that we are obliged to condense or rewrite some of the productions, r F ibtihed erdrjr Fri lay mornlnr* I j but we like to have the communi­ cations come, all the same, If you > .¿MS it JoSXH, should fail to see your items some —r ,• F. P. JONES, ANI» B. C. LAMB, EDITOR«. times or notice some of them left out, do not take offense, but con­ EATES OF SCBSfRÎPTION. sider that some of our own work r>ne year 11 50. is set aside every week; and we It month« .50. 1 often lift matter out of the forms montlis to make rr the more vigorous and xucce»sful pro.’tecti- i tion of application« for patent, and for attend­ ing to all busineMaentrusted to my care, in the shortest poM*lble time. FEES MODERATE, and fxclvsivr attf . n - ; TION G VH.'f TO PATENT BFSIXKMS. Iuformation , advice1 and special reference* bent on requertt. ; S olicitor HOW CAN THEY BE MADE? By Investing Your Money in Tillamook! STOVES, TINWARE And HARDWARE The town it growing rapidly and real estate is ante to enhance in value, There are good prospects for a rail-road and harbor improvements, so get in and buy before the rush, and while you can buy the choicest property cheap in J. R. LITTELL, R. R. HAYS’ A ttorney in P atf . mt C avses . ] WASHINGTON, DC. opposite V. S. Extent Office. 'Mention thin paper.) add Wish to announce to the public that they have a large stock of Which they are selling cheap. Plumbing and Tin-rnofing Promptly Oona ADDITION TILLAMOOK . TO THE TOWN OF TILLAMOOK • Another Tornado! * AME^lC^N pOI^T^IT do. The census of 1880 gave Tilla­ (48 LARGE LEVEL LOTS.) Vtt/i f - 'yKd. C L , mook county a population of 158!). ttu The estimated census based on the fZF- All Post-masters In Tillamook county latest returns for 18!)<) shows a pop­ y\Fer pound. every way able to supportas many Chickens, f.3.00 per dozen. ]> ‘ople, basa population of only a The wires say that la grippe is Eggs, 20c |>er dozen. little ox-r 3,1)00, Of course, D da- malting us another visit, and that Flour,H 00 to $4.00 per barrel. ware has b 'en sei tied longer, and I three deaths occurred from it in Oats, O le per bushel. Butter, 20c per piund. i • nearer the center of population, New York city last wcck . We which accounts for the great dilfer- I don’t want any more of it and What Tiilamook Has, cnee in the development and pop­ wish the Russian who invented it ulation. The city of Wilimington, j was at the bottom of the sea with Picturesque scenery. Delaware, hits a groat many man­ I McGinty.—Ex. Over DO miles of coast-liue. ufactures, which acoounts for its Clam-beds till you can’t rest. Ella Higginson in West Shore izn. Buttle west is being devel- Streams full of trout snd salmon. >ped rapidly and in a few years we ' sayn: I have «eon a utately man- Rich coal deposits on the Nehalem. /ill see thickly populated commu- uion hold care, envy, passion ami A climate as good as any on the coast. litiea and large cities where there crime, and 1 have seen the four Plenty of game,—water-fowl, deer, elk, lire only a few people at present. walls of a log cabin hold lovo and Anil as far as manufacturing 1 h faith and tho swcotcHt content that bear etc. Good pioapects for a rail-road in the concerned, this county lias great I i« known on earth. near future. sd van I ages in the way of raw Natural harliors at Tillamook, Nehalem material and excellent water NOTICK OF Al'l'OIN l'MI'NT KXKCUTON and Ne.tucca. In the Connty Court of tlie »»tale of Oregon, i power. county of Tillamook. Open hill land valuable for grazing ‘ i Thr KabUe of AViiile .these wpafern, localities. and fruit-growing. In the matter of J J amkh V. B amneitr ; . t Dt’Ceawod. 