The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, May 14, 1915, Image 3

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Derr Minter Hosmer:
I bin thiiikin a good doel ubcut y-,u
laitly, an' how the nitre uv kolumbus
hoe bln a porsecutin’ you, an* cech
time bluil hen biled feorful. 1 bin a
having my oun trubblrn an* a preeat
hen bin the kawa uv it. 1 blcjve I
toald you bout how my Mah faird
aina ahe bekum u kathcrlik. Well,
wun day laitly 1 met up with the
I reeat an’ i»e ard "howdo Zcckil?"
an* i hc <) “purty well, but* i got u
powerful oncertinty ex to where pur­
gatory ia lowcatod." The preeat
looked at me suspicious an’ he red,
“what yer talkin’ a bout?”
“I'm n talkin' a bout purgatory,"
I aed, "an* I wieh you would tell me
what country ia It situted in.”
“Y ung mnn, air you erneat in
your deaire to know where that place
ia?" "1 certainly am," nod I. “I
hoern you talk u bout gittin’ souls
cuten purgatory by the meena uv
masses an' i want« ter know how fur
wun hea to g-» to git there an' back."
"Hick homminua ao pujimua dum-
mygub slapijo,” aed the preeat.
“Gosh, ia thut fur away?" i aed to
the precat.
“Not too far for you to git there,
yung man," aed the preeat.
“Well, I hain’t ungahua to go there
er uny uther now country," I aed,
"apeahully whnir there ia ao much
heet. But y ‘U hain't done tow Id me
yit whair it la," aed I.
“I hain't under no obligation tew
tell anything a bout it, you uv little
faith,” nod the preat.“Omnibua croak-
erkuaa to hellibua,” he further re-
"Now Z^ekil," the preeat cor.tin-
nered, “who'a bln a talking tew you
agin the hoaly church?”
"Nobody, only I bin a readin," I
replide. “I bin rendin a bout the
histry uv the chuch.” “What in?"
aex he. "In the ’Wandrin Je.v’ an’
the 'mysteries uv the Peepul’ by
Yougeen Soo," <ed I.
"Oh you hairy tick," the preeat
howld. “You hairy tick. You*) go
to hell aure ef you reed auch awful
"I dunno,” i aed, "I think ennybody
thet could treet men, wimmin an*
childrin ea them preeata did what
Yougeen Soo telle a bout hex the
frunt a<*eta in hell." Gee, but the
preeat did bile over when I aed that,
an’ I contlnnered, "Yougeen Soo writ
hot stuff about Ignaahua Loyola an’
the crowd of preeata that burnt Jone
uv Ark to doth tide to a stalk. An*
he writ hot stuff a bout the poops
an' how they orderd awl hairy tick«
murderd be caws thay would not kisa
the poupa big toe.’
Well jimminy criamua, you awter
uv heern that preeat howl. He cawld
m> hairy tick an infidul an uther
kind namea, an now we dont apeek
an he went to my boas an got me
diachargcd becaws he sed i insulted
him an the hoaly church. Mr. Hos­
mer, I hain’t got much respect fur
eny church er reeligun that can’t
anaer charges in eny way ceptin
by killin an boy cottin them ea dairs
to repeet what they knows is true.
I think it ia as my grandad sex:
“Truth don't need no dee fense," an
Truth crushed to the soil will git up
right away stronger than ever.” An
grandad nwlso sed, "Ef thair wasn't
enny thing rottin behind co'ivent
walls the kathcrliks wouldn't be so a
frade uv the inspeeshun bills wot a
lot of folkses wants passt.”
My Mah hain't so strong on bein a
katherlik as she wuz. She hain't
bawt enny hoaly water laitly.
Yores truly,
(Zeekil Dunkin.)
By Marguerite Head.
Just before the battle rages.
You may hear his wild huzzas;
But through all the ancient story
There is but a butcher’s glory
In the war each fighter wages
For the bloody monarch, Mars.
