*5 A HAPPY MARRIAGE LOCAL NEWS ANNIVERSARY OK JOHN HUSS.. 4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ You Want to Read BILLY BARLOW’S STORY On Friday evening of this week, Mr. Merle Eisenhart and Miss Lia- The 500th anniversary of the the Choral Society will give a Basket sic Moe, both of this city, were uni- martyrdom of John Huas is to be cel Social at the W. O. W. Hall. Var ted in marriage Wednesday May 19th ebrated by the Bohemiana in New at the beautiful, suburban home of ious committees are busy preparing York with a musical performance. C. T. Wolfard was a week-end vis the bride's parents, the Reverend B.A an evening’s entertainment which all as told in a neat little Ixioklvt by E. A. PUTMAN. The celebrated Bohemian reformer itor at the Capital City. Borrevick performing the ceremony. may enjoy. Everyone in the com aim burned at the stake on July 6th It shows up the Old Rocky's Church and the foolishness of ths War. Professo” James was among the There were none present excepting munity is urged to come and partaki 1415 having been sentenced to reported sick this week. the bride's family. After the cere of the good time promised. Brin/ leath bv the council of Constance for HILLY IS A TRAMP your basket! Bring your friends! mony the happy young people depart ,iis heiesics. He was a link in the Julius Wolf was in the Capital on Send 10 Cents to The Silverton Journal and secure the booklet ed for Everett, Washington, return ong chain of radical thinkers which business last Monday. W. C. T. U. MEETING ing Monday. They are now at home Do You Want to Laugh? >egan with certain Italians of Rien- J. Jenson f Mt-Angel was a bus- on Mill Street. J’s time, was continued in England incss caller in Silverton W edneaday. The Journal joins the many friends . The members of the W. C. T. U. oí >y Wielif and then passed to Bohe I Silverton met in regular session at FOR SALE—Furniture of all kind. in congratulations and usual good mia. A hundred years after the their hall on First Street May 25th. Enquire at Miss Hines’ Millinery wishes, and we wish to predict that leath of Huss* his works were taken The President, Mrs.Green, opened our wishes will come true, for let it Store. ip and completed by Murtin Luther, be known that a better union i of the meeting with scripture reading iuss was a popular preacher and an Harold Riches is on a Government clean, intelligent young hearts has and prayer. A goodly number of survey, having reported at Albany not taken place anywhere in a ' very members were present besides sever ittractive lecturer at the University al visitors. After several matters of of Prague. His .doctrine excited dis- over a week ago. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN long time. business were attended to the time •u.is ion. however, in consequence of house- WANTED — Furnished <hich the German students with- Miss Alida Digerneas is on her was given over to Mrs. Kemp, the Irew and established the Unit crafty keeping rooms. See Cascade Real Consultation Free way to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, State President of the W. C. T. U. f Leipsic. Estate Co. who, by very good fortune we were Mrs. Nellie Sayers returned home to spend the summer with friends. able to have with us. She gave a • Huss taught various doctrines dis Office 3 Doors South of M. E. Church Mr.Gleason of Weed. Oregon, very inspiring talk, giving a review pleasing to the church, but he gave last Friday from a very pleasant came to Silverton recently and will of the work done in the state and at most bitter offense by his agitation visit with relatives in Portland. on FISK STREET clerical reform. Huss was Mrs. H. E. Steen and daughter, work for Mr. Casson during the the legislature during the past year, for to put Oregon “dry" and outlining greatly disturbed by what passed in Miss Edna, were Salem shoppers last com ; season. some of the monasteries and parishes Mr. and Mrs. Solon Anunson went the work just ahead of us that must Saturday. be done to maintain this great work and he loudly called for a moral <mtnmmmmnnnmm:mmmniuuniunn:n:muuuiummmumtnummnmm Ed Halverson and his mother is to Tacoma Monday. They were ac housecleaning. This offended certain New, up-to-ÒA’c Machinery Eiperieoced Machinist of Christian Temperance. here from Iowa and expect to make compainied by Mrs. Jake Nelson with There is a mighty lot of work be powerful prelates who took their re Werk Absolutely Guaranteed whom they will visit for a time Silverton their home. venge by attacking Ilia heretical doc- while in Tacoma and then go on to ing done by the