4* < FREE IN FOKMAITUA - TILLAMOOK BOARD OF TRADE. PawitDawT 1«. V. V. W m . c . k -3. D STif.i.wi.1.1. 1.. S mith skcmetaity V ick I'. imiukxt * xu T hkahckkk i’EAllOK Tll.VK» W. H. ('«JOFKK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE L. H B rown W m . D. S tili . wf . ll WII. V. V. J ohnson W. F. I). J ones , < OKBCMFOND1NG &KCMKTARY. Address: Xects first und third Saturday each month END OF A BUSY LIFE. I>r. Howard Cronby’?» Work »* a« Er Uamgli he wan sixty-Gve year« old his n*cent life had l>een so very active and hi« general health bo good that no one thought of him as an old man. Lutein March hi« daughUT, wife of the Rev. Mr. Al­ len, of Troy. N. Y., died, leaving an infant but a few days old, and XUIV. HOWARD CROSBY. • Dr. Crogby was so affected by her death and a cold con- tr.u tfd while going to her bedside that he was mx>n prostrated by pneumonia, which progressed rapidly to a fatal ter­ mination. Whilo Dr. Croeby was not specially noted for his pulpit utterances, probably no other minister in tho country was so favorably known to w many widely u parated c L'U mcs . Aa teacher of Greek at Rutgers college and elsewhere and author of Greek text books his name was familiar to students, and many ranked liirn as tho Iwst Greek scholar o! America. In all social and economic qu< stioiiH which enter into politic« he was peculiarly active, especially as to tem- p rance; but he was severely criticised by total abstinence ¡»eople for inaintain- in ' that tho moderate uso of wines and m Jt liquors whh right, lie latarud 1 ng and earnestly for high license laws, » id advocated tho use of fermented wine in the communion. lie was born in New York city Feb. ■ ■ I ami graduated in !841 (I m fity nr ivi rsity; at the age of 25 ho was ido profe: i' New York city. liis wife, two (laughters and two sons survive ¡.¡m. Ernest, tho oldest son, is judge of th«* international court /it Alexandria, Kffypt _______________ POET AND HUMORIST. A New Yoi-k<*r U Ito lias ('uiitrtb Ibo Murhl’s Mirth. A familiar and Ktrikinx lipiro union if th > new. p qM-r nivii of Now York is ¡larry .1. Bhelluian, with his broad brimmed hut ami digiiifictl am] courtly bearing. Well known c.s a jMict ami general writer, hiw work aha humoristcov- <■! < innumerable p o o m n and idcctchcH, which have been rend With delight by )ovll county, Md., which |MMdtion he held for Gvo years. Afterward he went to Indianapo!in, v. ; > idmitted to the bar, but atandonod law to become manager of 'rhe Daily I'.vt iiing Mirror at Indianapolis, and later the asstni.ite flitor of the Indiana Journal «»f (.'ommvree. In I.H70 he started th«* Itidianapolin l\*op)e with two others «ml a combined capital of $500. In four years the pa|*er increased in value to ¡£N),uOO. Mr. Shellman then went south t » ri i »wr his hvalth. In IM«6 he bought a Irilf int«•nut in the Washington (Pa.) • rv< r, which incn’ast tl steadily in v ilm* under his editorial manag«*mvnt, until hi IHso he went to N<*w York, was .......... • I bm tlv with the Aim rieui l‘><•!< Exchange, nnd then Ki’amt* edit­ or of Wit ami Wisdom withC. \\ urtele. ’l’lie piper was disc'Hitinued after a year's « xiOvuce, a:id Mr. Shellman K*- c.mm a ijeneral writer for nil tho humor­ ous pa|M*rs. in 1SS4 ho was insL*ilh*«l as managing editor of Texiv* Siftings. Si neo I' i lie has lieen engaged in general lit­ erary work, and, in common with many oth« r lit« rary workers of Gotham, makes in ■ h i!«»’ i:> llnx* klyn. M li«-rr * l'i»iu»»ux N«»vellnt l.iveal. (1 i .;»• J\in»r.s oh! houic nt Notant, In I. •tri, x\.i3 Mold under tin* hauimvr the ot T day by an nin tioncrr al l*ans. In t - am . -nt country ctatenn th»* futura f im uh nuthorcNN s|M*nt her childhood null her grnmlmothvr, and yean after w ird, when xh« had iubvriU*»! tho estate, hi ‘light up her own two children in the • mu* quiet Many of George tand'M ti 4 pi<-turan of country life and peopU ■V o I to h ive K*en inspirad by Notant i I it« MirniiindingN. Of th«* «orient • is’le n< tiling if» left but the tower ami a in .11 pn* n, but the modem building . I.ir-rv and ramny and u surr* umlvd by a iq lend id |*ark. Nul « Luxury Wheu l’kullful. Derr ai * said to K* •«» iiuiih*h»iii in iu rtlw ru WiMX»nain, aik I bo easy to kill, tl it the nnuv' S have tirvd of the moat mid coûtent theiuAclv.it with “shooing* îl - iuiuua I a out of their fl l»K when they ■ w U h » familiar. Tin« »ur}>hui of wn n bring* to mind the ohi stornai of the ,'l pretili«vH who slipuLkt«xl that they ùA.i uld not I m * rom|*tll«v| to vat n U iuoh ovary day, and of the revolt of the s L ivv « i on a Man land planLithm, who rm nl< I a comuni diet of diamond I*oek terra pin. Terra ¡a u ato now worth sixty dol­ íais a doten. T« uny^miann in HE WAS A SURVEYOR. Now lie !