THE MODERN ARENA. IT IS COMING! PRIESTS’ ALLEGIANCE ftmtttrnmtttîtîm. vmmtnn •ttmntntmnmttntttnirmnnnnmnnmmtt Culti» sics Deep No Wheel* In the No Horse in the - Gardon Garden .........W As we look around us and see the In the most wonderful nation of suffering caused by the Roman idea tu Rome’s thought. ______ _______________ w__. “The gladiators fought with of government, and more and more, c According Publi*h»«d «very Friday nutrnin« at Stivarti». other days THE I'ASTERT, BEST AND I Church" of today Is — first of all—* Oiwon. by each other ..nd with wild beasts for see the principles which Washington Secular Organisation and Govern JOHN EARL HOSMER. Editor the . amuiement of their masters. and his brave followers established ment, having a local territory under When some favorite fighter con and for which Lincoln was fouly I its control in all things; with an quered his antagonist he was ap murdered, crushed to eurth, and pro army to enforce its orders; and with gress blocked everywhere, we con I IN THE WORLD IS THE plauded, but when about to be over clude that it would almost be right the right and power to inflict the come and crushed by his fie.—□ foe to vow never to wear good clothes death penalty when desired." (We .»one of the gay audience would go until all can wear good clothes, not are not calling attention to the incon gruity of A CHURCH putting peo- to his rescue, Death was the penalty to eat a square meal until all can I pie to death, but are simply noting into satisfy their hunger, not to go of defeat. a house until all have shatter and facts.) Rome would have a Ruler Today the fight changes to the never lie down in a good, warm surrounded with all the pomp and arena of business and labor. The bed until every child in America van circumstances of other secular rjal- masters still watch the struggle with snuggle down at ni«ht in a clean, era; and a secular state with all the Entered at the poat«rtie« at Silverton. Oreron at aecond^laaa ratea. protected rights other secular states may healthful, Of J. E. H3SME11, Inventor and Manufacturer feverish delight, The victor is ap- comfortable, Subacriptiun. Sue per year, in ad vanea. Single claim—a government whose citiaens place of rest. plauded, but no one thinks to rush eopiea. 5 cenia. O, you Romanized Protestants, why may dwell at home or abroad, but Advaruain* ratea made known upon applica to the victim’s aid. SILVERTON, OREGON The struggle, tion. don ’t you protest as did your muster? who, wherever they dwell, are still though fierce, is prolonged. The , under the care and protection of the Thin (taper stand* for freedom of thought, free victims are cheap and easy to secure. Hundreds and thousands of you, like No Tramping Down Ground Cultivates Fast No lxat Energy H ! ruler at home. dom of the pre»*, freedom of «peech, equality of opportunity and the rriufion ol ritfhteouaneea. It The arena is open day and night and the enemies of Jesus when he had Rome demands even more than fa radically eppoeed to every form of auperatitton the longer the game is played the no place to lay his head, are rolling and tyranny, or iicenainjf or permitting any form this. She claims that she has the of evil. less the percentage of even the vic- in wealth and spending your days in right to send her agents to any part tors ever finding a seat in the au- riotous living. And you Proteatant of the earth; and to establish them preachers, why don ’ t you protest as HOPE OF RESCUE. dience of the exempt elite. as she will, among the peoples of the The victims of this hellish system i.e did? Why don’t you denounce the MOVING Ü earth; and that these agents shall, “ Scribes and Pharasees ” and hypo The workers are singing in the print are dying by the thousands in Eu everywhere among the nations, be PICTURES Ü rope for the amusement of the pro crites of jour ‘ime? Are you also shop; immune from prosecution for any The press is rolling out the Roman moters of the retten, Roman system Romanized as were the lickspittle of government. Their system was priests of his time? Soma of you acts they may be guilty of, no mut dope; ter how immoral or criminal. It is The linotype is humming on the slug and is a government for revenue. It make many long prayers to be heard ■ true Romanists say that offenders !! ENJOYED BY ALL —CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS' !! of men and you are indeed beautiful is exactly the same system as pre lines. may anywhere be deult with in < > ' ’ without but you invite a Roman And the editor is still inspired vailed in Jesus' time and that against Instructive and Educative ,, which he fought and died. In Mexico priest to address you at your minis Rome's ecclesiastical courts, and that ‘; with hope. local civil courts may act, if Romo terial meetings and bow and scrape the same Roman power has prevailed shall grant a special license for tho The patriots are coming to the for years, and in these United States like hireling fools, while the patriots all our “hard times,” our strikes, our of your time who believe in