Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 09, 1890, Image 4

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I United States Land Oliice. Oregon City, Oreonn.-
Jnly, ii, J'-sq. Nome is hereby gi. • • that in
1 compliance with the provisions ui the ; ct of
Cor.grt-s of June 3. 1entitled ‘ Au act for the
th© sale of timber lands in the States of California
1 Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
Martha E. Pike,
of Kilchis, County of Tillamook, State of Ore­
gon, has this day filed in this office her sworn
statement No. I982, for the purchase of the 11 w
>4 of ne L» s % of nc I4 and n e ‘ t of s e ’4 of
sec. 8, tp. 1 n, T9 w, and will offer proof tosnuw
that the land sought is more valuable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and to establish h«r claim to said land before
the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon
City, Oregon, on Monday the 25th day of August
1890. She names as witnesses:
W. S. Cone, H. Roberts, and W. A. Pike, of
Tillamook, and Sarah T. Baxter, of Zenei, all of
Any and nil persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
c’. ims in this office on or before said 25th day
of August, 1890.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
Matching Horîe»
Matching horses is a science in
itself, says II. la I1Î11C8 ill
National Stoekinan: It is not
enough to get horses of the same
general looks if first-class prices
are wanted. It took a friend and
myself a year to find just the mate
for a handsome carriage horse. In
the meantime we saw hundreds of
animals of which fifty might have
been selected that would make
fair mates. In matching, the eye
of the true horseman is sufficient,
but the inexperienced must depend
a good deal on the tape-line.
Measure from top of the head to
withers, from this point to the top
of the hips and from here to the
root of the tail. Measure the
length of the legs from joint to
joint, the length of the head, the
distance between ears and eyes,
the circumference of the body over
the withers and around the Hanks.
Then measure the distance to the
ground from the top of the head
when elevated to its full extent,
and’t forget to measure the stride.
After these measurements have
been satisfied, see if the horses are
matched in gate. If not, try and
overcome the difficulty, for that is
an important matter. Once get a
pair well matched, and yi ’OU
not hunt for a purchaser.
II kadlmhit and Toledo
Blade lyr. ..$215
Weekly Call (S. F.) ” ....185
Weekly Examiner ” ” ....2.50
West Shore
Detroit Free Press ” ....1.85
3mo ....... 55
'Dickon’s works complete in 12 volumes,
70c in addition to the Free Frets proposi­
These rates apply only to new sub­
scribers and to those who pay arrearage
and renew their subscription before the
end of this month.
Tillamook Market.
Potatoes, $1. per bushel.
Onions, 2lüc per pound.
Cabbage*, le |x>r pound.
Chickens, #3.00 |>er dozen.
Eggs, 20c per dozen.
Flour,$4 80 to $5.00 per barrel.
Oats, 00c per bushel.
Butter, 25c ¡»er pound.
(It 1 21
1 15
16 00
Feed, bran .................. U00
Butter, choice dairy...
iu keg or tub. ...
Eggs, fresh..................
Poultry, Chickens......... 5 50
Ducks................ 8 50
Geese. .........
9 00
Turkeys, "p H>.
Potatoes, y 100 lbs......... 2 00
Apples, y box..............
Sugar, bbls Golden C...
Extra C................
Cube, powdered,.
Dried fruits, Apples.......
Machine dried. . . .
Hundried Plum*.
1 Ireused.............
Veal . ..................
15 (»0
2 50
1 70
Tillamook, Drenan
¡S herlock
’ s R etreat
11 » i > 11111 ■. >. .
In Olson', building,1
Wine«, Liquor, Deer,
Cltni«. High WI sm , tc
to b. round in thr market always on hand nil
Hard table In connection.
Th. beat fatemi. of th. travelling pnbfk slud
tai in detail. Civ. me a call.
The undersigned resident« and legal voters of
Garibaldi Precinct, Tillamook County, hereby
petition and pray that Theodore Parks Bz
Christian Niebuhr be allowed a license to sell
spirituous, vinous and malt liquors within said
precinct in less quantities than one gallon for
the term of six months.
T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States Laud Office. Oregon City, Ore­
gon, Mar. 27th 189O.—Notice is hereby given that
in compliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘‘A11 act for the
sale of timber lands ia the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
George W. Pettit,
ofTillamook, County of Tillamook, Stale of Ore­
gon, has this day filed in this office his sworu
statement No. I969, for the purchase of the s e
of s w *4 and lots 6 and 7 of sec. 6 and lot 1 of sec.
