Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 27, 1892, Image 4

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The Republican»* Kutliuard
l.a»t Monday
The Republicans of this pla *e filled
Hadley's I kill Mouthy night to listen to
a speech by T 1». Handley.
appropriate remarks by A
Alter a few
I’. Wilson
a- I songs by the choir, Mr. Hantlley
addressed the au lienee, th»? following
being a synopsis of his atldnss:
“The American p «»¡de are again called
upon t<» dictate the policy ami direct the
conduct of their officers and public
servants for the next four years.”
“Every sane man knows that tin* clmii e
Les between Mr Harrison and the prin-
l ipbs he represent«, on the one hand,
and Mr. Cleveland and the Demo­
cratic policy on the other. Ami, no mat­
ter how much or little »me may admire of
the theories of third or fourth parties,
i is the duty of every voter to express
his choice between the two from which
one is to be chosen ”
Many good ideas can be found in the
Peoples party platform and in the Prohi­
bit ion platform but no good end can be
gained by voting for either of them be-
< ause we are going to have the benefits
and ills of one or the other of the old
parly organizations, ai.d the question be­
fore ns is which it shall be?
The Republican proposition is to main­
tain the difference in wages that now’
exists in f iver of the American workmafi,
by so adjusting the tariff as to place the
Lome manufacture on an even footing
with the imported foreign goods.
The Democracy have lately discovered
that this is um-onstitution il. The con­
stitution of the United States s iys Con­
gress shall have pow< r to levy duties
on imports t > pay the public debts “and
/" provide for the general welfare.”
Any scho< 1 boy, who can read I lie Eng­
lish language, can see that instead of pro­
hibiting a taiifiTfor any purpose but re­
venue, the constitution expressly pro­
vides that it may be levied for the general
welfare and what can In* more for the
general welfare than the »level 'pment of
our industries, the improvement of the
condition of otir wage earners, insuring
better homes, better living, belter educa­
tion, better lives t<j the families of the
poor man who are to he the nation’s i ulers
in the future.
'1'he men who mink* the coiistituti »n
passed a tariff law “to encourage and
promote indu>tties ’’ Washington, Madi­
son, Jefferson ami Randolph sanctioned
it. Jackson prepared to enforce it ut
the cannon’s mouth. Mr. Cleveland him­
self in his letter of a'ceplancc promises
not to interfere with any established in­
dustry. 'fh.it is, the party denounces
protection as robbery, iniquity, oppres­
sion and crime, while its candidate pro­
mises to continue it in force.
We can't afford Io trust a party and a
candidate who lie about themselves
But this is not the oi ly TeuSoii why we
can’t afford tu trust the Detmeracy with
the control of our national affairs The
last | lank in their platform declares that
they demand “a change of party in order
that there may be a change of system
and a change of ..letliuds, thus assuring
the maintainance unimpaired of institu­
tions under which t he Republu has grow n
great and p werl'ul.”
That is th» v admit the patent fact that
our country has prosp re<l greatly under
R publican system and methods, and
they demand a change of system, and
ask I » be admitted to p-wa r that limy
may totally chnn-je that system and those
methods in order to keep up our progress.
I* can hardly be p< ssible that any one
w ho »lelib» ri 1» s before he votes van vote
the democratic deket alter loading that
platfoi m.
l hey acknowledge Hint the evils of a
fluctuating currency fall hardest on the
laboring cl«-*es, and then propose that
pa|M*r money shall be issued by State
banks ! < hir e» untry ha«l one » xprt ivnve
with wild cat banks, and no man who
remembers or has heard or read of the
evils of that time can reasonably v< tv
with a pirty that prop-s s to bring them
li|M>n us again.
They propose Io deal liberally with tin
st blurs and sailors <>l the rebellion, bv
putting in power a man who exert isc«l
all I. s p wcr ti» pn vent al* legislation in
th it favor. Thvv want th • sohUers vote
fora man wl.ocoubi stand on the field
of Gettysburg, watered w ith the blood
of heroes, au«l sanctified for all time by
the lives and deaths of those who there
saved our flag and laud. Who could
stand where one drop of patriotic bloo<l
would warm the must sluggish heait an»!
coldly sav of that great struggle‘ GotI
knows which was right.”
They propose to improve important
rivers and harbors and ask us to elect a
man w l.o will veto every river ami harbor
bill that may be passed by Congress.
All interests of the nation demand that
the thiukiug patriotic voter shall cast his
ballot to continue the system and
methods ’’under which the Republic has
grow n great and powerful”.
