The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, July 02, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 35.
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H urrah F or I ndependence !
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WE POSITIVELY KNOW that stituted for it. Popular government yes, even the Chief Justice ef These
the ROMAN CATHOLIC WORLD- J is by its very nature illigitir.ic.te. UNITED- STATES is a ROMAN
POWER fa in politics, that it stands 1 Government must be fashioned after CATHOLIC who does not believe in
for MONARCHY and thut it is out (tho Divine typo which is Monarchic,
We are surrounded by the most
as the Church is Monarchic, and the
to DESTROY every form of POPU­ former must be subordinate to the cunning enemies that the world has
LAR GOVERNMENT. A priest in a latter."
ever produced — hostile, ambitious,
heated discussion told us so, but that
In comparison with the war of 1776 Monarchial INTRIGUERS, and their
is not all. High authorities in the the world war of 1915 Is a giant. But traitor agents are at work, day and
night. They divide our forces; they
"INNER CIRCLE” of the Church I the same principles are at stake and 1
on the result hangs the liberty or the educate the children; they occupy our
have made it very plain. Hure is one slavery of the whole world. The pulpits; they get into our schools as
of the many proofs:
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA teachers; they secure high positions
in our patriotic 1 and
__ ___
fraternal socie-
"It is the doctrine of tno Roman is on the verge of a mighty revolu- Jn
Catholic Church, as defined by St. tion, such a one as will cast the Hies; they destroy our FREE PRESS;
they imprison and murder those who
Thomas Aquinas who was declared by ! early day struggles in the shade. Are
the people real patriots or have they dare exercise freedom of r.peech;
Pope Pious X as tho standard theo- i degenerated into cowards and fools? they systematically and persistently
logian, and by Balmcs, a Jesuit I ! One-Hundred and Forty years ago to boycott everyone who refuses to com­
priect and author, in "Protestantism day was a very important time, but, ply with their demands..
and Catholicity Compared,” that the if the victories then won were, as we THEY HAVE AT LAST BROUGHT
•, divine principle of civil government have always supposed, of great val­ THE EDITOR OF THE SILVERTON
ue to our race, to day is of vastly JOURNAL TO THE BRINK OF
Y is Monarchy. Any government that
more importance, for we must not RUIN FOR TELLING THE TRUTH.
has come by revolution ag dnst such only go forward, but we must also AND WE ARE NOW OBLIGED TO
legitimate authority is only de /ecto have the monster task of preserving SUSPEND THE PUBLICATION 01
government, and has no retd author­ what we have already gained.
And this comes after one of the
ity to command obedience. Such gov­
hated Monarchy hardest fought battles of our life—
ernment fa to be obeyed only from
are even now in possession of the a battle in which we have suffered
“motives of prudence” until a de jure highest offices in the gift of our disgraceful, unjust and illegal IM­
or legitimate authority can be sub- j people. Even the Supreme Court— PRISONMENT, and our LIFE itself
has more than once been in jeopardy.
Vv e nave just been advised bj
We are now reduced, almost to skin our Home office, you have misse«
and bones physically, and to an infin­ the April and May notes, and from
ite! imal appendix, with the negative present indications, you have un­
sign prefixed, financially; and now doubtedly missed the June note
we are disgracefully set afloat, our This now makes three notes in ar­
business ruined, to be cursed by our rears.
creditors and shunned by the suc­
You stated in your letter of May
29th, you would pay the notes as
But we are not without hope. And soon as possible. As three notes is
a few days rest at hard work, along the limit we will permit any customei
lines that pay better dividends in gold in which to default, we must now
coin of the United States, may patch insist upon payment.
up our wounded feelings and scattered
Kindly send check by return mail
fortune to a fighting point ag.Jn—
Y’ours Very Truly,
and then—the traitors may be awak­ INTERNATIONAL TYPESETTING
ened from their sweet dreams of em­ MACHINE CO.
pire to find that they have again ,,
W. B. Gvode Manager.
a night-(Hos) mare.
