iiiaiiiooli Vol. V. No. 1. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNK 2 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. I L. HiNEBi Pre* Me nt ___ Tillânjoolç Lumbering Company, D«^hllwell, Treasurer, L. Crenshaw, Secretary, Win. Barker, superintendent U V. V. JOHNSON. M. D. X O Ac« on next door to Temperance Parlors. Tillamook, > Oregou. •M.tRfFxeTBREMS OF AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP____ -+■___ T £ E.SELPH, I - - - - OREGON •9 Rough and Cressed Merchantable Lumber I T. MAULSBY, a Specialty, Attorney-at-Law. I Netary Public and Real Estate Conveyancer. I W. SEVERANCE, 1 ALL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. D bfuty -D istrict -A ttorney , flrd Judicial District ,for Tl I lamook County TILLAMOOK, - OREGON. TILL2LXCOOH, g LAUDE THAYER, I AH E best investment you can make J- is to insure your life, and thus pro­ Attorney-at»Law. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. vide your estate with cash at your death, or if you live." give you a sum of money a few years later. ÿAN BUREN BROMLEY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT-LAW, BAY CITY, OREGON. -• T he M assachusetts M utual L ike I nsurance C o MISCELLANEOUS. Write the best policy, guaranteeing you cash and paid np insurance every year, so you cannot lose your money in case of misfortune. Send me your name and age and I will send you a sample policy. £ & E. THAYER, BANKERS General Banking and Exchange business. Interest paid on time deposit». Exchange on England, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and all foreign countries. TILLAMOOK. - • • OREGON. W. F. 0. JONES, Local Ajt, H. G. COLTON. Gen’l ig’t, 33 Stark St, Portland, Ora. T ruckbe I v U mbbr C o . y [O k S an F rancisco .) J F. LARSON, e------ DEALERS IN----- >• » General Merchandise. BLACKSMITH. Wagon- making, and «11 kinds ot Wood-work and General Blacksmitliiug done. Mill Machinery Repaired. Horse-shoeing a Specialty. TI1.1. A NOOK, Mln L. J. RUCOLES ORE. Mr«. J. JOHNSON RUGGLES & JOHNSON, TILLIMOOK, UN FRINCISCO AND VIY PORTS, ■ikit ragular trips about mry tvt wiaks, tki waatbar Pirnittiif. the latest styles. The fast sailing S tr . T rick E k lias been specially fitted tip for carrying pas­ sengers. Following are the rates: CABIN PASSAGE ................... »15. ROUND TRIP,......................................................................................................................... $20. STEERAGE (one way).................................................................................................. $9. Freight, (GeueraliMerc .andhe) ..... |4 per ton T illamook , Out. TILLAMOOK LAUNDRY. LESTER HART, PROPRIETOR. Waahlnz fathered and dfllvered every week. Work done on ahort notice when desired Starched «hlrta lyel« each. Common Hhlrta and drawer«, »to lOcta each. Family waahins and iroaiuf. ¡Oct« per doaen. Suita cleaned to order. Ms» A gents for Huts, Dross Trimmings and ■ General Awirt- m.ulol Milliner, Goods. We Atusys ksep Nsar Csurt ¡I ourc , N« <0 MILLINERY AND DRESS­ MAKING.' J- . S ibley , Manager, I I< bsonville, Ore OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UNITED STATES. President ........................ R bsjamin H arbison L kvi P. M orton Vice-President ............... J amb . G. B i . ainr Secretary of State . C harles F oster Secretary of Treiaury QENTRAL MARKET, J. W. N oble : .-secretary of Interior .. ,S. B. FT.KINS Secretary of War B. F -V Secretary of Navy J ohn W an k R L. H. BROWN, PROPRIETOR. Postmaster-General W. It. ■ ..U.ER Attorney General Th« beat Beef, Veal, Pork and Mutton always Secretary of Agriculture JER! -AU RISK on hand. Eggs, Butter, Vegetable» and I STATE OF OREGON. Chickens bought and sold. Goreraor » P rnnovbr . Secret»«» of State........................G. W. McBBlUB Satisfaction guaranteed to every on«. TreRaurer I'Hlt.. M btchan Sept, of Public Instruction E. B M c E lrov Shop opposite the Grand Central. [•n iter .................................. F rank C. B aker (RSSTRAHAN TILLAMOOK, ORB. Supreme Judge« )w J’,.1'"*1’ r 1R. 8.IIBAN I J. H MlTCHXH. ^ILLAMOOK LIVERY STABLE, Senators ) J. N. H oler B H ermann ConfreMman gtaY*’Buy now while lots are cheap. (J.T. Apperson. Restoter. HENRY TOEHL, Nehalem, Ore., or B. F. Bnrcli, I Receiver. JONES B ros . P roprietors . THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Notice of Sale. Joint Senator .............. Fi.ApMm?i»E Circuit Court n Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a war Flrat-cla m »ingle and double turn-out» kept on Prosecuting Attorney <1 G. H ingham mt iMued by the Recorder ot Tillamook City TILLAMOOK COUNTY.