II1OK BOARD OF TRADE. LWELL VlCF PkESIOEMT SECRKTAFV AKD T eeauvri B (f'LAurn. T haykr f W II ('OOPEB . VvMJMTVEB < L. H. B mown I W.M D. STH. l WEJ.L (II. V. V. J ohnson W. F. fr. J ones , <'oHK+^poNinNf. S ecretary . Meets first and third Saturday caeh month. b I á . • 1 * ? FREE INFORMATION Address I •' .1 OCR WOOL ANLHTSPKlCE I’ t I 1 •I i I J CHANGES MADE IN THE NEW TARIFF LAW OF 1890. sponsible for tho lower price« for Ameri­ can Wool as compared with this time last year, yet as the consnmption of wool in the United States is increasing, as it is under the McKinley bill, there Is the la-st prospect for a good demand for the new clip so long ns it is not held above the value of the competing foreign wool, and while there may be some disappoint­ ment that prices are not higher, it must be remembered that with the present tariff the American wool grower re­ ceives abont twelve cents per pound more for his wool than is obtained by growers of similar wool in other parts of the world, and this rnncli more than he would receive without this degree of Protection. regarding TILLAMOOK. BOARD OF TRADE, TILLAMOOK, ORE M’QARRAHAN’S LONG FIGHT. BACK LOT STUDIES SOCIETY. Th« K ots I Kdncallonal Syilsm n.gun at For Over Thirty Years He Has Pushed a Claim for Millions. Evan«tnn, Ills. Mr. Volney W. Foster, of Evanston, fils., assisted by Professor Henry L. Boltwood, principal of tlie high school, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. August 1K. 1891—Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tilla­ mook, Oregon, on Oct. 1?, 1891, viz: n TT VKT STAR LODGE. NO. 76, . U. U . W . Anctent Order United Workmen meets every Monday evening In the l.O.O. F. hall at Tillamook Dr. H Pvtre w Medical Director. E E. S ei . i h . M W A. W. S evekance , Recorder. A COMMERCIAL FOUNTAIN PEN?;- Only 25cts. P st-paid. William McGarrahan lias just closed POST-OFFICE HOURS, D. L. C. Pike, his thirty-third year as a claimant. The only cheap, reliable Fountain I'enj The post-office at Tillamook will be open every Homestead Entry No. 6849, for the n e of see. day in the week from 8 o’clock a . m ., to 9 o’clock Since 1858 he has been trying to estab­ i,tp. 5 ». r jo w. The Decline In Wools the World Over. Simple, ilfcrafble, and everyonJ He names the following witnesses to prove his »*. M., ami on Sunday from 1 to 2 P. M., and from lish before congress his right to the pos­ Meet on American Wool—What the continuous residence upou and cultivation of, 4 to 5 p. m . Mails close at 45 minutes past 7 p . m warranted'. Money order and registered businesa close ai 5 Idria quicksilver session of the said land, viz: Price Would Have Been but for the In­ W N Vaughan, Amos N Vanghan, Samuel o’clock I’. M. mine. He went Sophia Severance, Post-mistress. Downs and Smith Elliott, all of Bay City Tilla­ Address the manufacturer, creased Tariff—Outlook for the Future. to the national mook county. Oregon. lj-18 J. T. Apperson, Register. TILLAMOOK &. GRAND RONDE STAGE LINE. capital a bright, President Cleveland’» meiwage propos­ W. R. Meserole, vigorous, aggres- NOTICE FOR PCBL1CAT1ON. ing free woo) created much consternation Leaves Tillamook for Grand Ronde, Mondays, LnngabBolutelyoured.Bones, I Niles V.Rogers, . T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for extensively manufactured; for instance, regarded as tho most remarkable claim­ but at the beginning of the year Mr. muscle« and nerves rec«-ivo I top, was broken up in order to give it the P ublication . Pre-emption D. S. No. 7467, for the lots 5, 12 and new force. Enlivenstho mind I 1 Canadian prints, white cottons, horse ant the world ever saw. He went to Foster originated an idea which lias , 17 ofsec. 24 and lot 2s sec. I3 tp 5 s, r 10 w. 1 United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore- ^•‘»^taand supplies Brain Power. 