Shall the lure of printed pages
In our youth vile lust instill?
Shall the sanguinary hero
With the instincts of a Nero,
Who has plied his trade for ages,
Teach our children how to kill ?
Still on battlefield’s broad stages,
With his brazen, villians’ roles,
He is dealing death and plunder,
While behind machines of thunder
Stands the gory fiend who gauges
Guns to rend brothers’ souls.
Just before the battle ragec,
You may hear his wild huzzas;
But through all the ancient story
There is but r. butcher’s gle.ry
In the war each fighter wages
For the bloody monarch, Mars.
The only place of record that Jesus
Christ ever permitted us to peak into
the future existence is where he told
of the rich man in hell being tor­
mented in flames. He nevsr, never,
under any circumstances, gave n
v/erd of comfort to a rich man. I
challenge the world to show one text
that does.
Prtrach, the poet, and idol of Italy
at the time, addressed King Charles
IV of Germany: (who had humiliated
himself before a Pope) “What more
ignominious for an emperor than to
be trumpled under foot by an au­
dacious priest, and to lie content with
the title of Caesar without daring to
inhabit his residence? Go to- -—you
are fit to live at Avignon, (the French
home of the Popes) that cjty which
la the sink and the receptacle of all
the vices. 1 can speak of it for I
know of its abominations. In that
third Babylon, which has no equal
but Rome, there exists no pity, no
charity, no faith, no fear of God;
there is nothing there holy, sacred,
honest, humane. In a word, ahame,
charity and cundor are banished from
it; as for truth, it never entered it.
How could it exist in a place where
everything is fulse? The air, the
earth, the houses, the palaces, the
streets, the markets, the temples, the
chumliera, the beds, the angles of the
walls, the hotels, the seats of the
Judges, the Pontiff’s Throne, and the
ultars consecrated to God, are all
peopled by knaves and liars. In this
infernal labyrinth of frightful dun­
geons or sombre prisons, commands
an imperious Minor, who agitates
in a fatal urn, the lot of mortals.
At the least signal from his master,
a minotaur, under the form of a
priest, casts himself upon the vic­
tims, and drags them into the tem­
ples of the shameless Venus. •••The
sulvntion of the humun family lies
in gold. It is gold alone wnich can
appease the monster, enchain him,
make him smile. With gold you may
deflower your sister, murder your
father, open heaven, buy the saints,
the angels, the Virgin, the Holy
Spirit, Jesus Christ, and the Eternal
Father himself. The Pope will sell
you everything for gold except his
Under the above caption the Catho­
lic Sentinel, April 29, Says: “The
Divine Founder of the Catholic
Church did not intend that the rank
and file of its membership should
have authority in it" We quite agree
that the Catholic Church is an abso­
lute despotism; that the luyman has
no more voice in it than a dead
clam; but the Sentinel is wrong to
charge the founding of such a mon-
strocity upon Divinity.
The article continues:
"The Pope’s domination over the
Church differs from that of the rul­
ers of other societies. He has direct
authority over all Catholics, from the
most exalted prelate to the humblest
layman, and he is obliged to render
on uccount of his administration to
no other human being. None of his
power is derived from or delegated
by any one else. According to the
Vutican Council he haB “the whole
fullness of supreme power, ordinary
und immediate, over all and each of
the pastors and the faithful.” He is
the supreme Judge in matters of
faith. To him belongs the right to
regulate all the Church’s discipline,
and from hiB decision there is no ap-
peul. He may enact laws for the
whole Church, and dispense from
them. He can reserve to himself'the
power of absolving from certain sins.
He can dispense from any vow, no
matter how solemn and sacred. He
can, by canonization, inscribe new
names on the roll of the Church’s
saints. Truly, a mighty and wonder­
ful power has been given by the All-
Pvwerful to His Vice-regent upon
"The Pope’s insignia of office are
a straight crosier; the pallium which
signifies his rank as primate; and
the Tiara, or trippie crown which
typifies his authority as Father of
Princes, Ruler of the world, and Vicar
of Christ."
