Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 08, 1888, Image 1

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Vol. 1, No. I.
Real Estate and Collection Agency.
.for non-residents. ’
Taxes paid
C. E. WILSON & CO., P roprietors .
To Our Patrons.
county the banner county of the state of
Oregon, a nd Tillamook city leading the
van in all greatness arising in cuties m
note and worth.
We are yet unknown, hut be assured
when our resources are oip-e k :own the
flood gates of immigration will be opened,
the hidden wealth unearthed, and Tilla­
mook will be looked upon as the wonder
of wonders. We have the climate, ad­
vantages an<l resources to make us what
no other county in Oregon can make, and
it but wants the outside world to know of
the advantages untol I when thousands
will knock at our doors tor admi-sion and
acceptance into the great family of Tilla­
We shall strive to give you all the news,
county ami general, and in order to <lo
this it behooves every citizen to send HH
the news from his respective locality^ Ill
this manner the reputation of the Hr, •«!>-
light can i»e built up until it will be
sought with greater zeal than the buried
wealth in the vaults of the nab. n*« treas­
“Cast yourhread ui).»n the waters and
it will return alter many «lays.”—so de­
posit jour wealth to the fulh-d extent
with the H eadi . igot , and <»i:e year from
to-dav we will guarantee each and all of
you a genuine surprise parly.
Very truly, J. B Env vahi »-. Editor.
After some four weeks of expensive de­
Notary Public and Real Estate Conveyancer, r.i
lay we are enabled to present to the
people of Tillamook county the first pa­
per printed within lier borders. Tile
Tonsoria! Artist.
T illamook H eadlight is here as a per­
Mv aim is to please my patrons first, last and
all the time.
nl manent fixture, and its future develop­
ments and success will depend largely
upon the liberality of patronage from the
citizens whose cause it has undertaken to
I am prepared to do general repairing' al reas- espouse. We will, as time advances,
onable prices.
nl enlarge cur paper to meet the demand of
business which is sure to follow the rapid
immigration now heading for Tillamook
county—sturdy farmers, solid business
Practical Barber.
First-class toiisoriul mat.‘rial, and first-class men and capitalists who arc seek JW to
work guaranteed.
enhance tL- ir w. d.ii b;. proper
meats in a county of great promises' For
die years past and gone Tillaimiok has
Physician and Surgeon. remained dormaut. dependent upon out­
Also p’\. ; ired to do all kinds of dental work or
side people to herald its wealth and its
short notice and in the best style
known to the art.
m worth, which, to say the least is unknown
and untold, but now, as the H eadlight
grows older, and becomes better acquaint­
ed, the codnty possesses no inherit- but
H ouse
’’’ tore*- <>£ .••lice»’
A >
. plfUoT^ T ■
-■ erht • a:..all i * ‘
\ Paper Hanging.
d.auglit up in the most uetlicrm<|st parts
On Sunday last the young folk of
All o^ers promptly filled, Sat|gfa<*ti<Aii gu i’­
of the earth, and the’name become Tillamook assembled ami pro. cede I to
ll I
synononious to life, liberty rind the picnic in Attorney Thayer’s grove. That
pursuit of happiness. We bespeik a lib­ the affair was pleasant and enjoyable is
eral, open hearted patronage, And
md tile beyond question, from the fact th t broad
Real Estate and
greater liberality bestowed tht.‘ g.v..ter
_ Aer smiles ami pleasant .aces greeted you on
benefits will be, accrued. Roll {in your every corner of the highways and bywa;. s.
We are informed by Mr. W. J.
I have choice stock, dairy and resident lands subscriptions—your money—your aid—
for sale. Correspondence solicited. Office with counsel and your well wishes. And the Smith, that there is a vast amount of
lion. Claude Thayer. Tillamook, Oregon.
H eadlight will have acY.eVvd its vacant .arm land on Wilson river await­
ing sonic enterprising person who w idles
greatest aim and object.
to make a home ancl fortune in Tilla­
Respectfully, C. E. W ilson & Co.
mook county. To immigrants this would
------------- ------------------
prove a boon, being of ready icct<s to
iMarkets, etc.
Ready for Business.
Will practice in all the courts of this state,
; Mr. E. F. Brown, a conductor on the
f’olleetious a specialty.
The H eadlight , in all its glory, to-day .
N. P. R. R. at Missoula. Mont., and son-
Administration of estates carefnlly attended sheds its refulgent rays upon somethin
in-law of Mr W. O. Thayer, is in the city
to. Taxes paid for non-residents.
less than one millin' readers, amlastm/
T h . iamook , O regon .
nl rubs on in ft.-; majestic greatness we an­ the past week visiting with his wile and
friends. ?»Ir. Brown is filled with enthu­
ticipate something greater even than all siasm over the grandeur and magnifi­
this. Ail things have a beginning, but, cence of Tillamook and its general sur­
although our proportions are somewhat roundings, and strongly hints this will
Land and
be his ultimatum.
smaller than the leading journals of tne
A few days ago Bent Smith, of Wilson
nion, who ran foresee the future to
prophesy that wr will not be able, in a River, thought he had a panther foul «ami
I am prepared to locate
few years, to rope with the greatest jour­ proceeded to empty the contents of a
pistol at the supposed intruder. This
of the ago.