the prin individual case. But this is only rescue; They see the “Beast” devouring all poveity, our crime and misery are ciples Jesus taught, you spurn and another way of saying that the priest caused by the same damnable falsely pass them by a;, his enemies did the is responsible to no one on earth the good; save the Pope. That is—Rome must The time has come to rally all sccalled “divhie right” which a few fishermen dicipies of the Nazarine. have supreme direction over, and su “ And now also the ax is laid into use to exploit the many, Look at Americans premo regard and obedienct from the root of the trees: therefore every the poor. the idle men! Look at our And to stand for what cr.ished wives! Look at the starv- tree which bringeth not forth every priest of the clan; the priests martyred Lincoln stood. ing children, and then ask yourself fuit is hewn down, ar.d cast into the are above local civil law; civil au- , thorities have no right to interfere PHONE BLACK 681 AMERICAN vs. ROMAN CATHOLIC how long it will be before America fire.” Listen! The great savior of with, or hinder them in any mutter the world is soon to be manifest in will be as other nations have been SCHOOLS. the adoption of the principles which they may see fit to taka up. and are even today. All work done In the shortest possible time. We are equip Still more. Said priests must be Jesus taugbt. These principles are O, friends of liberty, patriots, can’t ped to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etc, with eery to be adopted in the churches, in the allowed to direct and control the po “The Rev. T. J. Shealy, S. J., a you think in the words of the poet: little danger of any damage done. professor in the Fordham Law School “And hear the buzz of eager nations homes, in the government and in so litical action of all the people under ciety. Listen! The intellectual war their care; they mutt be allowed, at and director of the Catholic laymen’s run, No Load too Heavy for our Teama to Haul between the idea of the rule of a their will, to antagonize, open and retreat on Staten Island, declared at In murmured pity, or loud roared few over the many, against the idea publicly, any principle or measure, the solemn high mass at St. Patrick’s applause, Cathedral recently that Roman Cath As mar is slaughtered by his fellow of a government by the consent of or plan, or mode of work the people the governed, the equal rights of ev of the local state may be interested olics were being robbed by a des man ? ery man, woman and child, and the in; and must be allowed to organize, potic govenment when taxed for the Ar.d wherefore slaughtered? Where right of the majority to change the direct and parade companies of armed maintenance of public schools from fore, but because which the doctrines of God were ex Such is the bloody circus’ genial government whenever they choose, men; and to instigate mobs of hood- NOW LET US UNITE IN MIGHTY PROTEST! has been raging for years. Our com lums to harass or break up any move cluded, compelling them to build laws, ment the people may seek to make, mon schoo ’ s have educated people to schools of their own. He asserted And the imperial pleasure. Where^ think along th-5 lines of the American for propagating their views, or for that in many instances Catholic poli- fore not? ticians were responsible fit the ex- What matters where we fall to fill principles, and a bountiful harvest their own defense. A heavy series is sure to be garnered soon. This of demands, isn’t it? istence of this state of affairs. STANDING FOR AMERICANISM the maws harvest will consist of the golden No Romanist is silly enough to The address of Father Shealy was 50’ Cenia Per Year Of worms—on battle plains or lis- grain, sown by all great thinkers of pretend that Peter—alleged to have delivered in the presence of Cardinal ted spot? Farley and a congregation of more Both are but theatres where the past ages. The floor will be thorough been the first of the popes—ever as ly purged and the wheat will be sumed such state of authority, or than 5,000 persons.” EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, chief actors rot. gathered into the garner and * the u* made such claims for his brethren. The above, from “The Christian,” SILVERTON, OREGON. O, Americans, you who believe in a chaff will be burned up with the un- Every one knbws that for centuries is right to the point. It shows what and after the apostolic day, no ofci.op of , for which send THE JOURNAL to the Romans think about being robbed. government for and by the people, quenchable fire of an aroused Enclosed find |. redeemed people. Rome ever made such claims, or did listen to the poet ’ s song of the dy- Every true American knows that the the following: such things; but no Romanist on Roman Catholic schools are robbing in-» gladiator and think of the mil A BAD CLASS earth will dare disp-ute the above lions of your noble comrades who America of more than mere money. Name statements as to Rome’s attitude and have gone down in our rime in the speaking The Catholic