• » llumorliit «ml Writes Clever Hkrteli.-e, 1 JL REQARDINO BOARD OF TRADE, TILLAMOOK, ORE BOERS AND DIAMONDS. home Very Interesting Information from the Transvaal. “The Boer is a diamond in the rough, Like George Washington, .Tames L. Ford, who luu been writing funny mat­ lie is a sort of ancient patriarch; a ter for the lant ten years, started in life fanatic who sees good in everything, no as a surveyor. matter how trivial. He prays and sings Mr. Ford is tlie and assumes even more religion than he author of solus feels. He is a farmer by nature and is of the I »-ft sketch­ satisfied with his calling. Histwogreat es which have ambitions are to have the finest horse appeared in Puck in the colony and to know how to ride during th<> List him, and to have the finest riflo in the decade, and his colony and to know how to use it. The “Bunco iitecrt r’Hj'ji’jl Boer loves the English civilian and Christmas" will «¡* welcomes him, but hates the English be remembered jm1 soldier. He is a tall, fine looking speci­ by many as a g.-mfc.S men of mankind, albeit a little greasy in its way. As ak^ and dirty, with a long beard that the genuine hmnor-tt-, razor lias never touched. The charac­ ist Mr. Ford g E, no . y6, . U. U . YY . Ancient Order United Workmen, meets every Monday evening in the I o O. F. hall at Tillamook. Dr. II. Petre n> Medical Director. E. E S elph , M. W. A. W. S everance , Recorder. a « I COMMERCIAL FOUNTAIN PEN ■Í Music store« down town are few and Only 25cts. P et-paid. far between, and it is therefore only POST-OFFICE HOURS, The only cheap, reliable Fountain Pert neeeesary to say that the one in which The post-office at Tillamook will be open every iu the week from 8 o'clock a . m ., to V o'clock occurred the incident here related is day p m ., and on Sunday from 1 to 2 p . m ., and from maile. Simple, durable, and everyone situated not very far from the city haJJ. 4 lo 5 p. m Mails close at 4.5 minutes past 7 p . m . warranted. order and registered business close at 5 The young lady clerks were busy in o Money ’clock P. M. Sophia Severance, Post mistress. the early morning arranging the stock, Address the manufacturer, when a young man entered whistling. TILLAMOOK* ORAMD BONDI ST 408 LIMB W. R. Meserole, All looked up at him so sharply that he was somewhat flustered, and stam­ Leaves Tillamook for Grand Ronde, Mondays, Springville, Pa. mered, “I—I—I w—w—want a piece Wednesdays and Frida}s. Leaves Grand Ronde for Tillamook, Tuesdays of music—a—a—and I don’t know th. Thursdays and Saturdays. name of it” This caused a titter, upon which he Makes connections with McMinnville and JOHN TYI.ER. hastily said: “I was whistling it when Grand Ronde Stage. Tillamook, Ore. I came in. Do you know what I was Larsen House, TILLAMOOK & YAMHILL STAGE ROUTE. whistling T’ Stage leaves North Yamhill daily, except Sun­ Ne one knew. He then continued: “I first heard it day, at 5 a . m , for Tillamook. at Manhattan Beach. It has been Leaves Tillamook daily, except Sunday, at floating through my memory ever 5 a . m . for North Yamhil . Makes connection with trains at North Yam­ since, Last night I heard it again and hill for Portland. determined to buy it. Now, how can For freight or express business, apply at Cohn 6 Co’s store, Tillamook. I get it?” DO NOT CRIPE, SICKEN OR “If you remember it so well and can Passenger agency at Occidental Hotel. CONSTIPATE. give me tlie melody perhaps 1 can O. ORTON. M anager Strni Cunt for S ick Ht»o«es recognize it,” suggested one of the and all troubifs» arising fro T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—-N otice for young ladiea ladigestion or Constipation, P ublication . Improve« the Complexion “Certainlyl Certainlyl I will whis­ United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore­ by Purifying the Blood. gon, June I3, ¡891.