Vol. IV. No. 37 TILLAMOOK. OREGON, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY II PROFESSIONAL cards . CITY LOCALS $1.50 Per Year CITY ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. 31. Notice G. B Davidson’s add. AN o R dinamck to hkgujith ria« dis ­ ha V city , tricts . Richard Eberman, of Seaside, is in the Oflice on next door to Temperance Pitrlor». Dr. Whitcomb in kept very busy. The city. The people of Tillamook City do ordain: Tillamook, - Oregon. people seem glad to welcome the new St. Valentine Masquerade Ball Friday- S ec . 1. That Tillamook City shall be doctor. £ E SELPH, divided into fire districts ns follows: night. Thursday eveuing some of otlr Social A TTO R N E Y-AT-L A W. East of Stillwell Avenue and north of Jas. Squires intends to move to Eastern people went to Ilobsonville anil were ft?1 TILLAMOOK, - - - - OltHdON. Second Street to be known as the First Oregon I i Ward. gaily entertained by Mr. and Mrs Sibley, | T. MAULSBY, Born to Wm. Eberman and wife, Jan. Means A Tilden have their pile driver West of Stillwell Avenue and north of 31st, a sou. repaired, and are once mote ready for Second Street, Second Ward. Attorney-at-Law. Three pounds extra choice Japan tea Hotary Public and Real Estate Conveyancer. East of Stillwell Avenue and south of business. for |1 at "Frisco Stere’’. Second Street, Third Ward The Cooperage Co have been saw in J I W. SEVERANCE, West of Stillwell Avenue wild south of lumber to enclose thtir mill, also to Marriage license was issued Jan. 27, s> Second Street. Fourth Ward. build an additional dock ■ * D eputy -DIS trict -A ttorney , to Asa Wells and Anne Corless. . « ' I stoc consists of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps Our stock S ec . 2. The fire bell alarms shall be: 3rd Judicial District,for Tillamook County DtEn:—Teresa, wife of A. Finlayson, I)f. W. A. Wise, of Albina, will he in I and Notions, I. Groceries, Crockery, and Queensware. Doors. Windows, Lime, First Ward, 1 stroke, rest 5 seconds, Bay City, about March 1, to practice TILLAMOOK, - OREGON. I Hair, Hair, and and Cement. Ct at Hobsonville, Monday, Feb 8. Hardware and Nails. ¿^"Special attention given to dentistry. filling orders for goods in jobbing lots. Claude Thayer received a pair of followed by 15 strokes, and repeated. |jLAUDE THAYER, Second Ward, 2 strokes, rest 5 seconds, e> Bronze turkeys per Str. Augusta A delegation of Odd Fellows will visit followed by 15 strokes, and repent A gents for Attorney-at-Law. their Tillamook brethren this week. S. A. Roberts and wife have gone to Third Wnrd, 3 strokes, followed by 15 TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Sb-t eiiiiier* V- 3 Portland and Oregon City on business. strokes, nnd repeat Jas. Ifeeher, of Wilson River, was in Work is progressing on the Steamer Fourth Ward, 4 strokes, rest 5 seconds, town Saturday. TILLAMOOK, SAN FRANCISCO AND WAY PORTS. miscellaneous . Garfield, and she will soon be launched. followed by 15 strokes, and repeat. Miss Kitty Mills has just finished a Makes regular trips about every two weeks, the weather Permitting. ft & E. THAYER, Highest market price paid for all kinds Each to end with the number of the four months term of school at Hobson- u> The fast sailing S tb . T kcckee has been specially fitted up for carrying pas­ of hides, pelts, furs, ect., at “Frisco Wnrd. Firemen’s meeting of any kind, ville. The patrons of the Bcltou!. re well pleased wirlt her effort,. BANKERS. I 4 strokes, repent 3 iintes. sengers. Following are tho rates: Store’’. S ec . 3. Any person ringing a fnlsc The Union Sunday school is in a CABIN PASSAGE ............ |15. We shall receive a ch< ice lot of eastern General Banking and Exchange business. BOUND TRIP,................... . |20. Interest paid on time deposits. hams nt ‘‘Frisco Store,” per Str. Au­ j alarm of fire, or a call unauthorized, prosperous condition. The attendance is 1 shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor, nnd full and prompt. STEERAGE (one way)....... ... |9. Exchange on England, Belgium, Germany, gusta Sweden ami all foreign countries. upon conviction befcre the city Recorder, $4 per ton ■eight (General Merchandise) A Taffy party was held at Luke Lino's James Reiher is working to get the TILLAMOOK, - - - OREGON. shall be fined ten dollars and costa. last Thursday evening telegraph line started again. He thinks S ec . 