W. C. T. U. of Ore trines. Mr. and Mrs. O. Ruswald of Moni South Dakota. gon anti it is work of vital interest He went to the Council of Con- tor spent last Friday at the John to our state and to our whole nation, the Rev. Roseland will attend Quail home on First Street. work in which every woman in this stance under a safe conduct from the Young Peoples Conference at Eugene land may well be proud to be engag German Emperor which assured him Garage and Machine Shop Consult Drs. Lowe and Turner, eye on Friday and Saturday of this week, ed. Work of no other organizatn of a safe returr to Prague whatever specialsis, at Johnson's Drug Store, then he plans on taking a trip east is of so vital importance to the wel might be the outcome of his trial. Thursday June 10th. with his family, to remain about two fare of that for which the Woman’s The safe conduct turned out .however, Rev. and Mrs A. O. White were out months. Christian Temperance Union stands, to be a mere’’scrap of paper” and in Howell Prairie way Wednesday after Cor. First aid Lewis Sts. Phone Blue 951 The tragic death of Mr Chwes which is “God t.nd Home and Every violation of its solemn pledge Huss was imprisoned and burned at the noon to call on Mrs. Linquist who is Zimmerman cam'' as «• -hock to the Land”. stake. quite ill. friends and neighbors in this vicinity. ii Mi nuiiitiwunnuu»iin:H»tnt»wu::nnHu n m:ntnnnnn i nnn»ii >iiiu u»nin His funeral* was held at Bethany at Silverton, Oregon, May 24, 1915. Miss Suda Stewart closed a very Editor Silverton Journ;d, successful term of school near Mol 2:00 o’clock Friday afternoon. A Editor of the Journal, Dear Sir:— Dear Sir and Friend:— alla last Friday. SI* is spending few remarks were mad? by L. J. Ad Perceiving that you are still in the I was at the High School debate a few days this week with Silver- ams and the remains were laid to rest in the Bethany Cemetery. Thursday evening and was much .saddle against institutions utterly in- RATES: $1.00 PER DAY ton friends. pleased with the performance, espec adequute and not correlative to mod $600 for four acre of land three Mrs. W. W. Scott is to have a sale ially with the debate; but the decis ern industrial conditions, I deem it Board and Room Meals 25c of her household goods tomorrow. miles from Silverton, on good Mac ion was, I think, unfair, as I believe proper to send you this note of en adam road, will prduce $100 worth of The family expect to leave soon for by week $4.75 Rooms 50c up and recognition that most of the audience would have couragement Montana to make their future home. strawberries this year, small house voted opposite to the decision of the Someoody has got to do something, The baccalaureat sermon will be prune trees, very little money needed, judges, who would probably have somebody that is not a hypocrite. come and see. CASCADE REAL preached by Brother Albyn Essen in voted the way they «lid before they Any straightforward person realizes the Christian Church Sunday May ESTATE CO. —Over Journal BLDG. had heard the arguments. Last win- that the present world’s war is sim 30th at 1?. A M. Mrs. M. M. Sayers received a long ter we had a trial of it with the ply a phase of the age-long struggle Home Cooking SILVERTON, ORE. distant phone from Portland Wed same results. Those who put up the between the rich and poor, and with There has been a committee ap ir.mttmtmmmmnunmtmnmnxxunmiiimnmuutttuxuuamnmmnmmnnw pointed to go to the Miller Ceme nesday, telling of the serious illness test arguments lost the decision. out the culmination of this conflict, A. A A A A- A. A. A — AAAAAAA ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼ of her daughter, Mrs. Coberleigh. tery next Sunday and place flags and The judges let their own political all talk about arbitrati n, women's Mrs. Sayers left for that place on the M. L. Hansen. Prop. Phone Blue 1141 flowers on the graves of the soldiers views interfere with justice. I peace congresses etc., becomes idle, early morning train Thursday. buried there. think it is useless to put up judges silly talk. By virtue of their mastery the rich Y. Sandberg who lived on a farm to decide as to who put up the best Alvin Davis is making some ex arguments when it is a matter of have instituted a money or banking near this city and who had many Davis tensive improvements at the RATES : home. He is-putting in a new up-to- friends in Silverton, died at the home opinion and it is bound to be biased by system which does not show any < date compressed air pump with which of his daughter in Portland and the private views, It is my opinion equitable