Catechism, The fact is that Roman Catholics claims as a ad’ today. Address. not only should be taxed to support senseless modern arena, built by cf marriage, says: The "Church of Rome" is not to for- superstition, ignorance and greed: the "What is understood by our public schools but they should be Name day, constituted and conducted as was compelled by law to send their child “The Arena swims around him: he bidden times? the Church at Rome in the first cen does “The times when ti.e Church Address. ren to those American citizen-pro is gone, ducing institutions. Our free schools Er’e ceased the inhuman shout not allow marriage to be solemnized, tury. Her claim—“always the same” is not true. The church of Rome of Name are for all. Education should be which hailed the wretch who won. namely— 1. From the firct Sunday in Ad- today is strcitly secular—ar.d yet broad and not according to the whims He heard it but he headed not; his Address s’ e has a form of godliness; and vent to the Epiphany; < of priests or parents. What would eyes priests and pope, constantly and Wednesday to Low From Ash 2. Name we think of a sect in this country was Were with his heart, and that with high sounding phrase, exhort Sunday. who would insist on building schools far away: Address. “What should we think of mixed men to give their heart and life to to educate their children in Mormon He recked not of the life he lost, God. And we even concede that fl" marriages; that is, marriages con- ism, Spiritualism, Buddhism or Free Name nor prize; Loveism, and then refuse to pay But where his rude hut by the tracted between Catholics and non- men—men in the ways that Rome * • commands—shall steadily keep their <> Address Catholics ? taxes to suport our public schools ? Danube lay, “For just and weighty reasons the faces toward God, and honestly seek Some parents and priests may be There were his young barbarians all Church has at all tin es disapproved to know His wll, that they may do lieve in strapping a board on their at play, of them, and she permits them only it, these men will find that God meets infants’ heads so as to make them There was his Dacian mother—he, them m re than hal? way. on certain conditions, ;.amely: conform to the flat-head type, but their sire, We do not stop to argue that 1. That the Catholic party be al that is no sign they should not be Butchered to make a Roman holiday. Rome has madj it difficult to ap lowed the free exercise of religion; Coolidge Street < > compelled to help support our public Phone Black 1242 All this rushed with the blood. proach- God—that she has added and, schools, even if their flat-headed Shall he expire, 2. That all the children be brought many things to the requirements God < > institutions do cost much money. If And unavenged? Arise, ye Goths, puts on men, in order that they may up in the Catholic religion. we allow the future citizens of this and glut your ire!” “Mixed marriages are never con become, and may live as His child < < > • country to be stultified in parochial General Contractor for Commercial and Industrial But “war it the business of bar tracted or blessed in the Church. In ren. But, we insist that in the ac schools, we will soon be a stultified < ► Building nation and no better than Mexico. barians,” and we who have tasted case one party is not even baptized, tual practice of the hierarchy of the sweeter fruits of a higher civiliz this should be made known before, Rome, the Laity are intentionally de The boys and girls should all have a EXPERT ENGINEER chance to a broad American educa ation well know that it is not a for it is an impediment that makes ceived to such extent that the re In the Design and Construction of Beautiful Homes, ligious instinct, and the very relig I • tion. But politicians, in order to remedy for present .ils but only a marriage null.” Business Houses, Schools and Churches Now, according to this, dear reader, ious life of the Laity are used to secure the Catholic vote, are going m?ans of prolo ging the worst war of the present day struggle in the those of us who were married at a | bind them with the chains of a sec to make us trouble. SILVERTON, OREGON When at Cincinnati Ex-President present day arena. Therefore we time not approved by a gentleman ular despotism. We give today this < ► Americans must arise, but not to over in Italy, and those who have single illustration. Taft said: According to Rome a long series “What a shame for you and me, “glut our ire,” but to save the not been baptized, are no more mar Protestants and other non-Catholics, world through the great principles ried than Father Moore or Archbishop I of physical agencies, matters strictly to educate our children on money of love, l berty and truth impreg Christie. This is indeed an insult, and solely material, are indispensa is as secular as anything on earth The same men in Congress wni, nated into a government of economic for it puts us in a bad class. Some-1 ble for the saving of the soul from robbed from Catholic citizens. if 1 can be; a secular kingdom