^________ i Tillamook County and state of Oregon on the wm D. S tillwell hand. Boarding and tran»ient »tock cared Representative *' H. “ F HOLDF.N ‘ ” ;lh day of of April ’1N92 nnd duly signed by nd ire Crenshaw Re« order of said city «nd to me dl- tW T. W est for. ■ted commanding me to sell the following de»- M. E.S iblev Commissioner •h ”'1 n’-of»«--*” Irr »’•<♦• W W.C k»DI K Clerk.............................. Lots No, 1. 2. 3 and 4 of Blk. No. 3, of Stillwell's S am I> ownb T illamook , okk . Sheriff........................ Addition to Tillamook, owned by George Black- H. H M< DERMOTT Treasurer F M L amb well, amount due J6B 76 atidcoMs ARsensor ... I^jt 1, in Blk. 22 of Thayer's Addition to Tills- J ohn E owards I Surveyor mook, owned byC. Jone's, amount due $22.35 and A. T. School Superintendent superintendent *• * W hite School y^CRE TRACTS AND Deputy Prosecuting Attorney A. W . SBV lrance Public notice therefore is hereby given (baton I TILLAMOOK CITY'. Saturday the/Nth day of May, i H q 2 at the hour of one oclock 1». m . ot said day in front of the ....................... G. O. NOLAN T own L ots . I Recorder E. E >ELFH Cound» Chanil>cr door in oixoience to »aid order I Attorney ..Geo C ohn I will sell the above described re»! property or Ttor sale st reasonable prices and on favorable Treasurer D H. SrxroN so much thereof as shall be necessary to Mitisfy terms. Location best in the city of Tilla- Marshall /J ohn B arkkk , Presiden the amounts assessed to each described tract to­ gether with all cost ect to the highest and beat >A. P W1LÄOM Traute»» bidder for gold coin of the United States. ?Ü. W. PBTTIT C aft W m . D. S tillwbll , Dated Tillamook City, Oregon. April i3, 1H92. D. 11 S exton , T illa M ook , o«K. City Marshal. TILLAMOOK, OH. T he B est P lace to I nvest Magnificent Timber Ridi Coal Deposits Productive Farm Land EINE TOWNSITE G A. R -Meet» flr»t and third Mjdne^ay of each month at 1 r X. tn G. A. K. Hall. C h DKZW, AnjVTAXT. r #«VKBAXCB. CoWMASDBB. I O O p.—Meet«everyTueodaynizht at 7*> ex .tai. O. o. f Hall F S bvbbaxcb M. G. WX. OLBBX, BBC SBC'V. A F A A M —Meet» ilr«t Saturday niirht of each m* (h “» I 0. O F. Hair H. V V. J omxbox . W. M. B. < . L abs , fixe V. CHAPTER—MeetaRrM ’taturday. 1 r " r'f . Wifi make regular trips, ths weather perm each month In I. O. O. F; Hall 1 K- mblbv . H. P., A. P. W1LBOX. SBC v. Ing, from A O. V. w-Meet, every Mooday ntaht at j TILLAMOOK TO ASTORIA AXD PORTLAND. r. ■ taG. » «-Hall. f. M. DBBW. M W. A. Fee Freight rate« or Passage. apply to W. SKVBBAXCB. RBCOBKF.B P. SCHRADER. Master. HOOK & LADDER CO -Meet. .ta Toe. day uln mil condnct the re re ire. in the .tore on Wednesday of <11 V V J on a «os M D. ■ornlaa ot **’?!, Ünl,r*' «in*1 Board of Examiner« JH P«?»«M t> IU. M? rrr«re *T If MaaraoLe. M D day B c N hx M er«rT WM»««»y •» 2* * M \ .Jreinc every W-«in«oday «veneen known to fail fi per box, 6 for >5 sent by mail. Why suffer from this terrible disease, when a written guarantee 1» given with sixlx>xes, to refund the money if not cured? Aend stamp for free somple Gaarantee issued by WoonsKb, C lark fkCo.. wholesale and retail druggists, Sole Agents, Portland, Oreg/m. 51 MGT1CK. Notic« I» hereby fi ven that settled Md» for the paintin of the County Court House, will tie re- riered by the Cownty Court of Tillamook Co. Oregon upto and Includiti« the 6th day of July ihoa. By order of County Court. W w C ondkb . Cterfc. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. PROVISION FOR REBATES. FOR SOUTHERN SOLDIERS. A Home for Ex-Confee found in tho official re­ wcro excited, und I Wanted to gi >’e you ’ to this condition, and that is by contin­ port from American consuls to tho state a chance to cool off." it in tin ndd coincidence that Illinois' ued Protection—Protection which will department at Washington. Wo give two candidates for the presidency should exclude competing foreign farm prod­ only tlxrconcliisions of tho report: ••Food—It appears from tho report live in tlio same town, almost within a ucto, such an barley, bemp, bops. flax, wool, tobacco and fruits, so that land to hereto annexed that tho American work­ stone's throw of each other, nnd that produce them at home may lie with­ man consumes moro and better foist Ixitli should have come from Kentucky, drawn