features whatsoever. Their Meals 25c; Board and Room by the Day $1.25. remains were brought to this place that every one should be his own system is not equitable for the reason to water his lawn and garden. Tuesday. The funeral was held at judge and not take the word of that it utterly fails to provide the Board and Lodging by the Week $5.50 < Elmer Santelle is reported as hav- the chapel at one o’clock Thursday. some Highbrow as to who wins. jobless man with money by way f a ing purchased a 160 acres near Mol- The services were conducted by Rev. This is America and a true Ameri job. It is based upon debt,, on debt Front Street, Near Depot SILVERTON, OREGON alia the first of this week. Mr. San- A. O. White and interment was at can does not blindly follow a leader; secured by a still greater debt, that telle is a prosperous young farmer th- Miller Cemetery. we must think for our selves, and act is, one bond issue can only be secured and his Silverton friends are inter for ourselves, in both politics and in by a greater bond issue. But a debt ested in his new venture. Dr. E. E. Chase of this city hns religion, even if we are considered always contains an element of doubt S. TBGLAND C. WEBB L. LARSON On Friday afternoon the old sold been appointed assistant State Vet fteaks. “Be not like dumb, driven and thus is no real security. Real security is only labor already per iers and Women,s Relief Corps are erinarian of Oregon. This is an im cattle; be a hero in the strife.” formed, for which a certificate should specially invited by Professor James portant office, but Dr. Chase is well —Free Dom. De issued and this certificate should to visit the schools. A short pro qualified for the position. He was gram has been prepared and a good City Meat Inspector of Portland for THE LECTURE AT M.W.A.HALL be good for uny obligation due the government, thus making them legal some time. The family will remain time planned. CLEAN, UP-TO-DATE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. C. B. Clemens, organizer of the tender, a tender which could easily here although Ids headquarters will I lano Del Rio Company, Co-operative Special Bargain Sale in Millinery run alongside and parallel to the at Mias Hines. The entire stock be in Portland. Colony of Los Angelos County, Cal present gold tender, until the latter going at prices that will surpria* ifornia, gave a lecture at the M.W.A. FREE DELIVERY DIED is illiminated. This is the true, the you. Call and see these up-to-date Hall in this city last Tuesday evening only liberator, leveling the way to a style«, You will certainly appreciate and he certainly filled his hearers Phone Blue 821 Oak Street higher pane of justice, opportunity Mrs A. Paulson (nee Olea Opsahl) our effort« to give you your money’i with the desire to live in such a home and happiness. was born Aug. 12th 1847 in Norway. as he described now in the actual pro w«rth in millinery. The omy valid defense of the old She emigrated to the United States cess of building. The colony he says Miss Elizabeth Bigler entertained in 1876 and first settled in Wiscon is founded on business principles and Romanized order is, that the few her pupils at her home Monday after sin. On Christmas day she was uni must live in comfort at the expense Special Weekly Rates Rates $1.00 to $1.25 Day Meals 25c school. It had been planned to go ted in marriage to Mr. Amund Paul they have nothing to give away. The of the many in order to be refined first payment is $750 which is all the to the park, but the weather would and educated. Thirf has been true so son. In the spring of 1878 they set not permit. The youngsters had a tled in Boone County, Nebraska, money required. When a party be far, but does not hold good any long comes a member he has a guarantee happy time however and after lunch where they made their home for 33 er, as we havj enslaved the forces of returned home a tired but jolly years. About four years ago they of a steady job at $ 4 per day, one nature, therefore can afford to dis < > i dollar of this going to pay the bal i > bunch. came to Silverton where they have ance due on the stock he is required pense with the enslavement of our < > There was a good crowd out to since made their home. Mrs. Paul to purchase, that is an indebtedness fellowmen. Thus we must free F. J. COODENOUGH, Mgr. hear the debate in the opera house son was quiet, unassuming, always of $1750. Or he can pay it all if he them first and give them opportunity last Friday night between the Soph ready to help where help wag needed chooses. The $3. per day he uses for for refinement