p 11 M *44 **4>H IKIH4 I M I i - Particular P rices Rt. * T illamook - C ounty . TILLAMOOK. OREGON. FRIDAY, IFESSIONAL cards . tM.WA4.KER, L argest C irculation And Boat Advertising Medium | of any paper in N-EW HARDWARE $TORE' MARCHES, l&OO APKIL |CfQ $1.50 Per Year. FROM WASHINGTON. I Spaine, J nglish s,) who was sent into BRIEF PARAGRAPHS, has gone to thank his [ Majestie for having given him a STATE AMD GERERAL REVS. from wife & in particular one that is „„«oHd-rv. Oaaoos. I connected with his sonne.” the Netlonel Oipltel. Telegraphic Bravltiis in* Im Rotti ia »11 'he court» of the »tato of I The matter of subsidies, which Gleaned from oar Exchaages. . has been such a bugbear to the ■ «I,«ito» fl«" ,o ,he p"b,lc (From our Regular Correspondent.] in til« lie«'“1 L«U<1 Offlcv. i anti-subsidizers, is not so terrible W ashington , D.C., Mar. 28, 1890. Colonel E. H. Brook, retired, DEALER IN i after all now the Farquhar bill is The regime of the Navy Depart­ j practically completed and ready died Wednesday night in Detroit. gULlW, ment seems to be on the verge of a i for presentation to the House. It Whitelaw Reid, American minis­ Attorney-at-Law. thorough renovation. The depar­ will probably be introduced "on ter to Erance, has arrived in New Ud Deputy DiOfivt Attorney. , B«1 E«t«te Conveyancer. ture of Secretary Tracy for Nor­ i Wednesday accompanied by an York. folk, where he will investigate the . elaborate report. Instead of pro Whatcom has lavished over I hasbrouck , causes of the delay in the comple­ i viding for a tremendous drain 8100,(MX) on street improvements Doors, Windows and Nails. tion of the new cruiser Baltimore, i upon the Treasury, the yearly ex- since last July, I Attorney-at-Law. which is receiving her finishing 1 penditure will in fact only be about Lrtire in 1,11 Courts of th* 8tate French republican and mon­ I Tilltmook, (Jre touches at the Portsmouth yard, is ; 86,(MX),000. This amount will if archist leaders are urging Presi­ thought to bo the precursor of an , the bill becomes a law, be required L THAYER, dent Carnot to release the Duke of S extremely vigorous policy in the i each year for a period of ten years, Orleans. future with relation to the domes­ ! about one-third of w'hat can rea- Attorney-at-Law. Rains continue throughout tic affairs of his department that ■ sonably be stated will be the amount Luted with McCain & Hurley in Queensland, Australia. A hurri­ wind Supreme Court business may be followed by some surpris ­ DEALER IN . appropriated for rivers and har- for Tillsmook county. ing changes in the method of doing \ bora in the same period of time. cane at Toctnesville, flooded the business. Before his departure, ) ! The report will show that the an- i j town and caused much damage. ».JOHNSON, M. D. The funeral of General Schenck he assisted in a rather interesting 1 nual expenditure is not likely to '- ef / ' took place at Dayton, Ohio, Wed- scene at the department during increage from year to year< but will I mMaln street, next door to the post office ■fl which he and the paymaster gen- certainly re8Ult in the building of I ! nesday, several posts of the G. A. Tillamook, - Oregon. eral of the navy, Commodore Ful- fincr au(1 fleetcr VCRHej8to be sailed | ' R. marching in the possession. ton, had some warm words that I under the American flag. Jose Cruz, charged with attempt- L. T. BARIN iRIHNiY, led to the presentation of the lat- , There is a peculiar rivalry be- I ; ing to murder Pedro Gonzales, was L ey & barin , A ttorneys - at -L aw , ter’s resignation as chief of the i ' tween two distinguished person- examined at Salinas, Cal., Wednes­ [ OREGON CITY, OREGON. bureau of provisions and clothing. froln Massachusetts, Senator day, and held in 85000 Bail. ° ag08 11 Mill -klAtirWilV 11 llDVl LIN, £TC7UO>LUI Lire year» experience as Register oi the The Secretary did 1 not hesitate noar and Representative H. C. »L and O ffice here reccoiumends us in our The business portion and a num­ atyolbusiness before the L and O ffice IrkVXl'ii Oil ‘ IjO(lgp r •» .»I « 1« about accepting it, but forwarded j.^ch 11 )1UH a Federal elec. ber of residences in the village of kCourts and involving the practice in the it at once to the President for final \ tion biU) an(1 each j8 80 manifeHtly Pioneer, Ohio, were burned Wed­ urn. L and O ffice . action, and then designated ( om- ; directed at the southern states as nesday. The losses aggregated MISCELLANEOUS, inodorc Dewey, chief of the bureau j t« be particularly pleasing to the 825,000, of equipment and recruiting, to act ( New England heart. The Lodge The people of Cheney are look­ STOKES, as paymaster general pending the bill is certain to pass the House; ing forward to the day when their appointment of Commodore Ful­ and the Hoar bill the Senate, and town will be utilized by the busi­ ’ ASTORIA, OREGON, Will handle all kiuda’of ton’s successor. ■JTIY PRODUCE ON COMMISSION, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. There were many reasons given it has now become a question ness men of Spokane Falls as a widen in exchange for merchandise. whether, in the final outcome, the residence locality. by the gossips around the depart­ surviving measure will be known Persia has granted to Russian ment, the favorite one being that to history as the Hoar bill or the ■ * est financiers the refusal of all conces­ the Secretary was dissatisfied with Lodge bill. The Senator and Ilej>- Being. P.ipcrhanginp, Sign writing and sions granted for the construction EAST PO K.TLAND MAKELE WORKS, the