At the close the choir sang the follow­
ing which Mr. Handley had compose»!
for the occasion :
TOI’H % i. Tl mbits .
G« j to Williams f »r drugs.
El»cti«»n a week fr.au next Tues«lay.
Birdie Morton died Eri.lav night.
W< lie has not lieen caught
Cohn & Co. heli* ve that it pays to u»l-
vertise. See their new venture.
A numb, r ol Buy C.ty an I llobsonville
people were in this town Wednesday
Alfred Wi l anis is g«‘tting some elegant
fixtures in his drug at«»re
He haw en­
larged hi-» advert.seuient.
Mr. Lowry, south of town, has exhib­
ited this office some very fin j ripe prunes
the secoml crop from his trees this year.
(’all and see our sample cases of j»>l>-
Subscriptions f -r any paper published
And ns they're out it is not strange, Hurrah'
Hut the Country’s doing well you see
And you'd really better let thing - be
So we’ll all vole right for Harrison and Reed.
T»» get improvements on our bay. Hurrah'
» lev« land killed the bill before.
But he'll never do so any more
l or we'll Aid. Vol’E KIGHT for Harrison and
Ree« I.
Those who expe»l to bring w«»-»»l in
payment for subscription will please d«»
so as soon as possible.
For first class work in the plmt«» line,
call at Revnolds’ new gallery, one door
east of the 1’ost Office.
Scribner’s Lumber an«l L°g B--oks at
Lamb’s only 33cts. Latest edition.
Evcrv logger or mill man should have
“Secure the shadow ore the substance
fades,” by getting your photo taken at
Reynolds’ new gallery, one dour east ol
the Post Office.
Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds Ibr Deeds,
and other legal blanks, the latest ap­
proved f«»rms, well print« d and on the
be.'t quality of paper, at Portland prices,
at Lamb’s bo»'k st'»re.
F«» r S ale :—The building firmerlyoc-
cupi.*»1 by the H eadlight will he sold a;
a bargain
The building is substantial,
and w II heniove»! to any i»»t in t-.wii for
a small sum in addi.ion to lhe price
s ed
II EKE A X l> Til EltE.
The Elmore c tine into the bay Tues
Ihnice next Saturday night at Hi.dley’.'
The Horn Cieek liable fa led tn e< me
thia wei k.
Ed Morin's infant child died S it nr.
dap night.
Theodacrsof the steamer Homer were
at the l.areen House W eliiesdav.
After all the tickets had been printed,
word came that R.*A. Miller, »lemo» ratio
candhlate for presi»lential elector has
resigned, and Nathan I ierce, Peoples
Grand Rally of the Penpl.s party at
party elector issub.-titut»*»l. Thisswapby
The meeting was vet v enihiisitt tic, and the Democrats and Peoples party makes lladb'y’s Hall Nov. 5, 7 o'clock 1’ Al.
The protiacted ine< til.g uf the Christian
it was gratifying to see the g«>od ladi» s ol it necessary to go over all the tickets
this place showing tli'ir patriotism by with a pencil ami post notices in the el.inch lias been g ang o.i durii g this
booths regar»ling the change.
singing in I be choir.
w eek.
The Holmes Business College of Port-
The Augusta arrived Monday with a
U in. 1.nttir Killed.
l iml, Ore., is now a day and boar»Ung large cargo of goods lor this place and
A li»»rrible tragedy occured at Nehalem school, so parents w ho semi their sons Nehah in
and »laughters away toil business school
Th" creamery men still write < neon
last Saturday night, r» suiting in the death
can feel that they are surrounded by a ragingly, saying they will be hire in
of Win. Littie, a half bree»l. There was school atmosphere ami home influences.
I »eccmbir.
a dance at 1/attic’s house on Saturday Every young man ami woman as well,
The llomer came in Tuesday and is al
ni.ht, ami a squaw known as “Ni halein shoubl have a business education
lhe Coop« rage in Hay City, loading i .r
Jzze”, who lived with Latlie, I ernine tits them to »lo business tor themselves,
San Francisco.
jeah u> because she thought he was show­ ami a go»»»I book keeper or stenographer
W anted :—To buy a number of
ing undue attention to «»tin r squaws pre­ can always find employment. Send for
sent. Latlie had been drink.ng some,, catalogue of the I lolmes Pusiness ('ollegi*. chickens. U ghorns preferred, and ¡i good
milch cow. Call at this otlice.
ami he nml the squ iw retired as usual
11. E. N-Pon, «he jovial ami j-»ke lov­
after III.* »1 in« e. In the night wh le he ing mana/er of tin* N« haleni Mill Co.