conducted voted against women suffrage votcWi' body ought to be sued for libel. See? sin; and for its ultimate admission in the interest of an aristocracy, that “I also say it is robbery," said righteousness. against the Child Labor bill. It is h into the Heavenly Kingdom. Father Shealy in conclusion, “and I is built and maintained by exp'oiting Prayers and Blessings for Taft curious condition that men who are LEST WE FORGET The body of the seeker must be the poor, the ignorant and the help am an American citizen. I feel cer unjust to women are unjust to child touched with material water by the tain, however, that our position will less; and worst of all, doing thia in It was but yesterday that the dy be vindicated if we trust in the good Pope Pius X was very pronounced ing president was taken into n house material hand of a priest, in baptism. the name of Religion. ren. Men who deprive women of the sense and fair play of the American in his prayers and benedictions for near by, and placed upon a bed. I The material hand of the bishop must If the priests in the various protection of the ballot are the same people.” the success of Taft in the last presi What a scene did that room present! apply the material oil in confirmation. nations, even though oathbound to men who exploit little children. With The American people, if they have dential election. A special messen The chief of a mighty nation lay, | The material wafer that, it is al- the pope’s secular governnment in the sense we give them credit for, ger was dispatched to the holy there, senseless, drenched in blood, j leged, is transformed into the body this way, had the grace to keep out an army of unemployed men it is a will soon open the slave pens called father. On his return from Rome his brains oozing from his won.ids! of Christ, must be lodged in the of local politics, few would complain; national outrage that little children convents, compel the father Shealeys he went down in the wreck of the Sumner, Farwell and Colfa i and stomach. The material lip must but the fact that while they enjoy should be sacrificed in the factories and politic Tafts to educate their Titanic. Before the vessel sank he Stanton, and many others were there, i speak in the material ear of the physical protection under the laws of America. children in our American principles was seen to burn certain documents, filled with grief and consternation. , priest in confession. The material of the nations whem they live, they and forsake their foreign allegiance which undoubtedly were from the But who was that assassin ? Booth oil must be applied to the body in hold allegiance to i. f..ign secular The European nations are “not with a “divine right" monarch, or Pope to Taft, and which had they was nothing but the tool of the 1 extreme unction. All these material power, is neither consistent nor actuated by Christian principles," cease to have a voice and vote in been found would have compromised Jesuits. It was Rome who directed things and actions are declared be honest. Mr. Americin Citizen, con this republic. There can be no com the latter before the American peo his arm, after corrupting his heart necessary to the existence of the sider the chare cter of the foreig ter declares the Prophet of God; there fore we cannot sympathize with promise! Divine Life in the Soul. And ail who is seeking to rule you. ple. The result of this episode- and damning his soul. them. They are actuated by "the these material things must be re prayers and benedictions burned; "J.” incentives of human greed and com Th■■ who'e fight all ov«.r the world ceived at the hands of men who are Roman Catholicism with its horde special mesenger drowned; and Taft mercial selfiihness." Let us beware After fifteen centuries of anpli- is now, as it has been for centuries, members of a secular corporation — humiliated and defeated. of illiterate foreigners has made our Such examples, to date, should be between the ideas held by the Roman the closest that is known on the cation, Romanism has not justified that we are not actuated by th«J_ great cities to be rivals of ancient Sodom. Her obedient subjects have a warning to all who are looking to Catholic Hierarchy and the ideas earth—and who are bound by oaths itse'f to the religious sense of man same influence. False commercialism corrupted morals, besmirched politi Rome, among our army of politicians, hold by liberty loving men who be- t »e strongest that are imaginable— kind In every land it is repudiated is like a serpent, worldly-wise r cal honesty, and raised the percent that where the Pope blesses, God lieve in the people governing tham- to the material and secular ruler of by the advancing forces of civiliza by no means harmless, but intensely selfish and heartleaa. selves. a state that, in its form and conduct tion. permits the curse to destroy.—Ex. age of illiteracy.—Ex. Easiest to Run Hand Cultivator r Gravity Hand Cultivator THE GEM THEATRE, u Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. THE SILVERTON JOURNAL 3 BEN HOFSTETTER