Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 19, 1893, Image 4

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    < I»|»i<r* victim«*.
.She Kiilk-.l a Hear
A large lot of new go.xls for Dr. John
sou’s drug store c.ime in on the steamer
On the D.orning of the first «luy of
Cohn & (’<>. buy eggs at 23 els.
tugusta. Dr. Petre may I m * found ther• February 1893, Mrs. George Landingham
Save yoiir-ch’money ami buy al King's. at all times to dispense drugs and medi­
a sister-in-law of Rul»t Putnam, of this
King Las prices that are jicr. ruing t«» cines. A in 1 line of drugs and patent city, |«erfornie<l a daring deed, the |»rin-
nii'dicifcs is kept in stock at all times, ci|ml trophy of which is a large bear skin
the timer.
F » k S ale :— >ld office Lni!«l’ng of l«esi«|pM all kind- of toilet articles, drug­ iiuw to l»e Keen in Mr. Pu.naiii’K harnes-
gists’ notions, sfationerv, etc
sii«»p. Mr- Landingham lives with her
H e idligii T.
II. B. Johnson brought 200,1)0') feet of hila an«l and family near Woods, Tilla­
The Angu-ta t»»ok out a load of lumlx*r
fine mountain spruce logs, from Bewley mook comity, and for several «lavs pre­
for (John & ( o.
1 creek, to the mill recently, and it is be­ vious to the morning mentioned they had
( lev.d.iml arrester»—sitrl mo are high
ing sawed for the Portland market. The been annoyed by some animal, presum­
prices at King’s.
Augusta to ik out 3 >,'KX) feet of the I'lin- ably bruin On this morning Mrs. Laml-
M s A. W Severance went to Salem, b*r last trip, The spruce that grows in
ingham was attracted l»y the harking of
leaving on the Augu-ta
th** mountains is much superior to lh.it the d«»gs ami going where she c«»u!«l see
On Monday the total number of Bills which grows on the title lands, lieing the cause of their excitement she Deheld
in the legi Liture was 280.
free from knots.
a large black bear
it was about loO
The new city council met Saturday yanIs from the h«»use, coming along
Geo. Means ami Geo. Woodruff came
A few small bills were ordere« I leisurely, only pausing t<> ward <»ff the
in <«ii the -teaim r Elmore.
Mr. L. was absent
Furs of all kinds bring tin* highest paid, among them $21 00 Io A W Sever­ attacks of the fl«»gs
ance for writing the new charter ami at the time, b«*ing engaged on some other
market price al ( ohn A Co’s.
|.M>2 to the H eadlight for printing. The part of the ranch. Tin* lady «¡uietly
It wont hurt you to step in at King’s
council decided to present a petition to walke-l back and seiz»<: the Winchester
and get hi- pre«*». Il will do you good.
every taxpayer in the city in order to get and advancing to witiiin 40 yards of the
A Fili»* Line.
Better pay your dog lax at once if you the sentiment of the people in regard to
ar imal, she leveled the gun ami fired.
have a «log
Look out for the marshall the electric light contract.
Yes, it is a fine lin»», bill Cohn
The ball took eff ct in Bruin’s spinal
Lamb has received a lug • shipment of
Dave Howard came in last week and column, completely disabling him. The havejiiMt received per steamer Augusta fl
cigars, the l»est brands, per steamer appeared before Recorder Drew He w as dogs renewr «l H eir attack ami the help­ fine line of goods for all their various de­
lim d $ 18, costs ami all, for the trouble he less aniniiJ began dying so piteously partments Keuieml>er they receive large
Tw » or fhr e • •.inis on Trask river had with Cr< n>haw over thesaloon build­ that Mrs. L’s heart failed her and she di«l lo‘s of new goods hv every steamer, and
were Blow n down hv the erst w imi I ist ing. lie took an appeal, (’ha-. Wells and n«»t fire a second shot then, knowing she th ir htock is always fresh and well
Frank Daugherty going on his bonds was perfectly safe. Mr. L., hearing the selerte<l. As they buy in large l»»ts, am!
