The Headlight TILLAMOOK EAY. To the Editor of T he H eadlight . monk Hay. and most attractive to >. ? seekers, and of the saw mills, tineries. and lumbering facilities. -. ief attraction to business men. WOE 'xtend this article far beyond its alt-»*.' 1 space, and I must close. ..|’*1: W. T. NEWCOMB, “How short the distance seems to be.” . exclaimed a passenger as the schooner C. E. WILSON & CO., P roprietors . Alpha, under the guidance of Indian t Editor. Tom. passed over the bar at the mouth J. B. EDWARDS, • R atti . hr . T illamook , < > he <» on . of the bay several years ago. She had FOURTH OF JULY. made a quiet run—four hours run from locai news bar to bar. There were several passengers, Tillamook is going to have a genuine Mr- N. A. Hutchins, who has been all on deck, expecting soon to be tossed old-fashioned 177bcelebration, one of the ■ ' isometime past purchasing goods, on the long and angry swell such as we of river bottom land, well im­ grainiest in the lustory of the county, the 1G4 acres proved. good h ju^e. barn, and other had passed at the Columbia bai, but we t\ :i : • d home one week ago to day, her buildings: good orchard, assorted fruit: coming Fourth of July, and don’t let it >tock and farm machinery, situated two were inside the bar, even then we learned sbfollowing her on the A. B. Field. miles south of town. Would make two escape your memory. A programme has upon inquiry and yet a mile away from The Gen. Garfield brought it up from good small farms. Will be sold to suit been prepared and will be published in purchaser. nville. and this week has kept her the land leaving a short time only to due time, so that the people may be able >f laii'I. half mile -outh <•. A' town, view the approach to the bay. To the left bit.-; opening, marking and shelving the ¿^¿1 fA well infproved n two-storj house to judde whether we knowhow to form a ’ or North, stre tched the beach eight miles in.i: ■ se stock which she purchased with ten rooms, hard finished, frame celebration or not. Quite a number of barn 60x90. dairy house, and other Muri.' . her visit. In to-day's paper she to the mouth of Nehalem and thence on buildings: this is one of the best dairiy persons from abroad will be present, farms in the county. • to the foot of Kearney mountain, whose tell- to “all the people round, what a fine among whom will be notable s|>eakers, steep sides rise perpendicular many hun­ lot of goods she has found.” 1 QO ere- of t id< '..i:: '. <>n the Neh a ami who, no doubt, will remark upon the k-m river Air-. B. II. Hathaway met with a k dreds of feet from the sea. The trail issues leadin g to the establishing of the could be seen like a thread along its st-rio'.i- accident oil Wednesday, while on other lands for sale. For particulars apply at Fourth of July as a national holiday bold side. To the south lay the sand spit I io! v, av to town with her husband. It the office of W. T. NEWCOMB. or-residence two - To parties who live in crowded cities miles south of town. stretching five miles away to Cape ii'P rs there are several bad places in a visit to scenic and romantic Tillamook Meares. This cape, also, rises suddenly the r. id, and as .Mr. II. made a turn in would prove one of the most enjoyable from the ocean—a little too much so fora the road the wagon struck a large root, affairs of a lifetime, beside enabling them pleasant drive over it, in my opinion. It upset, and threw Mrs. II. to the ground. lo,combine business with pleasure—see- is one mile across it from beach to beach, seriously hurt about the head end learning of our resources, and en­ and the altitude is said to be about 600 and .