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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1915)
FOURTH OF JULY AND CHERRY FAIR AT SALEM SILVERTON DIRECTORY Suggestions for Summer A bigger, brighter and better Cher Silverton Lodge No 45 A.F. A A.M. ry Fair than ever is the aim of the Meet on or before night of full The young ladies society of the Where To Go Synod Church meet at the G. G. Salem Commercial Club which this moon each month at Masonic Temple year has charge of the Capital Evans 1 home on Saturday, June 26th. W. M.—Arthur Johnson; Secretary— City's annual inid-summer festival. TillamookSeashore Resorts The ladies of the Mizpah Circle The Cherry Fair is combined with Roscoe Amos. Newport met at t Miss Eva Coolidge's home th j Fourth of July Celebration and Wonderful scenery, den»a A Delightful Seaside Retreat Wedneaday after noon. many new features are included in Ramona Chapter No. 53, O. E. to. foreat«, enticing trout «treains, Every charm lor an Olli* A bench o» Oren Bullis’ friends this year's program. It is to bu held Meet second and fourth Tuesday eve mile* and lulle« of glorious door vacation. Surf bath came in for a surprise last Friday on July 2nd. and 3rd. Chief among ning of each month. W. M.—Ethel •and y beach. ing, Hailing, boating and evening and a very pleasant evening the new features is the big basket 'ohnson; Secretary Elisabeth Nicol. i pleasant social recreation». is reported. picnic for the farmers of the sur Special Low Round Trip Fares, Special Low Round Trip Fares rounding communities, to be held in Karl Kellner has built a house Loyal Order Moose, Silver Lodge from all ;ioiiit» with long limit. Willson Park, on Saturday July 3rd. KKXaON — WKKK KNI>—SUNDAY on his lot recently purchased on Fisk No. 1461. Meet every Wedneaday Daily and week end trama. Daily Traiu service and s|iec- Street and now the family will ga'd- Willson Park is in the heart of the night at Moose hall. Dictator—L. J. Ask lor ... ‘ er particulars and copy of booklet ial Sunday Excursions. ly welcome their fnenis to their new city, and its wide stretches of lawn, Alams. Secretary—L. J. Wo’fard shaded by the many trees, will make Ask ne.irest agent for copy of booklet of Newport Seashore Tillamook* County." home. an ideal spot for such a picnic. Gov Mrs. Wesley Jarvis was in Portland ernor Withycombe is slated for an George H. Thomas W. R. C. No. 9. I Monday to attend the funeral of her address to the farmers assembled on Meet first and third Saturday after California's Expositions Su mmer Excursions East nieee, Mrs. Joe Blanford, better this occasion. The comfort of the noon of each nioi.tnh at G. A. R. hall. A world’s Marvel. Every known in Silverton as Miss Y’erda people from out of town will be look President—Fam y D. Munson. Secre thing complete. The great Round trip ticket» to Eastern Shaw. ed after by officials of the commer tary—Emma Cobb. est event of the Century. deaiiniilioiis vi t California Grandma Nutting went up to Sil cial club, and the basket picnic is ex with stop-over« in either direc Special Low Round Trip Fares Daily ver Fall# Camp Monday for an out pected to be one of the finest feat tion to visit the Kzposiliou« George H. Thomas Post No. 9. Splendid train service, at ing and to visit her son Will. She ures of the fair.. The Cherry Exhib < «ale daily front all point«. tentive employes, delightful came home Wednesday and reporte.l it will be spread on the Court House Meets second ami fourth Saturday Full information from nearest agent scenery. A »It fur booklet lawn, together with a display of other afternoon of each month at G. A. R. a pleasant trip. hall. Commander—Chas. Hicks. Sec “California ami Its Two World fruits and flowers. The exhibits $1500 buys one acre adjoining the will be up to the usual standard of retary—Garry Haynes. Exposition«’’ and “Wayside You can stop-over at Shasta Springs city, good house and barn. fruit The Willamette Valley, so it is prom Notes—8ha»ta Route." trees etc.,etc.