1 F. L ira ni wdl make you n new
was in a drunk«*n stup r, th sq i iw a- zed store, ami w h<> by the w iy is the way is wag on complete, or rebuilil an old oi.e
him ami cma-rmaie.l I mi. »bagging him lhe telegraphic operat« r I here, constructed nt prict s so 1 >w that it will pay you to
from hi- Led in the process, uul I :.v ng a grossly primitive telegraphic relay, _et this class of work at home.
him in a horrible »« ibhlion
11«* revived from salmon cans ami other‘handy
Toe Tillamook ma I staz 's ar n .t
for a time io d told how lie bail been material, and it l.ioks somethin'^ like a allowed to carry more than three passen­
bundled ami made Li-» w: i, but died cross between a mouse-trap and a thing gers an I trav' I seems to b- more plenti­
Sunday afternoon. Dr. I’d re, coroner, ahob. lie sent it, carefully boxcl, b> ful than se its in the hack.—North Yam­
waa called lo the scene, an I after a |>ost J. E. Sibley at II-»bsonville, ami the j ke hill Leader
mortem, the jury tendered a verdict in was further extended by forwaiding it to
An effort will h.i inivie to receive a
a««o|drttne with th»» f «igoing statement Tom Coates, the Tillan^> k » perator.
daily mail via the Wilson river route.
The squaw was am sled and brought to It will be sent lo Forest Grove, with a
Tlois will lie-i great h Ip. ¡is there w II
ibis * ity to be plat ed in jail
Dr. Petre request to adjust it for Nehalem.
not lie 111 'lull sir w on tile road to ii t< r-
sa \ s l.v has known this met ho»l «»I in nr« ier
Friilay night the citizens of this town fere all the time Tin road will !>•■ loettei
In qiiently among the Indians, ami ih> re
were awakened by a weird shn< k, s»» ami the route is a little ne ir. r. It is not
are some very bad Indians on the
piercing ami appnliing in ils etl ct that it intended to abandon the Trask river
set the dogs how ling. No Commam h»? route, hut th • probaliilities are that the
I.attie was quiet an intelligent hall-
yt 11 ever equaled it. Il s«»iimied like a road will b • changed in the near future
bieed and w.is »piite wealthy at one time,
*<•01111».nation of horse-fiddles, tog horns to run to McMinnville iust • id of North
owning i large lra< t of hind on Clatsop
ami bagpipes, rxi'opt that its force was Yamliill, making a ininh better and
beach, which lie sold to llolli lay many
so grea; as to looScii the mo-s ou the shorter road, and ore that will aecoino-
years ajo De has squandered his m«»nvy
ro«»ls of the Imuses, and in fact on lhe date tunny more people, as will as mak­
in drink and lias been living on Nehalem
hacks of >ome of the people. There was ing a belter mail rou e.
s n e.
bass, bass«>-profiimio, alto, contralto,
It is a well known fact that th.re is a
I! e squaw Las just c «» ii »» s>c«l the crime
falsetto, gutteraho, I lublieretto and route (lint can b followed across lb,
giving the m«>st hoiriblv <1« tails, and it
thunderissinio, all m x- d t «g<•th»*r
The country ........ the toll gate on Trask river,
is tboug.it she was instigated to tin* crime
populace ruslcd fr« in their beds dis­ via .h lies’ mill to Mi Mmnviile, that is
b) other parties.
habille, thinking that the last trump had mm h shorter ¡mil betti r than any wagi ui
Th» y thought his satanic ma­ road yet bu.lt from this county to the
I'ftrr il»«» r«.et.
jesty was in the vainity blowing r »1 hot Willamette valley
There would la-
P. II t’onnely, the able editor of the blasts through his horn pi|»v. The bears • —sy guides, few streams to cross, free­
Klamath Star, has ju-t g t married and cougars fl d far into the nmuntaii s dom from heavy s ow. ¡mil Ir in Jones’
Pet» r »Ifserves all the go«»«I ih.ngs of this small game di»‘»l and the fishes lose to mill to McMinnville, a distance offimr-
w<rbl that In i an get
lhe suiface
Seveial mtn were seen on ti'vn miles there i- now a m ist excellent
bemk d knees offering k rv.d invocation wagon road. A. P. Wil., n slid E M
to the almighty p-»w<rs, and pandemo­ K ys can give information as to tin tn. st
nium prevailed. It was uothing but lhe pr.m ¡cable route to follow, and we Ii lit ve
whistle of tl.e Stvaiii'T I Imure.