Alter transacting his business he broke : hot, hurried to the scene ami when he are connected with a wholesale house in
King h.is a few of those fine children’s
into the front door of the salo n building came up seven more .shots from the rifle Portland, they can sell more goods for
cloaks that you mil get nt your own
in dispute and took possession
It was a very large the money than you can get Hsewhere.
price (for cash;
I The Elmore came in rather unexpectedly dispatched the bear
01 e and th? skin which lies in Mr. Put­ They buy produce, eggs and butter, and
The Tillamook Dairy Association, east
1 la>t Friday. It was the intention to lay nam’s shop, is «juite interesting when you all kinds of furs that are inarketa le.
of tow n, expect lo Lave their creamery
her up in Astoria for remodeling at that are acquainted with its history
Oretown Vaporing«»
reaily by spring.
1 time, hut several passengers were in
Landingham is sai«l to be fond of sin h
Yates h s re« ovrre«l h's health
Did you say the times were hard? You A-toria to get here, so she made another
sport, the above instance being hut one and spirit after a severe tus.de with the
will say so when you see how cheap King trip. The new fixtures are all ready now
of the many in which she has aided her
is selling good»
to be placed on the boat, ami she w ill hushiml in slaving the tierce denizens tiger.
An effort will probably be made to in­
A movement is <n foot to organize a i probably be in Astoria now for two or
of the ¡«»rest.—Popgun.
duce some of the parents in this district
joint stock company to operate the three wieks while the changes are being
Jury List.
to attend the next term of school.
( r amery at Woods.
Ti e outside w«»rl«l must not in.agine
Baste this in your hat ami don't forget.
They who are liable to jury duty during Illis that we Nestuccans are not without hope.
C isli w .II secure you the cut prices on ing out some fine lumber now
have a large shed where they keep the year: James Atkinson. A Arstill, S V We have a railroad w hich is being rapidly
« very thing a Kkings
, Hooting, rustic, finishing lumber, etc. in Anderson, Lee Alley, I)C Bowers, P, ter pushed f«»rward, on paper.
Chiisiian Pyrilz, of Umpqua, has lo­
Out worthy friends, Fred Scheizinger
fir.-t-class **hape
Their terms for selling Brant, S M Bailey, J II Boatman, A W
rded here. He has Bought J. Embum’s
lumber have lieen modified. All bills Bunn, Richard Allen, I, B Alley, W B and wife, will s«>on move unto their
pinct oil the (f<»odspeed addition.
must be paid within thirty «lays, aft; r Aldetman, I. D Ackley, S D Bester, S A ranch on the « oast, below Oretow n. They
Tor L A. S. of the Christian church
which lime, if not paid, they charge Brodhead, John Barker, E Bixbv, Hank have our heat wishes for the future success
will give a bask I social at the church,
interest. A ten |»er cent, discount is made Brown, Jacob Blum. Fred Buhrow, M A of the firm.
Friday night Jan. 27. All are invited.
It lias been, truly, said, that "one
Bowers, I, Crenshaw, I» Curtis, W G
from the regular pi ice for spot cash.
Mrs E-telle Thaver went to Portland
Chance, Il E Chapman, F \V Crane. A swallow does not make a summer” but it
on the steamer Augusta
She w ill visit
C >mp on, W J Compton, C Christens >n, is our honest turn turn that three <»r four
with her relatives tn Salem for a while.
II B.s.lh, .» li Beals. F R Beals. JO swalb'ws <»f a certain beverage kepi al
F. S Failliurst, wupci vis«»r of It D. 7,
Cornett, O \V Boatman, E Curler, Il T Woods will cause a man to forget Bis
hdorniM ii- that the Wilson river bridge
Crane, Chas Chatterton, I» C Collier, C ancestors.
In speaking of hunting, we wish to call
By Fir«man’s is fixed ami |>rrfeclly safe j
<i Culling, J K Craven, O R Chamber­
lain, James Christenson, James Corl ss, attention to the fact that Messrs. Andrew
J M Davidson, Alfred Dean, .1 8 Diel.l, and Lee Commons slew a very tat and
The Augusta c um* in M >tt lay w ith a
G E It iMan, Richard Dumlas, Fred juicy hear a few days ago,and the hunk,
cargo pf freight. Cipt. F A D alge and
Daws. IV S Dyer. Ed Donaldson, David Ai drew sent us, was all bi ar, but not
C «a- llrimstrvt were »rnoiig the p<-
.Morton, Matt Casey, W S Cone, Sam dangerous.