and education, but not One-half Block South of S. P. Depot Phone 575 omores and the Freshmen. The and was loved by all who knew her. a living or lets stand to hiB credit vise versa—for the reason that you question was: “Should our Govern She leaves to mourn her loss, a hus and when the colony is on a paying would be attempting the impossible. LUNCH COUNTER GOOD HOME COOKING ’’ To sum up, the first phase of this ment own Her Own Merchant Ma band, a sister, Mrs. O. Loken, and a basis he can have the cash. In the rine?” The speakers on both sides brother, Mr. O. Opsahl, both of Sil meantime he gets his goods at cost dual proposition confronting us is handled the question in a manner verton, besides an number of rela or as near cost as is practicable, he this, “Who calls the council, states ♦ that showed thorough study and tives and many friends. She died is entitled to a vacation of two the certain day, ♦ hard work. It was pretty evenly bal last Sunday morning at Portland, months each year and can draw $75 Who forms the phalanx, and points U the way?"—the bankers. anced, the decision of the judges Oregon, where she had been staying dollars in cash each year. He also The second phase is GOLD------- “I showing one vote for the affirmative at the hospital for about two weeks. has deeded to him a fine white with two in favor of the negative. She was laid to rest Wednesday, brick house, five rooms, with bath, am the element, earthbom, to be EVERYTHING NEW FOR THE BABY May 26th at the Lutheran Cemetery. new—a modern, beautiful home in master and maker of men” and mis Rev. A. O. White spoke at the cluding a fine lot in the "City Beau ery walks after when gold is master CRYING FOR MASSES and maker of men.. Baby Bonnets, Dresses, Bath Towels, Jackets, Elbe, Church and at the cemetery where tiful” which s now being built. Keep on in your good fight! was conducted a memorial service Booties, Pillows, Carriage Robes and Laundry Bags, His hearers were mostly working Yours for Liberty, at the same time. men and the comparison of their con all of the newest designs. A. F. Riend. dition with the picture the speaker drew had its effect., In this colony All Kinds g . Electric Supplies always on hand and an 30 Lots in Napa, Cal., to sell or the speaker declared that work is Experienced Electrician to do your wiring. always sure and the worker always trade, Thia is a great winter re- SILVERTON TIME TABLE knows that there will always be food sort. Hot springs and thirty miles CALL AND SEE US ! for the family with a roof over their from San Francisco, hoth railroart $ A.M. heads and every day the colony will ’W’3 I®31I s>poasu3 'll» jo ?o( auo Arrive fr«m Portland 8.25 11.05 A.M. be getting stronger, with the best apart jo pas jautp HIAY T®o,l Put! ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦» TAKE NOTE OF THIS. 4.15 P.M. ’Atreduiof) schools in the world and free enter 8.20 P.M. tainments and the highest grade of We repair autos in such a way that Engeman’s Milk Ranch Salem 10.59 A.M. lectures every evening.. they’ll stay repaired for one good 44 5.00 P.M. All the colonists live in the town Delivers Fresh Milk and Cream twice long while. Let us keep your auto from Albany and are carried to and from their Arrive up to that degree of smooth-running a Day 9.15 AM. ♦ work in the country. All amusements via Lebanon efficiency that makes the tour a tri Special Orders Promptly Filled are free. There are no saloons, no umph We have matchless facilities Your Patronage Appreciated jails. Good lectures are given at for repair work of every imaginable Depart for Portland 7.30 A.M. The poor, silly chickens who are cry Ph ne Greer A 120 44 44 stated periods and none but the best 9.15 A.M. kind. Prices as right as the work. ing for masses, a 44 $2000 buys forty acres of land, all of entertainments are allowed. 2.00 P.M. Repairing of all kinds done on honor., . Are mentally without hope; 44 44 44 The speaker claims that such colon fenced. Five acres in oats. Near P. W. NOFTSKER, at the { 5.00 P.M. 44 The priest takes their gains, their 44 ization is to be the method of saving railroad. Thirteen thousand feet of Salem 8.25 A.M. Silverton Auto Co’s GARAGE 44 44 44 our country from the enslavement of lumber goes with the place. Come feathers and brains, 1.00 P.M. Cor. 1st., & Lewis St«. PhoneUlue 921 Quick. Cascade Real Estate Co. the masses by the money power. And dopes them with lolly-ke-dope. Dr. M. N. Haynie THE SILVERTON AUTO CO. P. W. Noftiker COTl’AGE HOTEL Clean Beds THE HANSON HOTEL CITY MEAT COMPANY When In Salem Stop at THE DEPOT HOTEL THE SHOP” ■<>