The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, May 07, 1915, Image 3

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the King, got hia pardon and took
it to the Stale'* AtU’ney’a office that
num« night, and aaved the boy. He
(By Theresa 8. Mulkiol)
performed au a ghoat, unobserved by
Thu war between the worker* on any one but the King.
Saint Mumertu* stood before the
one bund and the ahirkrra on the
other, the arraignment of claa* alter when Vienna was burning and
against ria«* hiu, here in America, checked the flume* with the stream
reached a point where ailent *ubmia- of his tear*.
By direction of Bishop John, the
aion to premeditated torture cannot
of Earl Puch wum healed of her
fo on much longer. Hunger I* one
■f th" few force* which neither thrvut uflliction by drinking a little holy
nor pernuuidon can control perma­ water and bathing Mie afflicted part*
with it.
A bunch of workmen teased a wo­
The enemy of Inhor is uware of
hy breaking her banket of eggs.
thia truth and, claa* conscious in ita
action, aolid in ita purpoae to hold The good Saint .Smithin made the
the reign* of power, ia fust prepar­ sign of the cron* over the broken
ing to wage battle on the industrial eggs and rcNtored them all to their
original perfection.
u* well uh on the political field.
Saint Dustan, on one occa*ion, took
Every sunrise point* anew to the
growing atruggle.
Every sunset burning forceps and soiled the deviil
bring i uh neurer to the climax. Labor by the nose, who in the form of a
must riao to the Oceanian or the pen­ beautiful woman tempted him to ain,
ami held him for a long time till he
dulum will awing the other way.
At thia hour of general diatreaa changed into many terrible form*.
By the curso of Priest Robert, for
labor need* ull ita children, the wo­
men a* well ua the men. Thia ia not their wickedness, nineteen men were
the time for petty diMMenwion, race hold in the church yard of Saint Mag­
prejudice, Jingo patriotism or sex nus singing profane a >ngs und danc­
Claa* aolidarity and ing for u whole year. The rain fell
claxa action alone can »till save th<- not on them, nor did hunger, thirst,
or fatigue assail them; neither did
It ia u danger us oversight to leave their clothe* or shoes wear out They
the workingwomen out cf the move­ danced and *ung till Herbert, Bishop
ment for cluaa defense. Eetrnngad of Cologne, released them. This was
from the men of their claa* they will in the year 1002,
Saint Kenelm, heir to the throne of
inevit Sly turn to the rich member*
of their sex. The steady flirtation on Mercia, was secretly murdered. A
the part of the latter ia sure to bring dove from heaven Imre a parchment
«•roll to the altar of Saint Peter with
hr vec into our ra.ika.
exact account of the death and
Labor cannot ufford to let the rich
women lie tl c sole agitators for the burial place; but it was written in
workir.gwomen’* enfrrnchisement It English, a mistake having been made
dn-e not remain indifferent to the in heaven about the language of
question of womun suffrage, since un- Rome. There was some embarrass­
Iverad suffrage will bo a necesavry ment until an Englishman was found
weapon in the coming Social Revo­ who could read it.
A cripple sitting in the saddle of
Celestine on an na*a was im­
It la to the interest of the working
claa* to take a hand in the agitation mediately made whole.
In A. I). 318, 3,000 children were
for womnn's political freedom. The
together to furnish blood
workingwoman must be convinced
without delay that suffrage i* an for the bath of Constantine the Great
economic and not a sex Issue. Their for leprosy. He shrank from such
claa* consciousness muat he awakened horror when Peter and Paul by com­
for the purpose of their becoming mand of God told him to send for
active fighters for the co-operative holy Silvester ami be baptized. He
saw Christ in the tub and was healed.
| (It wus 19 years later, then by a
heretic, that Constantine was bap­
Zosimu* was lending an ass heavi­
In 190R Austria, rank Roman Cath­
olic country, seixed Bosnia and Her­ ly laden when u lion seized and gte
zegovina, Greek Catholic provinces, the ass. Zosimas follow«! the lion
forced on them the Roman religion und communded it to come and car­
as the State Religion, and taxed ry the burden to Caesarea if it did
them for ita aupport. Last June Aus­ not want to be turned into a domes­
tria forced on Servia the Roman re­ tic drudge. The lion obeyed, carried
ligion, taxed her people for its sup­ both the as* und the asses’ load to
port, and gave the public school* over the city for Zosimas.