from wheat growing, thns dimin­ than tho mechanic or laborer abroad, undid that greatest son of Illinois, A bra ishing the supply of grain: and which and that the cost ot this food is as small linm Lincoln. Both Palmer nnd Cullom werotho sons of farmers in Kentucky will build np factories and multiply con­ in tho United States ns in Europe. ••Clothing—in general clothing can 1» who Were attracted to Illinois in the sumer» of breads', lifts by promoting tlio mannfactnre at home, to tbe extent of purchased cheaper in Europe than in early days by the tales of wealth from Both started out our own consumption nt least, of tex-1 tho United States; especially clothing of tho prairie legion. tiles, tin plates, pearl buttons, cutlery, tho higher gradee, Tho samo influence barefoot, both were governor of the pottery and everything else we use. If which prompts the higher ¡mid working­ state, both nre in tlio senate, both liopo we made all we consume of these things man of the United States to purchase to reach tlm White House better and more varied food than his now and produced sugar lieets sufficient .1 Poet In Polith*. to supply onr consumption of sugar, v.e European comrade, extends also to his should not have to export n bushel of clothing, for ho buys more and better bjoniKtenu Bjorniwin long thd garments. Consul Shaw, of Manches ­ wheat, it will not lie long under this people** poet . Wright, chief of tho labor cated ho will manufactured goods, yet statistics show bureau of Massachusetts, in 1883. At leave hin nativo that timo he fonnd that ths average land forever. Ho that such is the invariable result. The price of a lino of goods n[x>n cost of living of workingmen in Masea- han brought libel which a protective duty is levieo may at chunetta, including runt, was 17 per RnitM againMt tho first be slightly advanced, but competi­ cent, higher than living on the same journal* which tion soon brings it down lower than be­ «calo would cost in England. Exclud­ denounced him an a traitor, and the re­ ing rent, the cost in Massachusetts wns fore. sult I n reganlud tu of great ¡Militicul Nig- On the other has:i, Protection gives to fonnd to bo only 5 j>er cent, higher than nificancc. the farmer good prices for his products. in England. Tho radical party now triumphant in While there is this slight difference in Norway advocuUm nnivirai suffrage, The manufacturer who reaiu -s a fair profit on his gixxis, tho laborer who gets tho cost of living, onr laborers with direct taxation and nr para te foreign such wages that ho can live well and their high wages can live fur better and representation for tho country that in. save more than he could earn abroad, rave besides almost as tnuclf M the for­ tho practical Independence of Norway the merchant, ths clerk, the professional eign workman earns. -American Econ­ against its co-state di n. Bjurnsoii taan—to abort, every on»—is willing to omist. waa an active and ¡»werful snpporterof pay such prices for his needs as will is­ thin policy, but wheri ho went uu to ad Two <*nr«tlona for Irl.hmen. sues to his fellow tuan a good return ter Every Irishman in this country knows vocato that two harbors free of ice on Us labor. that if it was not for his vote and that the Norwegian count bo allowed to llo Things may be too cheap. of his compatriots the Democratic party sia fur trade, ho raised a fearful stonrt There U a reasonable level, and when would be without ho|ie of nuccesa. All both in Norway and Sweden and Rcant?- that is reached price, can go no tower also know that tho Democratic majority ly lean iu Ih'nmark and < iermany Hr in ami the nation or its people be prosperous. tn congrctw, a majority elected by Irish now practically driven out of a pjiblic Prices in tbe United States of t lie neo- votes, proismoe to build but one war­ career. asaanes ot life are about the same as in In his early life he was forced from ship. Free-trade England, while we have The two questions that should Irilerent Norway by the clamor over hiaconrHe ns twice as much with which to buy them. them are: What power is helped, pla­ editor of a political journal, and afte.* Present prices of manufactures are cato! or in auy wise pleased by this re several years in elite ventured Imcii in lower than in paresis of low tariffs, in IH62. He wmm born at Qnikne, Uuetcr duction ot work to be giveu to tnechan fact, lower than ever before in our his­ ics and this cessation in onr preparation dal, Dec. 8, R