7, tp. i n, r9w, and will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural^ purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Rcg-
egisterand Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Monday the 18th day of August,
189O. He names as witnesses:
II. Roberts. D. A. Roby. F. D. HasBrouck and
W. S. Cone, all of Tillamook, Tillamook, Ore­
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office oil or before said 18th day
of August, i89o.
J. T. Apperron, Register.
J A Rlchardaon, Benj. Higginbotham, John
Johnson, William Hal-.ton, Ben Johnson, F
Gallon, F P Hobson, G C Trimter Joe Prockter,
\V J Kane, W M Hamilton, Patrick Weld, B H
Johnson, Ernst Weiss, Oliver Wiley, Joseph
Stephens. Henry Mitchell, Ered Balmer, Joseph
Swahan, Aug Lndtke, J Nieinoth, Fred Paquet,
jos «»auiiiHu, i,em Meison, John i) Johnson,
John Thonall, C Robson, George Irwiu, Frank
Marcy, John Paquet, Frank Ekroth, Herman T imber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
Boilk, Chas H Miller, Alex McNair, D. Callihan,
H A Woodford, O R Staples, P Byron, Gits
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oif^on
Anderson, L C Smith, I. L Smith, L, Gabral, Mar. 27. 1890.—Notice is hereby given that iu
J >hn Lattin, Bengtta Byroin, N Auderson, E compliance with the provisions of tncact of Con­
gress of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘‘Au act for the
Peterson, S P Swenson.
sale of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
Frank D. HasBrouck,
of Tillamook, County of Tillamook, State cf
Oregon has this day filed in this office his sworn
statement No. 197O, for the purchase of the e
of s e *.4 n w ' 4 of s e >4 and 11 e '4 of s w J,4 of sec.
1, tp. I 11, r iOw, and will offer proof to show that
tlie land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim to said land before the Regis­
ter and Receiver of this office at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Monday, the 18th day of August I89O.
lie names as witnesses:
II. Roberts, \V. S. Cone, I). A. Roby andG. W.
Pettit all of Tillamook, Tillamook County, Ore­
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
I above-described lands are requested to file their
! claims in this office ou or before said 18th day of
Table furnished with file best obtainable August 1890.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
in the market.
Daily Stage
Stops for Breakfeast and Dinner every day.
such as fishing and hunting is unexcelled
Ti mber L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice fob
P ublication .
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon,
March ¡2, 189O.—Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act ot
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘‘An act for the [
sale of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
Richard L. Johnston,
of Seattle, County of King, State of Washington,
has this day filed in this office his swornstate- |
meut No. 1787, for the purchase of the n w *4 of |
sec. 21, tp. in, r8 w, and will offer proof to show
that the land sought is more valuable for its tim- 1
ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish his claim to said land before the Reg­
ister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City.
Oregon, on Friday, the Sth day of August, I890.
He names as witnesses:
John E’lwards, of North Yamhill, Yamhill
County. W. A. Caborn, of Portland Multnomah I
county, Oregon, W. J. West, of Seattle, Washing­
ton, and J. McMaster, Fiuney Island county,
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
above-describea lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said Sth day of
August, 1890.
J. T. Apperson. Register.
Land Office,at Oregon City, Oregon, April
16, I89O.—Notice is hereby given that the follow­
ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten
lion to make final pi oof in support of his claim,
and that said proof
“ “ will be made before the
County Judge, or in his abseuce before the
County Clerk of Til la monk I'nynty. at Tilla-
mooli, Oregon, 011 Monday, June, 16^ 1890, viz:
S. M. Hardman,
Homestead Entry No. fiaol for lots 1 and 2 of
sec. 18 an«l lots 4, 5 and 6 of sec. 7, tp. 2 s, r 10 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
J. H. Jackson, C. Desmond, J. W. Maxwell
and S. M. Dailey, all of Tillamook, Tillamook
County, Oregon.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, March
28 1890.—Notice 1« hereby given that the follow­
ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten­
tion to make final proof in support of his claim,
and that saitl pr«»of will be miulv before the
County Clerk ofTillamook county at Tillamook,
Oregon, on Monday, May 19, 1890, viz:
Nels Hansen,
Pre-emption D. S., No. 6668, for let 4 s w % of n
of sec. 3 and lots 1 2 3 and 4 of sec. 4tp. 2 n,
r 9 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove his j
continuous residence upon and cultivation of, j
said land, viz:
A. B. Schoonover. I,. Peterson, *N. Nelson, of
Nehalem, Tillamook, County, aud W. 8. Cone, of
Bay (’ity, Tillamook county, all of Oregon.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
T im her L and , A ct J une 3, 1878.—N otice for
P ublication .