4. The Fire Co. are hereby au- The Young People’s Christian En­ lie will succeed. ' thorized to appoint a Fire Marshall who J^ESS & TOEWS, Goods sold below cost at Davidson’s shall serve until Hie first annual election deavor Society meet every Thursday eve­ I T TAS you inquiring for the store every Saturday Do not fail to after his appointment. His duties shall ning at the Presbyterian church . John Dunnsmore is fitting up a passen­ call when in the town. lie to inspect flues, stove pi|tes and chim­ W ood -Y ard . V I best place to do your fall There is a great deal of complaint in neys or anything 11.at ntay endanger the ger boat to ply ou the bay. He purpose» various localities regarding the arrange­ t ily by fire, and re|x>rt the same to the using electricity as the motive power. Wood delivered to any part of the the city. trading? I>o you want a square, Myron Trowbridge is convalescent. ment of the new road districts. City Marshall who shall immediately T illamook ore . The XVashingtan's Birthday Bull, Feb. have the same remedied. honest deal? If so, you will find IIKIIO. Approved Feb 8, 1892, 22nd in Hadley’s Hall is going to be a it to your interest to place your .1. B arker ) swell affair. A large attendance is ex­ J F. LARSON, Deputy Sheriff Stelnhilber was In this A. 1’. W ilsons Trustees Wil! make regular trips, the weather perm pected. part of the county tho first of last week G eo . W. I’ ettit ) ting, from order with W. C. King. His store BLACKSMITH. Call at G. B. Davidson’s Htore, (next TILLAMOOK ro ASTORIA and PORTLAND. Attest G. O. Nolan, Recorder. J. C. Landingham haa his new road For Freight rates or Passage, apply to door to T,etcher’s jewelry store,) for all about completed from the Reservation is the center of attraction. Small ORDINANCE NO. 32. Wagon making, aud all kinds of Wood-work P. SCHRADER. Master. kinds of dishes, stoves, lamps, tinware, and General Blacksmithing done. Milt A n ORDINANCE TO PROHIBIT BAWDY line to Dolph The new road, when paints, and oils. profits, quick sales, good goods Machinery Repaired. HOUSES, AND FOB THE PVN1IHMKNT OF completed, will bo far superior to the old Horse-shoeing a Specialty. one, as a number of hills and rough fords F or R ent :—500 acres with stock. For UkUl' UUU 1U1AA1UII j-rwiM, the inmates tuereop . and lots of customers, is his desire. will be avoided TILLAMOOK, ORK. particulars inquire at mv former resi­ The people of Tilia »nook City do ordain: , MOST complete book of its kindonDluMCD’O dence on Sutton creek, or address me at I JVI ever published. Given mcas d Stock of all kinds is coining through E is fully prepared for your S ec . 1. That it shall be unlawful for urcnicnt of of Lumber, . LUfflDtn L u M ul R uremrtit ot all aU kinds KiiHis oi-j,unit>t Tillamook. Anne S. Burton. 34-37 Logs. Planks, Scantling: cubical l||n any person or persons to open, set Up or j tho winter in fino ahupe, and it the pres­ N P. ROBERTS, contents of s<|narc and round ARu fall trade. It will cost you A. D Farmer, of Hebo, was stricken keep within the corporate limits of the ent good weather continues a while Timber; hints t<> lumber dealers;! nn POP If measure; speed of circular^**0 Duua down with heart disease, while in this city of Tillamook any bawdy house or longer there will Ite plenty of feed, some CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. wood saws; care of saws; cord-wood tables; felling nothing to look over his stock of city- Tues-lay. He was taken to the Oc­ to reside in or become in mates thereof. cattle having lived entirely mt the range. trees;growth of trees: land measure; wages, Wagon Shop iu connectiau. Cabinet Work rent, board, interest, stave and leading bolts, cidental hotel, lieing cared for by his son A T Bam caught a fine lot of trout last S ec . 