THE BIG PAPERS MCZZLEI) LINSCOTT SOBERING VP A BIT CATHOLICISM IN THE FARLY DAYS OF CREGON There would be no use for the Sil- I notice that the Journal has is- , verton Journal nor for any other anti aaed a challenge for a public diseus- Published Every Friday Morning At By Cordite. THE FASTEST, iEBT AND Catholic paper, if the daily press of sion on re'igion. Silverton, Oregon. Now it Is not my our gicat cities and our countr.' news JOHN EARL HOSMER, EDITOR pai>ers were not entirely muzzled. desire to enter into any religiuu# One of the most stirri ig event* of You can’t get one of these papers to controversy, Arguing religion and The Pioneer Days of Oregon was the piint a word in criticism of the papal the differences in churches never massacre of Dr.Whitman, his wife IN THE WORLD IS THE system while at the same time you raises us to a higher plane of sp rit • ami nine other persons at the Waii- 1 latpu Mission, on the 28th day of can read very severe criticisms on or spiritual life hut it always irritate# November 1847. Dr. Whitman had everything else. “Awed by the blunderbusses of Papal puppets they the spiritual mind. 1 am not a mem teen at the Mission for eleven years dare not open their mouths in defense ber of any religious organisation bu*. and was getting along with the Indi of our institutions’*, although the I hold that it is our duty as loyal; ans in a very satisfactory manner, priests are continually attacking our -Americans, to uphold and maintain when the Catholic Vicar General, public schools. Now why is it that every religious organization in our Brouillet, with u party of priests and nuns, arrived in the country. In this the press of our country has been Entered at the postoffice at Silver- thus humbugged into shielding the land. Religion is something that has article 1 will quote much from the Of J. E. HOSMER, Inventor and Manufacturer ton, Oregon at second-class rates. rotten foreign system in its attacks never done humanity one bit of harm, life of Joe Meek, written by a party ¿subscription, 50cU. per year in ad against our American institutions and but it has always raised us to a who knew the circumstances first SILVERTON, OREGON __ against our government itself? It is higher plane of religious or spiritual hand. Mr. Spaulding, one of the vance. ¿Single copies 5 cts. because of the unprincipled, anarchis life. While many do not approve of missionaries, sa,,s that he aid Dr. I Na Tramping Down Ground Cultivates Fast No Loot Energy | Advertising r tes made known up tic methods of the Roman system the Catholic’s mode of worship, I hold W'.’iinan convent,d on the danger on appdeation. against its enemies. It does not live that, under the constitution, of a free which threatened them from the muummmmumuœmmmunutunumntuttniuttunuœœtummmmmmnn t up to the golden rule in any degree country, they have a right to wersnip Cu'.holie influence. The,’ N It but if any one offends them, they God in any way they see fit, and no sickness then among the Indiunslthe THE FOURTH OF JULY immediately unite in putting the of honest American can deny it. We measles) affvded the Catholics a fender out of business by fair or by must acknowledge that the Catholic favorable opt rtunity to excite the MOVING Î Our glorious country is yet very foul methods, legally or otherwise. church 1 is the mother church of the Indians to u.,ve them from the PICTURES J young. Counting two score years Therefore they have almost every- ' world. Its ancient doctrines have country, and ull the movements and ten as a man’s average time body hoo-dooed, and you who read I been handed down for many genera about them seemed to indicate that to live, our nation is less then the life these lines ought to do something this 1 tions. 1 can see no reason why we this would soon be attempted if not time of two men. But wonderful very day to help support the papers i should try to harm or to destroy it. executed. Such was the suspicion in ENJOYED BY ALL — CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS !! things have taken place since 177& that are patriotic enough to stand out He who tries to destroy it reminds the minds of all the Prodestants. That night they were in the lodge There have been changes in our against this great wrong. me of a boy trying to kill his mother. Instructive and Educative methods of production, transportation, Just because we do not believe in of Sticas visiting the sick. In the navigation, education and protection. worshiping in the same way our eleven years they had lived with the THE GREATEST FAILURE But in all these wonderful changes gr;: i.lmother does, is that any sign Indians they had taught them to we never have lost the idea on which that we should try to kill her? What cultivate the soil, to live in houses Of course, under present conditions, we