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore- 1 Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Marell
Mar. 27, 1890.— -------------
Notice is hereby given that 28, 1890.—Notice is hereby given that the follow-
. ............
compliance with the provisions of the act of lug-nanie<lsettler has filed notice of his intention
Congress of June 3, ¡878,
1878, entitled “Ar.
An act for the to make final proof ia support of his claim, ami
sale of timber lands in the States^ of California, that said proof will be made before the County
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,”
Judge, or in his absence before the County
Good School only 3 minutes from the place.
I Clerk of Tillamook County, nt Tillamook, Ore-
Daniel A. Robey,
Daily communication with the County seal 01
' gon, on Tuesday, May 20, I890, viz:
Tillamook county.
of Tillamook, County of Tillamook, State of
Is located on the route from North Yamhill to Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn
John M, Johnson,
Tillamook, two miles below the toll gate.
statement No. 19?!, tor the purchase of the e
Homestead Entry ifo. 5I06, for the 11
of n e
Information to settlers given.
of s e % 11 w :4 of s e *4 and s w % of 11 e '4 of X of sec. 5 tp 2 s r it) w aud s J* of s e
of sec.
There is a tine body of unsurveyed timber sec..3, tp. 1 n. r 9 w, and will offer proof to show 32 tp. 1 s, r 10 w.
land ndjaccnt tomy phu-e, of which I am able that the land sought is more valuable for its
He names the following witnesses toprove
to give information and show some excellent limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, hia continuous residence upon and cultivation
and to establish bis claim to said land before the of, said land, viz:
Register and Receiver of this oll.ee at Oregon
S. Dailey, C. Desmond, 8. Hardman, and J, W.
City, Oregon, on Monday, the i: th day of Au­ Maxwell, all of Netarts Tllbuuook county, Ore.
gust, iSUO. He names as witnesses:
i 44-49
J. T. Apperson. Register.
II. Roberts W. S. Cone G. W. Pettit and F. I>
HasBronck, ah of lTllamook, Tillamook County
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, April
Any and all persons claiming adversely the 9, 1890.—Notice is hereby given that the follow­
above-described lands are requested tv tile their ing-named settler has filed notice of his inten­
claims in this office on or before said 18th day of tion to make final proof in «upport of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
August, 1890.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
County Judge, or in his absence before the
County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tilla­
mook, Oregon,on Monday June 2, 189o, viz;
I^ewis 8. Johnson,
Land office at Oregon City, Oregon, April
18, I890.—Notice is hereby give n that the follow­ Homestead Entry, No. 5898, for the s e 1-4 of
ing-name«! settler has filed notice of his inten­ n e ’X of sec. 3I, s w ‘4 of n w 1-4 and u cf s w
tion tonmke final proof in support of liis claim, 1-4 ol sec. 32, tp. 3 s. r 8 w.
and that said proof will be made before th«»
He names the following witnesses to prove his
County Clerk ot Tillamook County, at Tilla­ continuous residence upon and cultivation ot‘,
Eggs, butter, vegetables and chickens mook, Oreg« >11,on Wednisdayjune 18, D9O, viz: said land, viz:
J. G. Sears, V. Sears, C. N. Johnson and G. W.
Charles P. Roland;
lumght and sold.
Wallace, all of Beaver, Tillamook County,
Pre cmption D. S. No.
, for the w M of • w X Oregon.
n e %, ol s w *4 and s w
>f 11 w # of sec 4, tp 2
J- T. Apperson, Register.
Satisfaction gunrrantce^ to every one.
s, r Aw.
Hr names the following witnesses to prove his
Shop opposite the Graud Central.
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
U nited S tates L and O ffice , O regon C ity
L. II. Brown.
said land, viz.
D. L. Bales, O. D. Boatman, R. A. Hnse, and Oregon, April 3. 18U0.
Complaint having been entered at this Office
\V. H. Young, all of Tillamook, Tillamook
by A ndrew M. A ustin against M arion F.
County, Oregon.