James, Bishop of Nisibis, drove off
to the Pope’s bunch to control. There
were only 10,000 Roman Catholics in a Persian army under Sapor the
Servia, while there were 2,700,000 King, by sending a swarm of flies
Greek Cutholica. Then Duke Ferd­ and gnats like dense cloud against it
inand, the real ruler of Austria, made The gnnts got into the nostrils of the
a showing of himself in Servia, when elephants and camel* and stampeded
a young man shot him. Then Austriu them.
A Jewish boy, having been cast in­
demanded the right to set up a court
to try' the assassin. Servia could not to a fiery furnace by his angry fath­
agree, and hence the war. It all arose er for having partaken of the Body
uuv of the Roman Catholic religion. und Blood of the Lord, in the Church
The crazy Kaiser took the part of of Our Lady, was preserved in the
midst of the flames by the Virgin.
Vhi* was in the year 552, but it is
L. D. R.
vouched for in the book called Tales
WILL KISS THE CRUCIFIX IN of the Blessed Sacrament, issued
from a Catholic publishing house in
Magistrate Hefferman in Regina,
Imma, a captive, was in chains; but
Canada, has instituted a new depar­ every day when the priest thinking
ture in favor of the Romanists. The him in purgatory, offered a mass for
following oath there is administered: his soul, his chuins fell off, and he
► “You swear by God Almighty, could not be bound.
Father, Son and Holy Ghost and BY
When King Clovis was baptized by­
THE VIRGIN MARY and nil that is Saint Refigius, the holy chrism was
Holy that the evidence you shall give not present, but in answer to prayer
to the court shall be the truth, the an angel brought from heaven the
whole truth, and nothing but the m-eessary Chrismatical unction in a
truth, so help you God?"
miraculous vase.
After repenting the oath word for
In 851 the whole of England was
word, substituting ‘I’ for ‘you’ the scourged with a terrible malady.
witness kisses the crucifix.
They remembered Saint Guthlac, and
It is a known fact that Romanists the whole land flocked daily to his
ar? great liars and that kissing the tomb and were healed. Among the
crucifix will tause some of them to tell favored was the Archbishop of Can­
the truth that would otherwise tell terbury. The Abbot of Saint Guth-
lies, yet this recognition of the pa­ lac’s convent, after being tried by the
pacy in this Protestant district is dan­ utmost poverty, 1 egan to abound in
gerous. Here there are only eighteen all things.
per cent. Ro: lanists and eighty-two
The head of King Edmund was cut
per cent. Protestants. Yet here the
off and cast into the bushes. A good
crucifix is kissed and the candles arc
kept in court. The next thing will while after, men went in search of
be the priest and then next will be Edmund, and while calling out to each
the inquisition.—Sentinel of Liberty. other, "Where are you?” the head
answered, "Here, here!" Nor did it
to speak til! all the seekers
were gathered around It. A huge
and meek wolf had been its protector.
In 1171 an heretical priert in En­
In 1180 a raging conflagration in
gland was excommuncated, after
was immediately extingushed
which ever, the hungry dogs would
carrying the shrine of
not eat anything the heretic touched.
Vitalis, by making the sign of the Saint Werebuge.
Saint Thomns Aquinas, whose the­
cross, held off n lion and a serpent a
is the standard of the Roman
whole night.