1 appearance of waste, so that it might ire —----- Buffering from complaint« I names the following witnesses toprove 1 gon. June 1;, lfiqr.—Notice is hereby given that, I blankets and woolen shawls. The prices Washington in the first ¡»lace with noth­ made The Shelter a center of literary his He continuous I Bn fl IF C? peculiar to their sex will find I residence upon, and cultivation incompliance with the provisions of the act of 1 admitted under the commercial name of L> AU ■ in DR. HARTEH'8 1R0V I of these in 1878 were respectively twelve ing but his documentary evidence and a activity. 1 Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the 1 1 of. said land. viz. TONIC a pufe and speedy cure. Give« aclear, hf-aL I waste at only one-third of it» proper duty. Fred Sherzitiger, I) P Harvey, A W Fletcher I sale of timber lands in the States of California, | thy complexion. Frequent attempts at counterfeit. I In conjunction with Professor Bolt­ i and cents per yard, ten cents |>er yard, two belief in the justness of his cause. So W L Gardner, all of Orctown, Tillamook I-Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,’’ > Ing only add to the popularity <»f the original Outside of tlie correction of these two dollars and five dollars. At the present strong, however, has appeared his claim wood he organized the Back Lot Studies j ' county, Do not experiment—get the ORIGINAL and IIKST. I Arthur I’rovoost, Oregon. (Dr. HARTER S LlTtLK LIVER PILLfk I abuses the wool growers asked for only time they are less by 25 per cent., and that the most eminent men have figured society, and invited the bright boys and Thomas J Dudley who made Pre. D. S. No. Cure Constipation, Liver Complaint and Sick! I I 6898is especially notified and it quirvd to appear of Bay City, County of Tillamook, State of R.-adache. Semple Dose and Dream Book! I one cent per pound additional duty, which the same remark applies to such cotton as his attorneys, have grown enthusiastic girls of the village to become members. and off'er whatever objections lie may have to ■ Oregon, has thisday filed in thisoffice hisamend- j ina’led on receipt of two cento in poetage. F f proof. Dr. HARTER MEDICINE CO., SLLoula, Ma* I was all tho increase that they thought good as shirtings an5?. _ ___ American wooleu mills were failing and American goods, to the detriment of Ca­ E. Sickles, Roscoe Conkling, Oliver P. General Nulsou A. Miles, ex-Senator I). the 17th day of September, 189i. For LOST cr FAILING MANC00D| Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tillamook, Ore­ 1 He names as witnesses: .,Sentral cnd NLRV0U8 DEBILITY; tlie consumption of wool in tlie United nadian manufa<*tiirers and with the ulti­ M rh ri, Dnn el MT. VootI mm . A. H. Gai M. Sabin. Pn-.-ident Rogers, of the gon, on Oct. 10, 1891, viz: W S Cone, and L Parker of Bay City. II J |Weakness of Esdy and Mind, EfiecU j Roberts and A M Hare, of Tillamook, Tillamook A L, Whitten, ¡states was decreasing, while woolen inan- mate result of raising the price to the land and James B. Beck. On the other Northwestern university, amt a number of Errors or Excesses in Oldor Young. I County Oregon. Robust, Noble MANHOOD fully Reatored. How to rolarge t&4 Pre-emption D. S. No. 7580, for the s w of ufactnre was being transferred from consumer, it reported ns follows: BtrenRthenWKAK.CNDEVELOPEDORGANSJU ’ARTBOtBODT. side, however, have api>eared equally of gentlemen distinguished ill science, I nw',-;, Any and all persons claiming adversely the e>2 of swl4, nw’^ ofswJi» sec. 12, tp. Is, I Abnohitely unfailing HOUK THKATMENT—DeneOt« in a da». above-described lands are requested to file their ! r 8 w. Mon testify from 50 States nnd Foreign Countries. Write the?!. Anierica to England at a rapid rate, point­ “The almost uniform testimony be­ able counsel, backed by all the resource« invention, banking, navigation, com­ 1 claims in this office on or before said 23th day' I Deaerlptite Hock, explanation and proof« mailed (setiltt*) frte, He names the following witnesses to prove his ing in the m ar future to tlie destruction fore your committee was to the effect of the v.ist millions at stake, and by merce and tlie law. Mr. Foster bears , continuous ERI& MS01QAI, CO.. BUFrALO.N.Y. residence upon and cultivation of, I of September, 1891. 