SILVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, June 18, 1811 VOL. IV. à 4 t --- ---- O °nm ---- r ---- •< — No. 33. A CHALLENGE TO THE ROMAN f L < PRIESTHOO D what think you of this Take The W. C. T. U. For Example! RESOLVED THAT THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DOCTRINES ARE FALSE AND THE PRACTICES OF THE PRIESTHOOD ARE CRIMINAL FROM MASONIC CHRONICLER Is It a Change Of Heart? Frc.n Masonic Chronicler, Cl-iccgo. L.enos of the public schoo,s. We can not help learning by com by employes while on duty is proldb- 1 he idea of the Roman Catholic, parison und we believe that one of itod. Their use, or the froquu«u>.g Is It a Change of Heart? »«.irred o- ekirred at the inefficiency o> the most prolific sources of good in it pluces where they ure The New Warld is the official oi- U.O aviiools, when the leaders of th K our work uf trying to establish the sufficient cause fur dismissal.'' g m ct tlio archdiocese of Chica go church have done everything in ^uth is to show up the Roman evil comparing it with other organi WHAT ABOUT THEIR PERSONA’ We hereby challenge any Roman how can we get at this any better, of the Roman Catholic Church, in power to make the schools in zations. 1.» i us pul the work of this Catholic Priest, Bishop, Archbishop, how can we get at the truth any a recent issue the following article efficient. The thing that stirs tnen LIBERTY most is the prospect ef losing then appeared: ancient church alongside the work of Cardinal or the Pope of Rome, to quicker than to meet as friendly Catholics are in- “As citizens ti e schools and on the senou thut noble bund of women workers Mayor Brown uf Frai opponents in every city, and, in fair, teres ted in the public schools. 1 public debate on the question: cmuinsu. Furthermore, the New known as the W. C. T. U. Can the Roman Church point to any work i sued an edict against the use of RESOLVED, That the Roman Cath honest, manly debate, put the great pay our taxes for their support, W. »• orld speaks rightly when it saj. that cun compare with the work of nquor, which applies to all city em olic Doctrine is not False and the world. Come, let us reason together. -re stirred when we hear that the) concerning Cathoic young women tha. ployes: "We do not intend thut the Practice of the Priesthood not Crim Pascal says, “The authority of are not up to standard in efficiency many of them are engaged in th- the W. C. T. U? Í hate to see them made the foot work of puolic education.” Yes, un While these good women of noncy .laid out by the city shall be inal. I reason is far more imperious than We ball of politicians. They are the om fortunately, and to the exclusion o> "Fuilh-In-Good-Works” are battling »pent for liquor, when so many per As men, and citizens of a changed of a master; for he who disobeys the institution that we wi»h to have out good, capable Protestant teacher, nobly and with great success ugainst sons have a hard time earning enough and prustiuoive world, we cannot af one is unhappy, but he who disobeys side political control. Here at least over 75 per cent of Chicago schoo the Saloon Evil, the priests of Rom< to obtain bread. Off will come the ute drinking, many of them to excess, neud of any city employe who pur ford to hold aloof from one another, the other is a fool.” Let us reason we want merit. The best among u* teachere are of the Catholic faith. Romanist leaders and the Catho supporting the evil business, setting sues this course,” said the mayor. "I but we should meet often ami reason and reason, and not be weary in well Uo not cry cut against them. Thev a beuslly example for other men uml am not turning prohibitionist,” he together and, as speedily as possible, : doing. Let us find the real truth, are without religion. That may no* lic press appear to have seen a gr»a be the ideal condition. Still this is light. No doubt it has been occa UMing these hell-holes of corruption explained, " simply wish to guard arrive at the truth of these great and then, if we are sane men and wo the thing we fight for. They ar- sioned b> the stars that they saw fol to guin poitical power. But the jguinst the spending of the city’s yy T. u. mean while are doing money for liquor, when it ought to and weighty questions which affect men, we will yield, but not until we secular, but it is unjust to say that lowing the knockout blow lcceiveo real, genuine work for righteousness. ue used for bread and other neces so very much for good or for evil, can unite, if we wish to become a they are Godless. Ill advised attacks on election day. The si oh of th on the public schools are in bad taste ereat light has caused them to tak<* Reud the following samples of sities of life.” the whole world, not only now but for free nnd happy people "good news” items these noble work The editor of the Silverton Journal It is the part of wisdom and decencv- i new tack—th’tt of professed friend countless ageB to come. to desist from such strictures. The lineu for the schocls, in thi ers are sending out continuous!