Farm Lands ",r,he ~ '‘’"r nals
was in the evening; in tlic- morning he
•We are here strictly in the interests of visited the scene of his panther’s lair,
found to his astonishment a large
' r
Timber Land.
eral. Therefore our jxjlitics will la- blind of elk. His disgust at frightning
Estimates of timber on land promptly furnished
the game can better be imagined than
neutral. from the fact that a partisan described.
Correspondence solicited.
pa|M*r would do more to demoralize the
T illamook ,
O regon . best interests of this county than anv From the Verien Eintracht society of
other one thing introduced, hence th«.» Portland cutties a complimentary ticket
greater achievements for the county ami to participate in Gainbrinm* Garden fes­
Dealer in
tivities Tune 3. To the management we
the paper van I m ? accomplished by a strict beg
pardon, as the notification arrived too
apl«iicatio<i to the upbuilding of as grand late, but rest aaaured if we had the wings
u county as God e’er ordered the sun to of doves the H eadlight would have had
bhineupem. I'pon thia issue, then, will a repr tentative on the grounds. Next
tittle • uibrinus Garden shall be duly
A general supply of necessaries for the general
be the basis of the H eadlight pr ncijUes, re«' «gtuzed, Thanks.
working tor the greatest g<*»«l tutliegreat­
Ssioner W. N. Vaughn, of
num i er. always remvnji•♦•ring the |so
Kilch; sent the editor a '•ample straw­
pie’s interests are our interest». an4 it
Give me vonr patronage
devolves upon i:s t > guard zealously the berry or memorial day measuring seven
ache- a clrcuinference and four inches
handling of rhe County finance, that the i’l diaim ter If there i« any doubt in the
tax payers may know ex|**mlitures are« riind of easterners tfeat th*.* is no fruit
made in a manner rah ttlated to bring muntrv. let them disfiel that idea at
benefits to those who are taxed fot the once People in this count* frequently
hew out apples and use them for rain
general and heeewmry improvement». sheds, to say nothing of th< pumpkin
Next door to H radlioht office
m Our greatF*«t aim is to see Tilktoooa < rop.
Stoves, Tin Hardware.
Goods C heap as
the Cheapest.
$2 Per Year.
Service to Commence About July 1,
With tne Steamer Alliance.
To give utterance to a falsehood would
be an abu-e of confidence, ami were we
to say that our present mode of egress and
ingress if<>r freight) was all that could be
desired we most certainly would merit
condemnation on all sides. From a talk
uith our merchants we learn there has
never been any r »gularity with regard to
freight destined for this harbor, ami thAt
upon several occasions their freight has
i .■ •n i t.-r d in Astoria fur four months be­
fore they were abl? t<» have it delivered
at this port. Kucha state of affairs be-
came imuiotonous, and the Tillamookers
Kicked o it of tile traces, demanding why
things were thus? By an effort the Ore­
gonian was prevailed upon to espouse the
trampl *•! cause, ar.d at last we learn our
wioii js ; re to be righted. A company ba .
bean Grin 1 in Portland who will place n
ro^Jar line f steamers on the route froi i
that city t i Tillamook harbor, the fir t’
trip t<> be made bv the steamer Alliance,
under charge of Mr. John Melville, July
' Ti:lamuok has always wanted to give
her trade to Portland, but shipping fi. I-
ties have', ua so outlandish that it be­
eaim* near a for ed impossibility, : nd
comjxilsion camd close upon the San
‘•'ri'i.<•>■<> laarr.vW^’» rvilress. But the
o' this Au.ty are’kim.ly <lis-
po cd : owe rd Port' nd, and an effort on
its part will retai a trade of no mean
Vpon the eve of the announcement of
theCoasi Steamship Co. that it would
soon make regnlf trips to our harbor,
'.•nie< the prumis. ■ hat a regrlar line will
al oie • be placed st our disjxjs.d, as that
city, fojc.-«- ing oui future, wants the im­
mense trade which is Ixjund to follow in
a few short months.
With conqieting steamship lines horn
two great nft*tro|Mjlis’, wliat is to hinder
Till.tmo. k from Incoming a port of gen­
eral and lucrative importance? The re­
sources arc here, awaiting development,
to make th s one of the richest and most
populous« >unties in Oregon, and with
1.» nrag. inent of this nature the gov­
ernment will take r..gnizan<*e of our
interests tndatonce disgorge the small
apportioiMiicnt recommended for Tilla­
mook harbor improvements. That one«’
accomplished, according to the govern­
ment engineer’s report, we will have one
of the tim st harbors on the coast, and
the city of Tillamook will advance with
greater r pidity than any town on the
1 .mific ('oast. The one, an <»nly, thing
nee«-sary to aehicve thvue prophesies is*
the united and harmonious eir«»rts of our
citi/ ns It is our hope they will take
steps at once which will tend to a lasting
and lucrative benefit, and
the moans
of yet better trai. js»rtati«»n. N<«thing
su -ceeds like success, and a «letennincd
efloit |*»n the part of Tillamook’s hon­
ored Mettler» will bring a hearing in the
halls of our Unite«! States congr«-**. We
are Imre in the ¡ntereat of Tillamook, ami
purpose voicing her rights and redressing
tier wrongs until the meml*r from this
district presents us in a rigtit light to the
great I m ty of law-makeM at the Wash­
ington appropriati<»n dis|»eii»»i»ry: when
thi.t is lor-e Tillaiii"»k will vv’ hei juft
desert-, a: I not till then
If we are rurrnrt in th - alwjv« senti­
ments, move at at once if wpmg, in-
f.«rm ’is of the fact that rhe right may