5-14 J. T.Appcrson, Register. I land, viz: of tlie li< nuv market for American wool. that an increased Protection to manu­ reason of the combination of brains and all the expenses of tho undertaking, and said NOTICE OF.CONTEST. L McFee, S Schiflmann, J Harrington and S. Land Office. Oregon City. Oregon. July They therefore urged the importance facturers will not necessarily increase money arrayed against him the claimant tiie fame of the Buck Lot Studies society J 1’ Kane, all of Tillamook, Tillamook county, I 27, U. i 89 i .—Complaint having been entered at this remains the claimant. has already spread toother points, where Oregon. ! Office by Andrew M. Austin against Marion F. of Midi necessary increased duties upon the cost of the manufactured article to still J. N. Vorheis who made Pre. I). S. No. 6345 is The Rancho Panoche Grande is a tract similar organizations are contemplated. especially notified and required to appear and Morgan for abandoning his Homestead Entry the consumer, and in the opinion of your manufactiirre of wool as would lead to committee the witnesses have made out of territory in California covering 17,000 Indeed, it looks as though the Evanston No. G671, dated July 6, iSsti, upon the lot 1 and , offer whatever objections that he may’ have to Il ‘y II C 1 I . -te. I’ll, ¡iil'l II \\ 11 \\ '4 sec. '21, tlie making In tills country of tlie woolen a very strong case in support of this sent«. It originally belonged to Vicente idea might bear as abundant fruit as the said proof. tp. ’s„ r i0 w. in Tillamook county Oregon 13-18 J. T. Apperson, Register. fabrics formerly made hero, but recently view. If, therefore, Canadian industry Gomez, from whom McGarrahan took one evolved at Chautauqua. with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties arc hereby summoned to ap­ luqtorted. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lie relieved from the pressure of such un­ title. It i« assertal by the claimant that pear nt tin’s office on the 21th day of September, Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon. August lXul, at i O o'clock A. M., to respond anti furnish Are the Memoir« Autlientief Wow, after eight months' experience due competition as that referred to iu the Gomel grant was destroyed by tiro 18, isvi,—Notice is hereby given that die follow­ testimony concerning said alleged abandon­ The Tulleyruud memoirs are still the ing-named settler has filed notice of his intention ment. witli tlie KeKiiiley bill, wool growers th»» first paragraph of this report the ef­ when Unital States troops captured PERFECTLY' WELL. to make tinal proof in support ot his claim, and j Monterry. The original New Idria com ­ subject of extremely warm controversy | J. T. Apperson, Register. fect will be that the manufacturing are suti^ied that if tho bill is given a fair that said proof will be made before the County 1 F tt . i . more , Dt'BuijUK Co.. I a ., Sept. 18l\ |B. F. Burch, Receiver. IO-I5 pany took ixjfisession of the land under establishments will bo worked to their in Paris. While tlie Due de Broglie and Clerk of Tillamook < ounty, at Tillamook, Ore- 1 Miss K. FiiiiiiguG writ, s : My luoilier uud trial it will give them tho degreo of Pro­ .¿sicr used r.i; im- Koenig s N. rvv Tonic /or full capacity, and the cost of production tho United States mining laws. They many competent historical critics main­ gon, on Oct. ¡0, 1891, viz. NilTICli roll I’CBI.ICATION. tection on wool which they expected and and ncuralg.a. They nre both perfectly ’»■•Ij now Peter D. Terwilliger, Laud Office at Oregon City, Oregon, July assert that the Goiurz grant never ex ­ tain that tho lnomoirH are perfectly gen ­ the consequent cost to the consumer md never tired praising the Tonic. TS9I.