Some Jesuitical priests, and some
half-baked Protestants say the Pope
claims simply a spiritual rule, but all
people who are intelligent on the sub­
ject know better. ‘His headgear em­
phasizes his claim to the rulership
of the world.
L. D. R.
The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
gives the names of seventeen m n in
the United States whose total wealth
is $1,995,000,000. The interest on
this capital at 6 per cent yearly
amounti to 1119,700,000. It would
Uke the constant labor of 119,300
men at the rate of $20 per week,
making fifty full weeks per year,
averaging $1,000 per man to pay it.
The man that averages 120 per week
can afford to marry and raise three
children, making five to the family;
in other words, 598,500 human beings
could live on the income of the
seventeen holders of the surplus
value of labor, taking from the pro­
ducer by seventeen men alone enough
good condition to sustain life.
The first report of its study of in­
fant uiortality was made public re
cently by the federal children's bu­
reau. It is based on conditions found
by the bureaus* investigators in
Johnstown, Pa.
While it carefully avoids conclu­
sions, the report points out that in
the poorer sections of Johnstown the
deuth rate was 271 per thousand ba­
bies, or more than five times that in
the best residential sections of the
Babies whose fathers earned $10
a week or less, the report says, died
at the rate of 256 per thousand,
while those whose fathers earneo $z5
or more a week died at the rate of
84 per thousand. Only 46.6 babies
per thousand died under 1 year of
age when breast-fed for at least
three months, ax against 165.8 per
thousand who died when fed wi‘h
artificial foods.
When mothers were employed a
large part of the time in heavy work
babies died at a rapid rate.
George H. Thoma* W. R. C. No. 9.
Meet first and third Saturday after­
noon of each mor.tnh at G. A. R. hall.
President—Fanny D. Munson. Secre­
tary—Emma Cobb.
In the Western Watchman, (Cath­
olic) issue of March 11, there is an
editorial which closes with the ques-;
“What is civil marriage but legal­
ized free love?"
Every state in the Union has its
marriage laws. The Catholic church
claims the protection and privileges
guaranteed the loyal citizens of each
state. And she insists that when her
ions run for office they are loyal to
the flag, and should therefore be
elected. But are they loyal to the
flag? The flag stands for everything
American, and civil marriage is our
most sacred institution. The Cath­
olic church teaches that the American
marriage altar is nothing but a
license for free love, and that the
children of all who are wedded out­
ride her jurisdiction are illegitimate.
Members of the Catholic church sub­
scribe to Catholic teaching. There­
fore, the Catholic running for office
is not in sympathy with our laws
regulating marriage, and is not loyal
to the flag. And to conclude that he
is as eligible to office as is the man
who recognizes the validity of the
American marriage system is about
is logical as it would be to conclude
that vinegar is as palatable on straw­
berries and cream as sugar.—Ex.
A genuine Roman Catholic is not
only a traitor to the marriage system
of uur great nation, but the very
principles on which our government
ire founded are far from their ideal.
Government by a monarch, a pope,
a priest—that is the real Roman
idea, and no true Catholic can well
ierve a government whose fund­
amental law is founded on the idea
that all men are created equal.
Reply to Mr. McFadden.
Do you know, Mr. McFadden, our
school board is now controlled by
Catholics, and that the president of
it educated his children in a parochial
ached »nd at present he is trying to
raise funds to build a parochial high
school on the west side?
Do you know that in 1913 Cook
county appropriated $183,222.28 for
vocational schools and Rome got
$135,656.64 of that? I may be a
bigot or heretic, but I pay $125 a
year taxes. Can you come up to
this amount as a taxpayer? I am
not a reader of The Menace, but I
have read The Western Watchman
several times, and if The Menace is
any more vile than that Catholic
paper it must be rotten to the core.
