: ONLY PAPER IN THE IN COUNTY TILLAMOOK Vol. V. No. 13 TILLAMOOK. OREGON. THURSDAY POPULATION OF THE WORLD. CRISP NEWSPAPER CURRENCY. Fleur.'« Retarding the Number of Soul» on the Kart h. T he first steel pens cost the manufac­ turer » 1.25 itpiese. S everal ladies have been permitted to praeti :e dentistry in Kjobcnhavn. Denmark, after having passed the nec­ essary examinations. A TIŒATEH party from Detroit ran over to Chi.-ng.», three hundred miles, by special train, to see a new play, lunched on the road, dined in Chicago, and returned home at mi.lnight Ax eminent writer contends that the ancient practice of hand-shaking was originally suggested Py the wish to as­ certain the wrist power and consequent wrestling capacity of a stranger. I t is said that E. 1’. Jewell, of La­ conia, has collected six- urn ’ns of 131 spellings of the name Winuipesaukee, ind has decided that " Wiunipiseogee" is right. It would be interesting to see the various spellings of this wonderful lake. lx taking medicine due regard was formerly paid by the superstitious to the positions of the moon at the time— different parts of the body, they sup­ posed, being under its influence accord­ ing to the zodia-cul sign through which the planet happened to be passing at the time. Exactly how many people there are 5n the world it is impossible to say, since no census is taken of many popu­ lous countries, like China, while the numberof people who live in the jungles of Africa can only be guessed at. As long ago as 1800, llehm, a leading German authority, estimated the popu­ lation of the earth at about one billion four hundred million. In 1880, the same authority set the figures at about a hundred million more. He did not base this new esti­ mate on the natural increase of the peo­ ple of the world, but explained that more accurate figures and estimates had enabled him to guess more closely. Two years later Mr. Behm estimated the earth’s population at twenty-two millions less than in 18S0, the decrease being accounted for by the fact that new investigations lmd compelled the reduction of the estimated population of China from something over four bun dred millions to about three hundred and fifty millions. Probably the estimate for the year 1891, made by a learned German statis­ tician, is the most nearly accurate of any yet made—one billion four hundred and eighty millions. It is believed that the world's popula­ tion is increasing ut the rute of nearly six millions a year. The most populous continent is Asia, which contains two countries—China and India—whose swarming millions outnumber the people of all the other countries of the continent. The most densely peopled Continent >s;of course, Europe. The number of people in Europe is known with n great degree of accuracy. There are about three hundred and sixty millions; and the continent which accommodates all these people is so small that there arc upon it an average of ninety-three peo­ ple to the square mile. The people upon the continents of North and South America, without the Arctic regions, arc less than one hun­ dred and twenty-two million in num­ ber, or only eight to the square mile. When America is ns densely peopled ns Europe, this half of the world will have a population of nearly one billion four hundred million—practically the same as that of the whole world at'the present time.—Youth’s Companion. AN AGE OF PROGRESS. AMERICANS IN OFFICE. Gov. F raxcir , of Missouri, is a stick­ ler for “the swallow-tail” coat at his re­ ceptions. S enator K yle , of »South Dakota, is a giant physically and the most robust of all the alliance members, llis digestion is perfect. V ice P resident M orton is reported to be a man of many charities, who in a quiet way gives tens of thousands of dollars to the poor. C ongressman T om L. J ohnson , of Cleveland, is a rare bird indeed among men of wealth, in being an enthusiastic disciple of Henry George while possess­ ing a fortune of nearly a million. Gov. E agle , of Arkansas, is by occu­ pation a farmer and by