.. I.,,,-................ M-amnng'. We can’t continue in business longer It is not a pleasant task to akin Moralizing i» tho same way, we I unless we pay our debts. Wo can’t pay VB [ Sheriff’s Hale Williams) a skunk, and it Is not a desirable may a-, well say that G4 accruing costs, to-wIL n H eadlight would score the saloons to allow our property to be be sold under at Lots ........... 75. SÌX tUQIilhK 13 and 14 m bee tp. 3 11, r 10 x . Ó0- Three month« lication of it does the town no good of his town as severely as he does the hammer to pay our obligations, and Hmook County. Oregon- h)..m Now, then-fore, after due n-,..... 1« i?l «èli at abroad. However, the circum­ the class of women who always we don’t intend to allow such a naciiflre made by me upon «aid ADVERTIS1N of said execution and order of « de. I « n> »c" follow saloons, and whose victims public anelimi, for casn lit 'mud l".t*’'Ln? , stances demand ami justify the at ­ if we can help ¡1. |M-r yem $¿ 75 1 inch.per month are usually first the victims of the I..us.- di«., nt Tilinmooi. a! ,,u'J' tention which han been given to saloon keeper, lie would appear What y<»u ow « j us may seem a trifling oclock r- M . on the 3.-d day pi r. p'eml. 1, I M. «al.ide-cril.ed land or premises as aMri- amount, but three or four hundred ac ­ -aid. to «alisi) -aid judgment and costs und the subject. The trouble is, there more consistent. These institu­ counts running along in amounts of fl.50 accruing costs. i < ■' -• prr liu and waì : i > s the first insertion. vs per line for fust Hit ’ em both alike. — Newberg this city wh . countenance ami up­ 9 Sheriff of Tillamook County. O.tgon insertion for regular a first Insertion and pets p t line lor racli subse­ ings of the trial is to impress upon Cook, Defendant) still further, but can’t do it. So please John quent Insertion. T.jJonn Ci.ok, the above named defendant.— » * the people the baneful influences In the name of the Stats of Oregon you are Here­ There are no new developments dig up the sm- il amount you owe us at by All local notices will be •‘starred" or otherwise required to appear and answer t he complaint that have existed for some time, designated as adve tiseincut of the plaintiff filed against you in the above regarding the strikes. The Union at once. Send it by mail, or any other entitled *.** ■ t suit by the first day o! the first regular No special position will l»c agreed upon for and to discourage the teudeuey of way so we get it. t-rm of the above entitled Court next ensuing men are being replaced by Non- any advertisement, though we t il:«- especial six successive weeks publication 1 f thissummons pains to display advertisii matter < ffvetively the community to condone such lo-wit: the 22nd day of August 18 .2, or in defau.t Union men, and the boycotts are and give um favorable position a> possible, In thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for If those, who champion quently changing the “makeup” <»t the paper oflenses. the relief demanded therein to-wit : a dissolution bi ing quietly pushed. The soldiers »...ga a——a of the marriage contract now subsisting between We make a special effort to ch'.in <>r r» build the cause of the harlots and pimps, ¡»laiutitf and dt feinlant, tor the custody oi I hr are still in possession at Cœur CALIFORNIA advertiaements as often as our natrons desire, minor children Eva Ellen Cook anti J,°Ln llcnrx but make no coutruct to t hat eff- < '. : were in a position to suiter the (’00k and for such other further ordilterent relict • ♦ D'Alene and Homestead. No cut* will be us' d, except out line cuts on worst effects of the institutions, Consumer« who bnv from us save both job­ as to the Court may seem proper. Claude Thayer, bing and retail profits ’ . Freight not over 2c per Inetal buses. Atty, for Tiff. ♦ • tt) to Montana, carefully boxed; dravage free. they would take a different view Erick, of the Carnegie company, Several This Summons i.» published by order of R. P. varieties entirely sold out. Although We reserve the right to reject, nny advertise­ Boise, fudge. Dated June 30, 18,2. 