HOM THEY WORK IT ROCKEFELLER ON CATHOLIC CHARITY CRITICISM FROM A POOR WRECK «nnu ii iiiiumiii i ii ii mntnii i i i ntt mtmxxxxxttxtmxxnmnnKmxuwuuuunuunuxr WHO DRINKS MUCH WHISKEY I Na Horse In the While lecturing in Portland sever­ Cultivât*« Deep No Whssis In ths I Garden al years ago the editor learned of Gard su For some time we have contended Published Every Friday Morning At an anarchistic trick that really as- 1 Editor of the Silverton Journal: tha*. the very wealthy of the world Silverton, Oregon. 1 noticed in a recent issue of your tonir-heo, embarrassed and almost would finally look to the great polit­ THE FASTEST, REST AND JOHN EARL HOSMER, EDITOR overcame his faith in the ability of ical and well organized business or­ paper that you criticised our patri­ the fair and honest minded men and ganisation know as the Catholic otic President for employing a Cath­ wimen of the world ever eradicating Church, for protection against th • in­ olic for a private secretary. Do you the gross evils of our time amt estab­ roads of DEMOCRACY. The pub­ IN THE WORLD IS THE lishing a better condition. The trick lic schools of America are putting think our President is narrow minded enough to make any diiferar.ee as to is an old one but it was then new to the people wise to what is really us and was nothing more than the their rights and as they begin to what religious faith his private sec­ enemy of a good cause having a shove their exploiters farther toward retary subscribes? Your anti-Cath- trusty agent join the ranks and at the ragged edge of despair they will olic logic reminds me of the A. I’. A. the opportune time break down, stam­ naturally seek help where help can movement when 1 wus a boy. TLeir pede and destroy. It is a mystery be found. And where can they get movement was raging and their how men can do this traitorous thing any help excepting from an organisa­ sp rnkers were racing up and down Entered at the postoffice at Silver- but they will do it and they are do­ tion who holds to the same, identical the coutry everywhere. One of them ton, Oregon at second-class rates. ing it all the time and In every place. ideas of governing the masses by­ came to u little town in the state of Of J. E. HOSMER, Inventor and Manufacturer Therefore it is not so very sur­ right of discovery ? Both of these Maine. Among other foolish things Subscription, 50cts. per year in ad­ prising to learn that that is the reg­ great powers are identical in their that he said he declared that the vance. Sing'e copies 5 cts. SILVERTON, OREGON ular, usual, working method of the principles or lack of principle, ami basement of the Cutholic Church was Advertising rates made known up­ Roman Hierarchy. They have a reg­ it is no surprise to find the greut full of. rifles and that behind the No Tramping Down Ground Cultivate? Fast No Loot Energy on application. ular sub-organiaation whose purpose man of the millions helping “THE convent iron bars, across the windows, is to do that very thing. This organ- CHURCH” by his praises. The fol­ there were dead ones concealed. amtumnmnummmmnmuutnumuurtmnmutmmtmunumnnmnmumw iz-ition is known as the Society of lowing article, showing the oneness Some of the boys said: “We will in­ FROM THE NEM IX FALLIBLE Jesus or the Jesuits and their busi­ of the money power and the Hier­ vestigate this matter and they went ness is to break up everything that archy, appeared in the April 30th is­ to the church and told Futher Dic- is antagonistic to the Roman Catho­ sue of "The New World", a Catholic erson what the fellow had said. The The i.ew infallible god-nun over a- MOVING !’ lic Church. The field is well covered organ that the pope has blessed: Father laughed and said: "We have cross the big lake has been asked PICTURES ¡: and there is not a Masonic meeting, "Much maligned Catholic charity no basement under thiB church”, So by his worried agents how best to an Odd Fellows’ meeting, a Methodist is vindicated ever so often from an away the boys went to the convent. combat the destructive propaganda meeting, nor a Socialists’ meeting of unexpected source. Its latest defend­ Father Jerome came to the door and work going on against the Church in any great importance that hasn’t er is none other than John D. Rocke­ when they told him what had been Italy. His reply shows considerable traitors right in the midst of it and feller. Mr. Rockefeller does not lack said, he also Laughed and said: "We