SILVERTON DIRECTORY THE CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO Silverton Lodge No 46 A.F. 4k A.M. Most on or before night of full moon each month at Masonic Temple. W. M—Arthur Johnson; Secretary— Roscoe Amos. Í’ Bamona Chapter No. 68, O. E. 8. 'et second and fourth Tuesday eve­ r ning of each month. W. M.—Ethol 'ohnson; Secretary Elizabeth Nicol. lx>yal Order Moose, Silver Lodge No. 1481. Meet every Wednesday night at Moose hall. Dictator—L. J. Adams. Secretary—L. J. Wo’fard George H. Thomas W. R. C. No. 9. Meet first and third Saturday after­ noon of each mor.tnh at G. A. R. hall. President—Fam y D. Munson. Secre­ tary—Emma Cobb. George H. Thomas Meets second and fourth Saturday afternoon of each t’«or>th at G. A. R. hall. Communder—Chas. Hick>. Sec­ retary—Garry Haynes. Reaver Camp No. 11110, M. W. A. Meet nt Woodman hall on Wednesday evening of each week. Council—L. M. 1-arson. Secretary—N. D. Bailey. McGrath Camp No. 5225, R. N. A. Meet on second and fourth Tuesday nights In each month. President-— Sarah SMriock. Secretary—Lottie Shults. Pythian Lodge No. 16, K. of P. Meets in Castle Hall every Thursday evening of each week. C. C.—Robert Mount K. of R. and S.—June AMERICA AWAKE! O, patriots of this blood-bought land, Awake! Let not the traitors win; The foe is at our very gates; Yes, they have entered in. From foreign Anarch’s, ignorant shores, Rome’s Scythian hordes possession take. And soon our highest hopes they’ll crush. Our temples desecrate. Our schools and legislative halls. Our homes, with worship’s simple trust. Will soon be in the tyrants' hands To serve their god of lust. They come with pirate flag unfurled. The skull and cross-bone* at the mast; Where ’ere their cross is firmly set, There freedom breaths its last. The witchcraft of a pagan age, The slavery of their convent pens. The fear wi|h which they fill their dupes, A hell themseivea portend, Drake. Home T Pythian Slsterr. Lodge No. 21. Meets every second and fourth Wednesday evening of each month at K. of P. hall. M. E. E.—Alice Jack. M. of R. and C.-— Bessie Hartley. Unite to «ave our ship of state; Unite to save her noble erew¡ Unite to save "Abe Lincoln’s Land", Or meet your Waterloo, Pine Lodge No. 198, Meets every Monday night at W. O. W. hall. C. C,— J. M. Volgainort. Clerk—D. C. Kinney. • Marian Circle No. 314, Women of Woodcraft. Meets ft nt and I third Monday night at W. O. W. hall. G. N.—Mrs. Fanny D. Munson. Sec­ retary—Clara Dumo. 811 ver Lodge, I. O. O. F. No. 21. Meets each Saturday night st I. O. O. F. hall. N. G.—L. O, Harvey. Secretary—M. M. Sayera. Tryphena Rebekah Lodge No. hk. Meets every Thursday night at I. O. 0. F. hall, N. G.—Lola Riches. Sec- rotary--Frances Ho«mer. ♦ I CORDITE the men(?) l.ave done, If they can crushed to earth will rise again'*. Brotherhood of American 1 eomen Jesus, the great teacher, said, "call they can have my sqalp without a 8fl ver Falla Lodge No. 1200 Meets Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, no man master’’ and he showed that fight.. every Friday night in M. W. A. hall. Mexico, Central America and the COR DITE. we should all be brothers. "Love A. F.—Nellie Sayers, fecretary— South American Countries are all un­ one another” , said he. His mission Alma Grinds. KOW-TOW FOR THE POPE der the influence of the church of was to do good. He drove the money Roam; and no where on the face of changers from the temple but they CHURCHES. The second annual solemn military the earth is there so much ignorance have got back and Lazerous is again and superstition as in these countries. eating umnbs from the rich man’s field mass was held at the Philadel­ Lutheran Synod Church. Corner of And they are almost wholly ruled by table as of yore. But we have an­ phia Navy Yard recently. Secretary Second and B Streets. Services at th: pope. There are no other coun­ other picture of the rich man who of the Navy Daniels and Rear-Ad­ ,11 a. m., every Sunday, exdept the tries where life or property are so fared sumptuously every day. He is miral Benson, both Catholics, at- last Sunday in each month. English poorly protected, where there are so pleading for a drop of water from tended the services which was wit- nessed by 100,000 people. Rome is ___ the tip of Lazerous’ finger. services- second Sunday ee rse. fellow. Buy a dandy home in Oak Greve, Do you believe in dreams? Your Oregon. Four-room house, 22 frua dream of a horn«, will come true if you ” I let the CASCADE REAL ES- trees, lawn, on car line, good garden, e'ese to church, school and depot. $200 • ATF COMPANY tell you how to buy down, balance $20 per month. Price home on the installment plan. $1800. Beautiful Beauti.ul location. FORTY LOTS for sale in South Sclem— and dry, fine location,, 8 1-3 acres right in the city with one of the best houses you ever saw. cheap md on easy terms. FOR SALE — A nice large lot, , barn, chicken houses, all kinds of 50x120, in the Capital City, Fruits of , fruits, grapes, berries, walnuts, etc., every