6—11 altogether. Some of the “tough­ who was shot and stabbed by there has been a >harp advance, we still offer: ment that we deeiuobjc lionable. ♦ • 20 tbs fine cooking raisins or grapes.... 11 0) SIMMONS. T erms : Cash in advene f ir small advertise­ est” young men in the town would tbs unpitted or 14 tbs pitted pluins......... 1 00 Bergman,an anarchist, is recover­ E0 In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, for ments, and payment is r'-|uire i st 4,1892. thoughtless classes who are not so SMITHS' CASH STORK, Largest Dealers, demanded against you in the complaint filed seriously affected by the evil, but herein, to-wit: a degree against said Thomas • - Front St., San Francisco, Cal. Mannsheim for the sum of $225 and interest if woman and children, while in thereon at 10 per c« nt. per annum from April “NOT DEAD BUT SLEEPETH." 21M 18)0, ami forfso Attorney fees in this suit their own homes, shall be subject and costs and against both of said defendants that a mortgage giver, to secure said sum be Neatly all th<“ population of Bay to the brutal and lecherous attacks foreclosed and the property described therein, to-wit: The Southeast one quarter of section City came up on the Elmore last of ruflians’, without redress, it is a twenty (20), in Township 1 north of range six (6) west of the Willamette Meridian in Tilla­ Tllinilliy The hotel is closed up, poor inducement for decent people mook county be sold to satisfy the said degree the Tribune has suspended and the and thtitsmd defendants be forever forclosed of all right, lien,claim or equity of redemption in town is dead. Mo-» backs killed to settle in the community. If law or to sail premises and for such other, further and order must s limit mee'-lyto or different rule, order or relief as to tne Court .—Astoria Herald. may seem proper. This summons is published by order of Hon. N?, not mo-s-biieks, but profes­ the rough element, it js time to R. I’. Boise, Judge of the ( ircuit Court, above sional boomers killed it. In fact, warn people against the state of Why not get an education? You can Earned. Dated July 2nd, i 8<;2. Claude Thayer, Buy City is not dead; it is just affairs. Tho idea of winking at do ho , if von have ambition and energy; ( Attorney for Plaintiff. crime and passing it over lightly, and it iviil brighten all your prospects in suffering a backset from loo much NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land oilice at Oregon City, Oregon booming. True, one hotel isclosed, can not he tolerated if the city is life Fully half the students at the State 18,1692.—Notice is hereby given that the Ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention Nonna I School at Monmouth, are mak ­ and the Tribune suspended, but «•xpected to prosper. A sentiment ing their own way, nnd they are all the lo make final proof in support of his claim, tin 1 that said proof will be macle befo.e the County two liotelM are still doing business. which encourages lawless actions better BtudentH for it. The necessary ex­ Cletk of Tilhiiuook County, at Tillamook, Ore­ gon, on August 9, I892, viz: As to the population leaving, it cannot be countenanced, and penses are not above fl50 per year. John R. Cook, Homestead Entrv No. 7091, for the s’4 of se’, of should not ho permitted to exist. Many take hulf a year nnd work the would ] erluips have been better if sec. 20, and n5._, of ne% of sec. 29, tp. 1 s, r 8 w. He names the following witnesses lo prove A bold stand has been made by oilier half. Students above twenty-live part <>f the population had left long his continuous residence upon and cultivation or even thirty years old are not unusnnl. of, said land, viz. ago. For . while the town was <»iir City ....... rder ami prosecuting A good genera! am! bnainess course is A. W. Hall, Augustin Wells. I-. M. Keys and M. A. Keys, all of Tillamook, Tillamook Co. Or. full of speculative adventurers who Attorney, however, nnd as the provided f >r those who do not wish to 5 10 J. T. Appersoii, Register. had little money, no business in sentiment of the community has take the Normal work. Send for cata­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, June particular, and who expected to been rapidly changing since n few logue. 