ENJOYED BY ALL —CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS : < > I interest in the subject as well as an as like as not filling the highest of­ eqerience in the matier of corttrib don’t keep anything but live ones ; ; Instructive and Educative ; infallible intellect. He instructs his fice. But the work of these anarchists uting to charitable institutions. This here.” who are still thought to be holy by Now I rather like the Catholics. ♦ ♦OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHS *♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦4 < (?) childrenf?) to organize the Nas­ the uninformed do not stop at acting has brought him knowledge of the I will bet a dollar thut if I would go huge waste between the receiving of ionale per la Burona Stamps. Now­ the spy in large organizations but a contribution and its expenditure to Mt.Angel and tell Father Domi­ will those rebellious and stiff-necked every office, every store and every- for the purpose stated. He knows nick that 1 wanted a glass of liquor, Dago newspapers be good? But his home that i: of any force against this the mysterous avenues by which he would give it to me; but suppose Godlike agents over on this side think land of despoilers is Uabl. to have money for charitable purposes flow 1 had a cramp in my stomach and a clerk, a hired man er even a hired that the same plan would be a good girl who is in the pay of the priest­ into private pockets and extravagant went to some of th? Protestant thing in America. One Catholic hood. Now this is exactly what the expense accounts. It is this knowl­ preachers, do you suppose they would edge that doubtless prompted the give me a drink of whiskey? They “newspaper says, under the heal’ng Silverton Journal !a up against, in PHONE BLACK 681 would say, “you wicked devil, get out following statement: “APPLICABLE TO AMERICA", “It­ common with every patriotic paper here” Mr. Rockefeller’s Statement Y'our paper is all the time howling aly is not the only home of an «nti- in the-world. We scarcely know who All work done in the shortest possible time. We sre equip­ ‘Just here it occurs to me to testify to trust, and just at this writing we ped to handle ail kinds of furniture, pianos, etc, with very to the fact that the Roman Caholic for more Liberty and yet you are the Christian press. And what is a wea­ of the Journal are doing all our own little danger of any damage done. pon of defense for Italian Catholics mechanical work because of one of Church, as I have observed in my ex­ very fellow who is trying to suppress it. Your anti-Catholic logic is going perience, has advanced a long way would be equally powerful if wielded the most dastardly tricks of the kind in this direction. I have been sur­ beyond the bounds of religious free­ No l oad too Heavy for our Team« to Haul by ua. The decree of the Holy Fath­ just mentioned that any one could prised to learn how far a given sum dom and decency. Just stop and conceive. It is doubtful as to er calling upon Italian Catholics to of money has gone in the hands of think for a moment how silly it is for whether we can stand the strain very- take up the support of the press can priests and nuns, and how really ef­ you to believe that a little 2X4 much longer without a complete be considered as applying in equal physical and mental breakdown. We fective is their use of it. 1 fully ap- country sheet like the Silverton Jour- p-eciate the spendid services done nal is going to bust the Catholic measure to us”. need your help dear reader right now by other workers in the field, but I Church, Now suppose you could de- » NOW LET US UNITE IN MIGHTY PROTESTI This means that the war is on in and for the sake of the great cause have seen the organization of the stroy it, in what way have you to we are trying to work for we hope earnest against all anti-Cathclic pa- Roman Church secure better results lift humanity to a higher plane of that when you read this you will at pe.