kind, n Oregon Electric lane, ( cement side walk, paved streets, elec­ lights, sewer, city water. Can oe 2 blocks f.qra school, near church. tric , oed bargain at $250, ( subdivided. Close in. A dandy bar­ gain at $7600. Half down. Long time $1500 buys seven acres, one mile < on balance. from Silverton, all in cultivation. Dandy building lot in Davenport Hard mac-.adam road, small house. A bargain, if taken soon. , Additio" -»n very easy terms. Will take a good cow or a horse or both, Sou Cascade Real Estate Co. a little cash, and $5.00 per month Now we have it. Lot at one half j for balance. price to the person who will build a $1200 — Three acres in Southern $1500 house cn it, good location on water for irrigation. South W ater Street. Also other 1 >ts Crlofomia, ' tc in this part of Silverton with the un- 3--oom house. $300 - cash, ----- - balance — den.tandinv that houses built must be LU*t Purchnsei at 7 per cent. t $1000 valve or over. We have land for sale in Cali­ $12,000 buys .a twenty-four acre fornia, Washington, Idaho and Al­ tract adjoining Silverton, all in culti­ berta; any place, tell us where you vation. Gocd buildings, _ . ____ stock ____ and • want “—*■ ’ it, * and * we place you right farming implements can be sub­ where you want to live. We have _ _____ divided. Would take $8,000 in ex­ land in Lake View for $60 per acre. t— change on other good property. This for a small payment down and bal­ property should not remain in the ance 30 years time, 5 ‘A per cent market long as it is guilt edge goods. interest. This is irrigated land and Come quick I lies in the famous Goose Lake Val­ FOR SALE — Two Turbine Water le}, from 2 to 10 miles from Lake Wheels, Shafting , Mortire Gear View. Also a butcher shop and Wheels, Boxing, Couplings, Roller slaughter house in Lake V:ew at a bargain. reed Mill. etc. 160 acres near Lyle, Wash, at $30. Do you want to buy a beautiful plot per a re. Six acres cultivated, and 80 of ground w th fruit and berrie al­ acres easilv cleared. 1 It is right in ready in bear.r g, with wood shed built the orchard belt. See Cascade Real and two tent houses? This is a bar­ Estata Company gain on the installment plan. T11 $4 000 bu) s 20 acres of a mile property U three blocks from car line from Silvertcn, 14 seres in cultivation that runs inti Portland. Price $1800, with balance in pasture, four room $KX) down. $15 per month. Now’s the house, good barn and all fenced. See time and The Cascade Real Estate Co. are the people. Come and see! Cascade Real Estate Company. 135 Acres for $85. per acre, 90 Grants Pass property, lot 150x200 acres in cultivation, 61 acres in >rop, 5-room house, big bam, city water, balance in pasture, six-room house, lights, etc., only $1500. Terms. three barnes, four head of big horses, $2400 buys a farm of 160 acres c w and bull, nine head cf hogs, wag­ six miles from Munson, Alberta ons and plows, and all all machinery Canada. A” cleared, 145 acres in cu' needed to run the place, all new. tivation; all in the fumous wheat belt. Telephone shares go with the place. This land has been cropped twice FOR SALE—We have an equity in $.''>800 buys twenty acres, one mi'c a ten acre bearing orchard, two miles from La Grande, in the famous from Silverton, six in cultivation Grand Valley, on which we good water. Buildings cost $2000 are wil'ing to make a sacrifice for and are all new. something in the Willamette Valley. Protect you property from loss b> If you have anything we can use fire in the Concordia Fire Insuranc come in and we will talk it over. Co.—E. W. Ross is the agent for Sil­ Cascade Real Estate Co. verton. WE NEED YOUR HELP NOW Talk with your neighbor and get him interested in our work. We must have this kind of help or die and you can’t afford to let our work fail now for it is your work as well as ours. The enemies of The Journal man would make you believe that he is a bad man but we can furnish the best evidence that this state affords that we are sincere in our work and that we have sacrificed more time an ' li.oney for the work of bringing lib­ erty to the world than we have eve: asked anyone else to put up. In fa» we could pay all our debts and be in the finest fighting trim financially if every patriot who reads our paper would put in one dollar where have put in one-thousand dollars. W, mean business and will never give up the fight until our mind refuse to act. To Carry the War Into the Enemy’s Country We have completely defeated the Roman Catholic Hi­ erarchy in the Courts, and, although at a great cost in work, money and imprisonment, yet we are now ready to carry this war for freedom and righteousness into the enemy's country. You helped us in our defense, will you help us in our “forward march?” Previously Acknowledged J. H. Fowler .................... W. C. Mott ...................... Oregon City Friends...... . R. E. Christman................ Mrs. C. S. Pepple - - - ■ tttmumtmtintmnttmmttnattmuttttmt 118.70 1.00 1.00 4.25 50 - 1.00 ë n a :: i ■1 § f t