} If the dcctrines of the Roman is a very busy man, but if this chal American people love their public ef fort to retain a hold on then; from their Bureau of Publicity at PROHIBITION IN THE COLLEGES Catholic Church ure true, and if lenge is accepted he will "find a way school system. Let this be set down But for centuries Romanis Evenston, Illinois, and then deter Dartmouth men are preparing to mine to help in the good work of the support the college prohibition move* the priesthood is composed of good or make one” to meet his opponents to whatever motive you please. The has bred hatred for free public edu one and to do all in your might to meat. The fifty members of the pure and holy men, we want to know at any reasonable time or place. We fact itself cannot be gainsaid. Why cation, and the leopard cannot chang' ^-„troy the evil work of the other class of 1812 present at it* recent it. Then we want to become suffi- are willing to n.eet any regularly stir up animos’ties in the attack on his spots at least not so that the no.', fully aroused people of Chicago w, reunion voted to hold dry class re- eiently cleansed of our sins, if such a ordained priest and debate in a sacred convictions? Moreover, it it June 15, 1815 fail to see through the veneer. utterly illogical for us. Our own unions in the future and to bring the thing is possible,, to join their church friendly, earnest, sincere manner, the PRESS PARAGRAPHS It is a fixed policy of the Roman high schools are primarily intended mutter before the other ch sees. and to enter into their blessed salva above stated question, either affi>- to train girls to enter the normal Catholic Church to oppose tree pttb To the Editor—This sheet is sent The students of Aberdeen (S. D.) Protestants, and er you free uf charge. We trust the Normal announce a debate to be held tion. We want to be saved to the matively or negatively stated, or to schools, and to follow the profession lie schools. items are of sufficient interest to in on the subject, "Resolved, that the alter must, hut wo du not believe in debste any other question pertaining of teaching. Many of them are engag peeially Masons, have fought for i sure u generous use of them in your City of Aberden would be futher ben i their doctrines nor in their p'actices to this jyeat struggle at any time, ed in the work of public instruction “littfc red school house on every F 1” If ’he public schools are auothemn for over one hundred years. 1 efit ted by going dry.” columns. . und if we are right they ought to at a.iy place or in any manner that encourage our OW1 own , girls to Rman Catholic Church has arr e The National W. C. T. U. Bureau Beloit (Wisconsin) college students know it and the whole world ought is fair and reasonable for both sides. ¡n them ? Irre.sponsio'e de- its forces in solid phalanx at •a; of Publicity, Evanston, Ilinois. showed tremendous interest in the re Archbishop Q’ I r anciation of pub’ic schools <s mis tree sch» ols. to know it and know it befoie it is cent dry campuign. It is stated that CHURCH ACTION h COME, LET US REASON I < 1 ievous. We have heard enough says, "ILL-ADVISED ATTACK a greut number, in proportion to the eternally too late to purge every na THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS AR N of it." National Prohibition was the sub number in the city, voted at the last tion of the awful unclean thing. And TOGETHER! sick, BAD TASTE." This ’statemer the devil is “When >y ject of spirited discussion and rad election than ut any previous one. the devil a monk would be.” Con- archbishop does not change th t- icul action in the General Assembly From Oxford, Englund, comes th< LIQUOR MEN BARRED deriving profit from the lawlessness sequently the Roman Catholic anti- titude of the church toward 4C of the Presbyterian Church, at its announcement that J ecus College ha? which prevails in the city, and su public schoo’ propaganda having s h'nls. annual meeting last month in Roches decided to bar alcoholic beverages The Knights Templars of Pennsyl gests that “the time is ripe to apply been feeling real poorly in political The members of the Roman Cathe ter, N. Y. Among the resolutions while the war continues. Similar act offered by the standing committee on ion has been taken by Oriel. It is ex vania, it is reported, at their annual the canning process to commercalized health since April 6thth,1915, would lie church have found the fr< »new ‘-how an inclination to be good, schools a good source of revenue 1 temperance and