THE CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO THE Stive, too. Ore., Journal Bldg., has the following property for Satai See Cascade Reni Estate Co. for Business Chance: A saw mill that bargains. will cut 700 rail road ties in a day List your property with E. W. Rosa, 250,OOO feet of logs cn* 50,000 feat in the new manager of the Cascade Real tlx- pond; all you nave to do is to fire Estate Company. up and go ahead. Price only $1100. Four-roum Huuse and Lot, 70x210, half cash, chance to buy 500,000 feel on Mill Street. Good location, only near the mill. $1750. $200 :esh, good investment. $2000 buys a nice Utile farm near Do you want a man to work? Amsvilie, of 15 acres, all cleared. Lady, how would you like to buy Fruit, berries, house and barn; ail a dandy little business in Silverton. fenced. This is a bargain. Will ex We have it for sale. Write to Cas change fui farm property near Silver- cade Real Estate Company, Silverton, ton. Oregon. A 54-acre farm, 12 acres hops, fruit There are many ways that you can Fins lot be.ween Portland and Ore trees, berries, garden, grain lanu. boost fur The Silverton Journal, and gon City cn car line for sale for $800, fine house, hop house, barn and mac we assure yuu that we., ne«d.. you: $50 down, $15 i er month, T Ja ia a adam road, fine water, plenty of help. Here is one way, just as a large lot 50xl38tt feet, It will in- pasture. Call in and get full partic suggestion: Cut out the following ulars. crease in valu«*, and nicely paste them one., on., each Buy a lot ia Geiser’s Addition— $2,500 buys one of the finest homes side of a good, stiff card. Give the >zest buy in Silverton—must sell and you ever saw. There are eight lot*, card thus prepared to a friend of our you ge the advantage of the forced lota of fruit, ten room house, etc.^tc., cause whu will promise to use it and sa'e. You can pay (or this lot and paved streets, city water—one of the pass It on to another friend to du like the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. best places in a town that has a future. wise. will bui'd you a bunglow—pay fur it Scotts Mills, Ore. Emerson says that “the world be- ir tead of paying rent to the other FOR SALE — 1500 lb. Draft H< ree to the energetic". Let us cap fellow. ture the world for Liberty, Justice Bu/ a dandy home in Oak Grove. Do you believe in dreams? Your and Truth.—John Earl Hosmer, Ed. Oregon. Four-room house, 22 frun iream of a home will come true if you trees, lawn, on car line, good garden, • 'll let the CASCADE REAL ES c cse to church, school and depot. $20«. TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy down, balance $20 per month. Price home on the installment plan. $1800. Beauri.ul location. FORTY LOTS for sale in South 8 1-3 acres right in the city with Sc lem—high and dry, fine location, one of the best houses you ever saw cheap end on easy terms. FOR SALE — A nice large lot. barn, chicken houses, all kinds ol 50x120, in the Capita’ Citly. Fruits of fruits, grapes, berries, walnuts, etc A true American citizen can not, and, when aroused, will not, permit every kind, n Oregon Electric Line, cement side walk, naved streets, elec a foreign, traitorous, political power to grow up in this country. But 2 blocks school, near church, trie lights, sewer, city water. Can . there is such a power, and it ia rapidly getting control. Thia power ia »undivided, vluie ui. a uundy uar ood bargain at $250. the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. It ia doing its utmost to destroy every ga-u at 5<650. Half down. tin. $1500 buys seven acres, one mile on balance. American principle. Freedom of thought, freedom of apeech, freedom from Silverton, all in cultivation. of the presa, our free, public schools, yea, and even our government Danny building lot in Davenport Hard nac-.adam road, small house. for and by the people, ia itself in danger. These American institutiona Additio- -»n very easy terms. Wii. A bargain, if taken soon. are the beads of every patriot’s rosary. Can we afford to let the enemy take a good cow or a horse or both Sec Cascade Real Estate Co. deatroy one of them? Never! Patriots, awake, and help, us save our a little cash, and $5.00 per month Now we have it. Let at one half Free Press. for balance. price to the person who will build a $1500 house cn it, good location on $1200 — Three acres in Southern South Water Street. Also other I its Calofomia, water for irrigation. in this part of Silverton with the un 3--oom huuse. $300 cash, balance tc derstanding that houses built must be cuit purchasei at 7 per cent. f $1000 value or over. We have land for sale in Cali $12,000 buys a twenty-four acre fornia, Washington, Idaho and Al tract adjoining Silverton, all in culti berta; any place, tell us where you vation. Gocd buildings, stock and want it, and we place you right farming implementa can be sub- where you want to live, We liavt divided. Would take $8,000 in ex land in Lake View for $60 per acre, change on other good property. This for a small payment down and bai CONTRACT property should not remain in the 30 years time, 5 V4 per cent market long as it is guilt edge goods. interest. This is irrigated___ By the acceptance