Dtllamooit iKciòitiUtt. Published every Thursday evening. W. V. D. J one * - E ditor and P uoi mu ron line RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. (STRICTLY in advance ) ADVERTISING RATES p*r year>6 .75 . ” ” 100,00 • . ” ” 33.00 3.75 . ” " 60.00 0.75 . ” ” loo.oo ” ” ” 11.00 Local noti< < *, torts ]■< r lttf -• u 1 the first insertion. Only sets per line for first insertion for regular »«Ivertiaer* Lost, Found, For Kent. ForSale, Wanted and Special notices, in classitied "ad” columns, at the rate of om- cent per word for flo-t insertion mid hall rate* thereafter. 1 Inch, per month -...................... col. ” ” DON T fo.71» Correspondence on topic* of general iuterest, invited. Address ail con»'nonicat ions to T he H eadlight , T illamook . O r . T illamook , O re ., Feb. IS, 1892. The Cleveland wing of the Dem­ ocracy is holding mass meetings in New York to protest against the methods of David B. Hill. INSURE Senator Mitchell has introduced a bill fixing the boundary line of Warm Springs Indian Reservation according to the survey made by T. B. II ndley in 1X71. The Free Coinage bill will be reported favorab'y. Both parties are divided on the question. Those who represent the Trust and the monopoly corponilons are against the ineastiie. It ¡ h Haiti that McKinley is good presidential timber, bn that he is willing to wait. It shouldn't be a matter of willingness or ambition on th?, part« J' I lie candidate; th«1 people should settle that point and, if it appears (hat M« Kinl4 sec 10 311 !>, #1. W. Ryan L8 132.31 Thayer Ail. to Tillamook, «39. Wm. Ryan to G. W. Pettit, 147 B8 j Thayer Ail., I35. I. I'. .Smith to T. B. Maxwell, Ll to 8 Garibaldi, $3fT B Handley, in which ing They never follow, but always lead. Low printing is done in the best style of the art. he «tales that I failed to state that there for carrying the Nation. His tytoo tPoo 1 ^1000 ^L5<‘ be more than one County Com- B uníiicns k ¡«ills prices and square dealing is their policy. It will B OO fl 5" U AS $4 SO adroit wire pulling has placed the would Bill Head« 1 to 2 >5 3 00 missiont r t lerted nt the coming election ; 5 00 Letter llcmls « SO 3 00 2 25 5 o” Democratic organizations of New nlso that I failed to state that there Note II i hi I h 1 40 2 OO 4 50 2 75 pay you to give them a trial. 2 OO 1 40 2 75 4 50 York completely in his own hand, would be au Attorney General elected Statements Envelope* XX 4 OO 1 .SO 2 50 1. : 1 ■ f 1 b 00 4 25 and the parly in thut state at hi I will ,-tatc my reasons for the omission Show TicKets... XX 2 2 SO OO • .so 2 75 3 50 Delore basing the election notices Dance 2 (X» with stubs > 50 mercy, yet it is probable now that . Small 2 O«» 1 .so 2 75 : 3 50 printed, I asked the opinion* of .several of I'oRte» h Medi liti» 2 OO : 3 ™ .1 OO • 5 00 Cleveland's followers would be in­ It is no trouble for us to show goods, in fact it is no trouble for us to 5 00 1 ft 50 ” Large 8 50 : .io 00 our leading citizens as to wliat I should < irciilar Lett« r 2 50 5 25 3 25 » 7.5 cited to defeat Hill, sb uld he *11 v in tlmse notices, Commissioner or Shipping PROPRIETOR. Tags l 00 1 75 2 75 4 50 again be a candidate in th it state. ( omniiss oners, but no one knew for cer­ Visiting Cards s >cts. ^50 or "«cts. '|*ld»'. New house, new furniture: first class in every respect. Best accommodations in the city. Head ol statements on pencil pnper, tablet The Democrats are now looking tain, ami as I 11m not a judicial function­ Bought forni, 25 'F”*1 "r $4 f»1000. quarters for the traveling public. ary. I declined to say Commissioners, Plai'auls, "rositivclv no credit," etc., $! fMoa. towards i western man, < iov. Boies or less u ts each for alt ov» r Large size fi 50 cheap and we sell cheap, lesides we handle nothing but honest goods although I waH then and mu yet under f'doz. and sets each for all over. of Iowa. Gov. < iray of Indiana, and TILLAMOOK, OREGON. the impression that two should he Sale" and "I'oi Rent” placard«, with spac e John M. I'.lliner of Illinois being elected; ami knowing too that to say "For for Ham. and description, jets. ea< I l Horse Bills on caul boatd or cloth, $.'