need is more consecrat -d iovt and and to provide for their families. our government was founded, the idea that governments are for the it is almost necessary to have money more divim brotherhood. Each and Each morning a good breakfast was protection of the governed in the . to do anything, but to live a lifetime every one cf us should recognize the prepared for them. It consisted of ’ rights to life, liberty and the pur with no higher ambition than for the divine and sacred right of thb other. beef, vegetables and bread. All this suit of happiness. But neither has accumulation of weaith is probably Me must realize that we are all the shows the improvements of th«: In thé element in our society that op the greatest failure that a human be children of God. It will only be a diana. The day, being Sunday, was PHONE BLACK 681 posed this idea changed either. Ln ing could make. John M. Works, in snort time when we will al' pa*#. Wc observed with as much decorum as in fact, this disturbing power that was an article entitled, “The Failure of are all striving for the same place. u white man’s house. After breuk- All work done in the shortest possible time. We ere equip brought over with us from the tyran Success” puts it in this way: We have all got to face the same re- tast Dr. Whitman crossed the river ped to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etc, with very “ There is no way in which a man nically governed old country and oeemer, and this religious strife and to visit the chiefs who had sent for little danger of any damage done. which has been coming in great ship can make a more complete failure hatred should cease. I suggest that him. Their names were, Tan-i-tan, loads ever since has grown and of life than by spending his life in the Silverton Journal quit the anti Five Crows and Yam-ha-wa-lis. Dr grown until it has become here as in the accumulation of wealth. Such a Catholic nonsense and turn its guns Whitman returned about four o'clock No Load too Heavy for our Teams to Haul the country from which we fled, the life a«sassanates all the higher ideals on the damnable economic robbery in the after noon saying that he had ¡greatest menace to our government and causes him to grow downward ‘ tat is casting every working man in token tea with the Catholic Bishop and to its free institutions. The toward the brute. to a blazing furnace of an economic and two priests, at their house, which Roman Catholic Church can not log And yet, preposterous as it is, such heli. If we all turn into paupers belonged to Tan-i-tan, and they had ically celeorate the Fourth of July. ignoble failures are what some peo and tramps with a handful of multi promised to visit them in a short That day stands for the principle ple mean when they speak of “suc- millionaires who revel in idleness, lux time. He then left for the Mission.. NOW LET US UNITE IN MIGHTY PROTESTI independence. She stands for depen cessful men.” ury an«! crime from the products of On the following morning Mr. Spaul dence of her subjects. It stands for Who are successful men? our labor, how can we expect to sup ding, who was the Nez Perces missi the rule of the majority. She stands They are the men who have risen port any organization of righteous onary at Lapwai, could no longer re main in uncertainty and started out for the rule of the minority, even for above mercenary motives, They are ness and love? STANDING FOR AMERICANISM for Waiilatpu. As he mounted his the rule of one man. 1. stands for the men who have spent their lives Now Mr. Editor, don’t get it into to depart, an Indian woman horse 50 Cento Per Year a government by the consent of the assisting the upward urge of the hu- your head that the Catholics will not governed. She stands for a govern man race in many ways.. Some of stand for economic justice, for the placed her hand on the neck of his ment by a fa’se idea of a “divine them have undergone persecution and very existence of their organization horse, and, pretending to be arrang EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL ing his head gear, said in a low voice right”. It stands for a free democ public ignominy while serving the depends upon it. SILVERTON, OREGON. to the rider, “ Beware of the Cay uses racy, She stands for a monarchy race. All of them have made the I have nothing personally against at the Mission. ” Now more than and a forced democracy among her mercenary their slightest motive. tne editor.. In fact there are many Enclosed find for which send THE JOURNAL to slaves for the support of the mon To do good is the only real success things about the editor of the Jour ever disturbed by this intimation that the following: it was the Mission that was threaten archy. there is in the world. Ail else is nal which I admire very much. H The enemies of this government