—Notice is hereby given that, Thodoaeoan be nicely adjusted «uit th*» case, as tle it for you,” eagerly replied the gen incompliance with the provisions of the act of on« pill enn never be too large a to done. Ea«y to taka Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for the an ao much Huger 42 pill« put up in a Htrong via) tlernan, and, turning his head so as not which can b<* carried in »«Ht pocket. A ‘H8,and Isdicve that is really u great NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. The young lady who had then waited Office at Oregon City, Oregon, July reht 1 for sullcring humanity. E 1 R ANK. Pastor, on him, appreciating the situation, ap­ 24, Land 1S9I.—Notice is hereby given that the fol- St. Severin, Keyk rtou p. O., Tfiz proached him and said, "Whistle it, I lowing-named settler has filed notice of his in­ Jj?n‘ r YVILI.F, H.T., May ' Oth, H«i, tention to make final proof in support of his I take pleasure to let you know tliat my boy ¡9 then. Quick I” claim, and that said proof will be made before still i.li light, he has not bad sny of the County Clerk of Tillamook County, at line© about Man h 20lh. The people can hardly He looked at her in blank amaze the Tillamook, Oregon, on September 15, 1891, viz; believe it from the fact thutb<.< Laaas mauj 1. ment, essayed again to whistle it, failed, 1 day or mor«’. 1 V.ln vt he was a »try larvous Charles E. Steel, •bild all hl? lifo but did tot tbow any f i^-nr el and said: “I had it all tho way across : P. e-eniption D. S. No. 7561, for the s w of s spasms until last December, after ubi«h they ¿amo in regular «urccpOon, cud I had 3 doctors ot sec. 28, tp I. 8, r in w. the park; whistled it all the way. 1 I w He names thefollowing witnesses to prove his atten ling wh > could do nothtLg b r him, nor have lost it again!" and rushed out of continuous residence upon and cultivation of, oven toll what was the matter. 1 bad d. «pdr- ul of liis ever getting wed, until k got K' «Dig's Mi I laud, \ iz: the store as abruptly as he entered it. Tonic. After taking out quite a bohlcfuJ Henry H Miller, George IT Aiderman, Charles Norvo got quite v. ell r-nd has not Juol tho 1 -’art »Un So far ns known he has not yet ob­ Johnson, and Preston Colwell all of Woods Til- bo if t-pa.-me»tnco. RwpoctfiiBj von?*, County Oregon. A . K's. I:. LLYlTiN. tained the music.—New York Herald. lamook IO-I5 T- T. Apperson, Register. I fe"tirj’ to tt') facte ns n-a ed nbovo to lo > LITTLE LIVER PILLS i outh There are no ties that bind as close as those of mother love, and none that cost so dear. An example of this was given a few days ago in the case of a mother in this city, who lay on her deathbed. She had given up life and the world, and was sinking peacefully into that sleep which knows no waking, when her little daughter, who had been away on a visit, returned home in answer to a telegram. The child was led into the room and stood sobbing at the bedside of her dying mother. She had lieen told that she must control herself, and she tried bravely to smother her great grief, but when she saw the beloved face so while and still on the pillow her whole soul was wrought into ono great cry. “Oh, mumnia. niamina, don't go, mamma! Wait for met" Back to eartli and its sorrows drifted tlie soul that was almost anchored in »tricily hue. JAS. liAETY, Pare*. heaven. The pale lips that had been NO riCE FOR PUBLICATION Properties of Stones. ! Land Offic at Oregon City, Oregon, July 24. rnri0* Valnablo Rook on Nervoui I speechless for many hours parted in re­ Precious stones were formerly sup­ I 189k—Notice is hereby given that the following L «J L L Diseawes sent free to any addre«fi ply. as the words eseaped like ghosts of named settler has filed notice of his intention i ■ n”d poor patients can also obtain posed to possess peculiar virtues, which, to make final proof in support of his claim and ■ I Bt B 1 L« this medicine free of charge. sound: that said proof will be made before the County This remedy bas been prepared by the Rewr- I “I—will—wait—for—you, darling— apart from any other considerations, i Clerk ofTillain on rec >rd of a denf, dumb ami blind unfortunate prince, whose sole Aitibi it a rule to be upon her feet in the open Andrew G. Anderson, J TILLAMOOK LAUNDB1 New Use fur the Electric Light. child Is-ing t.