----- Great Bargain! See ised by those in charge. Beaver Camp No. 11110, M. W. A. Our Agents will ba gl.t<i to furnish full^particular» in regard to anv of the shove outings and make the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. “The Play-time of the Willamette Meet at Woodman hall on Wednesday reservations, outline your trip or give you interesting literature on the various places you can visit. list Ira Stewart was on the sick Y’alley” is the way in which the evening of each week. Council—L. and had to stay at home from the Cherry Fair has come to t>e described, M. Larson. Secretary—N. D. Bailey. Ask for our folder "Oregon Outdoor»." mill Wednesday. and every effort is being put forth Edward Syring and Bernard Nut by the Salem people to give th*1 MiGrath Camp No. 5225, R. N. A. i ting are on the sick list this week. guests in the city on the 2nd. and 3rd Meet on second and fourth Tuesday | JoKr» M. Scott, Gen. Paa«. Agent, Portland, Oregon Lowell Smith of Me Minnville who at of July, a splendid good time. A nights in each month. President—1 wide diversity of attractions, appeal one time many years ago lived in Sarah Sherlock. Secretary—Lottie this neck of the woods is here visit ing to every taste, has been the aim. SI ultz. I A SAMPLE 'mnœœmmnnmœuœmmœœmummttnmmummnxummnumtmmmmr ing with his many old friends, and A carnival of aquatic sports to be staged on the Willamette River, on the Journal man is glad that he too Pythian Lodge No. 35, K. of P. each evening of the fair, sport» on is on the list. After promising never to reveal the streets, including a roller skat Meets in Castle Hall every Thursday 316 acres in the celebrated YValdo ing “marathon", motor cycle races evening of each week. C. C.—Robert the secret to the superiors, an old Hills, for sale or trade. There are at the fair grounds, base ball games Mount. K. of R. and S.— June Cutholic friend told the following, RATES: $1.00 PER DAY among many other things not compli 200 acres in cultivation. 135 acre- in for the “fans", baby show, parades, Drake. mentary to the priesth oti: grain, balance in pasture, no rock— band concerts, foot races—all these Board and Room Meal« 25c "Poor father -------------- has setiu- a BARGAIN!—Investigate! See the are among the plan». Pythian by week $4.75 Sisters. Home Temple Room« 50c up CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. The Fourth i>f July Celebration and Lodge No. 21. Meets every second ced one of his fair penitents, on the way. She was u married woman, the the The Cherry Fair — all combined into Miss Nettie Warnock gave and fourth Wednesday evening of lady of the house where cur mission children in ►•er Sunday School class one— will certainly be the biggest each month at K. of P. hall. M. E. aries used to receive the most cordi a treat Tuesday. It was in the form thing in Oregon this season, and E.—Alice Jack. M. of R. and C.— al hospitality. The husband having Home Cooking everybody and his best girl ought to of a picnic at the park. A most en Bessie Hartley. SILVERTON, ORE discovered the infidelity of his wife, joyable time was spent and a tired go if they want to have a good time. came very near killing her; he igno- . ................................ mmnmt but happy little bunch returned home Pine Lodge No. 198, w. o. w. miously turned out the two fathers, about 4:30 P. M. New Summer Felta and Tams at Meets every Monday night at W. O. and wrote a terrible letter to the sup The sad news was received at the Miss Hines. Call and see them. W. hall. C. C.—J. M. Volgamort. erior. The companion of the guilty Phon« Blue 1141 M. L. Hansen. Prep. Journal Office Wednesday that Mrs. J. M. Brown went to Salem Thurs Clerk—D. C. Kinney. father renounced him and confessed Hosmer’s brother, L. D. Leonard of day to attend the McClaine Street everything to the superior. Now the Priest River, Idaho, has had a stroke law suit argument. Marian Circle < No. 314, Women of poor, weak father, for his penance, of appoplexy as the result of a fall Mrs. Ella Langley and Mrs. Nina Woodcraft. . Meets first and third is condemned to ten days of seclusion RATES: and that he was very Tow at that Morely motored up from Portland Monday night at W. O. W. hall. G. from the rest of the community. He ♦ writing. Meal» 25c; Board and Room by the bay $1.2o. Tuesday and spent the day with Miss N.