it would pay f. r the county Court, ti|ion
Adverti-er., it w ll ¡ay y..u to give prop, r petition Is-ing puseuted, to ord-r
your “ads” the -a i.t* ,.lt< ntioii that y, u the route v ewe I. for if its praeticabilitv
would I » ut y olla r hr.ni« ii of voui bus .is e-iab:i.|,,d, some means wdl be toil nd
imss. Ti.civ is n • us. I » leave an ”a<l“ for making a road that wav, Tl.e more
Like Telling a Secret.
in ouv form uiilil it no !• ug* i uttiucis al­ r. ¡¡<ls this county lias, ti.e'lx ttcr.
lenti «n
li d- • y >u nog «o-l. mid m.ik* s
Tl.e steamer Elmore came to the
A story is told and it is a true story that over seventy
thè puper appear a- it itw.n litigi,alt«I. whar\es »1 th is c I y "li Fri.lav nigl.t, al,.|
Wv takt- p'« a tire in tt-bmhhng "utls,” on S.itur lay ». s haigrtl a large cargo <>t
per cent of all the baking powders sold contain either alum
and if y«»n gi\e th< m |-»<»p»r a \i.t n freight, t «ui in gr»t'at in •asure
l.rin? n?
or ammonia, and many of these powders contain both. The
thry wili Lnug y u ni iv everj m<«i.th rd ci (0 our mtichants, manv
Of » "1.111
than ti ey
thu.-» < a' ling yeti ami were munii g’ I' w ' n g«»ods. N|
ill effects upon the system of food raised by alum or ammo­
lie lift on
thè nrwspapcr lo live. Tiie pubiit w.ll Saturday, at f( « II tak * ont a
fill 1 lo,. 1
nia powders arc the more dangerous because of their insidious
also lx* accuiiiiiMml «le i as l»eoL»lt» uiii of salmon noi
¡>t the <cannery in < ■ arbahli
kuo\( where 0 „> 1 ul.al the»' Hunt and fh *« steamer internist make tn
character. It would be less dangerous for the people were it
B't • thi-
procure bargains More go...d« are»old 1 lace as oftei . :i» p- •-sinle In re;
uftcr. an,I
fatal at once, for then such food would be avoided, but their
h.s uav. and the ¡«voi 1«* gel niort goods ms >0 »11 as t e cunning «....Svl
n is over.
t «r th « m»«ney, .» nd th»' mer e».ant pruM- wili come dit»ce: to
baneful action ltecanse imperceptible at first and slow in its
thè * l.arf ìi 1 this 1 ity
per» tu a gn ater t xtent. lk»n ’l l»e aft aid without lyhqiI t»\ er
in (lie !>¡iv as she is
advances, is no less certain
know m
1. Ivt Ite 1 1
speciali ur
■ • now
y."i b."«.
Iiy,. t have «A il, ■• «urg íjr s, ae gem
• t «Hit Oli ute i:ii» r..'. ¡¡'11 Hi.
Dr. Price s Cream Baking Powder is declared by al!
or w is tu eluse out n »etl. tin ih.e
pusse» ger l»u w.mtis • iil grvjt.i i". n-a.se
gv r.s, iidur Il - ! ¡lb !i< .¡u,l your no-,1- IK?U, ;.S
authorities as free from alum, ammonia or any other Adul
1 a ■* V «ter I hm .
will be <ol i . A ÿaxl 1, ,<r,iKlii?,.ntl,i<i W. mk I, uL.«n * Vi M r<4 tlw Ehi
«•re is a
terant. Its purity has never been questioned, and while it
“ad iroui ii 1 rei.able buusu is i < wavs <tn V. iy pirasa nt gt UH
He w;ia here
inducement to purci a r«. and il sLmd'l mat y years a
docs finer and better work, it costs no more at retail than
<1 is tl'M- gl, »•Uy • ir-
be written in a style io altruit altentim
prised nt the «lev eU ■P».CI.t »,.,1 iinpmve-
many of the adulterated (x>wdcrs.
mem in ti i< p.are
One Pure Baking Powder.
W. W. Curtis was here yesterday.
Sig. Cohn of Portland is in the city.
F. R Heal' was in Portland I ist week.
Muriage 1 cense was i-snedOct. 24 to
Chris W. Cl.rist. iiaon mid Ida Told.
taken at Lamb’s
W. W. Ri.b Iri-gh and wife, nt present
Winter underwear in endless varieties
of Garihibli. were in the city Saturday.
at Cohn <fc Co'a
Miss V..n Ehrenkro .k left Tuesday for
Pacific miler proces-i fljur ai“l'iisco
where she expects the . lunate
Store, 3 73 per barrel.