*00 >‘'.0 or considered. Commission« r wonl I not preclude tin . J6MVW0. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NOTICE. nomination ami elm lion of two. as every ! Deeds, Moi tr.vj. s, Bonds for Deeds, Summons, Land Olfice at Oregon City Oregon, Feb. J». Applications for Stuvey ami all other legal Notice is hereby given that sealed bids for the 1.*. ’ 2. — Notice whereby given that the following- voter in th«' county know* the oilier of blanks ot same «i/c carried tn stock, sc. each building of h bridge across Beaver creek near Mikts Mattie Mitchell. dauglitiT of » filoz Discount of lit |H'r cent. 011 fs <«> named ttlvr ha- filed notice of his intention tier sidencv of Ik H. Bnnn in the f’ounty of mi kr final proof in support of his claim, and Tillamook. Mate of Oregon, will l>e received by roprietor of Oregon's Sciiattir, was in.irt ietl Coinmissioner is to be till <1 at the June orders. Blank'not enumerate«!, fl <»0 f*ioo. to that said pr<»ofwill he made before the County the (.Ounty Court of said County and State, up Spy. Lilly prepared Receipts, or Orders, bound Clerk of Tillaima»k County, at Tillamook, Ore­ to and including the tlr«t Monday in March, of anager Feb. 11 in I'at is to Dnko tie la election. in tablet form, fa 00 WI00. f ; 50 »‘•j.W or f«».oo gon, on April 4. 1KV2. via A great mnnv people in the county art­ 1^92. All bids to be based on plans and specifi­ Large site, |3 mi. #4 so and #7 00. wk ARE NOW PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE THE TRAVELING PIBLIC. cations on tile in the office of Coni.tv clerk, the Sebastian Miller, Roelietbncanlil. H is slid to be a laboring under the impression that J. E Printing on Postal ( ard«, fl Do V100. <1 so »»250, Homestead En’rv N • *W»I. for the c S of n e ‘, Court reserving the right to reject' nnv or all 4« and f.; 2s |hooo good luiiteh, but it doesn't scent Sibley w.in appointed to fill the unri Pencil ami nw’4 of 11 e 1, and ne’4 of nw’ 4of sec., il, bids. Tablets, 5 and 10c. For ink. 10 and l V. Dated this 29th day of January, IH92. to. 2 a, r 10 w. right th t sotni' of America's liest p i red term of W. G Kelno. I beg leave It always pays to order in quantities of 500. Attest, W. w coxDF.it. lie names the following witnesses ta prove County Clerk. his continuous residence upon and cultivation No charge for blocking work in tablets and prettiest gitls sltonltl go ami Io Rtnto that thi* in not the the case. • Extra charge for color work, printing on both of. said land vii: Mr Sibley w appointed to fill the the Henry Olds. M 1» Reading. JamrsABiggs and difficult designs All kind« of miu marry foreign dukes when there vncAncy rati d b\ the re*igu.ith.n of .Mr «id«« IS Till l ot MTV COVRT KOK TILLAMOOK Co" men i »l printing not enumerated «lone promptly and J A Gibson, all of Tillamook, Tillamo k lim.’.os. Co.. Oregon. In tliv mutter of the) are so many worthy young men at K !><». In the matter of the election of and at low rates. 