—Mrs. Fanny D. Munson. Sec- must pass that whole time in prayer, fasting, and acts of humiliation, dic retary—Clara Dumo. Board and Ixrdging by inv week $5.50 There will be a rousing celebration Eliza Brown. tated by the superior. in Silverton July 3rd., to which every Front Street, Near Depot SILVERTON, OREGON A few of Earl Ellis’ friends The above is from father Chin- one is invited. There wi'l be a grand Silver Lodge, I. O. O. F. No 21. gathered at his home Wednesday and ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a iquy’s book and shows how weak is program. Governor Withycombe will he'ped him celebrate his eighteenth Meets each Saturday night at I. O. the beastly methods of the “BEAST”. deliver the address or me day. O. F. hall. N. G. — L. O. Harvey. birth day. Watch for complete program next Secretary—M. M. Sayers. 320 acres in the old burn, nicely week. POPES AM) PRIESTS C. WEBB L. LARSON located, for only $17.50 an acre, Will Tryphena Rebekah Lodge No. 38. Mrs. Frank Holmes and children sell all or half. See the CASCADE Meets every Thursday night at I. O. came from McMinnville last week REAL ESTATE CO. h there any one who would O. F. hall. N. G.—Leia Riches, Scc- pert the priests as a rule io be Wednesday to spend the week end The Webb delivery and big auto retary—Frances Ho«mer. with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Adam better than their lord god the poi e truck and many automobiles were son. On Sunday morning Miss Eva Coolidge accompainied by Mrs. Adam loaded with Silverton people Sunday Brotherhood of American reomen Well then, look at the popes and if CLEAN, UP-TO-DATE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. merning, bound for Silver Creek Silver Falls Lodge No. 12<>0 Meets they were a beastly, licentious, crimi son took the visitors home in her car. Falls where they enjoyed the pie every Friday night in M. YV. A. hall. nal, traitorous set, what would you Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson and bro antest picnics of the season. FREE DELIVERY A. F.—Nellie Sayers. Secretary— naturally expect of tr.e priests who ther Frank Nelson, accompainied by Alma Grinde. Married, at the Methodist Parsonage, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dumo and daugh inhabit this beautiful country? Phone Blue 821 ter, Ethel,, motored over to Corvallis on Wednesday June 23ru, Miss Joan Oak Street It takes too much space to tell all CHURCHES. Sundny to speed the day at the home na Warner and Samuel Hays Walker, the rottenness of the popes in one of Mrs. Durno’s sister, Mrs. E. E. both of Silverton, Rev. W. R. F. Lutheran Synod Church. Corner of article, but if we pick up any oie of ♦-♦-444444444444**** Brow-ne officiating. The young peo Coldwell. ple were accompainied by Charles M. Second and B Streets. Services at them we find that they have Leen ♦ Miss Esther Hines, accompainied Warner, brother of the bride, and a Rate» $1.00 to $1.25 Day far from infallible, and that most of 11 a. m., every Sunday, except the Meals 25c Special Weekly Ratea ♦ her company, the Misses Althea friend, Mrs. Lois Christie. last Sunday in.each month. English of them have been just awful. Stewart and Ruby Lusher, as far as Mrs. Charles Goss entertained old services second Sunday each month. Let’s take Pope John XII for exam Corvallis on their way to SanFrancis- friends from the East Wednesday co, last Sunday, and all had a pleas ple. He was elected to the sovereign Rev. A. O. White, Pastor. ant visit with a cousin, Mis« Har and Thursday. The visitors were Pontificate at the ripe age of nine riet Foster of O. A. C. Miss Hines Mrs Charles Edison and Mrs. Mary United Lutheran Church. Church teen, through the influence of public Ros- of Eau C! -ire, Wisconsin who returned Monday evening. Street. Services Sunday at 11 a. m. women of the city of Rome. His rep ♦ are touring the West and visiting the Sunday School at 10 a. m. Prayer Miss Olga Hallinghy, MissRachel Panama Exposition. F. J. Goodenough, Mgr. meeting every Wednesday evening. utation was so bad that females ceas Hallingby, Mrs. L. A. Crawfort, and ed to visit the tomb of St. Peter dur Mrs. Robert down and little daugh Rev. Roseland, Pastor. Messrs Varn and Oscar Norman, One-half Block South of S. P. Depot Phone 575 ing his reign. In the words of Gib made up an auto party that came ter Marion went to Portland Satur Methodist Church. Main and Fisk bon: “The bastard son, the grandson from Portland the last of the week to day for an over Sunday visit with Mr. LUNCH COUNTER GOOD HOME COOKING visit Mrs. Robert Down who is still Down. They returned Monday and Streets. Serv'ces at 11 a. rn. Sunday and the great-grandson of the pros- will re nail, with Mrs. D wn ’ s mother, School at 10 a. m. Evening services titute Marozia were seated in the 