sham, pretense and unreality. It character is beyond reproach. One ing, he hurried forward, fearing for Name have not all died since George Wash does not matter what money or pos could not talk and write as much as his daughter ».nd his friends. He proceeded without meeting anyone un ington fought the red-coats. They ition one gains, unless the world is he does without saying many goo Address.... ..... have increased very rapidly ami to better and humanity higher for Ids things. We will give him full credit til within sight of the lovely Walla- Name day the flintlock the drum a- d fife having lived, he has been a flat fail for a'l the good things that he has Walla Valley, almost in sight of the Mission itself, when suddenly, where and the glorious stars and stripes ure.” said and done. All who know broth« Address. in the hands of brave patriots should We believe that the above is as Hosmer know that he is subject to the trail passes through a little hol Name move f orward igainsi th* envmie’s true as anything you can read in the these infidel fits and that he is liable low, he beheld two horsemen advanc camp with a firm and steady tread, bible. And believing it to be true, to be taken with one at any moment. ing. He watched them with a flutter Address.... remembering that the real'y progress we also believe that if anyone goes to We have got to overlook his short ing heart, longing for, yet dreading the news which the very air seemed ive and civilized among us «relieve in hell it will be the man or woman comings in this line. In reply to my Name the new methods of warfare whos? who hangs on to his or her money bag former article, he said that my nat to be whispering.. The two horsemen Address victory is a real victory and whose and lets the Roman Catholic Church ural wit might have stirred leg«da- proved to be the Catholic Vicar Gen eral Brouillet and his half-breed in captives are set free. get control of America to the ever tive bodies to holy actio-. I only Name terpreter. Both men were known to lasting damnation of civilizati n. wish thet I could stir the Silverton Mr. Spaulding, and, as they drew Address i al to noly action There are thousands of people who J reign, he inquired, “what news”? IN DISTRESS profess to be on the side of patriot —Elw i A. Linscott. 1 “There are very many* sick at the ism and many of them will be stirred Editorial Note: Whitman station”, answered Brou- We thank brother Linscott for his The Silverton Journal is in real dis by great waves of sentiment tomor illett, with evident embarrassment. ■ tress and all our rea<*ers nave to do row when they see old glory floating kind words as to our personality. We "How is the Doctor and Mrs. Whit ▼ if ti.ey want the paper to suspend in the breeze, but they will hug tneir hope to deserve it, but our poor, , man?” asked Mr. Spaulding anxious I Phone Black 1242 Coolidge Street until the editor can earn enough nt gold and see the patriotic press of warped friend need not worry about ly. The Doctor is ill—is dead”, other work to pay up and get enough this country boycotted out of busi stirring us up to holy action. That added the priest reluctlantly. “And to start again, is just to do nothing. ness and its editors sent to jail f«. is what we are trying to do to him Mrs. Whitman?” gasped Spaulding. We must have One Thousand Dollars telling the truth , and never put up a and the other booze-soaked and Cath- “Is dead also. The Indians have General Contractor for Commercial and Industrial him killed them.” “My daughter?” mur in order to go on. Wc have been red cent to help them in the awful clici'-ed citizens. When we ________ Building fighting off the coming of this bad struggle against the big BEAST full of Mt. Angel’s un-holy wat\r an id mured the agonized questioner, “Is condition for months, but at last it which also has the money-bag disease. rti.d his attempt at defending th« ! safe with the other prisoners’’, an- EXPERT ENGINEER _ has fully arrived and, unless those Of course when one of the tight wads tr-ito’ous, unAmerican organization , swered Brouillet. In the Design and Construction of Beautiful Homes, who owe us pay up, renewals pay in reads this he will give some kind of that, above all others, has caused the We can see from the above that advance , new subscribers flock to a grunt of an excuse and we do not enslavement of the workers in every the leading Catholic knew all about Business Houses, Schools and Churches our standard or some other long expect to change the grunt of a hu country where it has obtained a foot the massacre. Brouillet had offered SILVERTON, OREGON hoped for evidence that The Silver- man swine any more than we do the ing, we are stirred mightily, and we no resistance to the Indians in the t t ton Journal is wanted to the extent 3pots of the leopard, but