adopted by the as pected that others will do likewise conclave, passed by a big majority fraternity.” and is feigning soicitude for tl.e the past. They receive more pub’’ sembly was thia: “That we favor and that the entire university wil. a resolution which makes it imposs legislatiun making the vendors of al bur alcoholic drinks. ible in the future for any one direct ANOTHER PROHIBITION NATION we’fare of the schools, perhaps hop , school money each year than the. ing thereby to retain a few of the ‘ contribute in taxes in ten year; coholic beverages, their bondsmen ly or indirectly connected with the ba.'k teeth which were not jarred out They are vitally interested in th< ami the owners of property rented for France, it seems, is to follow the such purposes, jointly ami severally, MORE “BIG BUSINESS** GONE DRY liquor traffic to join any command- example of Russia and become a on election day. The proverbial wolf schools to this extent, and this n- ery in the state, in asmuch as every in sheep’s clothing would be a three d’u'.t is the main reason why it ha responsible for damuges resulting Employes of this company are not ApCm the intoxication of those to permitted to visit the suloons during man who votes to perpetuate the sale prohibition nation. The Petit Par- ringed saint as compared with Chi- been daemed advisable to cease ope whom such beverages are sold.” '1 he the noon hour. Violation of this or of liquor becomes "indirectly ’ at isien says it has been informed that cago Roman Catholic heads posing as attacks on the schools. Ohio synod presented an overture. It der will he at the employe’s risk.” least a partner in the buaines.«, this the French government will introduce was approved by the assembly, giv In conspicuous places about the Wis a bill prohibiting absolutely the man ing power to excommunicate pastors consin Steel Company’s plant in Chi would seem u very inclusive—or ufacture, sale and transportation of jg elders who "by any secret or overt cago this ruling was posted the other ruther exclusive ruling! alcoholic drinks during the progress act give aid to the liquor interests., and at noon the hoarde of of the war. Even beverages con ANOTHER LARGE CITY The United Presbyterian Church of workers filed straight by the three A Catholic paper has said that taining slight proportion of alcohol, The daddy spider in his Vatican web, North America at its General Assem saloons located near the company’s TESTIFIES bly, in Lovjland, Coio., passed a res gate. "Wisconsin Steel has gone Lives the life of a hermit, ’tis often “the common schools of this countr. it is understood, will be prohibited. DeMoines, Iowa, dry since last Feb are sinks of moral pollution an . olution petitioning Congress to enact dry," said the head of tne safety de said; nurseries of hell”. Why don’t tht a constitutional amendment prohibit partment. "We can’t have the men's ruary, when the saloons were closed The whole evidence of this war has But his little daddies, and female pets Catholic priests boysott such paper«- ing the manufacture, sale and impor efficency reduced by drinking during by action of the City Council, still • • • tation and exportation of intoxicat working hours. The men themselve.- retains its commercial equilibrium. been that drink impares national ef All help to spread his world-wide Collections are steadily improving, ficiency. A national system impreg The Catholic papers are loud ir nets. ing liquors. will soon appreciate the value of the especially among the working class. nated with alcohol cannot work at their praises of John D. Rockefeller Resolutions urging national prohi new ruling.” People thrown out of work by the top speed.—From editorial in Satur It cannot be said too often that the Do you get the ♦ combination? bition were adopted by the Northern ♦ • closing of saloons aire finding other day Evening Post. common Catholic ic not to blame. Baptists convention, meeting I». Los- employment. One hotel is adding The Roman upas tree flourish" LIQUOR ORQANIZATION OFFERS He is a victim of a vicious and de- Angeles. The belief was expressed five more stories to its six. "People in the poorest soil and brings fort I that the liquor traffic would be driv FAILURE OF ROMAN CATHOLIC grading education. His religon,so- SPEAKERS TO CHURCHES come to the bank regularly now, who called, is nothinj but pricstism; his | abundantly, but its fruit is dead . en out of tho country within the next SCHOOLS The wets are trying to enter a new perhaps were never inside a bank god is the pope, with subordinate poison. ur years. « • • The Unitarian Temperance Society field. Churches as such have not so half a dozen times in their lives be little deities called Saints. The Roman Catholic Schools are far been worked by the liquorites. fore, ” says a leading banker, "and Priests are 1: ly and do not m.’