M organ for abandoning his Homestead Entry
J. T. Apperson, Register.
No. 6671, dated July 6, 1886. upon the lot 1, n %
of 11 e ‘4 of sec. 20, and n w % of n w '4, sec. 21,
of nil kinds, the best.
tp 2 s, r 10, in Tillamook Countv, Oregon with
Land office at Oregon City. Oregon, April a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said
25. I890.—Notice is hereby given that the follow­ parties are hereby summoned to appear before
ing named settler has filed notice of his inten­ the County Clerk of Tillamook County at Tilla­
the infest in style.
tion lo make final proof in support of hi* claim, mook Oregon, on the 19th day of May. iSgO. at
and that said proof will be made before the 10 o’clock a . m .. to respond and furnish testi­
County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tilla­ mony concerning said alleged abandonment.
And on the testimony then submitted a hearing
mook, Oregon, on Friday, June 20, I89O, viz:
the rarest and finest.
will be had at this office on June I9, 1890 at 10
Winthorp Norton,
o’clock, A. M.
Homestead Entry No. 8284, for the s e ’.k se ’ t of
J, T. Apperson, Register-
sec 12, tp. 1. s.r iO w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
that fit the eyes to perfection.
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
sail! land, with a view to commuting said entry
with cash payment under sec. 23O1 R. S:
N the matter of the estate of H If. Scovell de­
I. G. Freeman. J. K. Lester, B. Stillwell and
ceased. Notice is hereby given by the un­
that is warranted, localise repaired by D. Hays all of Tillamook, Tillamook County
dersigned administrator of the estate of IL
deceased to the creditors and all per­
the l*est workmen in the city, and for
J- T. Apperson, Register.
sons having claims against the said deceased to
anything else you think of, go to
exhibit them with the necessary vouchers with­
in six months after the first publication of this
notice to the said administrator at his residence
Land Office at Oregon City. Oregon, April nca i Oh ion Peak, Oregon, the same being the
iScjO.—Notice is hereby given that the fol­ place for the transaction of the business of said
lowing-named settler has tiled notice of his in­ estate in the County of Tillamook, State of
tention to make final proof in support of his Oregon.
claim, and that said proof will be made before
County Clerk of Tillamook County, at Attorney for Admin ? i Í '’administrator
H' j fia ve tfie Exclusive Control of the
estate of
Tillamook, Oregon, on Thursday, June 19, 1890,
’ G..M.Scovell, de< eased.
Dated April 18, 1890.
James S. Smith,
Administrators Notice.
Homestead Entry No. 8»64, for the n w X of
sec. 1. tp 2 n, r 9 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
N the matter of the estate of Stephen K. Sco
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
veil, deceased: Notice is hereby given bv
«aid land, with a view so commuting said entry
the un«lersignc«l administrator of the estate
w ith cash payment under sec. 2Ah K 8.
S. C. Tomlinson, D. Perry. J. Scbmeer and C. of Stephen K Scowl 1, decease«I, to the cre«litors
W. Schelling,all of Nehalem, Tillamook Countv, an«l all persons having claims against the said
deceased to exhibit them with the necessary
vouchers within six months after the first publi­
J. T. Apperson, Register.
cation of this notice, to said administrator at
his rvRidence near Onioif Peak. Oregon, the
Land Office at Oregon City,Oregon.Anr. 2q. 1800. same being the place for the transaction «4 the
of said estate in the County of Tilla­
Notice is hereby given that the following business
named settler has filed notice of his intention to mook. Slat a of Oregon.
F 1> H asbroucr . j z
K K S cotrll .
make final proof in supporUof his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County Attorney for Admin-> ?Administrator estate of
) f stephen K. Ncovell.
Clerk of Tillamook County, at Tillamook. Or«.,
Dated April 18, 1S90
on Monday, June •$, I890, vi«:
William E. Kasom.
Pre-emption D. S. No 58M, for the w1^ of « w
df't't hart to ofrtr a prfn
n e M of s w ‘4 .and s e
of 1 w tj of sec. 14, tp
Goods, ftr it» tht BIST ItADg. £w| C m
> « r 10 w.
lie names the following wltnessen to proof
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
J a Rhrc« M. D Rtwling J.
|. ’A. Gibson and
R. DAilejr oil of xeUrU,
-------- , Hl
. Illamouk County.