W antei »:—County or«l< rs to the value will improve her health.
Senator J. W. Maxwell Inis been to
of i »DUO at the bank. ('.
E. Til AVER. *>1
Nehalem on atrip looking alter the in­
A farmer’s institute is to be held in
this county soon, the time of which will terests of his eoiistituellts. He w ill soon
make u trip to Nestncca.
be annouuced later.
(’lark Hadley ami J Enibmii have
opened up a temperance hall and fruit
stand in th? place formerly occupied by
Charlie Nelson.
It is understood that the People’s party
We’ll All Vote Right..
men are anxious fur a joint debate here.
A ir : “When Johnny comes marching home.” ? o doiii t they can be acconiino lat * I if
t' ■■)’ issue a chai *nge.
Get ready for election day
Hurrah! Hurrah!
There is a pr«»position just start»* I, to
The people now will have their say
build a steamer for Tillamook trade ex­
Hurrah: Hurrah!
clusively. A stuck company may he
Protection is the thing w.- need
formed for that purpose.
To save our land from foreign greed
So we I! all—vote —right—for
D ied .—At her home on the South Ne­
Harrison and Heed.
halem at fouro’clock Saturday afternoon
The Democrats all want a change, Hurrah! Mrs. Hester A. Seward. Funeral to-day
th»* 24th at J. M. Alley’s place.
J. E. Hosmer writes us that he holds
a State Diploma. In the report furnished
us last week by the County Supt. of
Schools, he is credit«* I with hoi ling a
We pul Ben Harrison in the chair, Hurrah State certificat»*.
A re|M»rt was in c:i< ulaii"U the other
Ami now we mean to keep him there, Hurrah!
day to the i fleet that the Madison hoys
of Bay ('iiy w ere dr.»w m d, a?» their fishing
Third party men can make a note
We don’t propo e to waste a vote
boat was found capsiz d. However, their
But we ll all vote right, tor Harrison ami Reed.
b«»at had escape»! from its moorings, ami
You know, ye men who wore the Blue. Hurrah! the boys were safe at h *me.
Elm»*re, Sanborn & Co. have purchased
How Cleveland had it i:T for you. Hurrah! the Leinenwtber canm iy al 1 lohsoiiville
with all the fixtures ami appl ances, and
He rays he won't do so again,
Lav«* seemed a ten-year lease on the
But you’d better take the chance with Ben
And we ll all vote right for Harrison and Reed. ground w here it stamls. We ar«* not able
In Tillamook we've fmud the wav. Hurrah m inform the public just whatd spoM-
tioii will he made of the properly.
fEllSON Al..
Land Office al Oregon < Uy, Oregon < .<
15, 1892.—Notice is hereby given thut thv lullowi
iiig-iiiHiie«! settler has tiled notice of hU luicn'
lion lo make final iwooi in support of hisclium
ami that said proof will be made ixture i|J
County < 1« rkof fillamook «-ounty at Tilhuno,,!
Orcgun, on Dev. 7, i SU j , vu:
F. A. Bowman,
Homestead Entry No. 7*62 for l.ot 4 .-f set 3j
tp. 5 •*♦. r 10 w, s S of s c ‘4 and s e *4 o. K w . oi
sec 2j. tp. 5
r «* w.
He ua.ues tne t »Bowing witnesses to prove hU
contmu«H.s residem-c upon and culioalien uf,
uaid land, viz:
1» I* H.irvcy. of oretown. Ore., < hii>tian
Scafert, Jo in westenburger ami Albrecht Kuc
stermann, of NesKowm, ore.
J- I- Apperaon, Register.
Lund O.ttce »it Oregon City, Oregon,
15, 1->92.—Notice is hereby given that the t«ilh,wi
litg uamt«! settier has lileii notice of his int« n-
u<m to make tinal proof in support of hi>< lad,-
ami that said proof wdl be made before
County Clerk o< Tillamook County, at Tilla-
mook,'Oregon, on Dec. 9, IE92, viz:
Judge Holden, while in Salem reeentlv,
Kasper Svhlap.ji.
visiteil the stale pris m and saw Illing- Homestead Entry No. 7027 for the n e >4 of n e >.
ut sec. 21 and n w % of n w % of sec. 22, tp. 2 s. r
woitli' The auilior.ties say that he , i : is 9 w-
lie names the following witnesses to provehis
about lecoVired from his maladies and (•.Hitiauoiis
resilience upon ami mill .-.lu.m ui
said Und, viz;
that lie is a g«»«-<l pi is »ner
i.C. ti'.iick, F. M. I.anib, John Marolf, i> n.