2. Any person who shall open, etc. Standard book throughout the United doge. and is now improving rapidly States and Canada. Get the new illustrated set up or keep within the corporate limits week. edition of iSX2. Ask your book-seller for it. bts^p opposite G. A. R. Hall. Get in a habit of using printed letter of Tillamook City any bawdy house, or píete line of Holiday Goods, finest 1 Sent post-paid for 35 cents. Mrs. Casebeer is reported seriously ill, TILLAMOOK, OWE. G W Fisher,Box 238 Rochester N.Y- heads, envelopes ami bill-heads, and you who shall knowingly assist or aid ill set­ and her daughter, Mrs Nelson, has been ever brought into the city; Bar- | will not do without them. It is more ting up any bawdy house, or who shall - snmmone«i to her Itedaele. Miss L. J.WUQGLE8 Mrs. J. JOHN8ON CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. business-like and less expensive than reside in or Imcoine an inmate of any Advertisements under this head, one cent gains in Children’s Cloaks, Latest «I A IUHA I.III. buying stationery in small quantities. bawdy house or house of ill fame shall, per word for first insertion, and half rates RUGGLES & JOHNSON, upon conviction thereof before tho City Report comes from Hobsonville that I thereafter. designs in dress good«. We claim Plowing is the order of the day Joe Guptil fell and broke his leg near Recorder, be punished by a tine of not MILLINERY AND DRESS­ II. 0. Baker is down from the Neha­ the ankle. It is stated that he slipped less than twenty-five or more than fifty to have the best brands of tea and fOlTY TRANSFER:—I am ready with my MAKING. wagon at all times to deliver goods to any dollars, or by imprisunmect not less than lem, on a plank in the engine room of the part of the city. All kinds of draying done on A Mc’Nalr is having the timber coffee in the city. ten or mere than twenty days, and in Truckee mills, of which he is foreman. Unto, DreuR Trimmings and a General Assort­ short notice and uith despatch. L- L. «S till ­ , In,lied down on hotli sides t>f the county all casts shall be adjudged to pay all ment of Millinery Goode. We always keep well . Geo. Squire« has leased the Grand i?uarant®c everything as the latest styles. QAIL B<»AT;—S. P. Svenson runs a sail boat be- Central hotel building, and will have it the costs of the prosecution, and in de­ road to let in the sun. This is wlmt it T illamcmik , O re . O tween Tillamook nnd Garibaldi, stopping »1 Near Court House, represented. Come in and remi di-led an-1 furnished in g.sid shape, fault of the payment of lino anti costs Ims long needed. wav points. Trips made according to the tides. Passengers and freight carricl. The school desk, ordered from Port­ and occupy it as a hotel. Mr. and Mis shall be imprisoned at the rnte of one day for every two dollars of fine and land arrived on the Mir Augusta. Thus see the cash register work; it reg- yiLLAMOOK LAUNDRY. Squires need no recoinmendation to the given on the piano and M USIC:-«-Lessons costs. another comfort is added to our school. organ. Prices to suit the times. M rs . D. public here inters the exact amount of your C. B owers . S ec . 3. In all cases of prosecution LESTER HART, PROPRIETOR. The people here are anxiously waiting Preparatory to taking stock, Marell 1st, under tins ordinance, common fume Khali and hoping that work will soon com­ Washing gathered and delivered every .ABSTRACTS OF TITLES:—Title, examined we shall sell drygoods, groceries, crock­ purchase. Goods delivered to any Ite competent evidence in sup|H>rt of the mence on Patterson hill, between Hob- and record» scarclied- Abstract» made f,.r week. Work done on short notice when desired. ery, ect. ect., at 5 to 25 |>er cent reduct­ all land» or town lot» in the county on «hort Starched shirts aocts each. notice. Work for nonresident land holdem, ia Dont complaint, ami every Imimo or place smiville and Bay City, so tlmt people ill ion from now until nltovc date, part of the city free of charge. specialty. The only set of ab»trm-t book* in ukci I for purpoHC of prostitution, fornica­ Suits cleaned to order. this end of the county ran get to the tr.iss this opportunity of securing bar- the County. Complete todate. Office in II kab - * TILLAMOOK, ORE. tion or lendnesH shall Ite taken and county seat once in u while. liomt office. Aildre»« T illamook A iwtract Remember the place, corner First gains at. the “ l-'risco Store ” . Co., Tillamook. Ore- deemed to lie it bawdy house within the The Tillamook Lumbering Co. has meaning of the ordinance. QENTRAL MARKET, St. and 1st. Ave. E. electeil the following officers for the cor- S ec . 