3N I3 J. T. Apperson, Register. Estate <>i l'eter Moreau? roprietor »• our cgtriisive line of samples deceaM-t».' liome. It is seldom our young tn Attorney General, the Act creating amt you al! can and get s< an idea »»f a hat \«»u want and NOTH 1 l'OR PVBLICATION. The .tepart.ne"t i. der the manngeme»1 of G.W. Pettit, and every effort poMibte U Notice is hereby given to whom It may concern I»« cotn meed < nt rul «dected" but there I II 1dehrn, lu rrbv give notice that I have »•f ««•<• 29, and e'i ot ac \ » f sec. 30. and nw% of count arc hereby reqnlnd to file them in the flh d oi tin t ountv Clet k a otfi« e an application above named Court on or before Mid date, and >»•»• 3 j tp 4 a. r 9 w. ■nan would not stand much show i* no pro. inion for one to le elected tor .t tern hamhi-r. the «..one to be u*d on the nw»g He names the following witnesses to prove his »how cause, if any. why said account l»e not al­ rillaniook riv< r an<| for the express purpoiw of lowed amt the said administratrix discharged. earlier Ilian Ibis Now , if there in to lie continuous rrsideuev upon ami cultivation of o»n\eving ft» tght and travel to and fro aero*« among the titled women of Europe Hated tins nth day of Jannarv. tfilh. SS-yi «aid rivet and oU the how projected road ftom «aid land, vix E E selph, j < Mary». Downa. William Sailing • 1 pnyof will Iw made l-efore »«tat itr»'lier»*b) notified t> pre«ent the san e ’Cmi'ilv Court ot li bumx.k Cmintv. Du. u. C«Minty T illamook . O regon . Cleik of Tillamook County, at Tilla­ to tn«- at my re«id. »ice in Tillani.»ok Count'. I latiuv tor the vaenuon of all the Mrevts. al.vva Oregon, within six months from this uth «lav of Xnrit A. i$W. vix: a 1 <1 public squares laid out and tt-e.ndrd a» the mook. Oregon, on \\ illiam January, l^ J. ( p, wley.’ baling, I oau of Ida-, ill«-, to wit That trm t ot land in HomeMead Ent \ x,» giro for the nw’* of bw Administrator. I »»Look ( , 1.tiiv. Oreirnn. laniitdol by In gin 1 * of «cc 11, tp i a. row ami of se‘, and niag at the N«»uthwr«| corner of the Ihmatlon «■'.of ne’4 of sec ,10.tp 1 s,. r io w. Laud Claim «»( Harriett and U X X.iugbu and X >T7< E FOR 1'I HI I. ATION lie names the following w itm '«es to prove his 1 »inning them e in an easterly direction 4IM tert, continuous rx side nee upon and cultivation of. ».ami office ai Or.*con < itv. Oregon Jan C. B. HADLEY, Proprietor. th« me north feet, thence west a thence said land, via 1 he t'ltl way of setting to raise over night by the 5, iSol —Notice 1» hcrel.v given that (he foil,w' m tth .SO fl «t thvncv Best Mr. tert theme to Mar« , lie« Kellow. tieorgv W Bcdxfclt. FI1 ert ing nninnl «»tth r ha. tilol notice ,,f hi, inlrn the pla. e of It-ginning w X \ At «; un tion to make pr.H.t tn support of hi, claim ttsc of yeast, while the cakes were light yet there was always Hub’ ami Geor«:. Kellow. all of Hcl-o, l i la­ .V’ am» that aakl proof will be math* boforr the in »»ok C.»,Oregon. County, lerk ot Tillamook county at Ttllumuok a well foundetl suspicion that buckwheat cakes made in J T Apperson. Register. . (*b gon, on Eel», kk imo , via; Martin T. It Lenlck. N'»TICK FOR Pl RL1C ATK>N. SOCIETY DIRKOTORY. that manner were indigestible and unwholesome, because ttomeat atl Entrv No ,C N.»tire is hereby gneu that the follow tp.»,. r low of the chemical action that takes place, so alters the flour G A R Meds fust ami third Wednesday of ing named settler ha« filed notice of hi* inten­ Ite name, the t .flowing witm ,»<■• to prove hl, rich m- n ith at • 1 :• i- K w :r. ut C. <: \ ................................ R llall C n tion to make final prooC»n support of his claim, coo-.- e ua , ■ tcuee upon .uid ( util.alien of from its original character, that the . nrmg or decomposing and that «aid pr»s»t will t»e made before the I'mw AitJVI TANT. “ F S k ^KRANVI- Ct'MM D»| i X County Clerk of rUlamook County, at Tilla- SOM laud, VU: A T White, James \tkinaon Herman Farmer I. O. O F - — Meets every Tuesday night «1 7 1 .V m00k. «»rvgvn on ipnl «. via: process continues in the stomach, followed by dyspepsia ■Uld M Sommer«, all of H. Ii.bree Tillamookt o f . m in I <>. o F Hall F. H aakrana B. X G. «•c »rgv Kellow. w M (HUUN, RKt SlC’V Pre-empt» ui 1» s x.» -1.4 forth, ne^ of nc’. Oregon. and kindred troubles. J T. Appernon Regt-ter r i O w A. F Ä \ 1 M .Meet« first Saturday night of of sm 10, tp >!