(.¿•.liek. a.I of Neslucton r. U., Tillamook Cum t\\
<’<>]uii»1:UH I‘ h ) •
J- T. Appersou, Register.
The o.-ra^ioii was celebrat • 1 here w th
due and imposingc»*i'eiiioiHe.'1. II h *’». A.
R. marched to the school house, flags
were presente«I, an<l fullowcl by the
wh».»le school ami many others, the pro­
cession march© 1 to the M. E. ( hurch,
where appropriate exercices were licl«l.
’1 In* Trmj:erance Cause.
Lady Somerset decLires that for every
«lollar spent in England for drink, only
one cent is spent on education. Sheg.ves
the following touching account of h»»w
she became a total abstainer.
1 see before me a happy home, with
all that wealth an«l luxury can give. I
see two happy children come down to
their dinner time after time, and 1 see
the hapjiy father and mother laugh to
see these children drink the wine set be­
fore them. At last it became known that
something is wrong. 1 see the boy on
his way to college, and by ami by 1 see
him a sadan<l hopless drunkard. 1 saw
him at twenty three, all the beauty gone
from his fair face, an»l at twenty four I
saw him laid in a drunkard’s grave. The
girl grew t»> the sweet?.-1 woinan-lu»od 1
ever saw, ami had everything the world
could give her. I’y ami by 1 saw a little
cloud, not larger than a man’s ban«!
shadow, over th: t young life. 1 prayed
with her, 1 wept with her, I implore«!
her by all she held sacred. I’erreply
was that if I became a total abstainer she
would. 1 ha«l never thought of that be­
fore. I hesitat•••!. I sai«l: let me think
this over. 1 thought about it and when
I yaw her ag.tin 1 told her 1 would «1»» it
t«> save her. Sin* «aid, vou are too late,
i caniKit give it up. That home is, broken
up, the children know something is
wrong with the mother, the husban»l is
heart-broken. If I had not hesitated
I might have save I her. With this ex­
perience, when God gave me true light
on this »juest:«»n, 1 t«»ld him 1 w«mi l go
out an«l plead with men and women to
battle with this gigantic evil.
Cuick Transportât I .. 11.
Land Otlice at Oregon «. ity, Oregon, Oct.
1;. 1S42.— Notice is hereby given that tm fo,.'
lowing-named settler has tded notice of ins m-
tentton t«» make final proot in suppo;.of L;s
claim, and that sai«l prooi will be made i-ef.ie
1 .mi.ty Clerk of Tnlamook Coanty, al Ciita-
mook. Oregon, on i’ccemLery. 1892,^2:
N. O. Davidson,
Homestead Entry No 8 06, lur lhe 11 ’2 ol sej^,
s w
oi s e *4 and 11 e l4 ol s v» '4, 01 s».c. 2,1.,.
2 s, r 9 w.
lie n .mes the following witnesses to prove his
coiiimuyus residence upon unu cultivation 01.
said Laid, viz:
v>. ti. Owens, H. Leilerer, J E Corle>s, L. p.
llmlsjii, all 01 Tillamcoa, rillamuoa uouuty,
J. T. Apperson, Register.
notice for publication .
Land Oilice at Oregon City, Oregon, Oct.
15. 1« 2.—Notice is hereby given tmit the
Ljiiowi.ig-iiamed settler has filed notice of hi»
mientioii lo make final proof in support ol i,.s
claim, and that said proof will be ...adv befo.c
tne County Cierk «>1 1 .liamooii Count, ut 1‘ilia-
11100K, Oregon on Dec. 10, 1892, vis:
Au ton Totzauar.
Homestin«l Entry No. 6651. fur the s *2 of»e 1
s e q Ol S W '4- Of •s, c- 2. • anu b c -4 UI “ " ,'4.of
sec. ¿4. tp- 3 s. r 9 W.
He names tne following witnesses to provehis
continuous residence 1.pun ana cuk.valioa vi
said land, viz:
Mis. Myra Hughey and C. \\ . Hi.iih, ol Tiila-
mooa 1*. o.,ure., M. rulund and U. Juhaso.i, ut
1; ,1\ i i r. O., Oie.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
N otice ; for pi blication .
Land office at Oregon City, Oregon,( ct. 5,
1892.—Notice is hereny given 1..at tin o low­
ing mi.tied settler has him notice of .1.. ojien-
lion lo make final pro 1 in suppot t of ms clauii,
ai.d tout s*id pr«.of wdl he made b.forc t..c
County Cle.kof 1 'ulamook ( oumy, ut liilu-
11100k, oreg«»n, on Dec. 7, 1892, vjlz .