1.892.—Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his get rich lit one fell swoop by catch­ have had courage to start the fight, intention to make final proof in support of his Quick Trnnsportat l«>n. claim, and that said proof will be made before there is good prospect of a needed ing suckers. the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tilla­ mook, Oregon, on Aug. 10, 1892, viz: For u long time posters have change. The persons who began The Steamer Elmore sail« from Astoria Morton Turney, Io Tillamook bay on Monday ami Thurs ­ Pre-emption I). S. No. 7230, fur the 11 % ofge '4 circulated in Portland and in the the prosecution started to play a of sec. 26, tp is, r 9 w. day morning*, on arrival of the Union He names the tallowing witnesses to prove his List, greatly exaggerating the lone hand. They were discour­ Pacific steamer leaving Portland on Sun­ continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: status of allairs in Bay City. aged and advised not to prosecute. day and Wednesday nights lit 11;3t>. James Hughey, Morrison Mills, Grant Mills and Wm. Hughey, all of Tillamook, Tillamook Responsible people sax they have Those who knew of the facts, Through tickets can be had at U P. Co., Oregon. 5-10 J. T. Apperson, Register. seen dodgers which set forth that begged not to be Hiibpiumied as wit­ ticket oflice, 254 Washington St., corner NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. brick blocks were being built in nesses, not daring to file a com-1 Third. Sails from Tillamook bay Tues. Land office at Oregon City, Oregon, June 18, days and Fridays. Good passenger ac­ 1892.—Notice is hereby given that the follow­ Bay City; that 5t>0 men were at plaint, and some w ho suffered most commodations and th rough freight rates, ing named settler has filed notice of his inten­ tion to make final proof in support of his claim, work making improvements: that from the evil, said they “know- as low as by any other line, This is by and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tilla­ three large mills were in operation, nothing about it," . fter they were all odds the quickest way to get from mook, Oregon, on Aug. 8, 1892, viz: Con rati Zwickel, (claiming the Truckee mill at llob- on the witness stand and sworn to Tillamook to Portland, and enables our Homestead Entry No. 8465. fortlie sw'4' of s w of sec. 23 ami s ’2 of s e% and se'4 of 8w%', sec. sonville ns oae of them); that th.' tell the truth. They wished to get merchants to telegraph for goods and 22, tp. 2 s, r 10 w them here on short notice No such He mimes the following witnesses to prove his city had a population of loot), ami rid of tho evil, but wanted some­ get continuous residence upon and cultivation of, time has ever before been made between said land, ur.der Sec. 2301 IL S. various other claims ju t as ridieu- body to shoulder the responsibility Tillamook and the outside world. 2t-f. William Johnson. Z. Wells, Truman Harris, and T F. Harris, all of Tillamook, Tillamook lous. Some parti s bought lots on and take the kicking. Of course, county, Oregon. Cleveland vs Harrison Teacher*’ Examination« 5-tô J. T. Apperson, Register. these representations, and others those who had visited the resort1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Clime there with big hopes, excited were reluctant to acknowledge Notice is hereby given, that i<»r the THIS IS TIE TIME !, T,and Office at Oregon < ity. Oregon. July by these specious tai. a. onlj to be their own guilt by admitting they purpose oi making an exaininiition of all song«, speeches, red fire and enthusiasm, lhe 8. 1892.