it is some promise ourself and brother Linscott cold blooded murder of their Protes satisfaction to know that we now to keep stirred and stirring as long of One Thousand Dollars, this will tant minister. In fact he was ceg- be the last issue for such a time as is have the Iberty to tell such just what as we live, to the end th3t sometime nisant of all the details of it.. It necessary for us to get that amount we think of them, thanks to the brave the minds and bodies of ALL MEN looks as though he was the instiga in some other way. We hope that it men who, in the past, thought more will be free from the slavery of RUA. tor of it. He saw the Indians muti aimtmmmmttmttmmmnmmntmtammmntnmmmumtmmmmMmmmtt will not take over one month, and if of MAN than they did of MONEY. and ROMANISM. late the bodies of the dead, but he New, up-to-date Machinery Experienced Machinist we do suspend, for this length of time offered no remonstrance. Work Absolutely Guaranteed we invite our interested readers to ( To be continued.) THINK OF IT! A CALIFORNIA PATRIOT s<’i.d us any suggestions or informa In a private letter, in which one of tion that will be of as->:?tance ir our When the editor was in jail, Gover our staunchest friends of California campaign of “gathering up the slack’’. IT IS NOT FAIR We may be obliged to retreat, but nor West wr.s the Executive officer sends us four subs, he says that the Garage and Machine Shop watch for our smoke just over the cf this great state of Oregon. Gov- paper .«a:, vzondei fully improved, but Thc editor of the Silverton Journal other side of Bunker Hill. 1776—1915. enor West had pardoned many a that we shou'd lay by some grub as criminal, even Webb, the acknowl the wor.t is yet to come. ’He be was wrongfully forced into costly lit edged murderer. And yet with a lieves that the whole United States igation, falsely imprisoned, sat down great petition, signed by a multitude will soon go under -alamity and that on Ly p political Supreme Court and I Cor. First and Lewis Sts. TRAITOR BY DEFAULT Phone Bine 951 of the best citizens of our state, he there ¡3 bound to be trouble with frightfully boycotted by cowardly uii»iin»»»i»n»m»Hu:mn»nn»n»t«:»»»»imtiii»miHimHmiiiiiiniui»aà, In tl ; fight again t the monarchial could not or would not pardon out the “those hellish Catho'ic and Tumulty business men who were foolishly editor who had offended the Catholic and Wilson meddling”. But he ad principles which are sure to ruin our Hierarchy. Then the balance of the vises us to hold the fort and not afraid of the Roman anarchists. So 1—0-~181—0 0- 0—0 i.'nat country, he or she win doe» fine which was $60. was tendered to give up. He says many other good the Silverton Journal will have to nothing is a traitor. There has now the court but it was not accepted things and regarding politics speaks suspend until the editor can get out b«< n a vast a nou it of publicity wor1, and the prisoner, who was afterward# of the Catholic Governor of California and earn money enough to pay the d ne and there is t o excuse for any shown to be innocent of any crime as a verv devil.. one to be idle. The opportunities are by the grand jury not bringing in a On uccount of such friends as these big taxes on his home and office, multitudinous to do good service true bill on the same charge, was held and the loss of time in a great cau'-e, while his enemies have no tax what against the Roman Power which is one thirty long days more. we ha” j fought an awful hard bat ever although they own millions of Our friends and the friends of jus tle and have hated to cume to the dollars worth of fine property.... There with the Money Power that would crush out every hope of the great tice and right should never forget point where we would have to suspend is nothing fair about this. It is a majority of men ever being anything this and should at once Jay «heir but at last we are actuary forced to shame and - disgrace that our state like free citizens of a really free plans to forever oust the power de do so.; but we promise all our friends allows this injustice to go on, and _____ __ in this T__ country that to be back on the job as soon as we we promise you that it won’t go on country. It is your duty, and it is hind the throne YOUR work as well as ours to do is making a farce of what jught to possibly can and we went everyone much longer if the patriotic press of be a home of the brave and the free. vzho enn to help us "get there”. SOMETHING now. the United States can be kept alive. Easiest to Run Hand Cultivator Gravity Hand Cultivator THE GEM THEATRE, i: Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO THE SILVERTON JOURNAL : BEN HOFSTETTER 4 : THE SILVERTON AUTO CO P. W. Noftsker MANY PROTESTANT CHURCHES DO NOT PROTEST THEY ARE ROMANIZED, COMMERCIALIZED AFRAID OF THE TRUTH! Vl