At sonn* future lime, some prospectors
Downs, \V T Doughty, S M Dailey, Il II
^Vflic trl'-gr.ipl. line w «* o|»rii<*«l 11 r« nigh
iiuiv discover a lead mine on the shores
FoiestGrow < ii Tuesday li isthought
I. Dunn, J \V Dyer, It k Daniel, W. sley of Nestucca bay! Since early fall the
^Rerr-will Be ITltte ttouble in keeping the
Dav, Gilbert Eyk. Joint E.rl Jr., Jos Boom of the shotgun and yager have been
Ti11«• open the balance <4 I lie w inter.
Effettlterg, J II Ellison, Ed Evans, D a part of the daily pn»gram. Macy dm ks
All the biils of particular interest, and
I*itzpatri.'k, !■ C Fohind, I. ii Freeman, am! geese have been, accid« ntally, killed,
r-p«»cinllv ll-ose relating to Tillam >ok
T E Frist s', Wm F.tzpatrii k. Jas. Fuller, the wounded, being a doubtful quantity,
county, thiit I iiivp been introduced are
J Giebisch, F N Elliott Jr . Smith Elliott, can never he estimated
mentioned in our rep ri of the l.egisl.it
The good house-wives have not made
Win Edwards, DT E Imunds, G W Fenrn-
si.le, II Farmer, M Poland, A W Fletcher, their .soft soap tor ’93 yet, But the subject
Senator J. W Maxwell has been placed
J C Foster, Wm Farmer, D E Goodspeed’ is almost ripe. .All sul»je«*ts concerning
on the follow.ng important committees:
W \\ Grout J., T F Gallagher, A C Gist, Ihe late campaign and probable construc­
Commerce, Public Lamia, and Printing
Il F G.todspeed, Henry Hays, F P Hob­ tion of the Nicaragua « anal must take a
Representative L imson w as placed «»n the
[Through the courtesy of the Salem son, C R Hunt W II Hoskins, C B ha« k seat until the necessary adjunct of
L 4><»r Committee in the bouse.
There is
Statesman, we present to our readers the Hadley, I ester Hart, M W Harrison. W civilization is dispsed of
It is ruim»re«l that there w ill I m » an effort picture of Gilfoid Stillwell. The cut is D lllingsworth, II Gist, Wil Gallant), nothing like soaptlmt is soft—w hen given
made in the pr sent legislature to cut off from the New Year’s edition of the Eli Goodspeed, J W llellenliraml, John a fair show
1« portion of the south end of th s county Stat'sman, from which we coped a Humphrey, W S Hays, A W Hall, Ben
Hay City.
ami give it to Yamhill county, but we sketch of Mr. Stillwell last week.]
Higginlmtl.oin, A M Hare, Jas. Hughey.
residences nre going
think the scheme will not work.
Cha-Johnson, G T Jenkins. Nath Jones,
The HftllcrH mi Netarts bay have shown I.ewi-Johnson, Hobt Krebs, W C King, up in (lie eu-t part of town anil give
D »n’t forget that (net me for getting
„rent ent. r|irlae in Imil.li ig » roa I iro n .1 M Knifong, M II Larson, BC Lamb, evidence of (lie near approach of activity
tin» New York Tribune runs out Feb I
in building O|ierntioiiH in all ipiatlers
Anyone who does not receive his Tribune the lower «.ini of the h iy t> the bea I. II L.'derer. Ed Morin, Alex .McNair, \\
The Cooperage Company are making
in the next two weeks will please call at
preparations to greatly enlarge their mill
thisoffi-e, and we shall write!«» the pub ing ccmtriicte.l, hii .I the r.ialwlientin- Neal Knight, W G Kelso, F M Lamb, E
ishe.l will b ‘ oae >.i the in i.t exp *imva I loster. J W Lattimer, F MLinville, II and increase their output, bvtli of lumber
I shvrs.
mid cooperage atocx. They will also
The city marshal is on the watcliont liieees of roa.I in the county. It willo|>en II .Miller. S W Morton. J McGhee, P D
build a new wharf in the early spiing.
for tlu» small boys w Im loilre about the the way to a beach that in unsurpassed Newell, F A (hikes, Jonas Olsen, GW
A special communication of Bay Citv
rtieets after night
The ordinance pro- on ths coast J. H. Jack.oa's untiring Pettit, M B Pettys, Myron Perkins, J C
hslge No 1112, A F »t A M will la* held
v id< s for t heir arrest it »hey arc found on
Thuisday evening, the 19th. Work in F.