But I don’t think it is granted any
"I should like to ask my dear Pro­ special privi'eges.—J. Kimball, 5844
testant friends to suppose that some La Salle Street.
one had spread false stories about
Congressman Gallivan of Massa­
their particular faith, and to suppose
the detractor was a minister whom chusetts, and Kittner, of California,
they had kicked out of their pulpits are repotted using their franking
for some gross misconduct.”—J. R. privileges for scattering a defense
of Popery broadcast at public ex­
Buck, Forest Grove, Oregon.
Impossible, Mr. Buck. Why? Be­ pense.
c'oistered institution in which the »♦«♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a
temptation and the opportunity for
lust and licentiousness are hrought
< ■
together and live toguther. The un­ < >
; I
married priest domiciled with his
housekeeper; the secret Confessional; ’ REMEDY FOR THE ROMAN
tho House of Girls (convents) with o BLACK PLAGUE;
no male association except priests—
those are features that suggest and
attest the stories of the ex priests.
A deposed Protestant Minister might
talk his head off to no effect what­
ever, for Protestantism is not some­
thing hidden.
♦♦♦»••••♦♦♦•♦♦•♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦»a '
Silver Lodge No. 45, A. F. A A. M.
Meet on or before night of full
moon each month at Masonic Temple.
W. M.—Arthur Johnson; Secretary—
Roscoe Amos.
Ramona Chapter No. 58, O. E. S.
Meet second and fourth Tuesday eve­
ning of each month. W. M.—Ethel
Johnson; Secretary Elizabeth Nicol.
Loyal Order Moose, Silver Lodge
No. 1461. Meet every Wednesday
night at Moose hall. Dictator—L. J.
Adams. Secretary—L. J. Wo'fard.
George H. Thomas Post No. 9.
Meets second and fourth Saturday
Silverton, Ore., Journal Bldg., has the following property for Sale:
afternoon of each month at G. A. R.
See Cascade Real Estate Co. for
hall. Commander—Chas. Hicks. Sec­
Business Chance: A saw mill that
retary—Garry1 Haynes.
will cut 700 rail road ties in a day,
List your property with E. W. Ross, ■ 250,000 feet of logs cut, 50,000 feet in
new manager ot the Cascade Real th* pond; all you have to do is to fire
Beaver Camp No. 11110, M. W. A.
up and go ahead. Price only $1100,
Meet at Woodman hall on Wednesday Estate Company.
Seven-rcom House and Lot in Gei­ half cash, chance to buy 500,000 feet
evening of each week. Council—L.
near the mill.
Addition on installment plan.
M. Larson. Secretary—N. D. Bailey.
bine ix»t on Fitch Stioet, a dandy
Four-room House and Lot, 70x210,
ouuuing sight, close in, it ’Till not be
McGrath Camp No. 5225, R. N. A.
on the marxet leng, only $350. Come
Meet on second and fourth Tuesday $1750. $200 :ssh, good investment.
nights in each month. President—
$2000 buys a nice little farm near
Lady, how would you like to buy
Sarah Sherlock.
Amsviiie, of 15 acres, all cleared.
a dandy little business in Silverton.
Fruit, berries, house and barn; all
We have it for sale. Write to Cas­
fenced. This is a bargain. Will ex­
cade Real Estate Company, Silverton,
change for farm property near Silver-
Pythian Lodge No. 35, K. of P.
Meets in Castle Hall every Thursday
Fins lot between Portland and Ore­ A 54-acre farm, 12 acres hops, fruit
evening of each week. C. C.—Robert
Mount. K. of R. and S.—June gon City on car line for sale for $800, trees, berrifes, garden, grain land,
$50 down, $15 ¡er month. Tl_is is a tine house, hop house, barn and mac­
large lot 50xl38)k feet. It will in­ adam road, fine water, plenty of
crease in value.
pasture. Call in and get full partic­
Pythian Sisters.