A woman, swollen with devils, ap­ Catholic faith, by order of the late
plied to Eustace, Abbot of Flaye, for Pope Pious, and which provides for
relief. At his suggestion she drank tho killing of heretics, died A. D.
from a certain blessed fountain, and 1274. One arm was cut off for his sis­
threw up two large toads, which ter, hia body went to France and was
changed into the form of asses, and received at Toulouse hy 150,000 peo­
on being sprinkled with water from ple. An arm was given to the Dom­
the holy fountain, flew up into the inican church in Paris. A bone of
his arm was presented to the Domi-
air and vanished.
A woman, whose son wgs con­ nicansn at Naples, where its inter­
demned to death on the following cession delivered the kingdom from
day, having failed to get her petition a public calamity.
Saint Thomrs A. Becket, once
to the King in time, appealed to the
statue of Saint Anthony to save her Archbishop of Canterbury, the most
boy. The Saint took her appeal to talented and tyrannous of all the
bishop* of Europe, died and hia relic*
became the m-at famous and power­
ful In all the world. King* visited hia
tomb for healing. Tho lam* walked,
the deaf heard, tho blind aaw, the
dumb apoke, the leper* were cleansed,
the dead were made alive. Animal*
and bird* felt the power of hi* mira­
cle-working relic*. Wealth was *how-
erod upon the bonea. A Royal dia­
mond waa given by Louis, King of
France. The churches all around the
relic* abound with princely riche*.
In .■"« year hia shrine took in >4,100
while the Altar of Christ got 115.
When Henry VIII seized the shrine
ita apoila in gold and Jewelry filled
two great chest*, one of which six
men could scarcely
move. The
Saint’s hairy shirt ia in the English
college at Doney; a bone in the
church of Saint Waldetrude nt Mon»,
and hi* mitre and linen, dipped in
blood, are in SaintBertir.s at Saint
Omer. Sad to relate, Lord Crom­
well knocked the miraculous power
out of these bones; but the marble
pavement* remain to this day show­
ing by their hollowed and worn con­
dition how the knees of the trust­
ing pilgrims bore testimony to their
virtue in the days of greater faith.
In 303 Saint Albans, on the way to
his execution opened a dry path
across a river for himself and party;
opened a spring on the mount of
execution, for the thirsty crowd, and
when his head fell, the executioner’s
eyes tumble«! out on the ground.
Saint Donatu* met a dragon which
raised it* head to attack him. He
spat upon it, the saliva entered its
mouth and immediately it expired.
So immense was the dragon that it
took eight pair* of oxen to bring it
to the open field.
There is only one spot on this
whole round world where the Roman
Catholic people really think their own
thoughts, own their own property,
have thrown off completely the
priertlv yoke, abolished the parochial
schools, confiscated all the church
property back to them selves. It is
"The Roman Catholics conquered
1524. After
years, in 1871, the Guatem&lian
people (members of the Roman
Catholic church) arose in the-
might and overthrew the rule of
the clergy and established the lib­
eral government. This was done
without any outside encourage­
ment. Thousands of priest* were
expelled from the country, the
greater part of the nun* accom­
them. The
and nunneries were closed, and ha
l»een kept closed ever since. The
great, rich holdings of the Roman
Catholic church, that had been ab­
sorbed by her, were turned back to
the people. The clergy had victim­
ized the people, and had reduced
thousands to practical slavery on
the very lands of which they were
the former owners. After three
and a half centuries of Roman rule
there was no public school system,
ninety-live per cent, of the people
were illiterate (neither read nor
write) and about eighty-five per
cent of the children were born out of
Everything that now stands for
civilization, as against Roman Ca­
tholicism, has been
and fostered in thut nation—a hap­
py people whose country blossoms
like the rose.—Selected.
Say* the Catholic Sentinel:—“East-
•rn papers report thut the recent
Oregon legislature passed a convent
inspection measure, but not so. The
peop’e of Oregon do not believe that
because a group of women decide
to live in community they have there­
fore surrendered their rights as pri­
vate citizens."