< »Isen. Eli I »Ids. Wm O'Hara, T H Pent« r,
the streets without business after nine scheme.
C. degree. All Mas ms in good standing
Jan 12 allowed Imt little ditfeieiiee from Peckham. A .1 Rlmaden, CCRty, P|| are cordially invited. Miles Warren W. M
The assessment of Tillamook county
Geo. W. Kiger, the capitaliet, returned
the week previous; (tats 41 to 4. h -, pota M Smith, Frank Severance, r M Shearer,
has l»evn rained ten |»er «ent. on real
toe* tfte to f I | ht aack, ehicKens (oil) II Schollmeyer. Geo Slmtwell, I. I. Still from Portland oil the Augusta Mr. Kigir
property in this county. Some minor
|4 • t" #5 <t,l, young chickens $.1 5a to wall, G \\ Smith, Myron Trowbridge, aays lie had no practical use for his
changes were made in p«»rs«»iml prop Ttv,
»1 ito. onions IM eta. to fl OJ per sack, Henry Told, Amos Vaughn. J I» Wallace. ap|>elite during the toyage and from his
l»ut Hot enough to change the aggregate
egga.IOeta., fl .nr # ; 40 to | ,150 Bacon­
J II Whiting, WC Wood. I. C Smith, W emaciated appearance when lie disem-
wry much.
sides 121, cts. to 13», eta., haniH 15 cts. I» Stillwell, John Sheets. Fred sheriitiger, liaiked we ale inclined io believe the
\ rush of a«lwrtisnig at the last hour to 1(1 eta., slionldeis H'j cts. to 9 cts.
stati inent
G t ard s. ovell. Theo Steinhillier, S C Tom-
crow «Is <»ut some advertiaing this wet k
The steamer South Coast from San
Butler—brine 30 cts to 35 cts. jair roll linso t, II T .besing. Jos Wood, G U
Remember, however, when the I I k ai >- store 2> ets. to 3i> cts. ( mt roll, dairy ti5
Wallace, ( has Wells. Miles Warren. M Francisco arrived in on Tuesday morning
LluiiT prospers, the profits are used in Cts to 70 Cts |HT roll
Warrell. John Wilson, Wm Moods, F N and is taking on Inmla-r from I 'lef.’ali-
making additions to the plant mid in im­
i and Oregon Cooperage Co s mill.
Wilson. Fred Zatidacb, Geo R Bennett. forni
The tllsen Wmiiecltag t'aae
proving the paper.
•los B xby, Ainos Ik-vens. J II Jackson, She will sa I for San Francisco on Thurs­
The government officials are still seek­
The steamer South Coast of San Francis-
II Lowery, W R Kiefer, Gus Wickland, day, the 2Wh. She reports 2(1 feet of
«•«» came :«> the (’oojterage Co’s wharf at ing evidei ce in the case and are I.si.ing Frank Worthington. Peter Wilson, A II «aler on the bar.
The social »vent of the season was the
Bay Cit\ fue-dav to b..ul with staves for for tiie Chinamen that were brought in. Wilson, T J Bow les, Wm Parker, (> D
San Francisco. The South ('oast ran on It is thought they are in San Eran. isio Boatman, Il E Palmer, E West, Frank ba-ket sociable given at the Winfield
IL'iise on last M tslnesday evening by the
the route ir«»m II Lsonville to San Fran­ It is the intention to make as strong a Wheeler
case ns |s>ssil>le lefi.re the matter is
ladies and friend« of I lie M . I Cliiir. h.
cis. o regularly a few years ago
brought before the Lederai gran I jury.
It was attended by about It>0 of Bay City
If you wish g.HMl reading matter, sav a
l’erlcv liiett »ml Emma Cis.fc were m.ir- people and quite a number from Holison-
The flues forCapt Deering w.aildiimonnt
lew choice Ixsiks, at a small coat, call at
to »3 >,000 if all the charges against him ried nt the residence of the bride's father, ville It was an exceedingly pleasant
lamib’a bookstore
lie also keeps the
are proven, Iw-ides the live year’s im­ J. C II Ellison, on Sunday evening. Ian affair.
leading magazines for sale at all times.
prisonment. Mr. Olsen is anxious to get |5, Rev. Il B Morgan orti, atm.'
X cM«t«-ini<- and Normal Institute.