Home Temple
Buy a lot in Geiser’s Addition— ulars.
Lodge No. 21. Meets every second best buy in Silverton—must sell and
$2,500 buys one of the finest homes
und fourth Wednesday evening of you ge*. the advantage of the forced
each month at K. of P. hall. M. E. sa'e. You can pay for this lot and you ever saw. There are eight lots,
E.—Alice Jack. M. of R. and C.— the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO lots of fruit, ten room house, etc.,etc.,
paved streets, city water—one of the
Bessie Hartley.
will bui'd you a bungiow—pay for it best places in a town that has a future,
ir tead of paying rent to the other Scotts Mills, Ore.
Pine Lodge No. 198, W. O. W. fellow.
FOR SALE — 1500 lb. Draft H< rsc
Meets every Monday night at W. O.
Do you believe in dreams? Your
Buy a dandy home in Oak Grove,
W. hall. C. C.—J. M. Volgamorc. dream of a home will come true if you
Oregon. Four-room house, 22 fruit
Clerk—D. C. Kinney.
will let the CASCADE REAL ES­
trees, lawn, on car line, good garden,
TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy
e’ese to church, school and depot. $200
Marian Circle No. 314, Women of a home on the installment plan.
down, balance $20 per month. Price
Woodcraft Meets first and third
FORTY LOTS for sale in South $1800. Beautiful location.
Monday night at W. O. W. hall. G. Salem—high and dry, fine location,
8 1-3 acres right in the city with
N.—Mrs. Fanny D. Munson. Sec­ cheap rnd on easy terms.
one of the best houses you ever saw,
retary—Clara Durno.
Fine Large Lots in Salem, sightly barn, chicken houses, all kinds of
location, low price, small payment fruits, grapes, berries, walnuts, etc.,
Silver Lodge, I. O. O. F. No. 21. down and small monthly payments. cement side walk, paved streets, elec­
Meets each Saturday night at I. O.
FOR SALE — A nice large lot, tric lights, sewer, city water. Can oe
O. F. hall. N. G.—L. O. Harvey. 50x120, in the Capital Citiy. Fruits of subdivided. Close in. A dandy bar­
Secretary—M. M. Sayers.
every kind, n Oregon Electric Line, gain at $7600. Half down. Long time
2 blocks school, near church. on balance.
Tryphena Rebekah Lodge No. 38. Good bargain at $250.
Dandy building lot in Davenport
Meets every Thursday night at I. O.
$1500 buys seven acres, one mile Additio- ->n very easy terms. Will
O. F. hall. N. G.—Leia Riches. Sec­ from Silverton, all in cultivation. take a good cow or a horse or both,
retary—Frances Ho«mer.
Hard mackadam road, small house. a little cash, and $5.00 per month
A bargain, if taken soon.
for balapce.
See Cascade Real Estate Co.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen
$1200 — Three acres in Southern
Silver Falls Lodge No. 12<X) Meets
Now we have it. Lot at one half Calofomia, water for irrigation,
every Friday night in M. W. A. hall. price to the person who will build a 3--oom house. $300 cash, balance to
A. F.—Nellie Sayers. Fecretary— $1500 house cn it, good location on cuit purchasei at 7 per cent.
Alma Grinde.
South Water Street. Also other 1 >ts
We have land for sale in Cali­
in this part of Silverton with the un­ fornia, Washington, Idaho and Al­
derstanding that houses built must be berta; any place, tell us where you
of $1000 value or over.
want it, and we place you right
where you want to live. We have
Lutheran Synod Church. Corner of
land in Lake View for $60 per acre,
Second and B Streets. Services at
vation. Good buildings, stock and for a small payment down and bal­
11 a. m„ every Sunday, except the
farming implements can be sub­ ance 30 years time, 5)9 per cent
last Sunday in each month. English
Would take $6,000 in ex­ interest. This is irrigated land and
services second Sunday each month.
change on other good property. This lies in the famous Goose Lake Val­
Rev. A. 0. White, Pastor.
property should not remain in the ley, from 2 to 10 miles from Lake
market long as it is guilt edge goods. View. Also a butcher shop and
United Lutheran Church. Church Come quick!
slaughter house in Laks View at a
Street. Services Sunday at 11 a. m.