—Notice is hereby given that the fol­ w hole country I* rtoumm L Recognizing the lowing named settler lias filed notice of his in­ disappointed an 1 disgu-ted, to say had been then'. This was ex­ |H>rsons who in i v idler themselves a* can­ limncnM' demand for political iternture. we tention to make final proof in support of hi« issued a magnificent Republican campaign claim, ami that said proof will be made before didates tor teachers of the svht ols of this have nothing about losing llo ir money. pected, County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tilla­ book, mook, Oregon, on Aug. 20, 1892, viz: county, tiie county school superintendent flic defendant, the unfortunate Saxton. As there was nothing to support a THE LIVES OF HiHHISOH HD REED, Homestead Entry Henrv thereof will hold an examination at Til­ No. 8171, for the nc’4' ofnw>4 town at the time, the reaction, of who derives her living from her lamook, Tillamook C< unty, Oregon, on with beautiful portrait* and full information and nw1, of ne1sec. 17. tp. 2 n. r 9 w, He names the following witnesses to prove the great issues of the day. Protvctimi.. course, lmd to eoine. Th < disap si.nme, ami perhnps, whose degra­ the 10th, 11th and 12th of August, 1892. about Reciprocity, The Silver Question, etc. by Mc­ continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz. under Sec. 2^01 R. S. Kinley, Rush. Semtor Hale, Secretary Noble, pointed investors went away curs­ dation was caused at first by some Dated this 2.»rd day of July, 1892. R D Sa les and Marshal Rolwrtsof Folley P.O Murat Halstead, etc. Also in a separate volume and Dan Hick, y and L L Smith of Garibaldi, E. K E arnard , ing th<- place, and by this injuring procurer, deserves as much resjiect all of 'I ilhmiook Co. Oregon. The lives of Cleveland and Strvensan 7-1» J T. Apjverson. Register. Co. S o I mni I Superintendent. the whole county, 'they were so as some of her more fortunate with authentic portraits and biographical I 'ketches, also a splendid dlscu siou of the Dem NOTICE FOR PI BLICATION . disgusted with Bay City as it was. sisters, who while having the same ocratic principles by powerful Democratic states Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. Jnlv it men, proving the soundness of Democratic |»-Z—Notice is hereby irtven that the follow^ wayward tendencies, have escaped tlint they would not look with principles. uanud settler has tiled notice <,l his intention Thousands of Agents will coin tiionev with to make dn t! proof in support of his claim, and ‘favor on any part of the county their worst etfei'ts. She is not to Oil iK'count of Ill-health, I wiali to Kell these that *aid proof w:II be miMie before the County splendid lwM»k*. They will sell where my ilrux store nml fixtnren, together with else would. Don't wait to write, but Clerk oi Tillamook County at Tillamook, Ore­ nnd gave Bay City a much worst blame more than those who pat­ building and lot; or if dtiired, will rent nothing semi 25 cents for one or 50 cents for both outfits, gon, on Aug. 30, 189», viz; showing the b-nutiinl engraving«. John D. Edwards, name than it de-erved. In fact, ronize her. Tho ruthless workings building to purchaser of drug stock. BEWARE OF CHEAP JOHN B )OKS. Homestead Entry No. 7033. for thewfc of nt’ Un. H. V. V. J ohnson , them was nothing wrong with Bay- of the present social system seem tí and s1 ? ot nwq of see. ia, tp. 2 *. r 8 w. Secure the official editions with the grea He names the following witnesses to prove Till.unook, Ore. Repub1i< City; it w s the boom that was to demand that a few women shall an and Democratic leaders* views on his t'onuuuous residence upon and cultivation the Tariff and Silver questions. of said hind, viz: lx' sn rilieed to the most vile pur­ wrong. «fury Liat. L Crenshaw of Tillamook, and E M Keys > A key* and C.eorge Shotwell of Trask 1’ O Everybody wants these Becks.I The reaction went to a? great an poses in order that the balance oft all of iillaniot»k Co., Oregon. Merchants, Farmers, Mechanics and nil Following is the juiy list for the 8 ’3 