You w 'I always fln«l his shelve- stocked
Ins ach smer free so as to send her on we<i ling w.is attente«! oíd» by the im­
with current literature- something to
Srcin Nr F riksim , G r i hn ..
another s. nlug expe.lilio i, Imt the ine, liate rvlu terne. Tile contra, ting parties
suit everyone
condia t an Academic s. l„ o|
government ollicials seem t. la' in no
Thos Willing, the creamery man, is burry.
and Normal Institute in thi» city f..r a
s«« iv>y |wople.
lu re, and is making arrangements to g«»
term ,.f ten wee ks I-ginning on or alsait
It wall la* a sail blow to Mr. Olsen it' Ids
ahead w ith the creamery. II«* is n«»t yet
ti e first Monday in Man li, 1SP3
boat should la* coi tis. ated, to sav notIiing
decided whether to Iniil«! or lease a build­ of the penal prosecution, and it is to
are letter fee, med than ever to furnish
V s Patent lo S M Dailey
ing, but he assures us that the pl «nt will
F M Javksou Io IK * R. Rat ner 44 acre. c. a g.aal s h<« I, ,U To students w bo wish
be hojaal he will get off as easy as |w.ssible,
l*e here and in «>perati«*n l»v the last of
> a, 10 w. I JO
» ■secure Hie . mm.n School Diploma,
though bringing Chinamen into this MC.
W s «’one to Ida M Walker In« • bl 9 Fuller b
I ebrunrx at the la'est
To stnd-nts who aim to becoiiie
country against the laws, is rather oil ous A«M to Bay City. JI30
D Howard filed complaint against I. to say the least
er-, ,
T" ten hers wlm are aml.i-
Bay City Land Co. to M E Church ft'» ••ix’hi»
Crenshaw for assault with deadly wrap »u
li.sis to ni». tt •• r grade of certificate or
The Chroni. lv r »■■■nth p d.li.hi*»! an interest tn lot bltH'k 5. fi co
The preliminary trial «ame up ladore article ng.rd i gihe nati ra dpremmt.ri
J C Bewley to M J KUi 4’. ’I i, block 4, are w.ak ng f ■ ti„. Life Diploma, ( I To
Judge Maulabv Mondax and Mr Cren- a picture of Mi Olsen, al uh was »ueb a Rew ley » A hl. to Bay City, Jt xnx
«•wing ii .-n wi. w -h a Imsii - Ira n ng
It. L Go-d-peed to J Kmbun, i ’«X» 5 an«!*,
•haw was bound over to ap|*car nrx |»oor likci ess ot him, ami so «li toned,
ii. th-comm r. ia' branches.
hl»M‘k J Goo!s:>eed'w Add t Tin 1
Cm uit Court, the Ismd
ng fixed at that liia pumsi m.'iit is en ng a. The cut
For full tenit iilars call in person 4*
Inforiuaiom H as I hvii li ed l<ft*r» R-hirvaf«
Crenshaw then iiiatituted a r>- made him I»»« like a de-|s r*te criminal,
plevin suit for the saloon building ami and is almoat as aviere on him as being
M r .*. |>r. M ay , or
I. I* . with unl*«fiillv irraim _'Sii'<r<w-
J*lieritl Ed wards look charge of it Tuesday. sent to prison
K K. B arnard ,
lri tv<l tn th»' jitatii-4 ooun.
Teat hers.
.IOTTI \<.M.
| A great quartet they always said
Geo Pettit, at hi» table fed.
Hor moalha Geo ( ohn was alwaya there
And Jones aud Perley Hiatt fair
And Lamb, not mutton that men eat.
Twa*» B. (’. Lamb they’«I always meet.
And then one chair was «trapped in black
T'was Jone», whose presence made the lack.
They mourned him long, the tri«» left.
Thus of his presence rude bereft.
But still live«! on, a joyous three
And sauced their meals with repartee,
Devourv«l Old George's wholesome store
Drummed on their platesand yelled foi more.
Ogled his girls with jest and scoff,
And eke would stand his good dame off
Poor Jones would always cast an eye,
At this gay crowd when hurrying by,
Tuttle & Robeson
And mourn, belike of the ancient days.
The old B »hemian happy ways.
have opened their new
But now alas! the »'»me has changed.
Once more has Cupid moiig them ranged.