J. T Apperson. Re gister
Ioind Office at Oregon City, OregonJ
26, isyO —Notice is hercLygiven that thr
ing nuiued settler has filed notice of lv
tion to make final proof in support of h
and that said proof will be made bel
County Clerk of Tillamook County,
in00k, Oregon, on Friday, May 16, 1896,
George Squires,
Pre-emption !). S No. 6634, for the s %
n e *4 of s e % of see. 7, s w K ol » w
tp. 1 s, r iO w
He names the following witnesses to
continuous residence upon and culti
said land, viz:
H. M. Sampson. W. T. Newcomb,
hurst and J. Hauxhurst, all of Tillarui
mook Couuty, Oregou.
J. T. Apperson, R
T imber L and , A ct J unk 3, 1878.
for P ublication .
United States Laud Office, Oregon City, Ore.,
March 12, 1890.—Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of thwaet S
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An acl^
sale of timber lands in the States of Can
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri
John McMaster,
of Finney. County of Iglanu, State of W1
ton, has this day filed in thisoffice hia
statement No. 1779, for the purchase of i
n e *4 and w
s C K of »«c. 14, tp 2 s. r M
will offer proof to show that the land m
more valuable for its timber or stone to
agricultural purposes, and to establish hl
to Mid land before the Register and Reci
this office at Oregon Citv, Oregon, on |
the 8th day of August 1800. He uami
W. A. Caborn, of Portland, Mu
County, Oregon, W, J. West and R. L. J
of Seattle, Washington, and John Edg
North Yamhill, Yamhill Couuty Orego|
Any and all persons claiming advej
above-described lands are requested to
claims in this office on or before saidSl
August, 189O.
4.5 2
J. T Apperson,
Land Office at Oregon City, Orei< n, April
16, I890.—Notice is hereby given that the follow­
ing-named settler has filed notice 0 his inten­
tion to make final proof in support o his claim,
and that said proof will be made cfore the
County clerk ofTillamook County, at Tillamook,
Oregon, on Saturday, J tine 14,1890, viz:
N. O. Davison,
Pre-emption, D. S.’No. G669, for the n e of sec.
22 tp. 2 n, r lo w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said hind, viz:
F. Worthington, C, H. Worthington. R. D.
Sales, and L. Parrish, all of FoJcy, Tillamook
County, Oregon.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
And Down Goes the Price of all Goods
COHN & co:s STOPE.
Look at the reductions!
See our Goods!
1.1 L ami
•Kialty <
ie Cot
$4.00 per bbl.
Full Roller Flour
Dry Granulated Sugar Ialb.for $i.oa.
Golden "C” Sugar
And, in fact, Reductions in Every Line of Go
All kinds of produce taken in exchange, for w
we pay the highest market price
Crdm Id
A L arge S tock
G eneral M erchand ®
I ««
nil II
We receive a large assortment ofnow gobds
by every Steamer.
Call and examine our stock of goods befpre
! purchasing.
e. Hd
■pin i.d
Urendy I
C entral M arket ,
K- Ai, Indili
nil a bo
in.lt put
bad I
The best of beef, veal, pork
(ind mutton on, hand.
For Diamonds,
Wagon Shop in Ccnnacticn.
Petition for Liquor License.
To the Hon. County Court of the State of Ore­
gon, for the County of Tillamook.
L asi >, A ct J lk K 3, 1878.— N otice
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore.,
April. 3, 1890 —Notice is hereby given that in
compliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled “An act for the
sale of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,’
John Minger.
of Salem, County of Marion, State of Oregon
has this day filed in this office his sworn state­
ment No. I839, for the purchase of the s % 11 e
J-4 and 8*4 11 w
of sec. 24, tp. 1 s, r 8 w, and
will offer proof to show that the land sought |is
inorr valuable for its timber or stone than tor
agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver of
this office at Oregon City, Oregou, on Friday
the 5th day of September 189o. He names as
u itnesses:
N. J. Welch, and W. A, Caborn, of Portland,
Multnomah County, John Edwards and Frank
Wilson, of Tillamoof, Tillamook County, all
of Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 5th day
of Septemb er, 1890.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
For Jewelry
r* •«$>• > 111111 111*
Theodore Parks & Christian Niebuhr.