inclination a preacher. Baptist congregations some­ times invite him to fill the pulpit, and he is said to be an ©shorter of no mean power. S ome of the old soldiers of the Nine­ teenth Ohio regiment who served under »Senator Manderson, president pro tem. of the senate, have presented him with a gavel made of woods from the promi­ nent battlefields in which he took part. “Young man.” said the adored one's father, in a business-like way. “I don't care anything about your ancestry, and as for your financial standing I find it very satisfactory." “Indeed, it's very kind of you. sir. I'm grateful—” “As I was saying when you interrupted me." continued the old man. in a tone almost severe, “I don't care about those things, and your character and habits seem to be quite worthy of approval.” “Y ou can’t know how glad I am to have pleased you,” began the happy lover of father's daughter, only to be «I«»«» off with: “1 am considering the matter of offering you a partnership in our firm.” “You overwhelm me.” ‘‘But there is one question I wish to •»'k you—and I want a candid answer.” ‘Anything, anything!” assented the be­ wildered youth joyfully. “Is there any tendency to insanity in your family?” ' Not a trace, not a trace,” was the prompt reply of the delighted chap. Who had been half fearing some »wkward inquiry. The look of pleased entliusiasni that had pcrvad»‘d the pros­ pective father-in-law's face vanished. He seemed utterly crushed "Go!" -aid ***■ “I feared there was mrw hidden *’»*tacle Yon are not fitted for moflern S evex out of every eight loaves of bread eaten in London are made from foreign wheat. TriF. island of Montserret surrendered by the French under Count de Grasse on February 22, 1882, A t a I leading (Pa.) wedding the other day among the wedding presents was displayed a liberal consignment of home-made soap. Q uill toothpicks came first of all from France. The largest factory in the world is near Paris, where there is an annual product of 20.900,900 quills. T iik eyeball of the owl is immovably fixed in its soeket, hence the look of wisdom that that bird always appears to have. In the horse an eye in which white predominates indicates a vicious nature. L emons are used for soap in many countres where they grow. When the men and women of the East Indies want to wash their hands, they squeeze the juice of a lemon over them and rub briskly in water until they are clean. DYNAMO FLASHES. SOME ENGLISH HISTORY. A SMALL storage battery enables a haekman in Oakland, Cal., to illuminate his hack with electric lights. Tit»: Hollerith elc- trical counting ap­ paratus has saved the census bureau J600.000 in the expense of enumerating the population of the country. G f . x . S ebreli . is said to have invented an electrical instrum nt fir striking a ship when fourteen miles distant from New York a blow equal ia force to 50,- 000 foot tons. T he telephone has been snccc wfitlly used in surgery to locate the posit ion of metallic substances in the b>xiy. thus enabling sn ope ration to be performed in the right direction at once. F lax was first planted in England, where it was «'irectcd to be sown for fishing nets, 1503. T he first impea* hment by the British house of parliament, and the first of a lord chancellor, Mi-had de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, was in 138C. Tui: British muacum < riginatn»ine^i’. Interest paid on time dofMMilt». Exchange on England, flelgiuni, Germany', Sweden nnd nil fört(gft toimtrfes. TII.LAStOGK, . ÓKkd'Òir. J F. LARSON; * DEALERS IN e General Merchandise BLACKSMITH. Wagon- making, and all kind» of Wood-worh and Ot.Cral Hl:ick*tmltlVvng done. Mill Machinery Repaired. 