Albrecht Kuestermann,
Homestead Entry No. .8^0 for the w
of sc1,.
01 sec. 5. amt w 2 of u v %, of sec. 8, hi Ip. 6i,
of range 10 w.
He manes tne following witnesses to provehis
continuous reside..ce upon and emitvatiou uf,
said land, viz:
D. 1*. Harvey, of Oretown, Ore., F. A Bow
man, J. Westenburger and Gejrge H Paje. of
Neskowin, ore.
J- T. Apperson, Register.
Land otlice at Oregon City. Oregon, Oct. u,
1892.—Notice n* hereby given that the foliowmu-
name-.i settler has filed notice of his intention
to make lilial proof in support of his »•hum, hu I
that sai«l pr<mi will be lnaue before the County
Clerk of 1 illamook (’».uaty, at l illanmok, Ore­
gon, on Dec. 5, 1892. viz:
Otto lolmson,
Homestead Entry No. 7457 for the s w 1, of gw
• t. of >ec. 17. w ' « of n w ‘4. of sec. 20, s e •, of 11 c
'4. of sec. 19, tp 3 s, range 9 w.
a He names the- following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon ami cultivation
of, said land, viz:
E. E. Lyster, »>. \V. Wallace. Henry Ely. Olio
Walther,all01 Nestocton Tillamook County,Ore.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
Land Office at On/goii City, Oregon. Oct 14.
The Steam t Eliimi'e sails t'rein A'toiia
—Notice is hereliy given that lhe follow-
to Tillamook b.iv on Monday and Thurs­ i 18/2.
ig-nained settler has filed notice of l.is intei-
day nioininos, on arrivai ol th - I'nion tion to make final proof in support of his claim,
Haeitic siiamer leaving Portland on Sun­ and that said proof will be made bcioie tb<
Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tilla­
day anil Wednesday nights at I I :3 I. County
December 6. 1892. viz:
Tlirougli tiikets e.m be liad at C • 1’ mook. Oregon, 011
Charles L. Crook,
ticket otlice, 254 Washington St., corner Pre. I). S. No. 7286 for lhe s l/2 oi n w , n e !4 "I
Third. Salis Iroin Ttlhiuiuok bav Tues n w 1 |. sac. 3.’. and s e 1 4 of s w ' p-sec. 29. tp. 4s
range 9 w.
days and Fridays. Good passenger ac-
He mimes the following witnesses lo prove l)i*
ci.niniodatio! s a:id tlii'Uigh iri-ielit rates, continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
land, viz:
as low as bv any oilier line This is bv
Wm. Barrett. T. J. Owens, C. A. Willey, of
ali "dits the qiiickest way to get t'roiii Hebo. I illamook County, Ore . ami E. Dixon, »’i
1 itl'in.'H'k to l'oitland, and enables otir Dolph, Tillamook County, Ore.
J. T*. Apperson. Register.
ni. n liants tu tel< graph for goodsand
g' t them here on short notice. N» such
tini" has . ver I < lore been made bclwcen
Land office at Oregon City, Oregon, oct 15.
'liilanr.uk aitdthe outside world. 3t-f.
18.2.—Notice is hereby given Timt the follow-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
t > make fins! proof in support ut his claim, sad
that said proof will be made before the ( "iinty
Clerk of Tillamook County at Tillamook, Ore­
gon, on Dec. 8, 183,2, viz:
John M. Jxh’ni lt,
I’rc. I). S. No. 7429, for the 11 w l4 of s e . s e U
of s w '4 and 11
of s w *4 of sec. 4, tp. 1 s, r » w
He names the" following wilm sst s t<> prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiTSt*011
of said land, viz;
J H. Waiting A. L. Whitten. W D Iihug-
worth and Ed. Donaldson, all of Tillamook E ’ *
J. T. Apperson. Register
Trai sfers of ri al properly for two weeks
ending Ort 27. 1S‘.I2, as recorded in otlice
I'fC'-unty Clerk for Tillair.mik Co. Ore.
A. A. M.'der to Bri Igei Lawless
lots IS, Hl. blk 1, A. A. Mliter's
add. toTillatnoiik
....... .» 1(X) 00
State to Elizalieth ihiinphrev., «
«» see 1(>, 2 n, 7 w
4X1 00
Stat" to ( lias. 1’uiiiphrev. e it(
notice for publication .
see 18. n, 7 w
4 XI 00
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, M
Minnie V. Stdlwell et ux. to L.