Then the nuns still retain, their
“rights as private citizens,” do they?
Then what do their vow and their
consecration mean? Tell that to the
geese I
"Decide to live in community,” —
-iocs this include the right of the
priests to associate with them? In
France, which is the oldest “daughter
of the Church,” the laws forbid the
nuns and monks to bunch up. It was
found to be bad on their morals.
Narrow minded people
are so
afraid of losing a dollar that they
will run the greatest risk of losing
not only the opportunity to put our
country into a condition where those
who are willing to think and work
can make five dollars where they now
make one, but of even losing liberty
Silver Lodge No. 45, A. F. 4 A. M.
Meet on or before night of full
moon each month at Masonic Temple.
W. M.—Arthur Johnson; Secretary—
Roscoe Am<*.
Ramona Chapter No. 58, O. E. S.
Meet second and fourth Tuesday eve­
ning of each month. W. M.—Ethel
Johnson; Secretary Elizabeth Nicol.
Loyal Order Moose, Silver Lodge
No. 1461. Meet every Wednesday
night at Moose hall. Dictator—L. J.
Adam*. Secretary—L. J. Wo’fard.
George H. Thoma* W. R. C. No. 9.
Meet first and third Saturday after­
noon of each montnh at G. A. R. hall.
President—Fanny D. Munson. Secre­
tary—Emma Cobb.
George H. Thomas Post No. 9.
Meet* second and fourth Saturday
Silverton, OreM Journal Bldg., ha* the following property for Sale:
ifternoon of each month at G. A. R.
Cascade Real Estate vo. fur
Business Chance: A saw mill that
hall. Commander—Cha*. Hicks. Sec­
will cut 700 rail road ties in a day,
retary—Garry Haynes.
Liat your property with E. W. Ross, ¿50,Out) feet of logs cut, 50,000 feet in
new manager of the Cascade ileal th" pond; all you have to do is to fire
Beaver (’amp No. 11110, M. W. A.
up and go ahead. Price only $1100,
Meet at Woodman hall on Wednesday
cash, chance to buy 500,000 feet
Seven-rcom House and Lot in Gei­
evening of each week. Council—L.
the mill.
M. Larson. Secretary—N. D. Bailey. ser Addition on installment plan.
Lot on Fitch Street, a dandy
huur-room House and Lot, 70x210,
sigiit, dose in, it ’till not be
on Mill Street. Good location, only
McGrath Camp No. 5225, R. N. A.
on tne market leng, only $350. Come
$1150. $¿01» :csh, good investment..
Meet on »» '»nd and fourth Tuesday
Do you want a man to work?
nights in each month. President—
$2000 buy* a nice little farm near
Lady, how would you like to buy Amsviile, of lo acres, all cleared.
Sarah Sherlock.
Secretary—I ottie
a dandy little business in Silverton. Fruit, berries, house and barn; ah
We have it for sale. Wnte to Cas­ fenced. Inis is a bargain. Will ex-
cade Real Estate Company, Silverton,
I cnange fot farm property near Silver-
Pythian Lodge No. 35, K. of P. Oregon.
| ton.
Meets in Castle Hall every Thursday
Fin? lot between Portland and Ore- A 54-acre farm, 12 acres hops, fruit
evening of each week. C. C.—Robert
gen City on car line for sale for $800, trees, berries, garden, grain land,
Mount. K. of R. and S.—June
$50 down, >15 i er month. Tl-i* is a tine house, hop house, barn and mac­
large lot 50x1381* feet. It will in­ adam road, fine water, plenty of
crease in value.
pasture. Cali in and get full partic­
Pythian Sister*.
Home Temple
Buy a lot in Geiser’s Addition— ulars.