of this card, I sincerely promise the one land ____ anc Come quick I lies in the famous Goose Lake Val from whom I receive It that I will secure a new subscriber, FOR SALE — Two Turbine Water ley, from 2 to 10 miles from Lake Wheels, Shafting , Mortise Gear View. Also a butcher shop and or renewal, for THE SILVERTON JOURNAL at once, to Wheels, Boxing, Couplings, Roller slaughter house in Lake V’ew at a •end the amount (50 cents) to The Silverton Journal, Silver* bargain. reed Mill, etc. 160 acres near Lyle, Wash, at |30. ton, Oregon, and to deliver thia card to a friend who will do Do you want to buy a beautiful rio; per a re. Six a«wes cultivated, and 80 of ground w th fruit and berrie al liltewiae. acres easily cleared, It is right in ready in bearing, with wood shed ali I the orc hard belt. See Cascade Real and two tent houses? This is n Estate Company gain on the installment plan, Mt $4 000 buy s 20 acres % of a mile property is three blocks from ea; I ne from Silvertcn, 14 acres in cultivation that runs inti Portland. Price r_l„ 1.. ;.. — X), , with balance in pasture, four room $100 down, $15 per month. Now » the house, good barn and all fenced. See time and The Cascade Real Estate Co. are the people. Come and see! Cascade Real Estate Company. 135 Acres for $85. per acre, 90 Grants Pass prop-rty, lot l50x2(K acres in cultivat'on, 60 acres in >rop, 5-room house, big barn. cit_> watei balance in pasture, six-room house, lights, etc., only $,.>00 Te’-’us. three barnes, four head of big horses, $2400 buys a farm of ,60 acre c w and bull, nine head of hogs, wag six miles from Vi ,n»oa Aloerta ons and plows, and all all machinery- Canada. A” cleaea, .45 ac es in cu' needed to run the place, all new. Telephone shares go with the place. tivation; all in the .'atr-ouc wheat belt FOR SALE—We have an equity in This land ha- i*een cropped twice. a ten acre bearing orchard, two miles $3800 buys twenty acres, one mile from La Grande, in the famous from Silverton, sb >n cultivation, Grand Ronde Valley, on which we good water. Buildings cost $200< are wil'ing to make a sacrifice for and are all new. • something in the Willamette Valley. Protect you property from loss by PAPAL PHILANTHROPY tution? We frankly admit that it bend their backs over the washtab ceotion. Complaint has been made If you have anything we can use fire in the Concordia Fire Insurance docs. But as a rule they are built from early morn till late at night; to the mayor of Philadelphia that t> e come in and we will talk it over. Co.—E. W. Ross is the agent for Sil- with Protestant money and are main where the linen of great hotels and committee in chr.'ge of the Denver Cascade Real Estate Co. Erum C. W. Bibb’s Good Book •erton. tained as a blind for begging nuns vast railroad systems is laundried for ceremonies is of a sectarian nature AMERICA'S MENACE to touch up the heretics. Thousands gain to enrich the Papal Hierarchy. and it is urged that city officials lake --------------------------——-— of poor, deluded womankind blindly The various cities are paying the the matter in b?nd that no further WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW we are sincere in our work and that Times almost without number we delve and drudge, poorly clad, scan* board of these girls at the rate of insult or offence be given the Cath- we have sacrificed more time and have heard it innocently but ignor tily fed, without receiving one far- from $3.00 to $5.00 per week and othlics of Denver. The public school l.oney tor the work of bringing lib thing they are, contrary to law and human /children of Denver have been invited for their services, all for the antly said that ths Papal Hierarchy Talk with your neighbor and get erty to the world than we have ever was such a wonderful philanthropic glory of God(?) and the enrichment kindness, placed in abject slavery to view the historic bell and this in and fed on the refuse gathered from vitation includes the Catholic children him interested in our work. We must asked anyone else to put up. In faci institution, with open arms reaching of the hierarchy. Do you imagine that the hospital various sources and the profit on since their names are enrolled in the out in every direction indicitive of we could pay all our debts and be in loving sympathy for the unfortunate service is free to the sick, the halt, their labor goes into the treasury of school census, but the papes are have this kind of help or die and you the finest fighting trim financially and distressed—which may be true, the lame and the blind? Other sects the Papal Hierarchy. This, I eloved, peved because they are not given a can’t afford to let our work fail now if every patriot who reads our papei but like the wolf loves the lan«D. The and corporations maintain institu is a fair sample of Roman Catholic prominent part in the program. for it is your work as well as ours. would put in one dollar where we idea seems to have become quite prev tions for revenue and do not pose as philanthropy. These houses of the Denver probably has not forgotten The enemies of The Journal man alent that tho multitudinous and pre philanthropists. But what better pur Good Shepherd receive pay for