workings of the bureau of pro- rcsentativc are both jealous of the ¡Graining dons with neatness. of railways in that country during L STREET, near Ferry Landing. kondis" t specialty. visions and clothing, with relation j title. the coming five years. to requisitions for material for the ----- Importer and Manufacturer of------ It is one of the noblest outcomes Fairhaven will soon have pure new ships, particularly the Balti- of the All-American conference, Tombs, Monuments, Cottage Monuments, Aqd TahlatB, water taken from Lake Paddcn, a more, and expostulated with the and ¡m best claim to remembrance PHOTOGRAPHER. beautiful clear sheet of water, two of ths Bast ITALIAN and VERMONT tA/hite and Blue chief, who resented the criticisms.: by after times, that it seems to miles from town. For this pur­ It is certain that there has been an | have provided a plan of arbitration MARBLE. California and Eastern GRANITE. nidi it the poet offlee, Tillamook. unhealthy amount of friction be- between the nations of the hem­ pose 86,000 will be expended. The body of Frank Otis, a steam- tween Commodore! ulton and his ¡Spbere which will aid in putting ----- Enclosures jf------ HEINS. _______ bureau and the rest of the depart- a Hf(>p to tho costly wars between lx>at fireman, was found in the bay at San Francisco, Wednesday ment for some time. The unnec­ neighboring republics. morning. He had lately been em­ essary delays on the various works I IDT FOR THE NEW ART GALLERY. ployed on the Ktate of California. Through Cow Creek Canyon. have at least come sharply to the | 0. Heins, tho Photographer, will be back notice of the Secretary, and it is i Nundpntupa at from been the silent witnesses. What a jCaifflALD! to T illamook and all way points. vast difference lietween the world scandalous charges against D. F. has prevailed in the past. Callon JAMES A. RICHARDSON, Tillamook. The Olympia Partisan launch« ■ it saw at its birth and the bustling, Stanley, president of the State Nor forth the following paragraph: Do mal school, of intimacy with a lady i** •*••*•****-• I If-» W 4-•*•’■•<'•«*4*4-I'» r»«t■*"*.<•»•{ electric-lighted nineteenth century. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT I In no department of literature is teacher, were fully investigated by not confound the term “inossback” S herlock ’ s R etreat I ^ the Imard of director» and the ac­ and “old settler." To lie an “ol«l ‘ Of all goods usually kept in a well ap , this change so stricking as in that cused was honorably acquitted yes- settler” Is not necessary to be a of the newspaper business. Take ‘ ” Conservatism is as in Oloon'» building, i the modern daily press, with its terday. The charges were pre- ‘•inossback, pointed Drug store constantly J- f. «HRRI.OCK, ’ - - * Proprietor. ferred by twostudenta, who offered often inbred as acquired. Home of I a rm j’ of reporters, its whirring ma- to keep still for •.'MX) each, whichj the most enterprising citizens of on hand. The beat of i chinery that eats up tons of paper, *K«,Uqnor, Beer. , What a vast amount of money, being refused, they circulated the Olympia for yearn have Ismsted Cigar«, High Wine», tc. I labor, genius, and push is required story. The young men have been of their rights to the title of “old found in the market «Iwayfl on hand Bil ! to meet the demands of a news-, expelled from the school. The settler” and have proudly worn hungry' public! But pause a mo-! president resigned, in order to keep I the pioneer's badge, Hard table in connection, ment in the Capitol Library- and harmony in the school. IFis sue-! intereat« of the travelling public «Ind ■ see the first newpaper issued. The cessor will be selected at the June ’ led in detail. Give me a call. T acoma , March 26.—-President yellow sheets are the size of an meceing of the directors. All is ordinary book, and are bound to­ moving along smoothly now under Oakes, of the Northern Pacific rail­ BOOT&SHOE SHOP. gether in that form, while the the management of tho full faculty. road, is in the city inspecting the ?----- J.N. voices ,------- ® Anything they have not in stock will be supplied OH ■ words being written in old Gothic The run ma«le on th«« Monmouth company's property. In an inter­ ■ style, known as black letter, are bank last Saturday was of only a view he stated that a *400,000sum­ •»arnMirsL, BotrriSHOE-MaKER, mer hotel, to be known as “The short notice, arrangements having been made almost indecipherable. It was few hours’ duration. ^** b* found at the Hnrnenn Shop in Palace,” will Im built in the north­ H ai . em . March 26. — At Monmouth printed by Valentine Sims, in Lon- "•®o°k, where for a reasonable price to that effect. ern part of the city, overlooking last night two straw figures were 1577, and gives an amusing get your Boot« and Shoes made r«nd warranted, which for dur­ t of the events of the day, hung in efligv, being representa­ the bay, and affording a magnifi­ comfort cannot be excelled Bxf door fa tha paat-afficB. iag us that “The knighte tions of actors in the scandal now cent view of Mount Tacoma and the Olympic range. (the f heae used is the old exciti Mt S»0 CoUNSEtOB-AfLAW- Hardware, Stoves, Tinware and Cutlery. andiis®. ■ fluita and Sjliaes. Do not fail to call and ex amine His stock of goods XSAOW JHUAXXdCNrGb Or from the GRANITE from my own Quarry at Oregon City, in any style. o foil Want to Buy a Home? D rom GARIBALDI To \ TILLAMOOK Joljn^oq ^eVeruqce, DRUGS • ANI>_ u MEDICINES oiuiCtiptl A'aMer Hoots, a Specialty. ILLAMOOK, OREGON An Interetting Budget of New«