4 staying with her mother, Mrs. J. M. Mrs. J. M. Brown, until Mrs. Brown’s at 7:30 p. m. Brown. chair of St. Peter; and it was at the inn '.’hr<h was recently br.ktn is en Rev. W. R. F. Browne. Pastor. age of 19 that the second of these ?' About sixty of the G. A. R’s ar tirely well. became the head of the Latin Church. • > W. R. C’s met last Friday in the “ This worthy grandson of Marozia . . Christian Church. First and Park G. A. R. hall for a farewell recep DIED AT AN EARLY AGE Itreets. Services at 11 a. m. Sun lived in pubic adultery, his place was ;J tion for Mr. and Mrs. Upson who Conrade Martin Pederson was born were leaving for the East. A very Feb. 4th 1898 in Polk County, Min-« day School at 10 a. m. Young Peoples turned into a school for prostitution; ■ • EVERYTHING NEW FOR THE BABY : happy afternoon was passed and nesota, and was drowned in the Su- Meeting at 6:30 p.m. and evening his rapes of virgins became so noto- < > rious as to deter female pilgrims ’ many regrets spoken, ror these good islaw river the past week. He was e’vices at 7:30. Baby Bonnets, Dresses, Bath Towels. Jackets, Bibs, from visiting the tomb of St. Peter, Rev. Albyn Essen, Pastor. people have a host of friends here the son of Mrs. Peter Pederson of Booties, Pillows, Carriage Robes and Laundry Bags, lest in the devout act they should be i who will miss them from their social this place, the father h’aving died ♦ violated by his so-called successor. ” all of the newest designs. circle. Catholic Church. Third and Jersey three years ago. He was finally killed by an enrag Streets. Services every two weeks The remains were brought to Sil ed husband. But most of the popes DADDY WENT A FISHING All Kinds of Electric Supplies always on hand and an verton Monday and funeral services at 11 a. m. were fully as bad as he was, and the held at the Synod Church, conducted Experienced Electrician to do your wiring. 4 Lutheran Free Church. Services priests of our time are nothing bet by Rev. A. O. Whfce on Tuesday. ter.. This being the case, the well There are left besidaa the mother, 11 a. m. every Sunday. Sunday wishing people of this country should CALL AND SEE US I ♦ School at 10 a. m Evening srr vices two brothers and five sisters, all of 4 at once get busy and eliminate these 4 •t 7:30 p. m. whom were here to »tkend the funeral- lewd and traitorous agents of a bad 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Rev. B. A. Borevik, Pastor. system, just as they would go at the We repair autos in each a way that GONE TO HER REST work of cleaning up a bad gambling, Seventh Day Adventist Church. theiving, red light nest in one of opr they’ll stay repaired for one good Mrs Olai S. Urseth died at the home of her parents June 17th. 1915. Meets every Sabbath at Chapel on big cities. The eradication of the long while. Let us keep your auto The deceased was born in bLmih Dak Street. Sabbath School at 11 a. dirty bunch of bad bachelors known up to that degree of smooth-running Dakota, October 8th 1882 and liter n. Regular services at 12 M. Every- as the priesthood is one of the big efficient y that makes the tour a tri came west vith her parents v'iO •dy welcome. gest jobs that the world has ever un umph We have matchless facilities settled near Si'verton. Sh^ was mar dertaken, but we have faith that the for repair work of every imaginable ried to Olai S Urseth in July 1906 Christian Science Church. Third good work will go on until the think kind. Prices as right as the work and leaves a little son two years old. and Oak Streets, in W. 0. W. hall. ing people are at last aroused and Repairing of all kinds done on honor Besides the husband and baby are her « Baddy went a fishing once, when they are we hope and trust that Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday parents, two sisters and three broth P. W. NOFTSKER, at !*>« it will not be to late and that the But didn’t ki.ow hew to jerk; ers to mourn for her departure. Rev. Scho-1 a', 10 a. m. Testimonial meet he r.ow requires delinquent maids A. O. White of the Synod Church con-, ings every Wednesday evening at P thinkers will not be hopelessly in the Silverton Auto Co’s GARAGE minority and have to yield to the will To do ris sundry work. ductad the funeral services. Cor. 1st., & Lewis Sts. Phone Blue 921 o'clock. of trained reprobates. 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