1 loral* shoeing a Specialty. TILLAMOOK, XMft'K. Our stock consists ol Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Slixms, Hats, Cups mid Notions. Groceries, Crockerj , und Quemiswar«* Doors, \\ inflows, Lime, Ihi r, mill Cement Hardware mid Nails. ¿^“Special attention given to filling ordeis for goods in jobbing lots. _____ _______ A gents SStctmTcr i » -• Mr». J. JOHNSON MIllL. J. RUOQLES I RUGGLES & JOHNSON, MILLINERY AND DRESS­ MAKING. for 'P&I.I.TC.K TILLAMOOK, SAN FRANC1SC8 AND WAY PODS. Makes regular trips about every two weeks, the weather Permitting. Unta, D i ' vhm Trimming* «nd à be neral Àwwrt* ment oí MilllneîA Vooifn. Ve ìMVnyìi ket’tf the tatest Ktyk’s, The fast sailing Srit. T ruck K k Ims been specially fitted up for carrying pas­ sengers. Following are the rates: «MH». Near Court House, CAH N I’AS-vtGE ........................................................................................... ROUND TRIP,.............................................................................................. <-0. STEERAGE (one way)....................................................................................♦'»• Freight, (GeneratMvrcliandise) .... • H per Ion J. K. S iiblky , Mannger, TILLAMOOK LAUNDRY. LESTER HART, PROPRIETOR. I lobtsonville, C W iim I i I hk MEN T WHY ARE YOU WEAK. ? r£________ __ _ _ ? AND SUSPENSORY FOR, WEAKMEL Bp r/’ [Hi V/Z j and delivered evvr^ AiiUs cleaned to order. tii .L amoqk , ohk . Il .V i gathered week. Work done on short hot Ice wheii deal red; btiii tiled Hh’> *c t1le effects of abus«s, exce**e», worry and exposure. For such »nffrrers in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the tnoit skeptical, or by excesses, or eipofure, you nny have unduly drained your system ol nerve force electricity—and thus caused your weaknr«» or lack ol force. 11 you r-place into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and in « natural way. 'fills is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a j. Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free; sent by mail, sealed. Belt al we have restored thousands to rolmst health anti . vigor, Pfil Is 13 no I»'» experiment, “A .r 1/vl 11 . HCIll, . «** wc- iiiuv ic.ci « «. ____ » |. ir.. . as can be _____ .to- H.fw this State, U/ 33 .w failed, shown by . hundred* of tasrs throughout who u-nnlil would fftatllv whom we bave strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our 1ft. DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT hnii'1. <»•! Boiirdli!« «Ad tt-iiiK’icnt «lock carni for. ^CRE TRACTS AND T own Lon Eor «»ih* nt tea«r!nMl»lv price* nnd <»n fnvornldc.' term«, hreattofi l**»l in the city ot Tilt« mook. \t-M. b &on»y ^Refundi-d. 1 bey «re graded in streogtb to meet all «taget of weaknets in young, middle-aged or old men, and » «Il cure the wcr*t cases in two or three months. Address _____. rszxn-rlAlun ilLLAfttoOK, <»«K. nncrnN ' 8ANDEN ELECTRIC CO.. 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON. ON SALE O —TO - OMAHA Kansas City and St. Pauli (¡[IlôACû, pl. LOÍJI& SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION ruin an ! le- p< f*. Coloniat Sleeper», Reclining Cheir Car» and Difier». MASCULINITIES. L earning makes a man fit company for him elf. Ir you set up for a growler you can always be busy. A max of 50 lais spent over 0.000 «lays of his life in sleep. DH ex a man i* not very bright, it seems a hardship to leave him to his own reflections. M en would »w very wise if they could only l«x»m as much as their boy» think they <»uld teach them. I t is easy to tell wh«fi a man i* fiat- ORKOONl T. MAULSBY, I Lumber. - - TILLAMOOK, READABLE CLIPPINGS. A beamless boat, made from flat pieces of steel and shaped by hydraulic pressure, is described in the English papers. BunoLan-rnooF glass has been in­ vented by a Dresden manufacturer. It is made by pouring molten glass over a network of steel wire. It is especially adapted for skylights and jewelers' windows. A CHvncn built of compressed paper has been erected in Bergen, Norway. It affords seating capacity for one thou­ sand persons. The paper walls are ren­ dered waterproof by u solution of white of eggs and quicklime in curdled milk. Mn. A. F. W ard , of Detroit, Mich., has devised a mark buoy for wrecks which is automatic. It is fixed to the deck of the Vessel by a joint of soluble glue, which on dissolving in the sea water allows the captive buoy to rise to the surface. A U tica (N. Y.) church has placed in its Sunday-school room what is known THE FINDINGS OF SCIENCE. as a Sunday-school thermometer. It is A tox of coal is said to yield very a novel device for registering the at­ tendance of the Sunday-school every nearly 10,000 feet of gas. Sunday as announced by the secretary. A okicui . tuiial chemists estimate the THE WHITÉ WAX OF CHINA. It runs from zero to 500, and changes nutriment of 100 pounds of cotton-aeed meal aa equal to 818 pounds of corn, or A Unique Product That Is a Groat Fea­ every Sunday.