« name« th»'folk »»»ng witne««<« to prove his PBch liiouh In I <> o F Hall li V. NOTICE Ftlk ri BLICATlON. The new way docs away with all fermentation, souring cunttnuoiis rvsith-tsv upou and cultivation ot Laud tftbee. Citv Oregon jumieuN. w M. Il V. L IMM, >MC’Y «aid land. 1 lx. XJ .X at Oregon 4 t«yt — -NotH-y Notice — - c- *——«- given 1 — that -- Feb. IB hereby the etc., and places upon the table tn. kin ; hot buckwheat cakes William 'ah:»g <..s*nrc W Bodvfolt, Jerr) fidlowing-r.. CHAPTER Meet» ___ first Saturday 1 r. M of ir-nametl * «etHer has fie«I n<»ti«*v of ________________ Lcwallm and Thorns* Owens, all of Hebe» Til <-.»»h motith tn ‘ 1 ll >. <>. F Hall J K St BLBA hi« int.ntio' niton to iiiak« final in wupi»ort of smock Co., «»re in la minutes or less. Dr. Pric, s Cream Baking Powder — ~ - TH LA MOOR. ORKT.OM. Il P. A F W ilm jm » , tMtc'v. hi« etai n >* and that «ai.1 pn««»( will be md? be- J T. Ippeteon. Register t.irv the * t'a vurt jr t li rk of THlaii*«*»lt cxmntjr at A O. V. W —Mm vt< ererv \I«m ria M>Tn:K ~ r M in <>. A R Hall. . U N. D rew . M » A. Levi Hud«on. x'*t‘<’e i* hv'rt v g.xvn that the undcr-iened W. ÜKAXBANVk RK«»»! IRDKR. wheat and all griddle caki . made with Dr. Price's f'owder has fi.«d her final a»A * «' o^mreti IL iiximithrl.» lowlatnitm »«Mtafttt.wtk« l«\ .8*1 •»&.. _.. __ w-a.___ * . L .-'i*- •rruau - i— - w: 1 . j_ . Bqd PaintH Plumbing and Tin-roofing Promptly Done M. H. LARSEN, "INFIELD HOUSE, W. S. CONE, P , D- E- GOODSPEED, M - BAY CITY, Q R EGO N. QCCIDENTAL HOTEL, G. W. PETTIT, P . JOINING ROOM DEPARTMENT, «J. P. ALLEN, M . ’’àd ;h,in,'V,’Ci,"’iTC’y *° ,he ",ni"’ rnom *"<» ""”•'7 Mr' Th- Qrand Central Billiard "Hall L ^iiics Fine Billiard and Pool Tablea . ,ablB8 QREBDN A. LETCHER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELERh- UkiX TEXIl ’ERANCE PARLOR. ' • J- 1 íllwell . P roprietor . C igars. Fruits and Candies. 1 Ji-ii . L- v- Mail Orders for School Books and Stationery Promptly Attended to at Lamb ’ s Corner Store. Blaine’s letter of withdrawal is regarded ns leaving the field en­ tirely to Harrison, it being thought that there will be no other strong candidate. In the matter of government proeemlings against tlie alleged fraudulent timber land entries in Washington, Oregon or lifornia, the Commissioner-General of the land ollice. with the approval of the secretary of t' e interior, has instituted a change of proceedure, by which parties claiming title to these lands will hereafter be re­ quired to produce the original entry-men and their w itnesses at the local land offices for further examination, with reference to the contracts or arrangements which may have been made prior to the entry, f r the conveyance of land to corporations or syndicates. It appears from tlie records ofthe general land office that large tracts of valuable timber land in different localities have been entered on tlie same day by a large number of person , and immediately there- afteralltbe parties transféré I to syndicates. It is now confident.y asserted by these syndicates that the government cannot prove the entries were originally made in th ir interests. This new order is made with a view of simplifying the proceedure in such cases. Needs Cash at Death to Pay Debts and Protect his Family YOU TIMBER LAND ENTRIES. Il M. .75. 50 Ont» year Six months Three mouth* imng siTT< Rochefoucauld showed g<«xl judg­ ment, and in this case it doesn't appear that t’tle was swapped for wealth, as is often the case