—Notice is hereby given that the fol­ asked for. Home disappointment exists will be proportionately reduced.”—Lon­ isted and that they are in legal posses­ uine, tlie Comtesso de Martel, known in Pre-emption D. S. No. 596a for the n 0)4 of sec. 24, lowing named settler has tiled notice of his in­ 28. tp. 1 s. r 8 w. twcaiue of the recent decline in wools iu don Cor. Manchester (Eng.) Courier. tention to make final proof in support of his SEVERAL CASES CURED. sion, This is the starting point v* the the literary world as "Gyp," and niece He names the following witnesses to prove his claim, and that said proot will be made before residence upon and cultivation of. I'irrsBURG, F a ., May, 1h.c0. tho outside markets ot the world, caus­ long and bitter battle. The case has of M. de Bacourt, Talleyrand's first ex­ continuous the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at said land, viz: The well known Kev. Fuslor A J Z., who been to the supreme court of the United ecutor, denies their authenticity alto­ I> S Huy les. Geo W Shotwell. E M Keys ami Tillamook, Oregon, on September 15, 1891, viz: ' will ing a corresponding decline in the United jeadily give his name on request, write« Our Ixoit «hipping Bounty lllll. M A Keys, all of Trask Tillamook county, Ore. j is: An orphan under my care Buffered from Charles E. Steel, States, but tlie wool growers realise that One of the grentait ptaunireH Mt end­ States five times, and during their aT1 ( , ( )i-toisc:ises sent free to any address Note-heads, 1 naiiicd settler lui". iT d notice of his intention r j I ai d poor patienta can also obtain fa< k it with my heart ’ s beat blood. 1 beau's correspondence, the latter accusa ­ twing to inadequate Protection toinanii the reanlt was accomplished, either I to make final proof in support of his claim and 5 11 *■ I m this medicine fieo of charge. • Posters, tion having lreen fully proved. t hat «>iitl |>i ' of will be made before the County 1 'actiirers of wool, they must ultimately through a “ghoulish glee’’ or from mere will win yet.” Thia remedy haa been prepared by the Rever­ ' lerk of Tillamook ( ounty at Tillamook, Ore- I land-bills, Anotlier literary man declares that the end Pastor Koenig, ot Fort Wayne, Ind., since have taken very much lower price« for InconaideratenosA. j gon, on September I7. 1891, viz: and is now prepared under iüs direction by the Tickets, Nicaragua Canal Schemes. InqsTial government confiscated M. de An instance of this difficulty ia shown John F. Wright, leir wool thim they are now receiving. Bacourt's papers on his death, M. Rouher Circulars KOENIG MED, CO., Chicago, III. Some internting information has re 1 Pre-emption I). S. No. 6180, for the s c of sec. in The Blue l ’ eter, a new British ship ­ Well informed wool growers believe 2.5. tp 2 s. r 8 w. Wedding invitations, Fold by Dri g-gista at per Bottle. 6 for ceutly beeu furnished ton St. Louis pa­ cutting out flinch of the memoirs, while lie nanicsthe following witnesses to prova 1 '> it failure to pasa the McKinloy bill ping journal, which says: I yet another authority puts the blame on 85. La. ge Size, SL.75. 6 Bottles for #9» “Not that Uncle Sam ia so entirely !n- out¡nuoiis residence upon and cultivation Ball programmes, uld have been followed by price« for proof against argument Wnat he re­ per regarding the Nicaragua canal by a Louis Philipl>e, who is accused of carry­ ots .id land. viz. Placards, David S B iles, George Shotwell, Oliver D j il five cents per pound lower than to- quires ia that it shall fa expressed in dol­ w.dl informed Spanish gentleman. 