____________ to 707 pounds of wheat bran. ture of Her Internal Trade. PARLOR MIRTH. F rost has a variety of effects upon One of the most curious products of SnE—“You ought to be ashamed of different products. Under the same in­ China is insect wax, of which 1,539,287 pounds, worth 8460,000 in gold, were stealing a kiss.” lie—“You are equally fluence eggs will burst, apples contract shipped from Ichang on the Yangtse guilty. You received the stolen goods.” and potatoes will turn black. “P ool r.s a encumlx»r" is scientifically river in 1889. It is a product of the —Truth. western part of the province of Se- • A n A cknowledgment .—“I wouldn't correct. Investigation shows that this Chnen, in central China, where the «¡ax marry the best man in creation,” said vegetable has a temperature of one de­ insect flourishes best and finds its food Estelle. “That lets me out,” said Chap­ gree lxl >w that of the surrounding at­ most abundant. Early in the spring pie. “Farewell forever.”—N. Y. Her­ mosphere. Da. T iieodoii W olf , lately the state numerous brown, pea-shaped scales ap­ ald. pear on the bark of the boughs and A P roblem S olved .—Clara—“I want geologist of Ecuador, has made a spe­ twigs of the Chinese evergreen tree. to break off my engagement with young cial study of the Andes of that country, They contain a mass of small animals, Dudkin, and I don't l:now how.” Maud which lie nay» are between ten and like flour, whose movements are almost —“That’s easy. Buy him a necktie.”— twenty miles further away from the Pacific coast than most of our recent imperceptible. The female wax insects Clothier and Furnisher. develop the scales and deposit their H er P osition .—Nellie—“I congratu­ maps show._______________ eggs in them, and the males excrete the late you, dear! War, it aa orthodox pro­ EXPOSITION ECHOES. substance known as white wax, which posal—down on his knees, and all N ewfoundland has decided to partic­ is supposed to be intended by nnturc to that?” Fannie (blushing)—“Not just protect the scales. The wax is spread that way, dear. I—I believe I was on ipate in the exposition. over the whole branch to a depth of a his knees. But don't ever dare to men­ A six-TnofHAxn-Doi.LAR monument of quarter of an inch. When the deposit tion it.”—Pittsburgh Bulletin. Barre granite will be one of the ex­ appears to be complete the branches hibits from Vermont are cut off and as much of the wax as A continuous clam-bako Will be one EUROPEAN NOBILITY. possible is removed by hand. The rest of the attractions which epicurean vis­ T he emperor of Germany stands is secured by boiling the branches, itors will find at the exposition. which destroys the scales and larvB. twenty-first in the direct line of succes­ W isconsin will expend throe thousand sion to the British throne. The wax is put into boiling water, dollars upon its horticultural exhibit E x -E mpresb E ugenie has still in her where it melts, and, rising to the sur­ Cranberry culture will be made es­ face, is skimmed off and put into molds. service the woman who was her favor­ pecially prominent. The white wax is a substance of great ite maid in the empire days. S acinaw , Mich., noted as a salt pro­ A t the wedding of Mlle. Fillet-Will ducing city, is constructing in minia­ utility in China. It melts only at a high tifnperature, and is used chiefly to to Prince de Tarente in Paris, re­ ture a complete salt plant for exhibi­ cover candles made of animal and