-s all over the world, and 1st it be with a given sum of money than life? I hold that the Catholic Church once send us something for our pa­ understood that the catholic paper per. Take The Silverton Journal to other church organizations are ac­ has made many better men and wo­ STANDING FOR AMERICANISM men. Your inferna' hide is so full quoted means by its expression, any newspaper man and ask him if customed to secure from the same ex- 50 Cent« Per Year of infidelity that it is breaking out pendature. I speak of this merely to “anti-Christian press”, all papers that it isn’t to much work to set up the point the value all over your body like the smallpox. of the principle of are anti-Catholic or cannot be used to type, read and correct the proof, organization, in which I believe in Now if you are running a free make up the forms, write the edltor- EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, help build up the power of the Hier­ so heartily. It is unnecessary to press be game and publish this arti­ ia’s, select the other copy, do what SILVERTON, OREGON. archy. Therefore, we might as well business is left to be done and the dwell upon the centuries of experi- cle, and give a good reasonable re­ get ready to fight for the life of our thousand and one things that must ence which the church of Rome has ply. You say the Catholics are try­ Enclosed find $ , for which send THE JOURNAL to I gone through to perfect a great pow­ ing to conceal everything. If this is the following: free press in America against the be done about a printing office. And er of organization.* true, you are just like them for you most treacherous, secret and traitor­ then ask him if he thinks it would be “It is likewise the same knowledge don’t want the public to hear but one Name ous international enemy of liberty possible for one man to do all of this anu appreciation that leads so many side of this story.. You are running work if he had never made up a form non-catholics to remember our in- down every priest ii. the land but there is in the whole, wide world. Address.... before in his life and if he had only- st' ution in the matter of bequests. you don’t know any more about the had a very little experience in setting Name The work of Catholic institutions of doings of a priest than a hog knows type in any way. The "Cats” have EVERYWHERE ACCUSED every class makes for them friends about Sunday. You are a coward for Address. got us in a box. We can’t hold out among men of ail beliefs. And so you wont take sides with the preach­ much longer without help. We need ers or with the priests; but you stand Name The Roman Catjolic priests Lave a good printer, one who can set type when they are threatened at the hands of bigotry and ignorance, in between them like a trembling devil every advantage in the world to cover on a linotype, but we can’t pay one Address.. the ranks of their defenders wi'l be w;'< the people, it may astonish had a Catholic majority; so we see same priest has other children by erature, deliver a lecture every even­ many to learn that the Captains of Do You Want to Cry? other minor mothers. Of course he’s that the pope’s agents are making Business, even in the land of the free a fine fellow, gets lots of money for ing and in every way work for the and home of the brave, arc all agents their boast that they will make Am­ his scholarly prayers and is looked up cause of LIBERTY. erica Catholic good, and that too in If any of the patriots who read of that great, mysterious, ancient i-.nd to as a god by some very(?) intelli­ n-oH powerful organization some­ a hurry Do you know how they are '. as told in a neat little booklet by E. A. PUTMAN. gent!?) American!?) citizens!?). these lines will kindly look betweer times known as “THE BEAST” but doing it? It is through immigration. < ■ The Ministerial Association of our the lines and help get our great army '' t shows up the Old Rocky’s Church and the foolishness of the War. which Mr. Rocky-fel'ow calls to a No wonder the Romans were up in ( Capital City seem to take to such interested we can easily, and with lovefeast. There is certainly some- 3 BILLY IS A TRAMP cattle and we expect that the one most excellent results, accomplish hing wrong and if we, the people arms against the recent immigration Send 10 Cents to The Silverton Journal and secure the booklet mentioned will be invited to speak at this unheard of propaganda stunt. ■on’t find it out pretty soon the movement, but it will be a wonder if <> world will have no business except­ the Protestants do not wake up be­ Do You Want to Laugh? their next meeting. LET US PRAY! WRITE TO US! ing Big Business and THE church. fore it is eternally too late. Easiest to Run Hand Cultivator Gravity Hand Cultivator THE GEM THEATRE, Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO THE SILVERTON JOURNAL ♦ BEN HOFSTETTER t : : ♦ : THE SILVERTON AUTO CO. Read BILLY BARLOW’S STORY