11» ing away certain compromising corre­ Boatman, and John Euwardz ull of Trask Tilla 1 Deeds, says tliat in the early days of tlie Spar,. 's prices, ami the passage of the Mills lars and not merely founded on extracts spondence when lie visited Talleyraud on mook County Oregon. D. A. FINDLEY, 1^15 J. T. Apperson, Register. I in its pla< e would have Isam followed 4 ulled from Admn Smith. Ilia original i«li ixvnpation there was talk of a canal his death lied. The Due oud work and Infirm humanity the world over is <. da decreoae In the im|>ortation of Milton Calhoun, From this it seems that when Repre­ («•cans, sent out an officer nnmisl Ga prone toaeek not only medical butaupcr- regulation prices. Pre-emption l> s. No. 6269, for the s w % of n e i factures of wool during tlie first sentative Fithian was charging Charles '4. n u q ofs e and 11 of s w 1 i of sec. 31, of tho ieaa 1891 ami has greatly S. Hill with being “a lobbyist in the in­ listoo to make a survey of three different natural aid. Even the leperw of India tp. 1 s r 8 w. Woods,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oregon. FOR SALE* H*' names the following witnesses to prove hi« kited inanirfbi-turiiig in tlie United terest of legislation, the history of which routes, and among them that throu^l, have a »ix-cial ¡utron «tint - Pir Jahan continuous residence upou and cultivation of Nicaragua. He also reported in favoi van to whose «brine near the town of <, causing an enoruioiu increased tenders it at least questionable," iuter- said land, viz: Two goo the pilgrims nuiear theinselvea witli four acre» graas, small orchard and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. employed by the state of Nh ar.igua. and Parties located on Homesteads or lauipbl ick from hi» tomb, and the na- .during the same iwriod. It was for ¡»ostal subsidies down to two-thirds Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, July °4 again in 18.M by Uulond Childs, f >r a tive» declare tliat cure» often result from Harden, good frame house, one million i * ni .—Notice is hereby given that the following n that an increased luauufiu'tnriug of the original figure. Timber claims. settler has filed notice of his intention eomi>any winch pnqawsl t • undertake mile from state road, 10 named ml in America must necessarily at No wonder that British rvaselmen are tho canal. Nothing cam - of it, but i.i thin simple treatment. A leper colony feet of cedar, to make final proof In support of his claim, and Trask River, Near Tillamook. resides round th-shrine, and the suffer­ mile» from Tillamook; price|~30 cash. fir be accompanied by increased iui- jubilant. tuai said proof will be made before the < ountv Clerk of Tillamook County at Tillamook. Ore- 1873 an officer of the United States i:av> ers mix freely with their neighbors in itiona of wool, a. the pris wis of In- i gou.on Sept. I7, 1M91, viz: made the »urvey.- which r, -‘lilted in tin sound health, none of whom has ever Huw 1« th« Tariff a Tas f 2. Quarter section, 70 acres slashed, i in American stock laslow. A large Andrew G. Anderson, Î TILLAMOOK LAUNDRY^ choice of tlie route by tlie coinpuiy been known to contract the disease. i ntngoof lambs iiml their way to Tlie fnlitoriiU department of an after- IS acres in grass, 1» acres in meadow, Pre < inption I). S. No, 64^, for the n c ’< of sec now engaged on tho work of tlie canal. 