'A’re ^rhulng st» rapidly, the people . Notice in hereby riven that tho timlcfsigned ■ One of the prettiest and thriftiest towns hasixen fiuly Np|M»TiHed by the aforeanid court, (Tillamook 1 in the state. ire stifo to bo prosperous, and executor of the lmtt will and tritameut of Jainca Warnettc, (MCMMB Now, there tore, nil per- An enterprising, prosperous, coutented 1'illamook county often« to-day as C aona having claim«ag. Sander«, A rapid, but healthy growth and most This property if situa'cd five blocks directly south of the main thoroughfare of the Attorney for > ? Executor of add What this county most needs said vntnte. > f catate. town, two b ocks south of the school-house, and faces on two of tho prin­ i promising prospects for the future. now, is to liavo its advantages and cipal streets. This is not a boom scheme to speculate on suburban Many quarter-sections of fairly good NOTICE. resources made known to the I Notice ADMINISTRATION or country property, as the tract is centrally located, vir- e i« hereby iriveii that the <'«*unty ( yo, and having in tow no leas 'ban two million feet of lumber, «’ho enormous size of this raft ean • • judged when it would take at ■ ast eight Hchooncr.s carrying jJjIMlil feet each to bring down , i.s load in an ordinary manner.— iers Dispatch. It is possible that tho timber of Tillamook county, or a part of it, vill bo taken to Han Francisco in .his manner yet. “Buried lit sea!” Why? .'!xes have made sailors familiar ilh the idea. To launch upon the boumling billows the laxly of loved one is a something none erre»|>ondent» ill continue to send in their tx>ui- innications as of yore. We ?«nler ;tncl Conveyancer. or expense will lie spared in striving for the comfort of guest«. their tributaries, are of inestimable value I for navigation and floating logs Tillamool-c, Oregon. Also, Notary Public. Deeds and other Legal papers made out. Beautiful and productive prairies which Headquarters for the traveliro public, i contain many farms suitable for dairying, Farming laud, Timber tanti and all classes of town property for sale. stis k raising and general agriculture. TAXES VAIO FOR NON-RESIDENTS. Many bee r inches on the Nestncca the product of which has an established ABSTRACTS B'URNISHED. reputation in the market ami commands J.' J g I a premium wherever known. 101, Wu have the Exclusive Cunt ro! of • That blows good to everyone who is on the alert and falls in line. I ratale off .T.McKinley. •••• ■K- ...a ...w.* ...» '• • ...» • • I I OREGON ----- R. R. HAYS, O Excellent Accommodations and popular* pricey. , STACE & BOAT OFFICES AT THE HOTEL, A. LETCHER PORTLAND MARKET. ----------- DEALER IN----------- (Wholesale Quotations ) 4»»«. don't hat* to ofrr a prlgg to «ueki................ uttack that almost prostrated me in Buch a manner tnat 1 wni bentover. Geese. ............... When I *at down it was almoat impoMtiblc for nie Turkeys, V k... to get up alone, or to nut on my cloth*«, when kind Providence wul l>r. Heuiey, Bacon ........................ OREGON KIDNRY TKA, to my hotel. 1 immediately commenced llama . ........................ uainf the ten It had an Almost Potatoes, p tOO lbs . miraculous effect, and to the astou- Onions, “ .... ishmeut of all the guests at the hotel, iu a tew days,I am happy to state, Apples, bos............ that I sms a new tuau I wilt Sugar, bbls Gohlen . recommend the tea tv all afthdetfi as 1 lum been. Extra C,........... G A TCPFKA. Cube, powdered, Fn ptietor Ocefilental Hotel. Dried fruits. Apples teauta Kowa, Cal. Machine dried Sumlried Plums l'iw«»in»; for the 1 ILLAMDOK Meat—Reef. I treated HEADLIGHT, the only news-1 Sheep l>a|H'r in lilhimook county I'reseed giving all the couutv news. MV....... Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods, Hats A Caps, Boots & Shoes. (ÍÍ 1 27% WM. OLSEN, S $ 1.50 per year KT. W eatherly , TlUamovk, O twmb . I WHERE? AT Drugs and Medicines Woods, Orsgon. TILLAMOOK VERY STABLE 1 Best Brands of Canned Fruits, Choice Evaporated and Dried Fruits. Imported and Domestic Table Delicacies fil l" First-class single Watchmaker and Jeweler. Watch«« Cloooh fl» Jawlery Boss Filiad Cases a Specialty. ALL WORK Warranted' and double Butter, Eggs, Flour and all kinds of Produce at lowest Tillamook Prices. Boarding and transient stocK £ &■ oarefully cared for. Orders taken and Goods delivered Stillwell & EbHrmari, REE of CHARGE to Any Part of Propri Htara The City, Get Our Low Prices K fc- C entral M arket , turnouts kept on hand L H. Brown, rile best of beef, recti, pork and imitton on hand. J. G. DAY. Proprietor. t-HaU Drrwed TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Eggs, butter, vegetables aud chicken* bought and sold. SatUfactwn auarraateeri to »very on». Sker «prosit« the «ra*4 c«atral. L. H Frown. Newcombs Block Tillamook Drago'