them *pru g on a mail, »a he hkes very well to do, be will IMS m have a leg of! tiideaw cratke I on the |«ate Home snake apeciahstM claim that the pr«*senc«* <>( thia repl.le OH the lalanda 1« the r«*aM»n there are no h»rge qualrii|Msda to iss foil nd there at pr«**eiit, the » uiling swonl in Im« k ages having taken of! legs feeler than they couhl lie created <