14. tp 2 s, r 9 w. :et for mutton mid never pnxluco ner cent. le«u for their clip now tax." Trnd'1 Mui-iim, Vienili. lkwides thè o’ Shanter" is owned in S>nth Africa, Hava. PROPRET011- LESTER HART, marketed in l,ondon than they ob- “Yea," said the inquirer, gn»atly sub­ beautiful »|»s-imen» sh-wn bv thè em- and until ns-ently was the property of NOTH F FOR PUm.ICATiON -A («rest Bargain. i ■ I for the previous year's clip The dued by the dread profundity of the an |»-ror and Un- Austri.in nobiliti-, io ni» Mr Robert Graham of Capo Town. Oregon City. Oregon. Jnlv -’I i' -I —Notice ts hereby given that the fotlow- A n an wixil grower tn northeru Ohio uwer; “I -1 have »onivtlines beard it re- ¡Ulve bevn seni bv Sonili K. mingi m Writes a visitor to that region: “W<> BEATTY'? O^Afl^ÏÏSt ’name-Hettler has filed notice of his inten Six thousand dollars worth of city pK living thirty cents per pound for ferrrd to tn the way, but I really cannot and thè tu li.in mn . imi, tho ih di. tlie have s make anal proof in support of his claim, ashed tieei-e clipped from Bhrvp- UD TMtnnd It to l»e so." The editorial klmlive. China. Berlin, i te Th - lue-; astic relic hunter glisten over articles of pr. I r cent “What lH>thvm me,” said the ques­ Asia e»r]k-t ;.ve:i bv Peter UieGc at t witm ssod su, h unmistakable indication intcreit in Gran.I Central Hotel, four lots Stephen Hill, «ini» sheep in Canada are prodne- tioner, “ia wire uaila When the tariff thè Ausili.in empcror Cli.irles \ I. and of nndonbteil eestaev as those half dozen in bl.i k 7, of original town of Tillamook, Homestead Entry No. 65^2, for the aw of n e t and w ’.4 '-l dwelling house, ( all on R. R. eontinu«nis resideuce upon and cultivation of, said .and. viz: u>»age of the M< Kinley bill, com pound." en-l wtth elalxirate desimi of hunti- st. adv going Scotsmen." Hays for further particulars. N P Hanson, Jerry U wallen. Andrew Ander- “Now. that’s what troubles me. Un­ mon and thè dia.-*«', dragona, getiii, birds • ortunely as It did ju»t Ivfore a Hebo, Tillamook County, .n w .1 all over the world, aeviul der that tariff wire nails nr<» now w»lling and tl.'wen in must primitive p. r'pee J. T. Apperson. Register. at 21 crtitM a |MUind. How it the tariff a tiv«k man grower from diaaater. 'ATM cKiuley bill ia daily leading to tax in that casef—Indiauajiuha Journal. 1 41 '■•'Tn i cor ft iir.ic.iTiuN. l’romlnriit • M iib I cm I Er. Ebcn Tourjee, who dirti Hit» -t I alirica that heretofore were tin Aiueilcau (himh the HuL 1 imvd »ettkr h..< filed notice of his inten- dxy at IL itoli, w*.. wi.l I Aa an illnatration. We |mint to • make nna! py. : in iupj^rt of hi« claim. We remember very distincly the time r- •t 'Ah! prtxtf u;tl b* made before the -eat imjiorter of worateda in when Ameiiean koh I s were looked upon f rnnder t f the N v c .i ;k nt Tiil imc.uk County, at Tilla : hi«, who under the tariff law in almost every line im belli,’ of an in- tory of Mime, ui Oregon, on September 2. l«il, viz; A th -I . i: iiufactured Ills gissls In llraib ferivi fc' Ulty especially .is regarded l.tr miuricnl rtationa of cloth Tint firm lence, uinat I* unjiorted or l>e of foreign r Brioe 22 alar trips, the westh 2'J «aid land, viz «l«leuce upon and cultivation of, Will mai the Ml Kinley bill, have dia- uiako. Tins, however, lias entirely ttonili Teiwher»' A Chinese Cure for Choir?». It ting, fnmi d H M Farmer, of W > d« \ J aaaociatlon he luaaufactnring in England, ehaqgfel Volt can go into »onio of our < hvtce Dairy unit S W levf Hembrve. all of Tilla- TILLAMOOK To ASTORIA *sn poKfL-li'1’- \ rival ha» Arisen t ' o ritest with Ihx 3° »nty. iregon. reuiovi'l tta machinery to a large clotMmg houses and Ibid a label re.vl a |«i|vr«w •Oregon 2o Ku h anj Hn>wn-Sv|»iar 1 for promi E< P ot Freight rates or Pa«Mge. apply J. T. Apperson. Register. Eastern bsatae of the Ifolaware river, Upon a madcap «nit, "This is exclusively ■coro of veAr» ago tienen a« the discoverer of a medici«« P. SCHRADER. Master. (•ntitlcl “ A l'l«i L ard Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . >w leapartng to inannfacturo American Mid gnaran’eed to hold ita to novelty. He is a Chinese practitioner its Land office at Oregon Citv for M aaik c -Wil lamette Tills, 4 M 4 IVt. Io, f ¿lowing ertract from a recent pert to distinguish any difference be- tanee that thedo- side of a fnraace.- Country Brands 4 M p-irtinerit of «-dueitton A, Frni Heft,. 'I l - bhcwme for the TH.I IM