cently, the gems exhibited among the tion at the world's fair. vegetable tallow, to prevent too rapid presents were worth more than 1,000-, W ork has been receive«) nt the exposi­ combustion. It is used also as sizing 000 francs. tion headquarters that Belgium will P rince G borge or W ai . es ' allowance make an extensive exhibit, including for paper and cotton goods, a glaze for silk and a polish for furniture. Minis­ has now been fixed by his fath< r at $75,- over four hundred works of art em­ ter Denby and Mr. ITosic, the British 000 a year, whi h is 650.000 a year more bracing both paintings anil statuary. consular agent in Sc-Chuen, say that than he received prior to the death of the proportions of this industry are the duke of Clarence. Prince George IN COURT CIRCLES. enormous. Immense quantities of the has already set up a household of his Q uef . x V ictoria and the duchess of own. ____ ___________ wax have been shipped from other Somerset arc said to pour their ports of the Yangtse river, and some of WORDS OF WISDOM. tea into their noncom rather than swal­ it is sent across the mountains to Can­ L et anyone be idle long cn.mgh and low it while it is hot. ton. Minister Denby has seen thou­ B inox vox F elder , of Vienna, has sands of pounds of-It in large round he will break out into some folly. cakes stored away in a r ingle room. Ir a man dies and leaves his estate in sold liis famous collection of butterflies The Introduction of foreign kerosene, an uncertain condition the lawyers be­ to Lord Rothschild, of London, for twenty-five thousand dollars. which is now used very largely in come his heirs. T he duchess of Casta is building, China, is having a discouraging influ­ I t is not so much what a man does ence on the gathering of white wax. that he is condemned for, as what peo­ near M» at >nc. Franco, a homo for Eu­ genia, tho French government having The industry, therefore, is not thriving ple think he does. as it did once, and the decline is an­ A woman never knows liow gallant denied to the ex-empress the right of other example of the great changes her husband can be until some other erecting it herself. Tin: dnehesr, of Sparta, daughter-in- which the entrance of foreigners into woman comes to visit them. of the king of Greece, and sister to China are making in many branches of A great many men can stand their law the emperor of Germany, is said to be native trade.—Chicago Tribune. own singing who will leave the house more like Queen Victoria than any at night When the baby cries.— Atchison other of her majesty's granddaughter». BEHIND THE TIMES. Olobe.________________ Why the Tonng Mnn Was Xot Fitted to Modem Financiering. $1.50 Per Yeah Ths rnr-“ other e»««>» c»n auceeánfallr Tuai II mr / b- nu» knc«a. th« the Prcpriev.-n. Prct-fleV.-». atan a*, aa enorm -. known, oun ex- nenne arc piacine a Xsuiple Dotti« Free tato every home I« »«» Ui.lled Hute« end « an««!.-. If vim have a Convh «-»re Thee I. ««in« - elllu«, awl». 1er It wll en .-a you. If four cMMhM UkeCroap. or WT.e-.ptr.çtwn«h.nw Hpocnn»’«. nnH re.i-f •« »«re. HytxtUru that In« lioun C.'.rtnnt Cut .. ' A«k your D ».«--rt for BHIla; I ’• C Prie» IkeU.. UcU. «n-ltt •. ir>o«r I r- area»reo» Hack laæ. n«o I hlio i » rwou» H«««. m a ti wi L ¿L 7 i ì.XU *■'' Steamer* from Portland to flan Francisco «»er’f Af.-iketr no irmeli nr dirt. Kn nattertim or tUnetrie Spark tn cur» for. _ Ko Snub ________________ _________ ________ ______ with '* '* — '—dlahlo rpark. ’» nr f ils» impiotino». tn frequent th» uar It Oil» ItnoU Autoaaticallg, _ Ju»t light th» Dmnrr, tun th» V7h»»l, Four diw* it runs oil dag. It runt with a cheaper grado of Ontalino than ar. g other raglan, and’,can»< ~ quent.g It COSTS LtSS to run It. gor Simplicity It Hats the \7orld. It han t tarer parts, and It t'u refer» I*c-1 likely to got out of order than any other Co» or Oooolin» I ngin» now built. num S m frntao, UL for iLLOSTRATrn Dtsaumvn circuits to PALMER & REY, II « xk ^ ít . Ilt HiHi nr, A «» r,4 W a hing I oh i. 1° I***'. Agl , Í.V** 'T