Lodge No. 21. Meet* every second best ouy in Silverton—must sell and
$2,500 buys one of the finest homes
and fourth Wednesday evening of you gei the advantage of the forced you ever saw. There are eignt lots,
each month at K. of P. hall. M. E. sa'e. You can pay for this lot and lots of fruit, ten room house, etc.,etc.,
E.—Alice Jack. M. of K. and C.— the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO paved streets, city water—one of the
Bessie Hartley.
will bui'd you a bunglow—pay for it best places in a town that has a future,
ir tead of paying rent to the other Scotts Mills, Ore.
Pine Lodge No. 198, W. O. W. fellow.
FOR SALE — 1500 lb. Draft H> rse.
Meets every Monday night at W. O. j Do you believe in dreams? Your
Buy a dandy home ia Oak Greve.
W. hall. C. C__ J. M. Volgainor«.! dream of a home will come true if you Oregon. Four-room house, 22 fruit
will let the CASCADE REAL ES­ trees, lawn, on car line, good garuen,
Clerk—D. C. Kinney.
TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy c cse to church, school and depot. $2oc
Marian Circle No. 314, Women of a home on the installment plan.
down, balance $20 per month. Price
Woodcraft. Meets first and third , FORTY LOTS for sale in South $1800. Beautiful location.
Monday night at W. O. W. hall.- G. j Salem—high and dry, fine location,
8 1-3 acres right in the city with
N. —Mrs. Fanny D. Munson. Sec­ cheap rnd on easy terms.
one of the best houses you eve^ saw,
retary—Clara Durno.
Fine Large Lots in Salem, sightly barn, chicken hoases, all kinds of
location, low price, small payment fruits, grapes, berries, walnuts, etc.,
Silver Lodge, I. O. O. F. No. 21. down and small monthly payments. cement side walk, paved streets, elec­
Meets each Saturday night at I. O.
FOR SALE — A nice large lot, tric lights, sewer, eity water. Can oe
O. F. hall. N. G.—L. O. Harvey. 50x120, in the Capital Citly. Fruits of subdivided. Close in. A dandy bar­
Secretary—M. M. Sayers.
every kind, n Oregon Electric Line, gain at $7600. Half down. Long time
2 blccks from school, near church. on balance.
Tryphena Rebekah Lodge No. 38. Gcod bargain at $250.
Dandy building lot in Davenport
Meets every Thursday night at 1. O.
$1500 buys seven acres, one mile Addition ->n very easy terms. Will
O. F. hall. N. G.—Leia Riches. Sec­ from Silverton, all in cultivation. take a good cow or a horse or both,
retary—Frances Hosmer.
Hard mackadam road, small house. a little cash, and $5.00 per month
for balance.
A bargain, if taken soon.
Sec Cascade Real Estate Co.
Brotherhood of American Yeomen
$1200 — Three acres in Southern
Silver Falls Lodge No. 12'W Meets
Now wc have it. Lot at one half Calofornia, water for irrigation,
every- Friday night in M. W. A. hall. price to the person who will build a 3--oom house. $300 cash, balance to
A. F.—Nellie Sayers. Secretary— $1500 house cn it, good location on cult purchase-, at 7 per cent.
South Water Street. Also other lit*
Aima Grinde.
We have land for sale in Cali­
in this part of Silverton with the un­ fornia, Washington, Idaho and Al­
derstanding that houses built must be berta; any place, tell us where you
of $1000 value or over.
want it, and we place you right
$12,000 buys a twenty-four acre where you want te live. We have
Lutheran Synod Church. Corner of '
tract adjoining Silverton, a'l in culti­ land in Lake View for $60 per acre,
Second and B Streets. Services at, vation. Good buildings, stock and for a small payment down and bal­
11 a. m., every Sunday, excent, 'he ■ farming implements can be sub­ ance 30 years time, 5 Vi per cent
last Sunday in each month. English divided. Wou|d take $6,000 in ex­ interest. This is irrigated land and
services second Sunday each month. change on other good property. This lies in the famous Goose Lake Val­
Rev. A. O. White, Pastor.
property should not remain in the ley, from 2 to 10 miles from Lake
market long as it is guilt edge goods. View. Also a butcher shop and
Unit«! Lutheran Church. Church Come quick!
slaughter house in Lak? View at a
Street. Services Sunday at 11 a. m.