these some peculiar aggressive antics which would make you believe that he is a have put in one-thousand dollars W< mean business ar.d will never give tentious piles of brick, stone and mor pose do these institutions serve than girls from the municipalities and at occured in the city in which an Am best up the fight until our mind refuse- tar called asylvms, hospitals, and is served by our state and municipal the same time get the profit of from erican citizen was so roughly handled bad man but we can furnish the ho ¿Les of the Good Sliephcr 1 are institutions? Really what is the ten to eighteen hou*s a day for their that his life was seriously in danger. evidence that this state affords that to a«t. lalor. All this is in America, in There will be no intereference with la ting monuments to the spirit of need of them ? Catholic rights when the hell arrive., The Houses of the Good Shepherd this glorious *wentieth century. true altruism which pervades the Think! for that will expand your call on Cardinal Gibbons and Arch These are the mints of the Papal in Denver, and there will be no spec System. Not u few Who are accus attached to most of our great cities tomed to see the pale-faced, sennty having for their alleged purposes the Hierarchy illegal turning the labor ial favors shown, either. Let those brain and develop your mind and raise bishop John Ireland to tell us why in fejj nuns begging on the streets can reformation of girls who in an un of frail girls into coin of the relm who have eyes look and they will see. you above a beast. every nation on the globe where th< easily surmice that they are bo.iring guarded moment may nave purloined which drops, drops, drops, into the In almost every ancient nation Papal system has had the education In reply to the old stall that con- their burdens solely under thu inspi a furty-cent box of candy, a can of System’s treasury, at the rate of where religion was connected with the of the youth, the people are degraded ration of a desire to assist unfortu face powder, or a tuck comb, have millions of dollars annually. These xents are private homes, Tom Wat state, the priesthood veiled the form until the only difference between girls whos keep is paid by the muni been found to emit an atmosphere nate humanity as uppermost in their son rises to enquire: “Doe- any er with mystery and magic to better them and the dumb brute is, one can cipalities, are worked inhumanly by not in keeping with their name. No souls. home of any private citiien conta:n Our charge is that the sun doe doubt the reader has supposed tnnt the heavenly nuns over laundry tub, a barred window and Iccked- hide the system of graft and devil talk and the other can only use signs. no shine on a more colossal faLacy. these unfortunate girls are sent to mangle or sewing table for not only door department where fifty or a hun ment they early learned to practice Not once in forty years' remember- on the superstitious and ignorant If you will take the pains to reduce the House of the Good Shepherd be months but years without decent dred single women are kept in close ance by the writer can he recall a masses. tho charge to its final analysis, you cause the holy influence of the nuns clothes, adequate food, and humane confinement for life?" single reference to the intellectual treatment. would overcome their evil proclivities will find that for every pain allayed, “Sweet Bells of Cork” is the title and mora' state of Papal countrie the Almighty Dollar jingles at some and imbue, them with those high and What goes on in convents and nun of a poem going the rounds of papist by those distinguished grandstand point as it comes in contact with the holy desires which make for a com CLIPPINGS neries, is i question not prompted by p ners. Bel’s of cork may* not players. plete reformation. This is and has Pipai r.irong-box. Mark you well our charge. We bean the prevailing opinion of these idle curiosity or the disposition to in- r ake much noise, but they ring unhesitatingly assert that every move h-/lv retreats at which the sacred Denver, Colo., Catholics are protjst- tefere with other peoples’ business. about as true as most papist senti- Benedict’s papal prayers and proc made by the philanthropic arm of the nuns keep faithful vigil. Great guns, ing agninst the arrangements being It is a legitimate and proper ques ment. lamations in beha’f of peace seem papal hierarchy drops the coveted how grossly you have been deceived' to receive the Liberty Bell Ir. to be remarkably efficacious. A fr tion emphasised by '.he fact that Roman Catholic system of If the The^e Houses of the Good Shepherd its trip to SanFrancisco because the ducats into the treasury . The ques more spasms from the Vatican ani] tion may arise: Does not the Sys are nothing more than vast laundries Cr.tho’ic schools have not been offici what is right and proper needs no education is so superior to the system war will extend to the planets. now in ure in these United States, we tem maintain many, a mighty insti- where frail girls are compelled to ary invited to take part in the re- concealment SILVERTON JOURNAL WANTS YOU TO ACT AS ITS AGENT HOW 10 BOOST A PATRIOT’S ROSARY G G