J- T. Appenon, Regfatcr. extreme ns tin' loom; Many w Ito woina kind may Im protected. It clnsse« will eagerly buy them. They will 1 Mell \ugUMt term of the Circuit Court, which like wild tire. The greatest chance for moi •ney NOTICE FOR 1UBLK ATION. were in business there failed, and is said to bo n necessary evil. convenes August 22: making ever offered. Add res« quick Land office at Oregon Citv, Oregon. July 11 i1h*'r:;l’v.K,ve" '»at the followinK- Admitting that it is, it is not nec­ A M Hate’ Bay City. now many of the buildings THE HISTCRIAH COJaFlNY. name.t settler ha« tiled notice of hi. Intention to make final proof in aupnort of hi, claim. and essary that it bo allowed right M D Heading, Tillamook vacant, going to rack, with 723 Market St , History Building, that «aui pro.) «'H 1,e made before the t'ounty Imnrds nailed over the windows. under our noses, to contaminate C (I Cutting, Orotown. San Francisco. Cal t lerk of Tillamook County, at iillamook ore’- gon, on Aug. 29, 1892. viz: W 1) Illingworth ’ Tillamook. re.-'peetable neighborlumd, and This is tlm resu t of trying to lioom Otto Walther, H W Uwclle, Homeatead App Xo. »«,. for the ofneb the tight against it would not have Win 1 armcr, Helio ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. the town ahead of the country. and n1, of ae<( of jp ‘ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned He name« the following w Itneoe« to prove been made in this form had it been | Bay City is all right, however, John Bumgarner, Nast »cton. has bwu duly appoinU*"vl-r" UpO11 ""d Estate of William Fenski. dccia«vd. by the has n splendid !«•< iition, and is sure located in a proper place, (if any J W Johnson, Tillamook. County Court of the Slate of Ore^ou, tur thi sJ'i'' .V.'-'T.. Ilr"ry Pen’er- County of Tillamook. hi.d an I . .k co , Oiegou. are hereby notified to present them to the un- J- T- Apperson. Register. the near future, When the mills older to remove the evil, it waa H V Alley, Nehalem. designed at the office of I 7 T Maulsbv. in J C Bewley, Buy City. Tillamook City, Ou g.»n. duly verified, wi'tkin are built, Bay City will reap a necessary to remove one of th' L H Brown, Tillamook. MH ICk POR ri'BLICATIOX. six mouths f.lr th- . Estate of John I' R..«, ikxeased. bv the Countv -e Vif ue>. and ri,X of sc', „1 Z ". ’. & ’ »urt of the State of Oregon, i. r the Countv of from its present misfortunes, and the mat ter. Tillamook. 7 Wm Johnson. Fairview. lie names the following witness)-s to prove hi« All per*on* having claims sguinst said Estate that will not belong. Ami. in the e»'«l’.“inof’ Henry S*uip*ui, Barnegat. are here bv notified to pt cm nt th in to the un -id■*- der^igni'd at the uffi.v of 1 T MauSbv. In WHIRS IS TH I MURAL? J B Upton, Oretown. meanwhile, let us hope that the Otto Walther. G W Wallace v-«-w«i n lilltuniHik City Oregon, duly verified within and William IX,terfield all of n S^" Tm? six months from the date hert\u R Ja< kaon, Netarts. boomers will steer clear of this mook Co., Oreg<»u - n" Dateil Augint 1, iSyj of S D Fierce, Nest oct on. •-U J. T. Apperson, Register. Admlnisfratri* of the county hereafter. Maggie E. R om > Estate of J iXmaldson, Tdhono 'k *5 ’ John F. anna. De. ea^ed The little squib in the \ntoria NOTICF for wbucation J J McCoy. B iy City. Land Office at foi’B"’ ' i,T '*»»»" J»"C IS. lieraid comes with poor grn<•«, ...» ìmram^L,kL'à'22a ’' " thal ‘"•1 lh,‘ «"How- W II HeitiniIler,Tillamook. i. 'ï: " fililo» ; namcl aetllrr ita» flle.1 notice of hta intention is now o; c of the mamigers of the lomake hnaiprool inaurncrtol clair, .n,| Joseph Angelo. II B Moore. Neatocton. that aaM|.^x>, will b,-.nade I vf„. the County ¡.TtC".'.'”.'’“ * ,io «•»«*» sa'.ofrwi Herald, and most of our readers < lerk „rTUUmook e,»,Fly at Tillamook Or¿. oftre S C Tomlin* on, Folhy. 27 tp ja, r !• w. * 1 ** « g’»n on s^ptcinlx r r» vi»; remember the course lie pursued Charle* I\»pph youn - while managing the Tribune in lye cm pt km l> s. Xo a? a. for the nr««< FRUIT B00\ A^EflT^ U