-lioiihlers, but with proper treatment joying the hospitalities of Tillamook’s feet. But I wander from our course will overcome the injuries sustained honored citizens. Trout fishing will he CARPENTER which lies almost due east towards the A new society was formed at Kilcliis “away up” at that time and Trask ami Rock House, and Green Ilill, that we Iasi >at4irdav night to be known as the and JOINER. Wilson rivers, both Bowing at our doors, soon passed, and the open bay lay before Temp '-rance Lift rary Improvement So- abound with these “fly’’ gormamls. One TILLAMOOK. ( IREGON. us stretching awav to the southeast eiet> The new society starts with a good thing certain, it will prove the most en­ and specifications furnished on about eight miles by three to four miles mein' ership,and we hope to have reports joyable trip you ever experienced. Mr on short notice. wide to the tide lands through which t.f its workings from time to lime. The Maddux’s stage leaves North Yamhill How the Wilson, Kelchis,Trask and Tilla­ t ' “ llent, ami should it be able to «‘very .Momlay, We«lnes«lay and Friday, mook rivers into it. Passing the reef, a< -• »hipliVi hall its name implies a great ami a trip across the mountains with him or rocks, called the Sow and Pigs, on our work will oe accredited to their pluck will be worth the price of the entire trip right and Bailey Point on the left we came We wish the society every success possi- T hat it will l»e a suives.- is beyond ques­ to anchor opposite Garibaldi. The main silde to achieve. tion, as everyfhing that can be done is channel of the bay lies to the west of the l’robabli one of the oldest ami veteran being urged, no .-tone left unturned. If Sow and Pigs, and these afford plenty of yon would edjoy yourself, come to Tilla­ type setters of the state of Oregon is (’apt. room and good holding grbumls for a mook ami «eh’brate with us Wm D. Stillwell, of Tillamook, who set • large fleet of vessels in four fathoms of the type or a missionary work «luring the Dealer in . MEMORIAL LAY. water. This channel extends away to the years of 1S44-5 The worK consisted of <>n the gist ult. the citizens of Tilla­ southeast in an almost direct line with a I Ii<-u. 11 ’ .msl t ion i i‘o t lnjiie a ( : J Gao Tritej 1 age, find was executed tin ler tie* mook <-oiintv gathered from near'and far 1 baldi, saw mill, cannery ana Easterbrook > auspices of the missionary society who to participate in the memorial services to 1 point, called on the chart of the bay. wer .at that time, trying to civilize the be rendered in memory of those who4 Sand Stone Point on the east side, and .fought, bled and died for the I’nion’s untutored min I of the wild aborigince. Dry Goods, Groceries, Sturgeon ami middle channels on the cans»-. Far.y in the morning the town In the future we shall, in th • history <»f right hand. This main channel carries a was Croatie»! with people, ami when the obi -ettlun<. have more to say on thi* En rn is/i in g Goods, depth of about three fathoms for several bell ? ounded calling them to the hall, it subject. miles ,shoaling to about two fathoms at 1 was found incapable of holding the im- Toilet .Irticlcs, what is known as the Junction. At this 1111.11111 111111 / 4 1 «11111 • 1 • 1 1 11 1 • • - menre congregation win» desired to hear point several channels meet and the Seirin g flitch in es, I I I the solemn ami impressive ceremonies deposits by the eddying currents of the Importer and dealer in ., At prompt 1 p. m. the musicians started rapidly flowing tides have caused shoals, Patent '.Medicines, etc., etc. a mournful «Urge, marching around the StfAZ’I-El AND FANCY and from this on to head of the bay are public square, ami l»a» k to the ball The I endeavor to keep evervthing demanded bv several such bars, the shoalest of these the general public and my nvu -lock of goods meeting was o|»ened by singing the na­ will bear the clHop • TILL.1MOOK, Ore. W S Cone X Co. is the name of a echoes. I keep on hand all sorts of coopers »npphes new real estate firm in this citv. more of I -.:t t» ; »<1 further with this desern» In Mu alili«« to Mlit purchaser*, from honar and am prepared to do work on short notice lot to five hundred acre« whom wv will speak again. l tic: th man\ features yet to be bld J A RICHARDSON G Real Estate Agent . L. J. Oolie, N, Ä. Hutching, General Metciiandisc^L Wm. OLSON ZDZEoGT GOODS, Groceries, [S herlock ’ s R etreat Keystone Restaurant. LAND - FOR-SALE