.rr. s gone on record as favoring nat Now they are coveting the pulpits. the weekly pay roll uv large employ Mission Schools, parochial schools, why wouldn’t it be a good thing fo principles elevate man ional prohibition. American The Manufacturers and Dealers’ As ers of labor is steadily increasing.” Church schools, whose chief and al kind; Catholicism fills its victims all r.e.i to sw?ar off and remain sociation has sent out notices to the The city of Des Moines by closing most only aim is to make tmiv >rts with cow’ardice, fear, treachery and bachelors? Would it make for me JOHN BARLEYCORN AND 20th ministers of Chicago offering to fur its saloons lost an annual revenue of to Catholicism, and to train their pu treason. Priests are holy and do not marry CENTURY TRANSPORTATION nish speakers free of ha.-ge for Sun 11133,000. This deficit has all been al pils to be good Catholics. The basis nothing but men— what, what, in paying out There is no justice They had a Thansportation Parade day evening services—addresses to be most wholly provided for by the of all their work is the Roman the product of one’s toil to i riest® WHAT. WHAT? !!!?!!!?!??? Catholic catechism. Many of the » • « the other day at the SanFiancisco on taking topics, as “The City Beau- municipal economy program. for purgatory fire insurance, This teachers know little of American life, tiiul, ” "llow To Educate and Amuse Exposition. It showed the develop- The Now World is what w • wou! ' and apparently care less, speaking ran not he with the approval of a ent of transportation facilities from the Masses," and the like. “A con- call a rotten political Catholic or? a MASONIC CRIME God. just very imperfect English. Many oth Adam’s time to the present, in the sumate piece of nerve,” the pastor of but it has a wonderful patronage The Masonic fraternity throughout ers are inexperienced nun’, and few, railroad section a “water wagon" one of the leading churches calls it. With the appointment of a Cath- with a subscription price of $2. pc if any of them, are trained teachers. evoked continued demonstrations or “I would as soon open my pulpit.” the country will do well to take no ol:c superintendent of the federal year. But it has the blessing of th approval from tl e spectators. Quot he says, “to the president of the tice that the violation oi state law- Catholic education of Indians has prison at Leavenworth, Kansas, it holv father who never was supposed never been successful, and they can by any of its members is a Masonic ed upon it was ‘Rule G" and the in Brewers' Association.” is said that institution is now prac- to be a father at all. His name is a Because a few leading brewers crime. A letter calling attention to point to no leading Indians as a re vitation "Climb On.” long one—Pius X. Pontifex Maximus Roinanized. An eminent i ticslly "Because two fingers of red liquor hold chattel mortgages or, So per this fact has been sent to Masonic sult of their efforts. • ♦ • Can’t some good bachelor with a long to me that can turn a ten-million dollar safety cent of New Y’ork’s saloons, they con bodies of Chicago by the chairman Roman Catholic said name bless us ? Try it. You got the girl married off to block-signal into a ten-million dollar trol the great majority of the liquor of the crime prevention committee there never had been an Indian a country boy. didn’t you "dady”. The subtle waste of money, rule G was framed,” dealers or that city. So when these of the Fraternal Education Associa Roman Catholic priest, Please pass the mass darkly, and influence of their schools has been A id now on to new conquests. How The letter points out that the tion. brewers suy, “ Remember the com- said Rufus S’eel in “Keeping John take a nip of the blood. would Europe suit you, before the 'fthrleyccorn off the Trani.” This inc Sabbath day to keep it dry,” the managers of some of the hotels to awaken in th ,o minds of the Ind- • • • story is made public. We can get •ule worded by the American Rail saloonk«jpers may wrinp ‘heir hands which open their bars on Sunday arc ians, suspicion and distrust, and the evidence; don’t you worry. It On general principles the patriotic have bred disoyalty and in road Association nnd in force In and rnuttnr deeply, hut they dare thirty-second degree Masons and be they voters can safely say to the present takes time hut we know how to hang resistance to the government. every railroad in the country, reads not disobey. Far better be dry on long to Oriental Consisitory, also cited democratic party aggregation, “Scat!” on. Better move camp! ——From a Blacklisted Book. that some of the Masonic lodges arc as follows: "The use of intoxicants Sunday than evicted on Monday. I