1 ,1392.—Notico is hereby given that tip folo"’
H. Brown, tract in sec 24 1
ing-nanied settler has filed notice of his intentWD
10 w
lo make iinal proof in supp«»rt of his claim.»»■
2000 00 that
said proof v. ill be made before the County
leter Magnuson to Allred Mag­
Clerk of Ttllamo»»k County, at Tillamook, Ore
nuson, n
of su i,, se <4 <>i
gon. on Dec. 7, 1892, viz:
sw'|. -ee 5,and ne '4 of nw «.<
Christian Seifert,
see 8, 2 n, 9 w ............
7«) 1X1 Homestead Entry No. 9796. for the s e 1» °‘ ” w.-
*/«• - w 1 ♦ of 11 e ’4. ti w '% of s e *4 and n e M 01
* »list. A el soli to I et er Nel son, sw
s w ', of sec. 9. tp. 6 s. r 10 w.
»4 o» *e , six- 5, w l„ of lie
He names the following witnesses to prov
see 8. 2 11, 9 w
7(X) 00 his continuous residence upon ainl cultitauon
Bay City Lind t o. to Theo..la,-
of. said land, viz.
George H. Page, of Neskowin, Oie., D P ’’lie
obv, lots 15, 18, blk 75, Pacific
vey. of Oretown. ore., F. A. Bowman an« Jonn
add. to Bay ( 'ity......................
500 00 Westenburger, of Nuskowiti, Ore.
B. Mel’liillips to 1-rank Wilehart
22 27
J. T. Apperson. Rt<wt<r
’1 acre tow n of Woods
Lewis 11. Manning et ux. to.I.
Land offiee at Oregon City, »ireg«»” ‘11V’,,
M. Manning, e ■., of sw
. w
1S92. Notice is hereby given that the f' Ho*
11:2 named settler has filed notice ol h>* J1**"'
' : '•«' “e ‘4, sw 24. 2 s. 9 «
4X1 00 lion to make final proof in support oi m-joaiu
State to Will. I.. Button, e '., of
and that said Proof will be imide before 1
s»s- 38. 3 n, S «
400 00 County Clerk of Tillamook County, at ru.a
mook. Oregon, on Nov. 21, 1892, viz:
Wm. Eittiet '.I. B. Pape, lot in
David N. Burns.
100 00 Homestead Entry No. 9311 for the 1.«ds 5.«-•
State to < Tto Nelson, nw1. of gee
8. 12 and 21 of sec 14, Lois 1, 2. sec. if- *P 0 '
Brt. 3 g, (hr
20H 00 r 11 Hr names the following witne*"«'* to pro'* hi*
J< S. Green to W. >. Rutivon. nu­
continuous residence upon and cultivation«
merous tracts
-•■1XI (XI said land, viz:
Annie Anderson and husband to
J M. Jackson Melvin Burton, J. M ,
M. Matson, lot. 5. 8, 7, «•< 4
Iamook Cuuntv, Oregon.
l' ts 1. 2. and 10.44 acres of |„t
20 25
J. T Apperson..R«K»’,tCT
,3. see. 5, 2 n, 9 w
14X1 00
I ■ -. Patents fu i
Ii" . AliH'rt L. -t ,-r,' P. t, ,
Magnuson 2 . Gust .xelson.
- >aml. Mondv....
WiU.m Hirer R ail.
Tott,,«. ii,,„o, ,,r (lolng b„sil)(W on
hue . f th ,s r..ad, I «ill make special
labs, by t|K. trip ur l>v the ve»r-
" ■ x. Rfxvox.
Li; an« Tai uh «: for s nr st ma. h.
till an« Talmles have com? to slay,
liipan Tabnl«« purify theldo<Ki.
Kipans Tal>tile« ar<. always ready.
i k A-ié?
A new ami complete treatment
Mippu*it »ric>, Oinimmts in Capsules. <
Box anti pill» a | «Hive cure for F ’tern« •
t«'u. l ' ind <n Bleating. Itching ’ hn «K *
cent or Hereditary Pile*, and many «>’f*«f|
tas* * ar.d female wcakiieM». fl is
••ei.vfit to th » general health The ' ®
♦ ry of a medical cure rendering an 05 ctam* .
the knif unnecessary h« reaitrr. Th««
uas utver been known to fait. $1 PeT/’1 iL-rtb«''
55. sent t»j mail. Why suffer from this tc
«liM-ase when a written uuarantvc is
«ix loxes to refund the money if
>end itimp for free s«»»i<ple.
by W ooDAtin, C lark 8tCo . whole«»;« a®»
druggi.ts snic Agents. Portland, Urrge*