$4,000 buys 20 acres,miles from bargain.
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Prayer Silverton. 14 in cultivation, balance in
Do you want to buy a beautiful plot
meeting every Wednesday evening. pasture. Four-room house, good barn, of ground w th fruit and berriet al­
Rev. Roseland, Pastor.
ready in bearing, with wood shed built
all fenced.
FOR SALE — Two Turbine Water and two tent houses? This is a bar­
Methodist Church. Main and Fisk Wheels. Shafting , Mortise Gear gain on the installment plan. Tl e
Streets. Sfcrv ces at 11 a. m. Sunday Wheels, Boxing, Couplings, Roller property is three blocks from car line
School at 10 a. m. Evening services reed Mill, etc.
that runs inti Portland. Price $1800,
at 7:30 p. m.
160 acres near Lyle, Wash, at $30. $’.00 down. $15 per month. Now’s the
Rev. W. R. F. Browne. Pastor.
per a re. Six acres cultivated, r.nd 80 time and The Cascade Real Estate Co.
acres easily cleared. It is right in are the people. Ceme and see!
Christian Church. First and Park the orchard belt. See Cascade Real
Grants Pa..s property, lot 150x200.
Streets. Services at 11 a. m. Sun­ Estate Company.
5-room house, big barn, city water,
day School at 10 a. m. Young Peoples
$4 000 buv s 20 acres 14 of a mile lights, etc., only $1500. Terms.
Meeting at 6:30 p.m. and evening from Silvertcn, 14 acres in cultivation
$2400 buys a farm of 160 acres,
services at 7:30.
with balance in pasture, four room six miles from Munson, Alberta.
Rev. Albyn Essen, Pastor.
house, g >od barn and all fenced. See , Canada. A" cleared, 145 acres in cul­
tivation; all in the famous wheat be’t.
Cascade Real Estate Company.
Lutheran Free Church. Services
land has been cropped twice
135 Acres for $85. per acre, 90
11 a. m. every Sun lay. Sunday acres in cultivat'on, 60 acres in rop,
$3800 bays twenty acres, one mile
School at 10 a. m. Evening services balance in pasture, six-room house, from Silverton, six in cultivation,
it 7:30 p. m.
three barnes, four head of big horses, good water. Buildings cost $2000
Rev. B. A. Borevik, Pastor.
c w and bull, nine head cf hogs, wag­ and are all new.
on* and plows, and all all machinery
$85. an acre buys an excellent Wai
do Hills farm. This farm is worth
Seventh Day Adventist Church. needed to run the place, all new.
Te’ephone shares go with the place. over $100 per acre.
Meets every Sabbath at Chapel on
Oak Street. Sabbath School at 11 a.
m. Regular services at 12 M. Every­
we are sincere in our work and that
body welcome.
we have sacrificed more time and
money for the work of bringing lib­
Christian Science Church. Third j Talk with your neighbor and get erty to the world than we have ever
and Oak Streets, in W. O. W. hall. him interested in our work. We must asked anyone else to put up. In fact
Sunday services at 11 a. m. Sunday have this kind of help or die and you we could pay al! our debts and be in
Scho"l at 10 a. m. Testimonial meet­
can’t afford t let our work fail now the finest fighting trim financially
ings every Wednesday evening at 8
for it is your work as well as our*. if every patriot who reads our paper
would put in one dollar where we
The enemies of The Journal man
have put in one-thousand dollars. We
would make you believe that he is a mean business and will never give
Catholic Church. Third and Jersey
Street*. Service* every two week* i bad man but we can furnish the best up the fight until our mind refuse;-
at 11 a. m.
i evidence that this state affords that to act.
Boost for a Free Press!
■ >
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