$4,000 buys 20 acres, % miles from bargain.
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Prayer
Silverton, 14 in cultivation, balance in
Do you want to buy a beautiful plot
meeting every Wednesday evening.
pasture. Four-room house, good barn, of ground w th fruit and berriei al­
Rev. Roseland, Pastor.
all fenced.
ready in bear.r.g, with wood shed luilt
FOR SALE — Two Turbine Water and two tent houses? This is a bar­
Methodist Church. Main and Fisk Wheels, Shafting , Mortise Gear gain on the installment plan. Ti e
Streets. Serv’ces at 11 a. m. Sunday Wheels, Boxing, Couplings, Rolle? property is three blocks from car line
School at 10 a. m. Evening services reed Mill, etc.
that runs inti Portland. Price $1800.
at 7:30 p. m.
160 acres near Lyle, Wash, at $30. $100 down, $15 per month. Now’s the
Rev. W. R. F. Browne. Pastor.
per a re. Six acres cultivated, and 80 time and The Cascade Real Estate Co.
acres easily cleared. It is right in are the people. Come and see!
Christian Church. First and Park the orchard belt. See Cascade Real
Grants Pass property, lot 150x200.
Streets. Services at 11 a. m. Sun­ Estate Company.
5-room house, big barn, city water,
day School at 10 a m. Young Peoples
$4 000 buj s 20 acres \ of a mile lights, etc., only $1500. Terms.
Meeting at 6:30 p.m. and evening
from Silverton, 14 acres in cultivation
$2400 buys a farm of 160 acres,
se-vices at 7:30.
miles from Munson, Alberti,
Rev. Albyn Essen, Pastor.
houss, good barn and all fenced. See Canada. A” cleared. 145 acres in cul­
Cascade Real Estate Company.
tivation; all in the famous wheat belt.
Lutheran Free Church. Services
135 Acres for $85. per acre, 90 This land has been cropped twice.
11 a. m. every Sunday. Sunday
acres in cultivât on, 60 acres in crop,
$3800 buys twenty acres, one mile
School at 10 a m. Evening services
balance in pasture, six-room house, from Silverton, six in cultivation,
r t 7:30 p. m.
three barnes, four head of big horses, good water. Buildings cost $2000
Rev. B. A. Borevik, Pastor.
c w and bull, nine head of hogs, wag­ and are all new.
ons and plows, and all all machinery
$85. an acre buys an excellent Wal­
Seventh Day Adventist Church. needed to run the place, all new.
do Hills farm. This farm is worth
Telephone shares go with the place. over $100 per acre.
Meets every Sabbath at Chapel on
Oak Street Sabbath School at 11 a.
m. Regular services at 12 M. Every­
we are sincere in our work and that
body welcome.
we have sacrificed more time and
money for the work of bringing lib­
Christian Science Church. Third
Talk with your neighbor and get erty to the world than we have ever
and Oak Streets, in W. O. W. hall. him interested in our work. We must
asked anyone else to put up. In fact
Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday
have this kind of help or die and you we could pay al! our debts and be in
School at 10 a. m. Testimonial meet­
ings every Wednesday evening at 8 can’t afford t let our work fail now the finest fighting trim financially
for it is your work as well as ours. if every patriot who reads our paper
The enemies of The Journal man would put in one dollar where we
have put in one-thousand dollars. We
Catholic Church. Third and Jersey would make you believe that he is a mean business and will never give
Streets. Services every two weeks bad man but we can furnish the best up the fight until our mind refuses
at 11 a. m.
evidence that this state affords that to act.
Boost for a Free Press!