-uiglit to talk. She ap|w-.ua tion would have lx*en the happiness of air a certain length of time every day, Pre-emption 1). S. Nt). 6468, for the n e '4 of sec. Some of the new conditions to which 14. cvntidcnt of ls-ing able to teach Tommy his |H*oplc had ho succeeded i:i estalv regardless of the weather, and a short tp 2 s, r 9 w. the same difficult feat. Ibhing the Mexican empire. — Menn rd nap or rest in the middle of the day is the use of the electric light gives rise He names the following witnesses to prove Washing gathered and delivered f1 his continuous residence upon and cultivation ville (Tex.) Becord. week. Work done on short notice when use. —New York the are laiiq>s has the effect of attract­ ,o*i5 J- T. Apperson, Register. gold and silver mon«»y which «hall I m * of rROrRlETH LESTER HART. eipial value in all idviliie«l c«»untri«M is who was railed toaforaign family to Sun. ing worms out of the earth. An ingen­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. liegitming to take form. In tlie coming prescribe for a case of incipient con ious boy conceived the idea of turning Land office at Oregon City, Oregon, July 24. IS9I.—Notice is hertbv given that the follow­ conference threecommtaHioner« will rv|»- sumption. lit* give them a prascrqition The Shortest Sermon Krer Artel. this pt-ctiliar phenomenon to account, ing named settler ha* tiled notice of his inten­ reM nt the United for |»ilb and wrote the direction, “One As to preaching, arguing and inter­ and scooping up the worms into a bas­ tion to make final proof in support of his claim, Btateo. One of and that said proof will be made before the |>ill to bo taken tlir»N* times n day, In preting Scripture in the pulpit, tho ec­ ket nightly, lie started a trade with the County logue. Address Daniel F. Beatty, Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tills thee«» in ex-Sena­ any convenient vehicle.” The family centricities of ministers are endlera local tlslieruiiwi for the bait which they mook, Oregon, on Sept. 1». I89I, viz: Washington, New Jer**< tor Nathaniel P. looked in the dictionary to get tilt* We need not have resource to such are always glad to get. The youngster Stephen Hill, Hill, of C-oiornd«». Homestead Entry No. 6582, for the s w U of n e meaning of the prescription. They got stories as tliat of Lorenzo Dow. who was in a fair way to fortune when the 11 and w \ of s e ’« of sec. 11 and n w l4 of n e Mr. Hill in ¡»ar­ BE5TTC0 puywfctr s on well till they got to the word “veld performed “the shortest sermon on secret of his quiet little business was '4 see. i4 tp. 4 s, r w«il such apti­ rise secured the advantage whleh other witnessing this performance. The only Office Boy—Stranger at the door; tion to make final pr<»of in support of his claim, ant Atlanta Constitution. nected w>« County and you «re invited to renew at th-»* • l«*aa va ! u <* than we think.’ For ooum * (ituw - my gtxxl name, lie filched from me Ute __ clerk of Tillamook r..uuty, at Tillamook, Ore- paper*-vnt to parties outside eXT JVnrlopc—Tlivrv ia eno thing alout study advanced. •ocudy |*eo|>lv tave indicated their pref« Travelers returning from -■ ,1 ms J girl I loved, but at last, lia! ha! I am ton, on August r? lw»i. via: ev for wax cRillt* ax Kdinn>in il­ lia, Jack, that I like. Wo ara nennible A. L- Aldemaan, •vvenged! "glens told str.wge and inc Homestead Entry No f*36. for the » e «. of » c the county. In stopping your ories about tbe wonderful w 4 and lots >. j and 4 sec 17. tp 2 n, r to w. J once—Good gracious! Wliat Drugs and Medicine L O OATO BEATTY'3$A|I^S! THES™AUGUS the following wttne*ae« to' prove I**01 tinu.il» rrstdeece upon and cultivation •♦<*41 relief and