4. It shall be the duty of the poration; Leonard Hiner President, City Mursi in I to institute prosecutiona A. Bunn will nan the I he steel liawsef, W. C. KING. L. H. BROWN, P roprietor . Wnt. Els-rninii Vice President, Win. D. pun'liaaed by L. Krebs, to boom logs at GfM ELASTIC ROOFING '•«LTeo»!» only for the violation of thia ordinance when ­ The best Beef, Veal, Pork anil Mutton always ner 100 sauart* feet. Makes a good roof for Stillwell Treasurer, L. Crenshaw Secre­ ever he shall have reasonable cause to Woods. on hand. Egg», Butter, Vegetables and <•* ^r.P7n"nrcm>P.itit on. Semi Stamp tary. Win. Barker and the others believe that atty |«erson or persons have Chickens bought and sold. for »ample amt full parti, lllar». On Jan 29th. the high tide Wuslied <»it G vm Etaarn RimriNc. I o. V- Satisfaction guarantee«! to everyone. ^9 named are Directors. been guiltv of a violation of the unite. a larger quantity of lumber than usual 39 Sc 41 West Broadway New York Shop opposite the Grand Central. Local Agents Wanted. This office is now prepared to execute Approved l-'cb. 8, 1892, from the old wrock, the title firing tho TILLAMOOK, OSS. BY W. S. CONE, all kinds of commercial job printing, and J. B akkkh ) high utie of the season. NOTICE FOR FERRY. A. I’. W ilsons Trustees at lower prices than ever. We have a yiLLAMOOK LIVERY STABLE, Th« recent social gathering at T. Rliit* I, If. Patchen, hereby a^ve notice that I have Guo. W. 1’ ki T it ) fili-d in the County Clerk's office on application Lots 50x150 ft, also acre property in the three large stock of stationery of the best qual­ linglaw's Is reported u very pleasant Athat G. O. N olan , Recorder. for a ferry franchls«-. the same to bo u«e. 1*92. The Board of Trustee, find an liti Dated nt Tillamook, Ore,, Feb. it. fflCa. A Hill Im, been introduced nt Waslt- Flr.t-vla«« ahiglr and dmibla turn-out. kept on about 3.»lbs each of Crown Jewel and 37-42 II. P atchk N. journed meeting Monday night ington requiring all baking powder, con ­ hand. Bon rtato<-s arc fifteen to twenty days earlier taining alum and ammonia to be so for. the bill of C. N Drew for <207, for scr- A yearling calf, red and white b7“d,V Ilian any ot'-er variety, g<«>d producers, labeled, This is a step in the right di- marked, can,«- to my place about »ec. 1 > : vice, as Recorder lor the past year, was T il I. amook , ore . iinil bns lieett long forshadowed rection, Owner can have aame by provlnc |-r "V 1 extra for cooking, and tho liest all the being the only desirable additions to the town. tint i 11V chare s foi keeping und for this wiirr FiremeVl ¿11 .1 H <• «fr I''“-' 8OUth , year aronn«! potato grown—price 20 by the action of state legislate ares, cut down to fl21. It mt, decided to build n chimney in board, of health, food commissioners h y^CRE TRACTS AND cents J»er pound. Paled thia aylh day of January. V- -2. ect., in this thia matter. mailer. The bill afford, the City Hall ami place a stove therein, Dr W. A. Wise, the Albina dentist, needed protection to th«i public, for the »o a, to warm the city jail and the Coun­ T own L ots . and his assistant w ill be in Tillanmok on evidence as to the injurious effects of cil Chamber. Kor «ale at reasonable prices andon favorable April 20th., to remain about ten «lays to The IlKAfii.rullr was awarded the con­ terms. Location bast in the city of Tilla­ alum and ammonia is vary heavy; but it practice dentistry. He also wishes to mook. will nevertheliM be fought bitterly by tract for doing the city printing for this 1 Notice in horrby given 'hat I will meet th** hereby pvt u '.hat 1 • ’ ■T state to ltia many kind friends of Tilla- T illa M ook , ore . j Tax Paver« of Tillamook County at «f their then u«tial the nmnufacttirers whom it effects, who year. | mook county, that he ia arranging his i place of voting for the purpose ofcolkctiog The ordinance, fiasacd np|>car in are accustomed to sell their good, a, taxes 011 the following dates business ill Albina ao that ho can devote p^UTCH & BODLE, ............. Nehalem “pure Cream of Tartnr,’’ “absolutely another column Feb. 22 ! Monday, .... Onion Peak about three months of each year to his , Tuesday ............ Follev Pure,” ect Wednesday, ” 21 36tf FRUITS AND CANDIES. trade. Garibaldi ” »5 , Thuriuiny ' Hie bill is Hon.etlilig needed. If a Bay City M 26... Friday *' Worth l’eru»ln<. maker use, a drug in Ills powder, Hie Netarts Tobacco, Cigars, Nuts and Raisin«. Temper­ Monday A bouse nnd lot on corner Front Kt, ” 29 lfred illiams South Prairie ance drinks. All kind« of California fruits j Tuesday March i mime of which be does not Want printed and fitli Ave. AV., for sale cheap Offer, Fairview. want crockery? Call at David« Do you J ■ cdiietMitiy In «eaaoa. on lii, label, it is prints facie eviilence wanted. Also, uiy farm to let boiph Opposite Tillamook, Oregon. ■ton's. 14 Mondny Little Nfwtttcca Laraon Mirti*. that there is something wrong. We hope 15 Turinlay Il W l.isujK, ..Sand take Firstcla«« Shaving, Do you I« Wednesday . .......... Union the subject will lie vigorously prosecuted ” 17 ing? Call at Davidson's. Barber Shop In Halr-euttlns and Thursday ..Hebo |S Moti«**. ! Friflay Beaver Do you want a flat-iron with a patent ■11 over the country, not only a, regard, Connection. v yk X Baths. I Saturday ” 19 Carnahan THE OLU RELIABLE baking powder, but also all other fissl Monday ” 21 handle? Call al Davidson ’ s. — . lioquarbtn Notice is hereby given that the Repub­ ” 5» Cor. ltd. St. A SUllu.lt Ave., Tillamook, Ore. Monday Chewing tobacco that does'nt belong adulteration. H amvei . D owns , sheriff. lican County Central Committee of This I,ill may incidentally benefit the By Theo. Stemhilltcr. Deputy. to the business; must go. At Davidson's. 33 Tillamook County, are requested to meet THEO. JACOBY E.B. JACOBY Anger, that will bore you to death ; at maker, of pure articles, but if it should, al the Court House in Tillamook on Kat- this is only an additional point in it, X0T1CK. Davidson’s. urday, Feb. 27, 1811». at 1U o’clock A. M. I Notice 1» hereby given that the u ni r-ilnr.l harnea. ; favor. Farmers ’ to«,Is for mending for tho purpose iff fixing the «latea upon J ha« preaenti-d hi. la’tition to th»- llonorai.lv ■ County Court of Tillamook County. Orreon at Davidson’s. which the K«|> -Ih’ati Primaries ami 1 praying for the vacation of all the street« alley« Baking powder in fruit jar,; at David Comity fomentiv< li II la-held, and to ' and public M|Uare» laid out and recorded a* the , Town of tda-HUe. to-wit: That tract of land in Notice i, hereby given that the co-part­ apportion the numlier ol '••legate, to tin! —DEALERS IN— sob ’ s . Tillamook «'ounty. Oregon, bounded by b. gin- nership heretofore existing lictwcen Geo. various pweiruto and to transact such ' ning at the Souihwed corn«.» of the Ik.nation Cigar, at Davidson's. Land Claim of Harriett and W. N. Vaughn and W. Kutch and C II. tesile, lining busi­ othc’ bnoin»««« aa may come before lira Lamps at Davidaon’a. running thence in an eaaterly direction th* feet, thence north yJO feet, thence w,wt roo ft. thence ness uniler the firm naine of Kutch & couunitlee It is also requested that Fifty Years Experience in tha Oruy Business Klretrir Light*. north 3K0 bet. these*- west 6so feet, thence to B>slie, baa liven dissolved by mutual there be a lull attendance. the place of beginning. W. N. VavnsW. The Tillamook Iatm bering Co. pro- consent, and lie vs mild the atore depart I * We manufacture all kind« R If II tvs, Chairman. poses tn put in an electric light plant at inent to John Wright, who aiuuiniea all NOTICF.. of furniture and «ave you freight A COMPLETE STOCK OF Hull r«»r M». their mill and light the mill and the city. liabilities for merchandise. All lulls due Nortee 1. hereby giren that rhe under-isnwl ha. Sled her fiuai sreount aa Ha- entri, of the Druga, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles. Notiona Etc., «a.,., 1 J * * - *-'* jj V. V. JOHNSON. M. 0. Tliey keep oil hands their store in Hobsonville the largest stock of goods in Tillamook County. a TH E SIR_ AUGUSTA. H ROOFING. fvlleb ’ s COITE óc EEoCOET’S arxd. view , ¡Notice to Tax Pavers. DRUG STORE! Everybody invited to call. X W , -DRUG STORE JACOBY Bros Di'. [1. V. JOHN^OjI, proprietor. Furniture and Upholstering. retato oí Charle» Hobson. dee«-a«e