United States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore­
gon, Mar. 20, 1880.—Notice is hereby given that
incompliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled ‘‘An act for the
sale of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
Myron C. Trowbridge
of Bay City,County of Tillamook, State of Ore­
gon, has this day filed in this office liis sworn
statement No. 197A, for the purchase of the s
of s w Li n e
of s w % and n wK of s e 14
of sec, 15, tp. 3 11, r 10 w, and will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses, and to establish his claim to said land
before the Register and Receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday the 15th day
of August, 1890. He names as witnesses:
W. S. Cone, of Bay City. A. Dean, of Nehalem,
G. W. Pettit, and D. A. Robey, of Tillamook, all
of Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are’ requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 15th day of
August, 189O.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
Land Office, nt Oregon City, Oregon, March
26, 1890.—Notice is hereby given that the
fol Io Win*-n anted settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be­
fore the County Clerk of Tillamook county, at
Tillamook, Oregon, on Friday. May 10th,
1690, viz:
Calif N. Drew,
Pre-emption D. S. No. 5716, for the 8 e J4- of n e
*4 of sec. 4, wHofu w Ji, ne *4of u w k of sec.
3, tp. 2 s, r »0 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
hfs continuous resilience upon and cultivation
of, said laud, vi«:
J. W. Maxwell, J. M. Morgan and W. Tone, of
Netarts, aud H. Roberts, of Tillamook, all of
Tillamook County, Oregon.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
L. H. BroWn, prop.
$pp, Opposite (¡. H.
Notice is hereby given that, at a special term
of the County Court of Tillamook county to-wit:
The 31st day of May, 189O, we will apply fora
license to sell spirituous, limit and vinous
liquors in the precinct of Garibaldi, Tillamook
couuty, Oregon, for the term of six months.
Unite«! States Land Office, Oregon City, Ore­
gon, Mar. 27, 189O.--Notice iff hereby g.ven that
111 compliance with the provisions of the act of
Congress of June 3, i8?8, entitled “An act for the
sale of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,”
Alfred Dean,
of Nehalem. County of Tillamook, State of Ore­
gon, has this «lay filed in this office his sworn
statement No.isffW, forthe purchase of the w
of n w *1 s e
of n w
and n w »/. of s w *4
of sec. 15.tp. 3 n, r 10 w, and will offer pi oof to show
that the land sought is morevaluable for its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes,
and lo establish his claim to said land before the
Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon
City, Oregon, on Friday ti e 15 day of August,
189O. He names as witnesses:
George Dean, G. W. Pettit, M. C. Trowbridge,
and D. A. Roby, all of Tillamook. Tillamook
County, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 15th day
of August, 189O.
J. T. Apperson, Register
For Land cruisers, Health and Pleasure seekers.
(Wholesale Quotations.)
Wheat,—Valley............ fi 20
Walla Walla. . 112
Oats,.............................. 35
Flour,-Vailey Htandard. 3 50
Walla Walla . . 3 75
Country branda . -----
lluy, timothy baled.... 15 00
Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, April
29, 18‘Jo.—Notice is hereby given that the fol­
lowing-named settler has filed notice of his in­
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the County Judge, or in his absence before the
County Clerk of Tillamook Comity, at Tilla­
mook, Oregon, on Saturday, June 21, I89O, viz:
J. A. Gibson,
Homestead Entry, No. 5217, for the s e *4 °f sec.
n, tp. 2 s, r i O w.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
s<i!«l laud, viz:
Jas. A. Biggs, Josiah Biggs, T. F. Harris and
S. T. Harris, all of Tillamook, Tillamook county,
-49 2
J. T. Apperson, Register.
T imukr L and , A ct J i nk 3, 1878.—N otice for
Vuitvd States Land office, Oregon City, Ore­
gon Mar. 27, flyO. Notice
hereby given that
Hl cotupliante with the piui’isions of the art of
<’otigr<‘»4 of June 3, 1*78, entitled ‘‘An act for the
sale of timber Janus in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,’’
George E. R. Dean,
of Nehalem, County of Tillamook. State of Ore­
gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn
Statement N.O. 1972, for the purchase of th© 11 c*t
of sec. 19, tp. 3 11. ry w. ami will offer proof to
show that the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur­
poses, and to establish his claim to said lain! be­
fore the Register and Receiver of this office at
Oregon City, Oregon,on Friday, the 15th day of
August, 1890. lie names as witnesses:
W. S. ( one, Alfred Dean. M. U. Trowbridge
and G. W. Pettit, all of Tillamook, Tillamook
County, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file thejr
claims in this office on or before said 15th day
of August, 1890.
J. T. Apperson, Register.
S aul .
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HEADLIGHT, the only news­
paper in Tillamook county
giving all the county newe,
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