TwangedTiis stiff bow, let fly his dart
And pierced poor Hiatt s gentle heart,
pardwere ¡Store
And Lamb and Cohn with solemn mien
Gaze sadly at the dismal scene,
Of dark draped chair and empty place
And mourn for Hiatt's gladsome face.
I and have it fully stocked with all kind" of h< avy
I and shelf hardware. They arc receiving m u
It is not grief alone they feel
When gathered at the lonely meal;
goods by every boat
Grim Apprehension nicks their heart
Lest that .same barbed rankling dart.
Stoves & Tinware
Shall separate the lonesome pair
And one be left to gaze at air,
To desolately, sadly dine,
And at the table lonely shine.
Everything New.
have a ti iiing. plumbing and repairing
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids, with They in
connection and have secured the services
plans and specifications, will be received by the shop
H Bunn to attend to this department
county court of Tillamook county. State ot Ore
gon. for the building of a bridge across? the Wil­
son river, near the residence ofS. O. Wickland;
also for the building of a bridge across a slough,
on the lands formerly owned by W. G. Kelso;
also for the building of a bridge across Trask
river, near the residence of William Johnson,
all in the County of Tillamook. State of Oregon.
All bids miDt he tiled on or before the Sth day
of March 1893. The Court reserves the right to
reject any and all bids. By order of the Court.
Opposite Larsen House.
Attest W. W. C onder , County Clerk-
Cal I and see them
oe the S tite oe
I n the C ocnty C ovet
O re ­
George U . Phelps, PltfiT..
I Notice of
Warren Daugheity and A. Í
Sheriff's Sale.
A. Miller, Deft.
Notice is hereby given that
___ by virtue
....... ...........
of an
execution duly issued out of (he above named
court on the 4th day of January 18 3 to enforce
a judgment against ihe above named defendants
and in favor of the above named plaintiff and to
me directed and delivered as sheriff ot Tilla­
mook county, Oregon, commanding me to levy
upon and sell the personal property, or if a suf­
ficient amount cannot be found then upon the
real property of said defendant.»* to satisfy said
judgment to-wit: the sum of $184 76 and further
sum of 11490 costs and accruing costs. Now
therefore alter due levy and by virtue of said
execution 1 will sell at public auction for cash
in hand at the court house door, at Tillamook,
in Tillamook county. Oregon, on Saturday, the
25th day of February, IS9.3. at the hour of one
«clock in the afternoon, the following described
real property to-wit: lots 1, 2, 3, L 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12. 13, 14, 15, ¡6, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21. 22, 111 block
13, also lols 1. 2, 3. 4, 5, 6. 7 and s, in block 6, also
lots 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7 and 8, in block io, all in A. A.
Miller’s addition to the town of Tillamook, in
: Tillamook County, Oregon, to satisfy said judg­
ment and C(»>ts ami accruing costs.
Given under my baud this 18th day ofjan. 1893.
J. D. E dwards ,
Sheriff of Tillamook County. Oregon
N ew : GOODS
For Spring Trade are com nir i » i *- casos <»t l»•• l.^tl
fui soft, HuTy tenni« ¿.oodv «««.»•.th li^ht «»l.»rs .
pre ticst styles we ever «» ere I . ilwa\- hr 11 I »
ecu's ; IhMiglit a bargain a the cime of a lu I « »r
for spot cash We ll •> er ’em at
10 GTS
.Mostly stripes, some plaid* an I t'gu vs. Nice for
di esses, wrappers, chil ren a weir, men s »: ir •-
Shall wo Send Samples
<’f tlie-r or an* other good* ' Tell u» p’au h «vhut
yo.i .esire un wri .• for Homcchvtt, if .'<> id«». <»t
have one. for ’aim « *v t»
«Al 1*1'1
«1'0 I* IC
411-118 Fr.nt it. San Francisco, Cal
Is the place to find bargains in
( lothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, notions,
Gents furnishings, Groceries and Gen­
eral merchandise. At the old stand.
T illamook , O regon .
Fresh bread, pies, cakes etc. always on hand. Home­
made and French candies, oranges, nuts and
iff First Class Restaurant in Connection. 5;
< ORXER FIRST S t & STIIJ.wn.t. Av,
A lf ' red W illiams ,
1 i 1 lamook,
Piescriptions Compounded
At all hours.
C. H.
S/VIITH, Proprietor.
First St.; Dpp Occidental.