If we can get the company t<
That is what we want to do—raise wait a month we may be able t<
$1,000 in one month. It must be save our plant but if we can’t we may
done or we will lose our paper. Read have to buy a new one later. But
the following letter from one of our this letter only shows one of our
i smaller difficulties. We have always
been noted for prompt payment of
San Francisco, California, June 28’15 our debts and this is not an old hab­
it of ours. And while we almost
Silverton Journal,
rat.’.er die than stop our paper, yet
Silverton, Oregon.
we have reached a point where re-
| treat is our only defense against
Dear Sir:—
total annihilation. Can we do it?
Can we raise $1,000 to pay the back
installment nv.e.-, on cur intertyp^
-o pay tor white paper on which t.
print our paper, to pay for anotht
keg of ink, to pay for help to fold,
wrap and mail the Journal, to p.
our taxes, which must be paid or
will lose our home, to pay our grocei.
b»’l -nd to pay many other thing
that MUST be paid before we c;
proceed? We have been working fc
nothing and boarding ourselves t<
the very limit. Can we gather u;
u.e slack in one month and procet
with our work of publishing to th.
world the great truths, for the e
tablishment of which, the brave me-
of 1776 fought, and for which tomoi
row we celebrate? We will do ou
part. We promise our friends no'
to be idle.
We will never fo’get that Rom<
stands for MONARCHY and th
their most powerful organization i
at work all the time with gre-
wealth and with years and years of
experience in intrigue and deception
if we who believe in the principle
for which the flag floats tomorrow
refuse to act?
The Catholic Register says that i The other day one Mr. Me Cabe of
"Instead of enacting laws making Black was killed, probably, because he
On May 29th a "Millitary Mass”
was pulled off at th
New Yor' the public exercise of rn imported accepted the Knights of Columbus’ for a long time Catholics were not Louisville, gave a splendid array of
Navy Yard, paid for by the Borad of non- Catholic religion possible,they challenge to prove that the oath of permitted to erect chapels on milli- facts(?) showing how the R. C
tary reservations. "Now, however, Church Christinized the world, and
Estimates out of public funds. Ma (the states) should take effectus^l that order was treasonable.
with a chapel at every regimental laid the foundation of all that is glor
BY L. D. Ratliff
rines, soldiers, and Knights of Colum­ measures to suppress it whereever
Father Phelan of the Western port, and at other posts where chap­ ious in our civilization, He painte '
it makes its offensive appearance,
On July 5th last year a “Millitary bus stood "Attention” during the pa­ and to quarintine against it as they Watchman, prohahly the most honest lains are regularly stationed the spir­ he sweet little Dago Columbus, i
Mass" was eelebrnted in New York gan stunt, so says a Catholic paper. would against the small-pox or yel­ I Catholic paper in America, Says, itual welfare of the enlisted men of his jumpers receiving his Catho’ic
Fity at which Mr. Ronzano, the
low fever”.—Father Phelan, of the “Religious disunion carries in its train I the army will be well provided for.” training by his mother’s knee,
Neither Mohammedanism, nor Con- V. estern Watchman.
political disunion and death. That is
Pope’s Delagate, with 40 other big
pious in all his asperations, an '
fusianism, nor Zoroastrianism, nor
chiefs, officiated.
why in the 16th century the catholic I * Catholic paper is authority for eager to discover America for the
Buddl/isin, nor any of the barbarous
One of the five armed assailants nations of Europe made religion a ’ the statement that a Catholic chap- Holy Church; how through the inter
Every time a loyal Catholic is nom­ religions of the barbarous ages, ever
William Black, whom .lev shot to state concern and punished heresy lain has be'm put at the Naval train­ cession of a priest with Queen Isa­
inated for office, tho Church is in offered a record, of such fiendish
i as treason to the state. Some ad- ing school at Newport R. I., where bella the gifts necessary to th
politics, for it is a part of the Church cruelty as that made by the Roman death at Marshall, Texas, has been . died non-Catholics, and some liars of
there are always 3,000 or more young Journey were forthcoming etc, etc
policy based upon her constitution to Catholic Church covering six centuries found not guilty. The presiding . the faith, deny that the church did
apprentices under instructions before: It was a great effort­
and mostly
control politics.
of her reign.
j judge ordered the jury to so do
being assigned to vessels.